четверг, 4 июля 2024 г.




The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 7.15) says :

"Beware of the false that come to you in sheep clothes, and inside the essence of wolves predatory".

Wolves in sheep's skin are called hypocrites who act in the role of Sowers good, hiding their evil intentions.


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In addition, it is necessary to add the very important words that the apostle Paul said to the Brethren in Christ :


"For I know that, upon my passing, severe wolves will enter you, not sparing flocks; And from yourselves will rise the people who will speak wrongly, in order to captivate the Disciples" (Acts 20.29-30).

Here's what it means :

1. After the death of the Apostles, the Christian Church will lose the purity of the biblical dogma and ideals bequeathed by Christ Himself.

2. The church is imbued with heresies of paganism and invented by the new so-called "Fathers of the Church": the unbiblical Sunday of worship, the doctrine of the immortality of the human soul, the worship of icons and statues, monasticism, the celibacy of priests, the lighting of candles and Censing incense, the trade of indulgences, the declaration of the pope by the Lord God on Earth, the doctrine that the authority of the church above the Authority of the Holy Scriptures.

Biblical doqma  -  here :       


3. First in the Roman Empire Christians will be brutally persecuted and killed, but later the Christian Church merge with the state and begin to practise violence. This will be pursued with the support of the authorities Catholic, Orthodox, late Lutheran and other churches. Only small groups of believers (Waldensians, Albigojcy, Puritans, etc.) will try not to retreat from the said in the scriptures and bring up Christian character, because they knew that a true Christian should be like Christ, take an example from Him and to act as He did and taught.

4. Many so-called Christians will act not only as infidels, but even worse. They are lovers not to be righteous, but to appear them. In addition, people who belonged to the church will become its persecutors.

5. In the end, God will reject the Universal Christian Church and call it Babylon because of the fall and debauchery, create the so-called "Church of the remainder" (Rev 12.17) and summon all to move from Babylon to it (Rev 18.4).

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