суббота, 18 июня 2022 г.


Those who believe that it is necessary to confess sins only before a priest, and even those who do not do this or who are allegedly guilty, deprive of the sacrament, are deeply mistaken, not knowing the Scriptures. In the old days, those who did not confess were fined (for example, accused of schismaticism), and it happened that they were even dragged to the fire. However, both the New Testament and the Old One teach that confessing all sins is only necessary to God, and some in front of people, asking for an apology if you have offended them.
Sin is lawlessness, that is, violation of God's law of commandments (Ex 20.2-17, 1 John 3.4).
Observance of not some, but all the commandments is obligatory: whoever breaks one commandment (for example, on the Saturday - Ex 20.8-11), is guilty of breaking all (James 2.10).
If you have offended someone, ask him for forgiveness (James 5.16).
Make peace with your neighbor before turning to God (Matt 5.24).
All sins, including against people, are sins against God. Confess only before God, without witnesses, your sin and repent, and God will forgive you, but your sin will forget, as if it did not exist (Ps 32.5).

For there is one God, one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself up for the redemption of all.
1 Tim 2.5



Тому, Кто с небесных высот к нам спустился
Мятежным сынам на земле послужить,
Кто, принявший образ раба, умалился,
Учил на примере, как жить и любить;
Покорно отдал Себя в руки народа,
С креста не сошел, но от гибели спас,
Кто, зная удел развращенного рода,
Пробитый гвоздями, молился о нас;
Тому, Кто наш грех на усталые плечи
Взвалил и позволил глумиться толпе,
Кто, кровью истекший, скончался под вечер,
С Всевышним весь мир примиривший в Себе;
Тому, Кто имел несомненное право
Сгубить нас в геенне, как смертных врагов, –
Хвала и премудрость, держава и слава
Ныне, всегда и во веки веков!

לרומם ולהלל את קורבן התמורה

מהספר מעשי השליחים


131 קרא פרק כ בעמוד

пятница, 17 июня 2022 г.


Покарання є наслідком порушення законів природи та моральності. Це вірно як для рослин і тварин (смерть), так і для людини (страждання від наслідків). За кожне відхилення чи порушення закону природи він має зазнавати неминучого покарання. Те саме і щодо моральності.

Покарання загрожує тим, що:
- за нечестя буде відплата їм та дітям їх у цьому житті (Вих 20.5).
- немає ні днів, ні життя, ні володіння тим, хто не підкоряється закону Божому (ст.12).

Благословення, обіцяні за слухняність - це перш за все милість у цьому житті до всіх, хто любить і дотримується заповідей (Вих 20.6). По-друге, довготривалість у прибутті та володінні землею (вiрш 12).

Воля Божа, виражена в Законі, однакова на небі і на землі, отже, Його Закон такий самий на інших планетах (Матв 6.10). НІХТО НЕ МАЄ ПРАВА ПОРУШУВАТИ І ЗМІНЯТИ ЙОГО.



Several years ago, the book by A.Y. Sklyarov “The Sensational History of the Earth. How old is our planet really? "

The main idea of the book is that the age of the earth is not six billion years, as most theoretical scientists believe, but five million, no more. Nevertheless, creationism as a position could be a logical continuation of such a thesis, but the author decisively denies creationism, scolds it, apparently misinterpreting other people's words, he does it well, because in the past he was a Komsomol (Young Communists) worker. Disputing the biblical chronology, he refers, of course, to Darwin, who was indignant when he heard that the Earth was only 6,000 years old, as well as to the pseudo-geologist Lyell, whose theories have not yet been proven, but Cuvier's theory of catastrophes is rejected. However, evidence that the Bible is right, there is, and not only geological, but also from the field of astronomy, confirming the lesser age of the luminaries in the biblical limits, which can be seen from the change in the size of the Sun and the amount of dust on the surface of the Moon, determined as a result of flights of lunar stations.

At the same time, the author believes that there is no reason to reject the above-mentioned theory of catastrophes, this is a gross mistake. And this is so, because to assert that all processes on earth proceeded smoothly and at a constant speed is to promote an elementary fiction.

Rejecting the fact of the flood, he seems to support the theory of the ice age, but I must say that the age of glaciers and the rate of their accumulation are completely different from what scientists used to think: they accumulate many times faster, and the “heat-cold” drops, leaving visible traces , are not annual, but occur many times a day. I must say that it is stupid to reject the Flood, and this is why: the layers of the earth's crust were formed as a result of the most complex processes of alluvial, and in some places there are no whole geochronological "periods" and even "eras", from which the author does not want to give up and calls them that way rather than layers. To understand more, creation scientists are not engaged in theoretical inventions, but in experiments on special installations.

The author also states that there are no transitional links in animal classes "as the creationists say," and there are REALLY NO, and many naturalists, including Brem and Darwin himself, knew this. Modern people know much more, there is so much difference between the classes that they could NOT HAVE come from each other in ANY way.

This book cannot be considered objective, because, regardless of beliefs, the author seems to justify himself before the scientific world that for such a small age of the Earth he will be called a creationist and laugh at him. Moreover, one of his colleagues, astronomer Martin Rees, recently, on the contrary, for a short time pretended to be a creationist in order to receive a $ 1.6 million prize from the Tepleton Foundation for this, but probably did not feel well, when chief atheist of Dawkins laughed at him.

The arguments for the creation of the world are as follows:

The universe is reasonably arranged, and neither matter nor the laws of physics could come by themselves from the "big bang" of mass from energy of unknown origin.
Observations of the luminaries show that this theory is false and that the bodies of the solar system are relatively young.
The present age of the Earth corresponds to the biblical age, and Lyell's theory is just a figment of his fantasies.
Stanley Miller's theory of the origin of life is incorrect, and even he himself has not believed in it for a long time, and the species did not originate from each other. Theories of the origin of man from a monkey are just a set of falsifications. Just like the restoration of organisms across multiple bones.
Man is fundamentally different from any animal.
Much more has been discovered with the help of electron microscopes, computer programs, and the discovery of the genome.
And the last, by the method of elimination: if the world is not the result of self-evolution, it means that IT WAS CREATED BY GOD, because there is no third option!
And the Bible is just that source (by the way, its truth was confirmed, and not only with the help of archeology), where it says that we can know about God and what we need to know about Him!


Из царства тьмы, из царства зла,
Из царства страхов и болезней,
Я устремляю взгляд туда,
Где всё разумней и полезней.

Где воздух чист, где каждый лист
Творцу поёт хвалу и гимны,
Даёт там винограда кисть
Сок жизни, как весною ливни.

Я устремляю взгляд туда,
Где молоды, как гимназисты,
Мы будем зеркалом Творца:
Лицом ясны, душою чисты.

Из царства зла, из царства тьмы,
Туда я устремляю взоры,
Где все достойны, все равны
И все любимы без разбора!

Алла Виленская

יהודי וגוי

מהספר מעשי השליחים


122 קרא פרק יט בעמוד


Бог Сам сказав і Сам написав Свій Закон, і тому це Закон Божий (Вих 20. 1, Повтор 4.12-23).

Перші чотири заповіді відкривають обов'язок людини до її Творця:
I. Заборона поклонятися чомусь створеному Богом і вимога поклонятися одному Богові.
ІІ. Заборона поклонятися зображенням - творам рук людських - замість шанування Бога.
ІІІ. Вимога поваги та шанування імені Бога.
IV. Використання часу: шість днів для роботи та сьомий (СУБОТА) для відпочинку та поклоніння Творцю.
Інші шість заповідей визначають обов'язок людини до людини:
V. Обов'язок дітей до їхніх батьків (а також до начальства та влади).
VI. Охорона життя кожного.
VII. Цнотливість сім'ї.
VIII. Охорона майна людей.
IX. Заборона говорити брехню.
X. Заборона заздрити (бажати те, що є в ближнього).

Перші чотири заповіді ґрунтуються на любові до Бога, а останні шість на любові до ближнього (Матв 22.37-40).
Одна копія закону зберігалася у ковчезі у земному святилищі (Повтор 10.1-5).
Оригінал закону зберігається у храмі на небесах. «І відкрився храм Божий на небі, і відкрився ковчег завіту» (Об'явл 11.19).
Десять заповідей слід вивчити напам'ять (Повтор 6.6).

четверг, 16 июня 2022 г.


How a man is born -
Nature's great mystery
He looks through the eyes of transparent
The world with surprise and fun.
And the mother of weightlessness with tenderness,
Shaking a child asleep,
Her dream is to give him the best
What has kept in his heart.

So let the music always sounds ringing,
In this land, inhabited by people
The child's voice, the voice of the child,
The eternal theme, eternal theme of our love.
The eternal theme, eternal theme of our love.

How a man is born -
Nature's great mystery
His first tentative steps
The beginning of the road will be.
Father with genuine pride,
Looking up to the sky baby blue,
Her dream is to give him the best
What can give a person.

So let the music always sounds ringing,
In this land, inhabited by people
The child's voice, the voice of the child,
The eternal theme, eternal theme of our love.
The eternal theme, eternal theme of our love.

How a man is born -
Nature's great mystery
And yet, we are entitled to hope
What a life it would be a long,
What would he have a kind and gentle,
What is he honest and loyal,
What will he brave and fierce,
Battling for the happiness of the people.

So let the music always sounds ringing,
In this land, inhabited by people
The child's voice, the voice of the child,
The eternal theme, eternal theme of our love.
The eternal theme, eternal theme of our love.

So let the music always sounds ringing,
In this land, inhabited by people
The child's voice, the voice of the child,
The eternal theme, eternal theme of our love.
The eternal theme, eternal theme of our love.


И Богом создан человек,
И равных в силе в мире нет,
Та сила в Воле, что ведет,
Та сила в Духе, что поет,
В душевной сила Красоте,
В горячем сердце Доброте.

С любовью Бог все то вложил,
И в Духе жизнь ту положил,
И дал Отцовский Он завет,
Жить в чистоте до старых лет,
Ценить Отцовскую любовь,
Дарить ее всем вновь и вновь.

И две души – одна в одной,
Ценили данную любовь,
Открыты были и добры,
И мир любили, как могли,
Богами были на земле,
И чистоту несли везде.

בישור בקרב הגויים

מהספר מעשי השליחים


115 קרא פרק יח בעמוד


При створенні інтелектуальних істот народилися і відносини, які раніше існували в намірі Божому, а потім були висловлені в Десятислов'я:
а) відносини між Богом і людьми (Вих 20.2-11)
б) взаємини людей (Вих 20.12-17)
Закон як наслідок цих взаємин, НЕ МОЖЕ БУТИ ЗМІНЕНИЙ ні Богом, ні людьми (Матв 5.17-19, Лука 16.17).
Оскільки Отець і Син були єдині у творінні, вони єдині й у виробленні цих відносин. Отже, Закон виходить від них (Іван 1.1-3, Євр 1.1-2).

Розумні істоти повністю підпорядковані всьому Закону, крім частини поведінки та моральності. В ЦЬОМУ ЇМ ДАНА СВОБОДА.

среда, 15 июня 2022 г.



God WILL us be pure and immaculate. It is an order to strive for perfection.
In an immaculate person there is no cunning that there is a lie and deception. For example, when a TV master, who alone understands the device and repairs the TV and deceives the owner, saying that it is necessary to do, getting several times a large fee, it is a trick and is, and he is a liar and thief.
The trick is Satan's method. The One who deceives Satan is called a fool by the Bible. The fool thoughtlessly believes in every, faithful - only the Word. A fool lets Satan and his people deceive themselves, and he studies scriptures immaculately.
The immaculate are literate and principled, and whoever gives Satan a fool is his disciple.
Jesus was tested by Satan in the desert. But He did not allow Satan to make himself a fool and the Word won.
He told us that we were walking like sheep among wolves (wicked and enemies). And they must be as simple as pigeons, but wise as a thing of the way, and then we will not fall into satanic traps. The pigeon symbolizes the Holy Spirit.
Everyone who follows Jesus will win, because everything he does is done in his name. And we must love each other with all our hearts, like new, born-again people.



Жили двенадцать разбойников,
Жил Кудияр-атаман,
Много разбойники пролили
Крови честных христиан.

Много они понаграбили,
Многих убили в лесу,
Сам Кудияр из-под Киева
Выкрал девицу-красу.

Днём он с любовницей тешился,
Ночью набеги творил,
Вдруг у разбойника лютого
Совесть Господь пробудил.

Бросил своих он товарищей,
Бросил набеги творить,
Сам Кудияр в монастырь ушёл
Богу и людям служить.

Господу Богу помолимся,
Будем ему мы служить,
За Кудияра-разбойника
Будем мы Бога молить.

מבשרי הבשורה

מהספר מעשי השליחים 

108 קרא פרק יז בעמוד

вторник, 14 июня 2022 г.


 Все творіння Боже підпорядковане відомим законам. 
 Наприклад, всі комбінації неживої матерії підпорядковуються закону сталості складу. 
 Рослини підпорядковані певним законам. Одні зростають на землі, інші у воді. Одні живуть у холодному поясі, інші – у помірному, треті – у жаркому. Якщо раптово змінити місце існування рослини, воно загине, тому що в цьому випадку порушився б закон їх життя. 
 Тварини також підпорядковані законам природи. Ці закони також визначені довкіллям. Щоб жити і розвиватися, тварини повинні дотримуватися цих законів. 
 Людина як творіння Боже також має підкорятися законам природи та законам моральності. Гармонія творінь залежить від досконалого узгодження всіх істот та всього одухотвореного та неживого із законами Творця. Бог визначив закони не тільки для керування усіма живими істотами, але й усіма діями природи. Все підпорядковане певним законам, які ніхто не може оминути. У той час як все в природі управляється законами природи, ПЕРЕД ЗАКОНОМ МОРАЛЬНОСТІ ВІДПОВІДАНА ТІЛЬКИ ЛЮДИНА. Слово Боже започаткувало закон (і відносини).


Is not an event, and our relationship to it
In an era of constant internecine warfare in China lived a simple peasant. Was the only horse. And then one day she disappeared. Meet the neighbors every sympathized with farmers: “What a mishap, the only horse lost!”
But a farmer just said: “Which side to see this”. So what? She soon returned and brought with him a whole herd of wild horses. Neighbors began to congratulate the peasant with luck. And he again notice: “Which side to see this”.
It's been awhile, and the son of a peasant, bypassing Stallion, crashed and broke his leg.
“What a disaster, said neighbors”.
“Which side of this view, replied the farmer”.
In a few days in the village of paid assassins and soldiers-take away healthy young men into the army. The peasant's son had a broken leg, and it is not made. Neighbors were happy for the boy. Oh, and the peasant, as always, said:
“Which side to see this”.
Sometimes the loss-the way to salvation
The only survivor after a shipwreck, was thrown wave on a small desert island. He prayed feverishly God
Been every day in search of approaching the horizon. However, Charter of a vain hope, built a hut of the floating logs to protect yourself from elements. But once he saw the flames, cinder's home rose to the sky. Non-thinking swag-and those were lost. Wanderer roiling anger and grief:
“My God, how could you do so with me! sobbing, he shouted”.
Early the next day, he was awakened by the ringing of ship bells: the ship approached to rescue him.
“How did you know I'm here? asked the tired man saviours”.
“We saw your smoke signal, they replied”.
Nobody knows what's good and what's bad, is not yet live life till the end. Even if only a small hut burn to ashes, it may be smoke signal, calls the rescue ship. Not in money happiness
Student asked: "How are words that are not in the money happiness? "he replied that although no money life is hard, the words are true full.

And prove it.
Because money can buy a bed but not sleep;
Meal - but not appetite;
Medication - but not health;
the servants, but not friends,
female but not the love;
housing - but not home;
entertainment - but no joy. Submissive, but no respect;
teachers but not mind.
That is, does not exhaust the list.

Reflection of the world around you The road stood a tree withered. The night walked past the thief and freaked out and thought it was worth it, the shipping lanes police. Was enamored youth, and his heart beats with joy: it took the tree for lover.
Baby, funky fairytales, saw wood, teared up as he seemed to what is a ghost. But in all cases the tree was only a tree. We see the world as what we do.


Я жил во тьме, но Он пришёл 
И свет любви во мне зажёг, 
Он то хорошее нашёл, 
Чего никто найти не смог. 
Никто, как Он, не понимал, 
Когда я жил в большом грехе, 
Никто, как Он, не утешал, 
И вот обрёл я мир в душе. 
Любви Он семя посадил 
И взращивал живой водой, 
Он никогда не торопил, 
Он просто рядом был со мной. 
И каждый день, из года в год, 
Я буду жить лишь для Него, 
Гореть, любить, спасать народ, 
Нести всем истины Его. 
И всё, что будет впереди, 
Без страха я перенесу, 
Чтоб имя славилось Христа 
И был повержен сатана !

הבשורה מתבשרת באנטיוכיה

מהספר מעשי השליחים 

101 קרא פרק טז בעמוד


Слово Боже є словом живим і дієвим, бо Дух є в ньому. «Дух животворить» (Іван 6.63).
Наступне ілюструє силу Слова Божого:
«І сказав Бог: нехай буде…» (Бут 1).
«Він сказав – і сталося, Він наказав – і явилося» (Пс 33.9).
Словом все тримається. «І тримаючи все словом сили Своєї» (Євр 1.3). ПРИКЛАД - життя Христа, Його зцілення, чудеса та ін.
Сила слова, сказаного людиною, під впливом Духа Божого:
«Ісус (Навин) … сказав перед Ізраїлем : стій, сонце… і місяць! І зупинилося сонце, і місяць стояв ... » ( Нав 10.12-13).
«Петро… сказав: Тавіфа, устань! І вона розплющила очі» (Дії 9.46).
ГРІШНИКИ ОЧИЩУЮТЬСЯ СЛОВОМ БОЖИМ, ДАНИМ У ПОРЯТУВАННЯ ( 1 Пет 1.23 - «як відроджені», Рим 1.16 - «силою Божою на спасіння»).

понедельник, 13 июня 2022 г.


With the coming of Christ all the righteous will be taken live in dwellings, martinice ones made for them in heaven ( John 14.1-3 ; 1 Thess 4.16-17 ; Rev 14.1-4, 15.2-3, 19.1 ) .
The wicked will be killed by the glory of Christ ( 2 Thess 2.8; Is 13.6-9, 24.1-6; Sof 1.2-3 ) . Fire is the element of destruction ( 2 Thess 1.7-9, Ps 49.3-5, Is 66.15-16 , Ezek 38.22; Revelation 19.19-21, 18.8-9, 19.3 ) . Thus, the Earth will be "devastated and made desolate, and decimated the sinners” ( Is 13.9; Jer 4.20,23,25-28 ) .
Satan will be bound with "inaction" for 1000 years, as it will suit some stir. Jesus Christ put upon him the sins of his people (the high priest) and will wander through a deserted Earth ( Lev 16.20-22, Rev 20.1-3 ) . During the 1000 years of the righteous will reign with Christ and to judge fallen angels and wicked ( Rev 20.4 , 1 Cor 6.3-4 , Dan 7.22 ). They will participate in the Court to have your opinion on the punishment of the wicked and confirm the rightness of God, and this will prevent any possibility of discontent against their fate.
Millennial Kingdom begins the first resurrection and ends with the second ( Rev 20.5 ) .
After the end of the 1000 years Satan tempts the resurrected of the wicked and convinces to take the city of God by storm and to establish his empire forever. But then the Lord pronounces a verdict on them and destroys them forever ( Rev 20.15 ) .
As you know, after the great sorrow, through which all those who did not worship the beast and did not accept its outline will pass, there will be a literal and visible second coming of Christ. Then the living and resurrected righteous will be taken to heaven for 1000 years, where they will examine the deeds of the wicked, and on earth there will be no one alive at this time, but only Satan and his angels. At the end of the millennium, the New Jerusalem with Christ and the Righteous will fall to earth and the last judgment - destruction - will take place over the wicked of all ages, which will be resurrected only for this and at the moment of trying to capture the city under the guidance of Satan. After that, eternity will come - a new happy life on the renewed earth and in the universe without sin and its consequences. 

 This position is called POSTTRIBULATIONISM-PREMLLENENAISM. But there are three more. They contradict the Bible, as: 

1. PRETRIBULATIONISM- PREMLLENENAISM. Unlike the previous one, though he teaches almost the same, but with one condition: before the beginning of the time of mourning, the righteous will be secretly admired from the earth, and who will remain, those inscribed beast will receive everything, and then return with the church. This cannot be the case, since the comings of Christ are two, not three, the church is sure to go through all the trials on earth and will be the winner (Rev 15, Dan 12.1, Matthew 24.10-13), and the millennial kingdom is no "golden age" as well, on the contrary, the beginning of it will be a time when the wicked will be killed by the glory of the phenomenon of Christ (2 Thess 1.7-8 ), the Earth will be devastated and filled with corpses that will not be buried (Jer 4.23-27,25.33 ) and which will not decompose because the Earth's orbit has moved away from the Sun and the temperature on it has become lower (Is 13.13 ). In the same teaching, it is not clear why Christ secretly admire his church by giving all the other people to the antichrist (among other things, not everyone will receive the mark of the beast - Rev 14.9.12), and then return with the righteous back to earth, while the last trial is not soon, but only after 1000 years, and these years of "golden" as the "golden" chain of Satan. As for Satan, (Rev 20.1-3) he will not literally be put on a chain for 1000 years, but figuratively, because at this time he and his angels will have nothing to do, no one to seduce. He will only wander the earth and see the consequences of his deeds. And at the end of the millennium - the destruction of all followers of Satan and himself, not the endless burning in hell. The same fire will re-create the planet and return it to a beautiful view. 
 2. POST-MILLENNIALISM. The second coming will not be secret and symbolic, but literal to take your people to heaven (Rev 1.7, John 14.1-3). And it can happen only at the beginning of the millennium, and not at the end of the so-called "golden age", for then it is not clear why the righteous from the happy world to take somewhere! And then, nothing like this before the end of the world will not happen, because we see that the world is not going to prosperity, and rolls into the abyss, people do everything for this - it's an economic crisis, and poisoned nature, and depression, and the general decline of morals. God does not rape the free will of man and therefore cannot force it all back. Consequently, the world perishes, but those who keep God's faith and commandments will be saved. 
 3. AMILLENAISM. Not only is the second coming of Christ at the end of the millennial kingdom, which cannot be as mentioned above, but it itself is not literal, as the Bible teaches, but figurative. Last one, by the way. 

 In the book of Revelation, these events follow each other in chronological order (the three-archangel news - chapter 14, great sorrow - chapters 15 and 16, the second coming - chapter 19, the last judgment - chapter 20, eternity - chapters 21 and 22) and this is a rather strong argument in favor of the first teaching of POSTTRIBULATION-PREMIUMENISM. It also says that according to the 15th chapter, the church is on earth, not in heaven before the coming of Christ, which ends the great sorrow, and the two resurrections of the dead is the beginning and end of the millennial kingdom. So, the choice is obvious and cannot be challenged, because it is the result of a serious study of biblical texts. But we should not forget that not this or such question is the main one in theology and Christianity, but about how and ON HOW AND ON HOW TO LIVE CHRISTIAN, WHERE TO LOVE FOR THIS POWER, HOW TO SHOW ON THE REALITY AND LOVE. A true disciple of Christ, though he does not know the date of His coming, he must live as if this event will take place today, to stay awake spiritually, to grow and to be consecrated.



Если вдруг твоя душа 
Заноет, словно рана, 
Тебя утешат Господа слова: 
Нам суждено быть частью 
Божественного плана, 
Вся наша боль 
Лишь эхо мук Христа !

מלאך מחלץ את כיפא מן הכלא

מהספר מעשי השליחים 

94 קרא פרק טו בעמוד


Новий Завіт складається з 27 книг, які були написані чоловіками Божими за натхненням Божим ще в I столітті, через кілька років після піднесення Ісуса Христа. Перші 4 книги Нового Завіту містять богонатхненну розповідь про Христа, Дії оповідають про перших християн, послання укладають у собі настанови церквам, а Об'явлення містить пророчу історію до кінця світу.
Більшість навчань Нового Завіту заснована на Старому. «Дослідіть Писання, бо ви думаєте через них мати вічне життя: а вони свідчать про Мене» (Іван 5.39). «Покайтеся і вірте в Євангеліє» (Марк 1.15). Коли були сказані ці слова, Писань Нового Завіту ще не було, тiльки Старий. «І він (Павло) від ранку до вечора викладав їм вчення про Царство Боже, наводячи свідчення і засвідчуючи їх про Ісуса із закону Мойсея та пророків» (Дії 28.33). 

 Ісус підтвердив Старий Завіт тим, що Він ґрунтувався на писаннях Мойсея та пророків і посилався на їхній авторитет у всьому Своєму вченні: - Мойсей: «Якщо ж його писанням не вірите, як повірите Моїм словам?» ( Іван 5.47) - Пророки: «З усіх пророків пояснював їм сказане про Нього у всьому Писанні» (Лука 24.27). - Псалми: «Належить виповнитись усьому, написаному про мене в Законі Мойсеєвому і в пророках і в Псалмах» (Лука 24.44). Апостоли також підтвердили Старий Завіт і посилалися на нього у своєму навчанні (1 Пет 1.10-11, 2 Пет 1.21, 2 Тим 3.16, Дії 24.14; Як 2.8-9, 4.5).

воскресенье, 12 июня 2022 г.



Exodus 20 And God spoke all these words:

2 “I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.
3 “You shall have no other gods before[a] me.
4 “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.
7 “You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.
8 “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. 9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns. 11 For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.
12 “Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you.
13 “You shall not murder.
14 “You shall not commit adultery.
15 “You shall not steal.
16 “You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.
17 “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.”

Law, announced then, was not intended solely for Jews. God gave them the distinction of being the guards and overseers of The law, which was to be preserved as a sacred legacy to the world. The principles apply to all of humanity 's, they were given for all manual and a guide to life. Ten quick, comprehensive and clear principles express the human responsibilities in relation to God and to others, and they are all based on the fundamental principle of love. "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself" (Luke 10.27; see also Deut 6.4,5 , Lev 19.18). These principles are presented in Logue, they apply to everyone.

"You shall have no other gods before me".
Jehovah, the eternal, pre-existent, uncreated, but Himself is the source of life and the creator of all, one worthy of the highest veneration and worship. Only God can be the focus of human love or Ministry. Giving your heart to something else, we thereby denies God his love, not pay Him proper serving and co-create the imaginary deities.
"You shall not make for yourself an Idol, and no images of what is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the Earth. Do not worship them and do not serve them.
The second commandment forbids the worship of the true God, using icons or other images. Many pagan peoples argue that their images are images or symbols by which they worship the deity but God has declared such a service to a sin. An attempt to depict the eternal through the mother of special items reduces the perception of God. The mind is withdrawn from, boundless perfection of Jehovah, more will be confined to the creation rather than the creator. And because human concepts of God will be underestimated, and the person will start to degrade.
"I am the Lord thy God am a jealous God." Close and sacred relationship of God with his people symbolically represented by marriage. Since idolatry is spiritual adultery, and the displeasure of the Lord on this appropriately named jealousy.
"Punishing children for fathers ' guilt until the third and fourth kind that hate me. Inevitably children suffer from the consequences of the sins of their parents, but they are not punished for the fault of parents, except when they participated in their sins. But kids usually go in the footsteps of his parents. Due to heredity and through the personal example of the sons become participants in the sins of their fathers. Bad habits, perverted tastes, immorality, as well as physical ailments and degeneration are passed down from father to son and so to the third and the fourth kind. This terrible truth should help people break away from the sinful way of life.
"And he who does mercy to thousands of genera loving Me hepher. The second commandment, forbidding the worship of foreign gods, the worship of the true God. The punishment for those who hates him, promised only to the third and fourth kinds and mercy to those faithful in serving him is not up to the third and the fourth kind, but to thousands of families.
"Don't say the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not leave without punishment, whoever his name in vain. "
This commandment not only prohibits false oaths and the ordinary words that people swear, but it also prohibits us careless or frivolous to pronounce the name of the Lord, without thinking about its terrible meaning. We disgrace the God and when his name is mentioned in haste in conversation, and when any minor cases encourage him to witness, and when frequently repeat his name in vain. "Holy and awesome is his name! (PS. 110: 9). We should all reflect on the Majesty, purity and holiness of God to the heart was moved by the consciousness of His generosity, His holy name should be pronounced with awe and solemnity.
"Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work; a day is a Saturday ended his work God thy do not do that in it any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy servant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor the stranger that is in thy dwellings. For in six days the Lord made heaven and Earth, the sea, and all that in them is; and the day ended his work rested. Wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it. "
Saturday is here not as a new establishment, but as a day that was approved at the creation. We must remember this day and to respect it in memory of the deeds of the creator. Pointing to God as the Creator of the heavens and the Earth, Saturday teaches us to distinguish between the true God and all the false gods. All observing the seventh day, prove that they are fans of Jehovah. So Saturday will remain an eternal sign of loyalty to the man of God. The fourth commandment is the only group which contains the name and title of the legislator. This is the only commandment that specifies whose authority given The Law. Thus, it is the seal of God is applied to law, guarantee its authenticity and both rigour. God gave man work for six days, and It requires people to do their work in these six working days. On Saturday no OK only mercy and urgent need. For the sick and suffering should take care always, but too much work needs to be strictly avoided. "If you take up your pallet for the sake of thy whims Saturday in My holy day, and call the Saturday troubled, the Holy day of the Lord, honourable, and will honour it so that you will not engage in conventional thy deeds, pleasing your whim ..." (Isaiah 58: 13). But restrictions do not end with this: ...and Twaddle, says the Prophet. Saturday those who discusses his work or schedules. various plans, in the eyes of God is no better than those who have actually worked on that day. To celebrate the Holy Saturday, we don't even have our thoughts dwell on the Earth. This commandment applies to all in our House. All members of the household should set aside their earthly Affairs until the end of Saturday. All should unite together to glorify God in the Holy day of their voluntary service to Him.
"Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you."
Parents have the right to such love and respect, which has no other. God himself, with responsibility for the souls entrusted to them, determined that in the first years of life, children, parents were to them instead of God. And the one who denies the legitimate authority of their parents, rejects the authority of God. The fifth commandment demands that children not only respect, humility and obedience towards their parents, but also the love and tenderness, caring for parents, preserving their reputations; requires that children be their help and consolation in advanced years. Observance of this commandment also implies respect for employees, prison, to all those whom God gave the power.
The Apostle says: "this is the first commandment with promise" (Ephesians 6: 2). For Israel, pending a speedy settlement in Canaan, the observance of this commandment was the key to a long life in the promised land, but it has a broader meaning, and includes the entire Israel of God, promising those who executes it, eternal life on Earth, liberated from the curse of sin.
"You shall not kill".
All the unjust actions that reduce life; the spirit of hatred and revenge or indulgence to any passion that leads to wound other actions, or at least makes us wish them evil (for "who hates his brother is a murderer); callous, disdain for the needy or suffering; any indulgence or, on the contrary, unnecessary restrictions or excessive work, destroying health, are all to a greater or lesser degree, is a violation of the sixth commandment.
"You shall not commit adultery."
This commandment prohibits not only dirty and immoral governmental actions, but also lustful thoughts and desires, or any other action that leads to such. Each is required to clean not only the outer life, but also the deepest intentions and feelings of the heart. Christ, who taught the understanding of human values and is against the law of God, saying, that impure thought or opinion are the same sin as an offence.
"You shall not still".
This includes both explicit and hidden sins. The eighth commandment condemns the kidnapping, slavery and wars. She condemned the theft and robbery. It requires rigorous honesty in the most insignificant of ING life's Affairs. It prohibits fraud in the sale and requires a fair calculation of the debts or in wages. The commandment says that any attempt to profit at the expense of someone else's inexperience, infirmity or misfortune is written as a hoax in the heavenly books.
"You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor." Any lie, any attempt or intent to defraud our neighbor is included in this commandment. Intent to deceive gives birth to cheating. One look, a gesture, a facial expression, you can successfully lie, like words. Any wilful exaggeration, hint or slander designed to produce false or imaginary, or even a description of the facts, but misleading — is a lie. This principle prohibits any attempt to tarnish the reputation of our middle or misrepresent reality by painting or unfounded suspicions, slander or gossip. Even the intentional concealment of the truth, which can damage the other, is a violation of the ninth commandment.
"Do not desire your neighbor's House; do not desire your neighbor's wife, nor his servant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, anything that your neighbor. "
The tenth commandment is the root of all sin, selfish desires, cautioning that are the source of the illegal acts. Whoever in obedience to the law of God fearing in his heart even conceal the sinful desire what belongs to others, did not commit any dishonest act towards others.
The tenth commandment is the root of all sin, selfish desires, cautioning that are the source of the illegal acts. Whoever in obedience to the law of God.


(автор музыки: Дмитрий Рыбников)

В плену космических дождей,
В холодной тишине ночей
Живёт печалью незнакомой
Тепло оставленного дома.

Свет любви, свет Земли
Всегда со мной, как дом родной.
Свет любви, свет Земли -
Вы как огни в дороге дальней в мир бескрайний.

Туманный Млечный путь всегда
Влечёт, как детская мечта.
Как с неизведанным свиданье,
Как неразгаданная тайна.

Свет любви, свет Земли
Всегда со мной, как дом родной.
Свет любви, свет Земли -
Вы как огни в дороге дальней в мир бескрайний,
В дороге дальней в мир бескрайний.

מחפש האמת

מהספר מעשי השליחים 

87 קרא פרק יד בעמוד


Бог відкрив свою волю людині для того, щоб він знав, яке служіння завгодно Йому: 
«Сховане належить Господу, Богу нашому, а відкрите – нам і синам нашим до віку, щоб ми виконували всі слова цього закону» (Повтор 29.29). 
Біблія містить: 
- слова Самого Бога - одкровення Боже через пророків - слова Христа під час Його життя на землі СТАРИЙ ЗАВІТ (канон) складається з 39 книг, які розділені на три частини: 
- Закон Мойсеєв (та історія) 
- Пророчі книги 
- Псалми <поезія> - Лука 24.44 
 Слова Старого Завіту НЕПОХИБНІ, тому що дані Богом: «Пам'ятайте закон Мойсея, Мого раба, який Я наказав йому на Хориві для всього Ізраїля, так само як і правила і статути» ( Мал 4.4).