вторник, 2 июля 2024 г.




Writer Mikhail Zoshchenko


It was amazing when the church began selling orders for absolution. They evasive called indulgences.

                                                                                        * * *

We actually do not know how this case was created. Probably there was a meeting impoverished churchmen, on which, choking from a healthy laugh, someone offered this bold idea.

Some of them the holy speaker, probably, in sad paints has outlined the monetary situation of the church.

Someone there dared to take the entrance from the attending church.

Some sort of snub priest said with his nasal voice :

“For the entrance to take - it is they, the fact, will not go. But, maybe, at the entrance of something insane easy sell, cheap...  Anything to sell them...”

Has anyone shouted :

“The cheap also worth the money. Can we take each blessing? Or: Water muzzle sprinkled - pay money”.

                                                                                       * * * 

But then suddenly our snub priest, snorting in his hand and swinging from a bout of laughter, said :

“Can we, the brothers, have sins for money? Who has a sin - drive a coin.  And paper get on your hands.., Ay, by golly... Here, no doubt, the noise rose, the chuckles, the exclamations”.

Perhaps some dried prude, raising to the sky of his hand, said :

“And what about God, ilk wast in Heaven?”

Snub says :

“Maybe we are trying for Him... I'm just, brothers, I'm afraid of another - suddenly will not bear the money... The people of the uniformed tail went”.

But here, having voted, have decided to test this case. The matter, contrary to doubts, has moved well. And this profitable marketing church has been diligently engaged for many centuries.

Any sin could be redeemed for a certain fee.

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“The Divine Vicar of Christ”, someone Pope Leo X (1514 year), badly lacking in money and wanting to stir up this falling was in his time sale, decided to send a special man abroad, hoping to shake the pockets of wealthy foreigners, Believers in the sanctity and infallibility of the church.

This man, Monk Tecel, traveled all German possessions, briskly trading there with orders for absolution.

He rode a horse with two crates, in one box he had papal letters and labels for absolution-past, present and even future. In another box monk banged money for stashed goods.

The story tells about this funny anecdote, as one German knight met in the forest of this monk. This knight bought from the monk a warrant for the remission of the sin that he intends to perform. After that, beating Monk and depriving his money box, he fled.

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However, as far as the church is concerned, it is also not so striking. In terms of money, the church has always been a disproportionate greed. And the largest sums of accumulated in church and monastery bowels and cellars.

Of course, the priests of the past, I must say, differed somewhat from the modern ministers of worship. It was a furious fellow and the lovers of eating well and drinking. Many of them went with Spurs, armed with swords and pistols, many rode on horseback, fought and made political affairs, and loving a broad life, juiced money from the living and the dead.


So everything about the church is not that amazing.

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