суббота, 16 июля 2022 г.



   Our goal is to expose dialectics as a pseudoscientific system. And we will begin this by explaining the term itself.

   In Greek, "dialectics" in its original meaning is the art of waging a dispute, reaching the truth through the collision of opposing opinions with their heads, as well as disclosing, interpreting and overcoming these contradictions "to establish the truth."

   The main purpose of the teaching is to REFUSE AND THE EXISTENCE OF GOD AND HIS WORKS. Although all evolutionary theories, starting with the "big bang", contradict experience and elementary logic (after all, it is not clear where the matter and energy for the explosion came from, and most importantly, why and how the elements of the periodic table and the laws of nature were formed), three main laws of dialectics were invented, to bypass and ignore the creation of the world and to nurture the idea that all this happens by itself:

- the law of unity and struggle of opposites, a semblance of the pagan eastern Yang and Yin, asserting that the reason for the development of stupid matter lies in it itself, and after spontaneous generation, a person himself “rose to perfection”;

- the law of the transition of quantitative changes into qualitative ones, which takes place in the universe, but not always, since an increase in the amount and size of matter does not always bring it to a higher level of development;

- the law of denial of negation, asserting that any new human idea, denying the old and obsolete, will itself be refuted by a more and more perfect idea, and so on ad infinitum.

   Hegel's dialectic is considered one of the branches of "classical German philosophy", and Hegel himself is considered more progressive in relation to Kant only on the basis that his philosophical system is newer than Kant's metaphysics. Hegelian philosophy was continued by Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin, but many so-called bourgeois scientists also use dialectics in theoretical science. There is little sense from such a science, unlike applied sciences, this is empty chatter, but it is the representatives of this so-called science that are interested in it, because it brings them money, as well as academic degrees and prestige, and the press still uses evolutionary fabrications, that's all it is taught in schools and universities, and naive youth build their life principles and goals on this (they do not understand that all this leads to a dead end). Nevertheless, the universe and nature still confirm the Creator, so the believer Kant is still right, and the existence of creation and God was recognized by many luminaries of science (and the various evolutionists there do not count).

   Not only the appearance of Hegel's dialectics, but especially Marxism, Leninism and Stalinism is a tragedy for all mankind. When Marx came up with the doctrine of the five formations, according to dialectical philosophy, there really was an injustice in the presence of slaves and serfs as someone's property. However, the Bolsheviks who dreamed of a happy, just and well-fed society brought the world even greater evil, tears, blood and violence, as well as a new appearance of serfs, who were absent under capitalism, that is, collective farmers.

   Any theory, as you know, is verified by experiment, and so in any science. This "experiment" has cost humanity too much, and some believe that it should be continued further!

   So, if in Western countries the presence of evolutionism and atheism became the reason only for the development of theoretical pseudosciences (and only new discoveries, starting from the middle of the twentieth century, confirmed God) and the general depravity of society with wolf laws, then in communist countries the result of dialectical philosophy and its application to practice together with "scientific communism" became:

- the violent seizure of power with a large number of victims, its appropriation by one party, which suppresses all dissent, depriving it of even a word;

- the development of the "dictatorship of the proletariat" according to Marx, as a result of which the flower of society, the organizers of production and the intelligentsia can be physically destroyed, expelled from the country, at best degraded in rights, and the country is ruled by people from the proletarian classes and their leaders, illiterate and uncultured ;

- the abolition of private property and its withdrawal in favor of the state, as a result of which production does not develop, but decays, and a completely unviable economy appears that does not work;

- a ban on the free movement of not only peasants forcibly driven into collective farms, but also other strata, for example, the absence of dismissals of their own accord for city residents, as well as the passport system with a residence permit, the absence of other basic human rights accepted by the world community;

- artificial and false culture, as well as arts serving the regime, with the most severe censorship;

- state atheism and persecution of believers;

- the lack of equality and social justice, the poverty of the majority of the population, the theft and enrichment of leaders and chiefs, who brazenly use state property as their own, living in palaces with servants, like the exiled ruling classes;

- the lack of equality and social justice, the poverty of the majority of the population, the theft and enrichment of leaders and chiefs, who brazenly use state property as their own, living in palaces with servants, like the exiled ruling classes;

- the promise of a paradise life on earth, which will never be achieved, especially by such methods that allow the population to fool their heads further.

   And in addition, let's say that the few communist countries that still remain are the poorest and most hopeless countries in the world with disgusting governments and a terrible standard and way of life. Here is the result of the "great experiment"!

   An alternative to dialectics is not only metaphysical philosophy, but most importantly, the Word of God is the Bible, which answers correctly all the questions people are interested in now: where did our world come from, why does evil exist, how to distinguish evil from good, why and by what principles a person should live, how to achieve rebirth and spiritual growth and what awaits all of us in the future. ONLY CHRISTIANITY answers all these questions correctly, and we will be able to convince ourselves of this pretty soon, probably during our generation of people.





Среди суетного, шумного мира,

Среди печалей, тревог и забот

Пусть непрестанно Небесная Лира

Ввысь твоё сердце с любовью влечёт.


Среди соблазнов, мирских увлечений,

Среди несчастья, житейских невзгод

Пусть твоя жизнь, полна высших стремлений,

Ввысь твоё сердце с собою влечёт.


А если надежда порой потухает,

Под градом сомнений снижаешь полёт,

К Всевышнему сердце твоё да взывает -

Тебя Он услышит и помощь пошлёт.

המעצר האחרון


מהספר מעשי השליחים


310 קרא פרק מז בעמוד

пятница, 15 июля 2022 г.



   До гріхопадіння Сам Бог наставляв людину (Бут 1.27-28, 2.16-18).

   Після гріхопадіння Господь обирав особливих осіб, щоб наставляти народ щодо плану спасіння:

- Патріархи (Енох, Ной, Авраам, Йов)

- Пророки

- Священики

- Апостоли

- Євангелісти (благовісники)

   «І Він поставив одних апостолами, інших пророками, інших євангелістами, інших пастирями та вчителями» (Єфес 4.11).


   Ознаки вірних вчителів:

- вони водині Святим Духом

- вони навчають згідно з Словом Божим

- вони вчать ЧИСТОМУ Євангелію

- вони вчать слухняності Закону Божому

- життя їх завжди буде в гармонії з їхнім вченням



   The ordination of ministers, as described in the Bible, was introduced into the church of the early Christians (Acts 13.3). This custom was already in ancient Israel.


   Gen 27.27-29 - In Old Testament times there was a tradition of blessing, which was accompanied by the laying on of hands; this custom was in later centuries and in the so-called Talmudic era too.


   Luke 6.13-16 - Having chosen the twelve apostles, Jesus blessed and ordained them, this was the first rite of ordination in the Christian church.


   Matt 19.13, Mark 10.16 - blessing the children.


   1 Tim 4.14, 5.22 - laying on of hands of the priesthood (in synodal translation ‘’Priesthood’’).

   Acts 6.6 - ordination of deacons.


   Other texts: 2 Tim 1.6, Acts 14.23, Heb 6.2


   Therefore, there are 2 main dignities:

1) Deacon - business matters and participation in the sacrament rite (Acts 6.2-3).

2) Pastor (presbyter, bishop) - leadership of the church and the accomplishment of all rituals, occupation of various higher positions (Acts 13.2-3, 1 Tim 4.14,5.22, Acts 20:17, 28).



If necessary, baptism can be performed by any member of the church (Acts 8.38, 9.10).





Спасибо, Боже, за друзей,

За мир, в котором я живу,

За свежий воздух из полей,

Которым каждый день дышу.


За каждую звезду, что там,

На небе светит огоньком,

За солнце, что дорогу нам

Определяет день за днём.


За право чувствовать, любить,

Мечтать, и плакать, и страдать,

За то, что можно просто жить,

Во сне и наяву летать !

שאול יוצא לחופשי


מהספר מעשי השליחים


307 קרא פרק מו בעמוד



   Народ Ізраїльський до Христа називався «суспільство Господнє» (Повтор 23.3), що було ім'ям Церкви Божої у Старому Завіті: «Буду проповідувати ім'я Твоє братам моїм, посеред ЗІБРАННЯ прославлю тебе» (Пс 22.33). «Серед Церкви заспіваю Тобі» (Євр 2.12). Тут йдеться про місце зборів, синагогу, будинок молитви.


   Коли Ізраїль згрішив проти Господа (Книги Царств і Параліпоменон), Він посилав пророків свідчити проти них, щоб привести їх до послуху Закону Божому. Настанови, надіслані Господом через пророків, називається СВІДЧЕННЯМ.

   Свідчення ці були звернені до Господнього суспільства, тобто до Церкви.


   Коли Ізраїль нарешті відмовився приймати свідчення і наполегливо продовжував порушувати Закон, Господь позбавив їх духу пророцтва. «І запитав Саул Господа; але Господь не відповів йому...» (1 Сам 28.6).


   Коли ж Ізраїль каявся від щирого серця і підкорявся Закону, дух пророцтва оживав знову, як це сталося з апостолами.


   Настанови в посланнях Нового Завіту також є свідченням через дух пророцтва.

четверг, 14 июля 2022 г.



First Deputy Chief Bishop - Member of the Expert Council of the State Duma Committee on Public Associations and Religious Organizations, Bishop Konstantin Bendas explains the provisions of the Federal Law "On Amendments to the Federal Law" On Countering Terrorism "and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation regarding the establishment of additional measures countering terrorism and ensuring public safety" (No. 374-F3 dated July 6, 2016):


"New amendments to the Federal Law" On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations "for the first time introduced such a concept as "missionary activity".

Missionary activity is the public activity of a religious association aimed at outside non-church people with the aim of involving them in the activities of a religious association.

The law does not in any way prohibit missionary activity, but imposes certain new requirements on missionaries by calling.

So, in accordance with the letter of the law, he "does not encroach" in any way "on personal evangelism and, in accordance with the Federal Law" On Freedom of Conscience "and the Constitution of the Russian Federation, I can" still freely share and spread my religious views. " But the law regulates religious activities aimed at involving people in a religious organization or group on behalf of the organization. In this case, the preacher must have some kind of document and be ready to present it.


What could it be?


1. An official document of a religious organization confirming that he is its leader.

2. A document certifying that he is a clergyman.

3. It can be a document certifying that you are a member of some collegial body of the church: church council, pastor council, elders council, council of elders, or something else that defines our charter or internal definitions.

4. It can be a direct document authorizing to engage in missionary activities on behalf of a religious organization.


In the case of a religious group, only one document is possible, confirming the authority to engage in missionary activities on behalf of a religious group, issued, so to speak, by some council of this religious group".



                                                                          * * *


     What is this law in fact?


   This is a restriction on freedom of speech and freedom of conscience (everything that is against the government and the ROC - Russian Orthodox Church is "terrorism").


   MISSIONARY - is the propaganda of your faith or involvement in your faith. This means that youth and medical missionary activities can be banned.


   It is believed that only a religious association can preach, and not an individual person.


   Nothing is allowed except preaching your own creed. For example, electives of Christian morality and ethics, and generally theological discussion in general, are prohibited if the listeners do not belong to this faith.


   The preacher must have a document that he (at least one):


- community leader

- clergyman

- member of the community council

- authorized by the organization, if the private

   Do NOT preach or invite others in your meetinghouses, only in rented premises. The company must have a permit. Preaching at home is also regulated.


   Also online preaching is restricted and permission is required.


   It is considered missionary to invite at a certain time to a certain place. The article is vague, so you can ban a group or meeting at home.


   The law, apparently, does not apply to the ROC - Russian Orthodox Church (there are church services inside, and the sermons of priests, and all the rituals, etc., and different people come there, including unbaptized and atheists). And the priests also teach the lessons of the Law of God in schools.


   There are separate norms for missionary work for foreigners and for the distribution of literature.


   So, all this is needed by the ROC so that they do not teach and preach differently from them!



В первый день создал Бог свет -

Вечной ночи больше нет!


Во второй день облака

Подняла Его рука.


В третий день создал Бог сушу,

И деревья, и цветы,

Сливки, яблоки и груши

Превосходной красоты.

Также воды Он собрал

И морями их назвал.


В день четвёртый в небесах

Солнце засияло,

На земле в его лучах

Всем теплее стало!

Вечером взошла луна,

Всем нам нравится она!

Звёзды засияли

В тёмно-синей дали!


В пятый день по небу

Птички полетели,

А в речной, морской водичке

Рыбки заблестели.

Крабы, раки и лягушки,

И красивые ракушки.

Всё, что в небе и в воде,

Сотворил Бог в пятый день.


А на следующий день

Появился вдруг олень,

Слон большой и мышка-крошка,

Заяц, ослик, мышка, кошка…

Всех зверей земли большой

Сотворил Бог в день шестой.

И, как всем делам венец,

Сотворил он, наконец,

Человека. Имя Сам

Дал Господь ему: Адам.

А потом Он создал Еву,

Просто чудо-королеву,

И Адаму подарил.

Ох, и счастлив же он был!

איגרות שאול שנכתבו ברומא


מהספר מעשי השליחים


297 קרא פרק מה בעמוד

среда, 13 июля 2022 г.





   Дух пророцтва припиниться лише тоді, коли настане досконале (1 Кор 13.10).


   До Христа були не тільки пророки, а й пророчиці: Девора (Суд 4.4), Олдама (4 Цар 22.14) та ін.

   Окрім 12 апостолів та Павла, пророками у християнській церкві були: Агав (Дії 11.27-28); Варнава, Симон, Луцій, Манаїл (Дії 13.1); Юда та Сила (Дії 15.32). У Новому Завіті згадуються також: пророчиця Анна (Лука 2.36-38) та чотири доньки Пилипа (Дії 21.8-9).


   Останніми днями буде рясно вилити Святого Духа (Духа пророцтва) на Божий народ:

   «І в останні дні, каже Бог, виливаю від Духа мого на всяке тіло, і будуть пророкувати сини ваші та дочки ваші; і юнаки ваші будуть бачити видіння, і старці ваші сновидінням будуть зрозумілі. І на рабів Моїх і на рабинь Моїх у ті дні виллю від духа Мого, і будуть пророкувати» (Дії 2. 17-18).


   Про дух пророцтва (його матимуть очікуючі Другого пришестя, тобто Адвентисти Сьомого Дня):


   Цей дух буде ТІЛЬКИ В ІСТИНІЙ ЦЕРКВІ (АСД), яка дотримується заповідей Божих і віри в Ісуса (Об'явл 12.17 і 14.12).



   LOT - in Hebrew "goral", in Greek "clairons" - the means described in the Bible, with the help of which God declares his will and reveals secrets.


   Numbers 34.13 and Joshua 14.2 - Division of the land between the tribes according to their numbers.

   Josh 7.16-18 - Finding out why the Israelites were defeated at Gai (it was Achan).

   1 Samuel 10.20-21 - Saul is chosen as the first king of Israel.

   Jonah 1.7 - Determination on the ship going to Tarshish, who is the culprit of the storm - the prophet Jonah.

   Acts 1.21-26 - The selection of the twelfth apostle to replace Judas from two candidates.

   There is no doubt that the lot reveals the will of God, and this is also said in the parables of Solomon: “A lot is thrown in the floor, but its entire decision is from the Lord” (Prov 16:33). Lots were also used in the ritual on the Day of Judgment (Lev 16.5-10).

   The result of the lot is not something random, the result of which God does not determine or reacts passively. The lot is that, the outcome of which is not subject to people, but completely subject to God.

   God's decision may depend on people's stereotypes. So, the choice of Saul for the kingdom is due to the fact that the people considered high growth, athletic build and external beauty to be the main virtues of the king. This turned out to be a mistake, and the next king, David, was anointed to the kingdom in his youth and did not possess the above qualities, but he possessed completely different ones: modesty, nobility, courage, a bright mind, and most importantly, strong faith.

* * *

   The question arises: what about lotteries and other gambling games?

   The answer is as follows:

   The purpose of roulette with a metal ball, dice, machines - "one-armed bandits" and the like is completely different. This is an attempt to acquire money in an easy way, instead of getting it as a result of labor. For most people, this leads to the loss of what is, namely ruin, but even those who won large sums of money, this money does not make them happy. In general, these phenomena from the world of sin are outside of God's framework, therefore, Satan rules in this world of accidents.

   The same can be said about other things outside of God's framework, that is, His words and commandments (mysticism and occultism, astrology and witchcraft, etc.).

* * *

   Finally, I must say that there are more reliable means than drawing lots.

   The first and accessible to all now is the Bible itself. It contains God's commandments - the Decalogue - which should be the main principles of our life unchanged, including the fourth commandment about the Sabbath day. But, in addition, there are hundreds and thousands of more specific recommendations for different life situations.

   The second was not always given to the people of Israel and the church. This is the gift of prophecy. The first Christians cast lots before Pentecost, and after the descent of the Holy Spirit, the need for the lot disappeared and it was abolished (Acts 5.3,11.15-18,13.2,16.6-9).

   In the last days, this gift will also manifest itself.



Кто, злом владея, зла не причинит,

Не пользуясь всей мощью этой власти,

Кто двигает других, но, как гранит,

Неколебим и не подвержен страсти,

Тому дарует небо благодать,

Земля дары приносит дорогие,

Ему дано величьем обладать,

А чтить величье призваны другие.

בני ביתו של הקיסר


מהספר מעשי השליחים


292 קרא פרק מד בעמוד

вторник, 12 июля 2022 г.



   Хибні пророки рухаються духом брехні, що походить від диявола (Іоанн 8.44). Вони мають видіння і стверджують, що ці видіння від Господа.


   Вірні ознаки лжепророків:

- їх передбачення НЕ ВИКОНУЮТЬСЯ;

- вони «дають знамення і творять чудеса» (Матв 24.24), щоб обдурити людей і тим змусити їх

  повірити їм, що вони мають владу відкидати Закон Божий та порушувати його;

- вони стверджують, що можна грішити, і вчать так людей;

- вони вчать, що люди не зобов'язані дотримуватися суботи. «Не вказують різницю між чистим і

  нечистим і від субот Моїх вони заплющили очі свої, і Я принижений у них» (Єз 22.26).

- вони перешкоджають Євангелії Христа. «Є люди, які слухають вас і бажають спотворити

  Євангелію Христову» (Гал 1.7).

- вони заперечують Божественність Христа.

  «Всякий дух, який не сповідує Ісуса Христа, що прийшов у тілі, не є від Бога, але це дух

  АНТИХРИСТА, про який ви чули, що він прийде тепер є вже у світі» (1 Іван 4.3).


  «І тоді скажу їм: Я ніколи не знав вас; відійдіть від Мене, що роблять беззаконня» (Матв 7.23).





Taniah or Likutei Amarim - the fundamental book on Hasidism, is considered the main creation of the Old Rebbe, Rabbi Shneur-Zalman (1746-1813; 5505-5573 in Hebrew chronology) - the founder of the Hasidic doctrine of Chabad.

The book consists of several treatises, the first of which is called "The Book of Mediums" (that is, people occupying the middle level between the righteous and the wicked), followed by: "The Gate of Unity and Faith", "The Message of Repentance", "The Holy Message" and "Final Treatise".

The Lubavitcher Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson calls Taniah "The Written Torah of Hasidism."

The previous Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzhak Schneerson, established the custom of daily studying the lesson of Taniah. The Lubavitcher Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson refers this lesson to one of the "three lessons that are the same for every soul," and in many of his letters calls for observing these lessons (daily Torah, Tegilim, and Taniah)


Taniah's philosophy

Taniah, as its author points out, is written for the "seekers" and the "confused". Such foundations of faith as the Existence of God, creatio ex nihilo, Revelation, are accepted by the author as given. Others, such as the attributes of the Divine, Providence, Unity, Messianism, etc., are considered by him as constituent parts of his ethical system and are illuminated by the light of Kabbalah.

The main purpose of Taniah's book is to become a practical guide, charting a new path of Divine ministry in which the various parts of the book are to be "guides."

Rabbi Shneur Zalman (believes that the average individual is endowed with moral strength, if only he makes the necessary effort to suppress and control these discordant forces, even if he does not know how to eradicate them completely. Therefore, he is confident that the harmony of the individual can be achieved, in any case, in the entire sphere of real and practical moral life. The author of Taniah writes that the souls of non-Jews have a different origin from the souls of Jews. In the modern civilized world, such expressions cause rejection and justified indignation.




The main drawback of Britain, Hasidism and Judaism - are too complex and fog CLARIFICATION IN CONTRAST TO BIBLICAL simplicity LINKS TO Kabbalah, which is Hell, propaganda of exclusivity of the Jewish nation and hatred of non-Jews, and most importantly - rejection of Jesus of Nazareth as the Messiah-Christ!




Дух Святой - два коротких слова.

Сколько силы в себе таят!

Дух Святой - Бог сошёл на землю

Нас учить, утешать, прощать.


Сколько мира и благодати

В нашей жизни приносишь Ты!

Наш хранитель! Наш благ даятель!

Дух Святой, как нам нужен Ты!


Обличенья Твои, советы,

Так нужны нам в земном пути.

Только силой Твоей согретые

Мы способны, Господь, расти.


Дух Святой, нет тебя надежней,

Нет сильнее, мудрей, верней.

Часто, жаль, оценить не можем,

Что имеем в любви Твоей.


Сколько силы и утешенья

В трудный час посылаешь Ты,

И в пустыне суровой, дикой,

Я с Тобою могу идти.


Если враг тупики воздвигнет,

Не боюсь я - со мною Ты.

Сколько сладости, упованья,

Ты даришь мне в земном пути.


Сладость-жизнь всю Тебе доверить,

Покориться Тебе во всём,

На Тебя Одного надеяться,

Не тревожиться ни о чём.


Эту сладость не променяю

Снова я на земной покой.

Дух Святой - Ты моя отрада,

Мой защитник и мой покой!


Моё сердце Тобой наполни

До краёв, без остатка, всё,

Чтобы святости плод духовный

Завершил спасенье моё!



מהספר מעשי השליחים


283 קרא פרק מג בעמוד



   Справжній пророк у видінні має відкриті очі, не дихає і не усвідомлює, що твориться навколо нього в земному житті.

   Він надихається Святим Духом.


   Він навчає вірувати в Христа та Його Євангеліє.

   Він наставляє каяттю у гріхах і покірності Закону.

   Він учить дотримуватися суботи Господньої:

   «Якщо ти утримаєш ногу твою заради суботи від виконання забаганок твоїх у святий день Мій, і будеш називати суботу відрадою, СВЯТИМ ДНЕМ ГОСПОДНІМ, вшановуваним, і вшануєш її тим, що не будеш займатися звичайними твоїми справами, догоджувати твоїм забаганкам та марнословити, то будеш мати радість у Господі, і Я зведу тебе на висоти землі і дам скуштувати тобі спадщину Якова, батька твого: уста Господні промовили це» (Іс 58.13-14).


   Його вчення буде узгоджене з ВСІМИ попередніми пророками і Божими справами.


понедельник, 11 июля 2022 г.



The synthetic theory of evolution (also modern evolutionary synthesis) is a new evolutionary theory, which is said to be "a synthesis of various disciplines, primarily genetics and Darwinism, also based on paleontology, taxonomy, molecular biology, and others."

It is believed that the evolutionary act took place when "selection retained a gene combination, atypical for the previous history of the species." As a result, for the implementation of evolution, it is allegedly necessary to have three processes:

1. mutational, generating new variants of genes with low phenotypic expression;

2. recombination, creating new phenotypes of individuals;

3. breeding, determining the correspondence of these phenotypes to the given habitat or growth conditions.


 All supporters of the synthetic theory recognize the participation of the three listed factors in the evolution.

An important prerequisite for the emergence of a new theory of evolution was the book by the English geneticist, mathematician and biochemist JBS Haldane, Jr., who published it in 1932 under the title The Causes of Evolution. Haldane, creating the genetics of individual development, immediately included the new science in solving the problems of macroevolution.

Basic provisions of STE

In the 1930s and 1940s, a "synthesis of genetics and Darwinism" took place quickly. Genetic ideas have penetrated into taxonomy, paleontology, embryology, biogeography. The term "modern" or "evolutionary synthesis" comes from the title of the book by J. Huxley "Evolution: The Modern synthesis" (1942). The expression "synthetic theory of evolution" in its exact application to this theory was first used by J. Simpson in 1949.

The authors of the synthetic theory disagreed on a number of fundamental problems and worked in different areas of biology, but they were almost unanimous in their interpretation of the following basic provisions:

• the local population is considered an elementary unit of evolution;

• material for evolution is mutational and recombination variability;

• natural selection is considered as the main reason for the development of adaptations, speciation and the origin of supraspecific taxa;

• gene drift and the principle of the founder are the reasons for the formation of neutral traits;

• a species is a system of populations reproductively isolated from populations of other species, and each species is ecologically isolated;

• speciation consists in the emergence of genetic isolating mechanisms and is carried out mainly in conditions of geographic isolation.

Thus, "the synthetic theory of evolution can be characterized as a theory of organic evolution by natural selection of genetically determined traits."

The postulate of the population as the smallest evolving unit remains valid. However, a huge number of organisms without a sexual process remains outside the scope of this definition of a population, and this seems to be a significant incompleteness of the synthetic theory of evolution.

Natural selection is not the only driver of evolution.

Evolution is not always divergent in nature.

Evolution is not necessarily gradual. It is not excluded that in some cases individual macroevolutionary events may also have a sudden character.

Macroevolution can go both through microevolution and its own ways.

Aware of the insufficiency of the reproductive criterion of the species, biologists still cannot offer a universal definition of the species both for forms with a sexual process and for agamic forms.

The random nature of mutational variability does not contradict the possibility of the existence of a certain canalization of evolutionary pathways that arises as a result of the past history of the species. The theory of nomogenesis or evolution based on regularities, put forward in 1922-1923, should also become widely known. L.S. Berg. His daughter RL Berg considered the problem of randomness and regularity in evolution and came to the conclusion that “evolution takes place along permitted paths” (RL Berg, “Genetics and Evolution”, Selected Works, Novosibirsk, Nauka, 1993, pp. .283).

Along with monophilia, the widespread occurrence of paraphilia is recognized.

A certain degree of predictability, the possibility of predicting the general directions of evolution (the provisions of the latest biology are taken from: Nikolai Nikolaevich Vorontsov, 1999, pp. 322 and 392-393) is also a reality.

We can confidently say that the development of STE will continue with the emergence of new discoveries in the field of evolution.



Criticism of the synthetic theory of evolution

The synthetic theory of evolution "is not in doubt among the majority of biologists (so-called theorists)": it is believed that the process of evolution as a whole is satisfactorily explained by this theory.

As one of the criticized general provisions of the synthetic theory of evolution, one can cite its approach to explaining secondary similarity, that is, close morphological and functional characters that were not inherited, but arose independently in phylogenetically distant branches of the evolution of organisms.

According to neo-Darwinism, all the characteristics of living things are completely determined by the genotype and the nature of selection. Therefore, parallelism (secondary similarity of related creatures) is explained by the fact that organisms have inherited a large number of identical genes from their recent ancestor, and the origin of convergent traits is entirely attributed to selection. At the same time, it is well known that similarity traits that develop in sufficiently distant lineages are often maladaptive and therefore cannot be plausibly explained either by natural selection or by common inheritance. The independent emergence of identical genes and their combinations is deliberately excluded, since mutations and recombination are random processes.

In response to such criticism, supporters of the synthetic theory may object that the ideas of S.S.Chetverikov and R. Fisher about the complete randomness of mutations have now been significantly revised. Mutations are random only in relation to the environment, but not to the existing organization of the genome. Now it seems quite natural that different parts of DNA have different resistances; accordingly, some mutations will occur more often, others less often. In addition, the set of nucleotides is very limited. Consequently, there is a possibility of an independent (and, moreover, completely random, unreasonable) appearance of identical mutations (up to the synthesis by species far from each other of the same and similar proteins that could not get them from a common ancestor). These and other factors determine a significant secondary repeatability in the structure of DNA and may explain the origin of non-adaptive similarity from the standpoint of neo-Darwinism as a random choice from a limited number of possibilities.

Another example - criticism of STE by supporters of mutational evolution - is associated with the concept of punctualism or "intermittent balance". Punctualism is based on a simple paleontological observation: the duration of stasis is several orders of magnitude longer than the duration of the transition from one phenotypic state to another. Based on the available data, this rule is generally valid for the entire fossil history of multicellular animals and has a sufficient amount of evidence.

The authors of punctualism oppose their view to gradualism - Darwin's view of gradual evolution through small changes - and consider intermittent equilibrium to be sufficient reason to reject the entire synthetic theory. This radical approach has sparked a 30-year debate around the concept of intermittent equilibrium. Most authors agree that there is only a quantitative difference between the concepts of “gradual” and “discontinuous”: a long-term process appears as an instantaneous event, being depicted on a compressed timeline. Therefore, punctualism and gradualism should be considered as complementary concepts. In addition, supporters of the synthetic theory rightly note that intermittent equilibrium does not create additional difficulties for them: prolonged stasis can be explained by the action of stabilizing selection (under the influence of stable, relatively unchanging conditions of existence), and rapid change - by S. Wright's theory of shifting equilibrium for small populations , with sharp changes in the conditions of existence and / or in the case of the passage of a species or any of its isolated part, population, through the bottleneck.

And finally, the ardent opponents of all such evolutionary theories are CREATIONIST SCIENTISTS, that is, supporters of the creation of the world by the Creator, and it is not by accident that there are too many arguments in favor of rejecting Darwin's and the likelihood of a similar hypothesis. But most biologists stubbornly continue to "believe" in evolution.

   Julian Huxley's calculations:

   Mutations are different: for one true one, thousands of unbelievers.

   Mutations happen to all creatures, such as flies, but they continue to be flies. No one has ever seen the opposite happen.

   Serious mutations are harmful and even lead to the death of the animal.

   “Artificial selection seems to refute rather than support evolution” (On Call, July 3, 1972, pp. 8-9).

There is one useful mutation per 1000 (experiment with fruit flies). 1 mutation - 1 breed. To get 2 useful mutations, we need to breed 10002 breeds, 3 useful mutations - 10003 breeds, n useful mutations - 1000n breeds (since we should get the next mutation only in a breed where ALL previous mutations were useful).

   In order for the transition to a more highly developed organism to occur, a million such beneficial mutations are needed, and the number of breeds - 10001.000.000 - a number with three million zeros. This is incomparably more than elementary particles in the Metagalaxy.


OTHER ARGUMENTS AGAINST: Although the new non-Darwinian theory is accepted by many scientists, it cannot be considered correct, because:

1. Geochronological ages of rocks and fossils, estimated by incorrect formulas, are still incorrect, not proven and are calculated using circular reasoning.

2. Incorrect assessment of the found remains, not to mention the fossils found in the layers mentioned above, for example, giant finds that are hidden from ordinary visitors to museums.

3. Inanimate and especially living nature is not taken into account as an undoubted product of the mind, for example, the complex structure of a living cell.

4. Even if we assume that God controlled evolution, this is not confirmed, since intermediate links between the types of animals have not been found.

5. Man is not like any animal and surpasses any of them. The found "remains of ancient people" as a result of the discovery of the genome were recognized as belonging to animals.

   It is a VERY Pity that the so-called scientists do not deal with other bottlenecks of this "new" theory at all, they keep silent about the problems and sacrifice them to fantasies.