суббота, 4 сентября 2021 г.



The apostle John wrote:

Who says "I know him" but does not follow His commandments, is a liar, and there is NOT true; and who respects his word, truly the love of God made: from this we learn that in him. Who says that dwells in him, he should walk as he walked.

1 John 2.4-6

Hence the conclusion that those who do not come to the teachings of Christ, in vain to call themselves Christians and in vain their prayers to Him ( Luke 6.46, Matthew 7.23 ). How unfortunate to hear someone who was a Christian and lived in a Christian way: I NEVER DIDN’T KNOW YOU. Depart from me, who practice lawlessness.

Because to not be bitterly disappointed and regret later, check whether OUR LIFE to the TEACHINGS of Christ.


Even in ancient times have been instructed to keep the commandments of God ( Deut 4.2 ).

But people ignored them ( Matthew 15.3, 7-9). The Jews at that time replaced the word of God in human myths.

When we enter into the life and teachings of Christians, then we see that here the same thing happened.


The difference in the doctrine of Christ and Christians


Christ taught to worship God in spirit and truth of God ( Psalm 119.86, John 4.21-23 ).  It should be guided by the second commandment  ( Exodus 20.4-5 ).


In the Church of the ancient Christians did not have any images. But gradually this "artificial matter" into the Church. First icons belong to the III-IV century. First icon makers of sparking mass protests by Christians (icon-fighters movement). But language strategic influence prevailed, icons-fighters were declared heretics and icon-ministry makers of was legitimized in 787, the seventh Ecumenical Council.


Christ never abolished Saturday and not introducing the celebration of another day. On the contrary, he commanded to keep this commandment.

The celebration of the first day of the week (day of the Sun) was introduced by Emperor Constantine in 321, and legitimized by the Laodikia Cathedral in 364.


Nowhere in Scripture does not refer to the worship of the cross and "procession with the sign".

The worship of the cross was introduced by Emperor Constantine in 328 ad. The sign appeared in the 360, in the times of Bishop Miletius, and approved in the year 680. It would replace a baptism by faith ( Mark 16.16 ).


The Christians introduced rites, and many others not mentioned in the Gospel:

The IV century the veneration of relics and remains of the dead, a pilgrimage to the Holy places,

the erection of magnificent temples; wearing gold vestments of priests (modern look they got 600 g.); the prayer "Theotokos"

545 - introduced by Vigiliusom light candles at the church service, even on a clear day, and 604, this became a sacred rite

532 - Pope Boniface introduced the rite to pray only facing East

813 - set "assumption of the Virgin"

682 - sprinkled water entered

370 - written "liturgy of St. Basil the great"


In addition, the prayer to the dead and funeral services.

But given a warning not to contact the dead, because they know nothing and can help the living, what God said through the Prophet (Isaiah 8.19-20).

Nevertheless, many Christians have begun to refer to the dead at the end of the 2nd century.

The end III century entered the funeral services, and at the end of the IX century approved by

337 - during the time of Bishop Julius introduced the censing incense

550 - entered Holy unction (extreme unction) before his death

6TH century - invented the doctrine of purgatory

993 - entered the reckoning as a Saint "


Christ expounded His teachings clear and understandable ( John 17.6-8 ).

The same Christian leaders were quite different. In 600, entered service on the incomprehensible God-language, and in 1229, the Cathedral of Toulouse forbade the laity to read the Bible.


Other anti-Christian ruling the Eastern and Western Churches:

715 - adoration of the Virgin Mary and all the Saints

809 - the kissing of the feet of the Pope

1013 - the celibacy of the clergy (the Catholics)

1204 - trials against "heretics"

12th century - Inquisition torture


Sins according to the Scriptures, confess before God  ( Acts 20.21 ).

In 1123, the Lateran Cathedral installed a confession to a priest.

This is wrong, because if we have sinned before God, then it should repent. If we have sinned against the Middle should also confess to proceedings before him and ask forgiveness ( Jacob 5.16 ).


The emergence of such false doctrine predicted Apostles ( 2 Pet 2.1, Acts 20.30, 2 Tim 3.13 ).

These false teachers, unfortunately, happened to attract millions of people. And it is not surprising that among the Christians there is neither peace nor love nor good relations, and the constant strife and fratricide.


Today God is departed from it people to:

Thus says the Lord: stay on your own and consider, and ask about the ways of the ancients, where the good way is, and walk on it, and you will find rest for your souls.

Jeremiah 6.16

If you abide in My Word, you are truly my disciples, and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

John 8.31-32






   Какого рода деятельность составляла большую часть служения Христа?


   «И ходил Иисус по всей Галилее, уча в синагогах их и проповедуя Евангелие Царствия и исцеляя всякую болезнь и всякую немощь в людях» ( Матф 4.23 ).




   Какое пророчество нашло исполнение в этих делах?


   «Он изгнал духов словом и исцелил всех больных, да сбудется реченное чрез пророка Исаию, который говорит: «Он взял на Себя наши немощи и понёс болезни» » ( Матф 8.16-17 ).




   В случае, когда женщина исцелилась от своей болезни, что дало силу её прикосновению к одежде Христа?


   «Он сказал ей: дерзай, дщерь! Вера твоя спасла тебя; иди с миром»                                               ( Лука 8.48 ).




   Прежде чем послать двенадцать учеников на служение, какую силу дал им Христос?


   «Созвав же двенадцать, дал им силу и власть над всеми бесами, и врачевать от болезней, и послал их проповедовать Царствие Божие и исцелять больных»                                                       ( Лука 9.1-2 ; см. Матф 10.1,7-8 , Лука 10.1,9 ).

המדע מגלה את אלוהים


אין המפץ הגדול

אין אבולוציה

יש קדוש ברוך הוא   -   אלוהים הבורא היקום !!!




пятница, 3 сентября 2021 г.






   Что Господь говорит о Себе?


   «Я Господь, целитель твой» ( Исх 15.26 ).


   «Он прощает все беззакония твои, исцеляет все недуги твои» ( Пс 102.3 ).




   Что было обещано Израилю при условии, если он будет повиноваться Богу?


   «Итак соблюдай заповеди… И отдалит от тебя Господь всякую немощь» ( Втор 7.11-15 ).

   Когда в результате непослушания Иеровоама его рука одеревенела, как потом она была восстановлена?


   «И сказал царь человеку Божию: умилостиви лице Господа, Бога твоего, и помолись обо мне, чтобы рука моя могла поворотиться ко мне. И умилостивил человек Божий лице Господа, и рука царя поворотилась к нему, и стала как прежде» ( 3 Цар 13.6 ).




   Как была исцелена Мариамь после того, как её поразила проказа?


   «И возопил Моисей к Господу, говоря: Боже, исцели её!» ( Чис 12.13 ).




   Какую ошибку совершил Аса, будучи тяжелобольным?


   «И сделался Аса болен ногами на тридцать девятом году царствования своего, и болезнь его поднялась до верхних частей тела; но он в болезни своей взыскал не Господа, а врачей» ( 2 Пар 16.12 ).




   Как Илия вернул отрока к жизни?


   «И, простершись над отроком трижды, он воззвал к Господу и сказал: Господи, Боже мой! да возвратится душа отрока сего в него! И услышал Господь голос Илии, и возвратилась душа отрока сего в него, и он ожил» ( 3 Цар 17.21-22 ).




   Каков был ответ на молитву Езекии об исцелении?


   «Так говорит Господь, Бог Давида, отца твоего: Я услышал молитву твою, увидел слёзы твои, и вот, Я прибавлю к дням твоим пятнадцать лет» ( Ис 38.5 ).

 И сказал: если ты будешь слушаться гласа Господа, Бога твоего, и делать угодное пред очами Его, и внимать заповедям Его, и соблюдать все уставы Его, то не наведу на тебя ни одной из болезней, которые навел Я на Египет, ибо Я Господь [Бог твой], целитель твой.

                                                                  Исход 15.26



When Christianity in the light of the prophetic Scriptures, seeing it a little to keep from the teachings of Christ and his commands. To replace Its regulations introduced multi-numerous pagan customs and human judgment. The Antichrist has taken place not only in the Catholic Church, but also in churches of other denominations.

For Example:

- Lutherans, who split from the Catholic catechism have changed commandments, derived from the papacy.

- In an Orthodox Catechism of the ten commandments are Biblical, but violation they allowed.

The second commandment prohibited the worship of idols and images, and the Church teaches the worship of icons. The fourth commandment says "remember the Sabbath day, and priests are instructed to consecrate the first day of the week.

-The same thing happens in nearly all other Christian confession. More or at least, non-Christian dogma, they worship the Antichrist.


And amazed the whole earth, taking care of the beast and worshiped the DRAGON who gave authority to the beast.

Revelation 13.3


"Time, times and half-time»

The Scriptures indicate the time the rule of Antichrist  ( Dan 7.25, Rev 13.5 ).

In the Hebrew original, the phrase "time, times, and half-time means " YEAR, TWO YEARS AND HALF-YEAR ", or three and a half years, or 42 months.

In Revelation 12.14 has the same phrase. While persecution is 1260 days, which is consistent with 42 months ( v.6 ).

In the prophecy of the day means year  ( Ezek. 4.6 ). Therefore, THE PERIOD OF DOMINATION OF THE MYSTERY OF LAWLESSNESS UNDER THE GUISE OF PIETY - 1260 years.


This is completely done.

Introduced in the year 476 West after the fall of Rome and the papacy established after three rebellious tribes as a nexus of secular and spiritual power

in the year 538.

To count 1260 years, we get:

538 + 1260 = 1798

In 1798, French troops occupied Rome and the Papal Palace of the Vatican. Without the slightest respect for Sana'a Pope (Pius VI), issued from its rooms, items removed from his hands valuable rings and himself, contrary to the request was taken prisoner in France. He died the following year (Vipner, "new history", p. 327). For it is written:

Who is captured, he will be captured.

Revelation 13.10

The defeat of the papacy in revelation is symbolized by the wounding of the beast (Rev. 13.3). After the papal authority and the death of Pius VI, it seemed that the papacy came to an end. But less than two years as circumstances have changed, and was elected the new Pope Pius VII.

March 14, 1800 he was crowned. The new papacy was only a shadow of the former proud "ruler of the world" and "Vicar of Christ". However, in 1869, the Cathedral was rebuilt in Vatican dogma of infallibility of the popes, but in 1929, Mussolini reconstructed in miniature secular power of the Pope, returning back to the Papal Palace in the Vatican area.

Since that time, his influence is growing. BUT FORMER HIS POWER IN EUROPE IT DOES NOT REACH.

"Who is not with me is against me"

Many believe that the Antichrist has not yet arrived and that he had come "with horns and a tail, with the smell of tar and sulfur and accompanied by Ministers of hell". In the Scriptures there is no proof of such Fables. There is written:

As such, false apostles, crafty [ye] workers are kind of the Apostles of Christ. And no wonder: because Satan himself takes the form of an Angel of light.

2 Corinthians 11.13-14


Matthew 7.20

From here, you can see that the ANTICHRIST is the PAPACY UNDER the GUISE of a SERVANT of the truth. Not wanting to be catch and unmasked, the Antichrist inspires people that "it isn't". It is advantageous to him, to keep people in their power. The same methods 2000 years ago the devil inspired people that Savior didn't come, the Jews made this false teaching.

And now we shall make a comparison between the teachings of the Antichrist and the teachings of Christ to the Antichrist even clearer was unmasked and everyone could turning away from it and turn to Christ the Savior.



          The doctrine of Antichrist                                                      Teachings of Christ


"Who would dare to read the Bible without                           Learn the Scriptures, because you think

permission of the Bishop or Inquisitor,                                  they have eternal life; and they

one cannot receive the remission of Greece                         showed me. " "Blessed is the reading

HOV, until the Bible to his Director                                        and those who hear the words of the prophecy”

the priest "(Thirty. GSS. 1546, this"                                      (John 5.39, Rev 1.3).

Dept. IV).


"Recognize that the Pope has"                                              “Do not add to what I park-

the power to change the Holy Scripture.                                blow you, and please not to. " "If

By his will he can to it                                                             you will abide in my word, you are truly

either add or take away                                                          My students" (Deut 4.2, John 8.31).

(Veng. ispov. faith, par. 4.5).


"Dad-the Holy Father on Earth."                                            "Father" is not a righteous man on Earth

Princes and Kings, ruler of the world who would do good      and does not sin”

(Xp and Papa Yang Toul, art. 8.2). "Dad, how would.           "God is faithful, and everyone man

and vicar of Christ can not be                                                 wrong liar "(Ecclesiastes 7.20, Rome 3.4).

in matters of faith "(Enz. Sl. Pav., c. 1555).


Blessed Virgin Mary, our                                                       “Is one God, and one Mediator                               Mediatress Through                                                               it between God and man-man

people have the forgiveness of sins. It is                                Christ Jesus. " "For there is no other

Sacrifice the reconciliation of mankind ".                                name under heaven given among men,

"The saints are praying in the sky and helps                           which must be saved". "We

Ute believers on Earth and souls in clean-                              have an advocate before the father, Jesus

anti-virus applications. "The priests of the essence through   Christ the righteous: He has umilostiv-

Nicky God, they represent the identity of                                 for our sins "(1 Tim 2.5, Acts

God "(Xp and dad with. 10).                                                    4.12, 1 John 2.1).


"Confession is confession of the sin of each                          “But I opened my SIN to THEE and hid not

smoke a sinner. Even in the most secret                                of my iniquity; I said: I will confess

He must confess his sins                                                        before the LORD my crimes; and you removed the

a priest. Who is rejected, will be                                             with me the guilt of my SIN "(Psalm 32.3).

cursed (Tr. p., p. 14).


"By the power of his power, I change the law"                        “Do not think that I came to break

us ". "Everything that the new Pope will establish                   the law, or the prophets: do not disturb when-

whether it is based on The Pisa went                                      I, but to fulfill. For truly said

scientific or not, there are true, is lovable,                               you: till heaven and Earth, willfinished not

and therefore should be valued                                               no one jot or one tittle not will finished

higher than the commandments of the living God "                 from the law, until it reaches everything.

(Veng. ispov. faith, Szadek Èrid, p. 38).                                  So, who would break one of the commandments still

                                                                                                 shred and teach so people, the smallest

                                                                                                 be called least in the Kingdom of heaven;

                                                                                                 and who work and teach, the great will  be

                                                                                                 in the Kingdom of heaven. Because, said

                                                                                                 you if God your not pre-

                                                                                                 rises the righteousness of the scribes and fari-

                                                                                                 sees, you will not enter the Kingdom of heaven”

                                                                                                 (Matt 20-5.17).


The false teaching of Antichrist by more than one billion Catholics. But other churches (Orthodox and Protestant) are subject to the doctrine of Antichrist.

So everyone should understand the tenets of its faith, compare them with the word of God and seek with all your heart to the Savior, who lovingly takes all.

Modern guns of the Antichrist

The closer the end of time, the more refined is the Antichrist.

His instruments are now scientists and philosophers. They criticize the Bible and challenged its authenticity, reject the divinity of Christ and detract from the value of its victim. Finally, developed the concept, atheistic denying God's existence and criminalizing human death in the deity.

German philosopher f. Nietzsche taught that evil of modern life-in the Gospel. He preached permissiveness and hatred as a guarantee of progress and the emergence of supra-man "(Peter S. Dos., s. 18-19). The implications of this practice known to all.

So, from a detailed study of the word of God and church history reveals that the Antichrist with all his lies, hatred, murder, blasphemy, persecution for belief and perversion of the teachings long ago mastered the Christian world, and people unconsciously to reinforce its evil will.

Therefore, each must choose who to follow and who will perform or adversary - Christ or His enemy  ( Luke 11.23, John 14.15 ).