суббота, 22 октября 2016 г.


"Look, the brethren who are not captivated

you by philosophy and empty enticing

according to legend, not on the Christ".

Num 2.8


10. The responses of the opponents

In recent years a more sly and subtle hoax, than just a change of Saturday  on Sunday. Many Christians refuse to observe the Sabbath, arguing that "Christ abolished the law".  They claim that do not celebrate any day, however, as usually, going to church on Sundays, because “on this day Christ resurrected". But is it really? What is the relevance of the Bible to such statements? Let’s catch.


10.1. Ttwo laws; map No. 1

As has already been said, the moral law was given from the creation of the universe; he is not-hestitated, it was mentioned above, and in this there is no doubt.

But Sin led to the fact that it took another and another law, which we call law of Moses. Thus, they became two: “And all Israel THY LAW overstepped and turned back, and for it effused at us the curse and the oath that is written in the law of MOSES" (Dan 9.11).

Let's look at each of them.


                          The Law Of God                                                                  The Law Of Moses


1. The 10 commandments (Ex 24.12, Rom 7.7,                     1. This is the law of the Lord, he called Moses law

    Jac 2.8-12)                                                                              (Dan 9.11, Josh 23.6, Luke 2.23)


2. It said voice of God                                                             2. He was given through Moses

     (Ex 20.11, Deut 4.12-13)                                                       (Nehem 9.14, 2 Sam 21.8)


3. Written by the finger of God on stones                               3. Written in the book of Moses (Ex 24.4-7,

     (Ex 31.18 Deut 10.1-5)                                                           Deut 31.9,24)


4. Saved in the Ark (Deut 10.4-5,                                           4. Maintained at the Ark

    1 Kings 8.9 )                                                                           (Deut 31.24-26)


5. Based on relationship before existing of sin                       5. Based on relationships established after

    (1 John 2.7, Ex 20.3-17 )                                                        ( Heb 10.1-3 )


6. It shows our duties on                                                         6. He belonged to the correctional system

    towards God and neighbor                                                      and says what needs to be done to man,

    (Matt 22.36-40, Eccl 12.13-14,                                                to get rid of sin and peace with God

     Jac 2.8-12)                                                                             (Lev 4.16-20)


7. It does not apply to victims and "shadows"-                       7. He refers to victim and prototypes

    prototypes (Ex 17-20.3)                                                           (Lev 7.37)


8. reconciliation over the 10 commandments                        8. He teaches by victims,

    made a sprinkling of the blood from the victim                      as is reconciliation

    for sin above and before the Ark                                           in  Earth sanctuary

    (Lev 16.14-17)                                                                       (Lev 16.2-22, Heb 9.7-20)


9. It prescribes Saturday of                                                    9. It requires compliance with the five

    God and contains her sanctity of                                           annual celebrations and seven annuals

    (Ex 20.8-11, Heb 4.9-10)                                                       Saturdays (Lev 23)


10. it is not changed or abolished with Cross                       10. It was abolished in part victims of the rites,

      (Ps 110.7-8)                                                                          holidays and the sanctuary, which replaced

                                                                                                    other service (Col 2.14, Heb 10.1-4,

                                                                                                    Acts 15.15-17)


11. it is written in the hearts of believers and                        11. It is written in the hearts of believers and

      must be respected (Jer 31.33,                                              in New Testament should not be respected

      2 Cor 3.3, Rev 14.12)                                                            (Col 2.14-17)


12. man will be judged according to the law                         12. This law is not going to judge anyone

      well the last day (Rom 2.12,16;                                            (Col 2.16)

      Jac 2.8-12)


So the Gospel of truth can be presented as follows (map No. 1).

This is another proof that God's law is not cancelled; only the law of Moses is subject to cancellation.


10.2. The law for the Jews and the Greeks

Many believe that the 10 commandments were given only to Jews, including Saturday.

But Jesus said: "Saturday for the MAN" (Mark 2.27). The Lord is the God of all people, and has both earthly and Heavenly inhabitants share the same laws of conduct (Is 56.6-7, Deut 17.2, Ex 29.14-15, Acts 2.39, Gal. 3.28, Rom 3.29 -31).


10.3. The law in the old testament

10 Commandments in the Sinai desert, are the basis of the Old Testament. However, these principles were known to people long before Sinai. The following texts confirmed estimates it (Ex  20.3-17).


I. Ex 5.1                                         V. Gen. 44.30-31

                                                      VI. Gen 4.10

II. Gen 30.32                                 VII. Gen 38.15


III. Ex 5.2                                      VIII. Gen 30.33

                                                     IX. Gen 12.19

IV. GEN 2.2-3                                X. Gen 3.6


10.4. Law after cross


Typically, those who reject the 10 commandments that Christ taught to abide by (Matthew 5.17-19, Luke 16.17), ignore all of the Old Testament. But if they carefully read of the New Testament, would see there the same commandment:


I. Mt 4.10                                       v. Eph 6.2

                                                     VI. Jac 2.11

II. Acts 17.29                                VII. Jac 2.11

III. Jac 5.12                                   VIII. Eph 4.28

                                                     IX. Eph 4.25

IV. HEB 11-4.9                              X. Rom 7.7


10.5. That God nailed to the cross?

Many believe that the 10 commandments of God "nailed to the cross", i.e. abolished (Col 2.11-17). In other words, God cancelled his perfect law. Is it conceivable?

In this text the following rituals:

"Food and drink" - order of passover bread and meat of sacrificial animals (Ex 12.15. Lev 7.1, 6);

"The feast, the new moon, and sabbath” -  5 annual holidays and 7 sabbaths (Lev 23).

It was the shadow of Golgotha, which has lost its meaning in the New Testament.


10.6. That means "end of law - the Christ" ?

This text (Rom 10.4) is understood that Christ put an end to The Same Law. But it does not match the context (v.5,9). The law does not prevent us, however, it is a pointer to protect us from dangerous ways, and will be required until the sin exists. The ultimate goal of law - lead us to perfection by Christ for righteousness to all - whom the believer. If the same Act is cleared, then there is no sin and sinners, and Christ in vain died. He has not fulfilled the law for us, and only showed us an example of obedience to him. In addition, it uses the Greek word "Telos" (goal).


10.7.  The other "evidence"

Our opponents often quote the Apostle Paul. They forget that he was,Jew, far from the idea of lifting the 10 commandments, secondly, the Apostle of the Gentiles, who also taught to respect them. He wrote that "to the people of God still “Sabbathood” (Heb 4.9). However Epistles - Catechist - written in complicated special specific language, and these are misinterpetators of the Scriptures (2 Pet 3.15-16).

So, reading "Gal 3.10" - they argue that we are under a curse, as did Executive thread Act and can not fulfill. The Gospel is certainly teaches us that any faith Director through the power of Christ is able to fulfill the law, gradually come to agree with him (Phil 4.13, John 15.5). He who does not even have the desire to fulfill the law, voluntarily

condemns himself to perdition (1 Pet 4.17-18). As condemnation of the Criminal Code shall be felon (and not law abiding citizen) and violates God's law was under it, while the righteous is under grace (Rom 6.1,14; Gal 3.13; Rom 3.14).

In addition, almost all of the Epistle to the Galatians to legalism, i.e. formal observance of rites (Gal 2.19,21; 3.6-11.23-24, 4.9-10, 21; 5.4-6; 6.12-13). So I wouldn't use it as an argument for the abolition of the law of God.

"Acts 15" described the meeting of the Church Council in Jerusalem. Some Christians they say that there were lists everything that is necessary for salvation, and not as a law and Saturday. But we must proceed not from this, and from the fact that we have a strong up arguments in favor of the sanctity of the law which God himself has not changed and is not cancelled, and no one allowed to do that.


10.8. The two extremes

In Christianity were always two extremes that ruin a person. The first extreme formalism. People think that all of God's commands, visit the Church and worship gives him eternal life and the evasion of this beryl in the infernal heat. Others, however, argue that to save enough to only the confession of faith, and have no value. Both are deeply misguided. The Apostle Paul wrote that for salvation by grace, unmerited grace, need not only faith but also case - God's law - as an indicator of this belief (Eph 2.8-10). If who profess Christian faith and does not want to comply with even one commandment of the law, this faith its belves (Jac 2.8-12).


10.9. So why debate on repeal of the law?

It is interesting that Christians, reject the law, still observe the 9 commandments of him and do not argue with them. Looking at it, it is easy to guess that the idea of REPEALING the LAW PURSUES ITS GOAL OF ELIMINATION AND DESTRUCTION OF BIBLICAL SATURDAY, and no otherwise.

Many are proud of his righteousness, his spiritual gifts - healing, new languages, etc.  but it is only hypocrisy and deceit (Is 29.13-14). So the Lord says in the last day: "depart from me, who practice lawlessness" (Matt 7.21-23). Not God forbid someone of you turn out to be among them.


No. 43

The Act continued

The Holiness of God revealed,

And the ten words of the sacred

His Act has concluded.

Love to people and to God

We can show that,

When will true

The law Of love.

Because love is based

The law of the creator, Holy

And given to execution

To us in this life on Earth.



   «Сделай себе ковчег…   длина ковчега триста локтей;  ширина его пятьдесят локтей,  а высота его тридцать локтей» ( Бытие 6.14-15 ).
   «В то время были на земле исполины…  это сильные, издревле славные люди» ( ст.4 ).

   Оказывается, наше привычное представление о размерах Ноева ковчега не совсем правильное.
   Древняя единица измерения длины - локоть - это примерное расстояние от кончика среднего вытянутого пальца до локтя взрослого человека и составляет примерно полметра.  Размеры ковчега в метрах, указанные в Библии, таким образом, 150х25х15 .
   Однако в другом тексте говорится об «исполинах», населявших Землю. Дело в том, что жители допотопного мира были в два и более раза выше нас ростом. Это подтверждают скелеты трёх-  и четырёхметрового роста, найденные в разных местах земного шара. Размеры животных тоже были несколько иные.
   Следовательно, локоть ( подобно английскому ярду ) предположительно определялся антропометрическими данными и мог быть, например, в два раза больше, то есть размеры ковчега 300х50х30 метров.
   А это больше, чем у знаменитого «Титаника», который был длиной 259.83 м ,  шириной 28.19 м ,  высотой 55 ( от киля до верхушки трубы )  и 19 м ( от ватерлинии до шлюпочной палубы ) .

   Мы знаем, что :

- на ковчеге было всего 8 человек
- многие животные могут жить в воде

   Мы можем предположить, что :
- были взяты только основные виды животных
- не все животные были огромных размеров
- некоторые из них взяты не во взрослом состоянии или их яйца 
   Что же касается поисков на горе Арарат, то, во-первых, отдельные брёвна возрастом 4.5 тысячи лет там уже обнаружили, а во-вторых, серьёзые поиски ещё и не начинались, так как высота горы свыше 5000 метров и она покрыта большим слоем снега.

пятница, 21 октября 2016 г.


In Scripture it says:

All offering good and every perfect gift descends from above, from the father of lights, with no changes, and the shadows change.

Jacob 1.17

Many people ask: "Where then are the failures, disappointments, suffering, troubles with? Where did the enmity, hatred, poverty, hunger, disease, death? WHERE SO MUCH EVIL AND FROM WHOM IT EMANATES?"

From the above text shows that GOD is NOT the CAUSE of misery and adversity. On the contrary, it benefits even to those who left it:

He permitted all people go their ways, though not always evidence to about this charity. Giving us the sky rains and days that give fruits and singing meat mouth was filled with laughter, and our hearts.

Act 14.16-17

CHRIST SAID that the source of EVIL and all CRIMES was the DEVIL (John 8.42-44).

Whosoever doeth evil inevitably refers to his children, and this evil is his "Lust". The devil as their illusions and pernicious influence causes these people to evil life and self-extermination. Moreover, the devil gets their thoughts. And then from there exits something that defiles and ruining the man (Mark 7.21-23).

Although the heart (mind) is also characterized by love. The purity, humility, kindness, BUT THEY are EASILY DISLODGED UNDER the PRESSURE of evil and temptation, IF NO sources NICK SPIRITUAL FORCE for the VICTORY OVER the evil.

The devil in Rev 12.9 named the SATAN (the enemy, liar, instigator), Dragon and snake.

Considering the Inquisition, concentration camps, death Chambers, we come to the conclusion that the mere man can not do such abuse and cruelty on his co-brother, unless it is UNDER the POWER of the devil.


The origin of the devil


You were the anointed cherub to cast a shadow, and I put you on that; you were on the Holy Mount of God, walked among the fire-sparkled stones. You committed was in all his ways, till there was you.

Ezekiel 28.14-15

Therefore, God created the devil as not made man a sinner.

As said in my heart: I will ascend into heaven... I will be like the most high.

Isaiah 14.12-13

The creator gave rational beings FREE MIND. He hopes that they will express their gratitude for his grace and love, that love of truth and goodness, which gifted, and has the ability to do it.

Free will for good causes is also the free will to evil, BUT without ANY further NEED to DO MOST.

Temptation people from the devil

After the devil was dropped from the sky (Isaiah 14.12, Ezek 28.16-17), he drew his wisdom in craftiness.

HE DECEIVED and led into the SINFUL STATE of ALL MANKIND (in the person of Adam and Eve - Genesis 3.1-8):

1. Saying "Truly hath God said...?", sowed doubts about the word of God to the truth.

2. After that, he replaced the truth lies: "no, not die".

3. Then he gives and based on this false promise: "Be as gods".

But instead of turning into gods, PEOPLE LOST through sin and human dignity. Instead of immortality people wither like flowers in the field. A myriad number of graves suggest blatant lies of the devil.

Claiming to be wise, they became fools and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image of a perishable nature - such a man, and to birds, and four-footed and reptiles and God gave them over in the LUSTS of THEIR HEARTS to THEIR filthiness, so THEY DEFILED THEIR BODIES THEMSELVES. THEY CHANGED THE TRUTH OF GOD'S LIE.

Romans 1.22-25

When Satan has dampened people's mind, he stole their rights and became, in the words of Christ, the “prince” of this world " (John 14.30) and, in the words of the Apostle Paul, "God of this world" (2 Cor 4.4). It repels people away from the true light of life (John 3.19-21).


The victory over the devil provided


Jesus came to Earth to destroy the works of the Devil  (1 John 3.7-8).

He defeated the devil as follows:

And as children involved in flesh and blood, and he took them to by the DEATH to DEFRAUD FORCE HAS the POWER of DEATH, that is, the devil, and save those that fear of death through all life were subject to slavery.

Hebrews 2.14-15

The MAIN WEAPON AGAINST the DEVIL-the WORD of GOD (Matthew 4.1-4, 7.10-11). The weapons were the first humans, but ignored them. In addition, the spiritual weapons are:





The READINESS to PREACH (Ephes 6.11-17).

Satan tried to in the heart of Christ the person to introduce the evil inclinations, but to no avail:

Is the Prince of this world, and I DON'T HAVE ANYTHING.

John 14.30


Satan wanted Jesus to lost love. But he has not lost the love to friends and even on the cross prayed: "Father! Forgive them, for they know not what they do" (Luke 23.34).

Methods of Satan (cruelty and violence) is totally different from Christ's mercy and LOVE.

Christ wants to draw us to himself and to release from the power of the devil. He could save from the power of darkness anyone who believes Him, asks him to awake, and prays to God.

When he healed the sick, then ask them whether they believe that they have identified their goodwill.


Say to this mountain, "move from here to there" and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.

Matthew 17.20

We must know that SATAN WILL FOREVER REIGN on EARTH (Rev 12.12, 2 Thess 2.8) . "His sentence has already been handed down, and would not you..." (Ezekiel 28.18-19).

Now the devil "walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour"  (1 Pet 5.8). Knowing this, we must turn to face him and win, and he will run away from us (Jac 4.5).

We must rely on the assistance of God with FULL CONFIDENCE in Him.

Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it shall be opened to you (Matthew 7.7).

And all you ask in prayer, BELIEVING, get (Matthew 21.22).



   Однажды пришёл цветочник к парикмахеру постричься. Когда пришла очередь
платить, парикмахер сказал: "Я не могу взять деньги. На этой неделе я стригу на общественных началах."
   Цветочник поблагодарил его и ушёл.
   На следующее утро, когда парикмахер пришёл открыть своё заведение ,перед дверью он нашёл благодарственное письмо и двенадцать роз.

   Затем пришёл постричься пекарь, но когда он хотел заплатить, парикмахер сказал:    "Я не могу взять деньги. На этой неделе я стригу на общественных началах".
   Пекарь поблагодарил и довольный ушёл.
   На следующее утро парикмахер обнаружил у двери благодарственное письмо и двенадцать пирожных.

   Пришёл стричься сенатор и когда собрался платить, парикмахер опять-таки сказал: "Я не могу взять деньги. На этой неделе я стригу на общественных началах."
   Сенатор обрадовался и ушёл.
   На следующий день, когда парикмахер пришёл на работу, у двери стояло двенадцать сенаторов, десять депутатов, пятнадцать советников, мэр и несколько министров, жена мэра и шесть детей, все на бесплатную стрижку... 

   В этом, дорогой мой друг, и заключается разница между обыкновенными
людьми и членами группы «честных» людей, которые нами управляют
   Пожалуйста, на следующих выборах голосуй внимательно и с чистой совестью !

четверг, 20 октября 2016 г.


   Вавилон - один из самых древних и богатых на земле городов, построенный, согласно Библии, потомками Ноя, был он столицей Вавилонского царства, находящегося в бассейне рек Тигра и Евфрата (территория современного Ирака). Вавилон был разрушен захватившими его персами.
   Выражение "Вавилонское столпотворение" берёт начало из библейского рассказа о тщеславной попытке людей построить в этом городе башню до небес. Строили эту башню разные народы. "И сказали они: построим себе город и башню, высотою до небес, и сделаем себе имя, прежде нежели рассеемся по лицу всей земли" (Бытие 11.4). Бог, возмущённый дерзостью людей, смешал их языки, и строители перестали понимать друг друга.
   Слово "столпотворение" на церковнославянском означает "строение столпа, башни". Говоря о беспорядке, суматохе, иногда употребляют выражение "вавилонское столпотворение".

                                                                              * * *
   Библейское повествование из первых 11 глав книги Бытие сравнительно недавно нашли своё полное подтверждение.

   Научная теория фактически повторяет библейскую картину шести дней творения: земля, первоначально окутанная густым слоем облаков, которые сделалис прозрачными, планета, залитая водой, возникновение суши, растения, жизнь в воде и позднее на земле, появление человека. Моисей опередил эту теорию на несколько тысячелетий.
   Многочисленные следы потопа можно встретить в любом уголке земли - смешение геологических слоёв, следы намывов и т.п.  Сложный процесс описан в Библии лишь схематически как "сильный дождь и открытие земных и небесных окон", описать же его точнее современная наука пока не берётся, но тем не менее различные процессы (например, разрушение высоких гор) можно объяснить только всемирным потопом.
   Человечество представляет из себя своего рода единую семью: сначала потомки Адама, позднее потомки Ноя. К такому выводу пришли учёные-генетики в начале 21 столетия, внимательно обозрев человеческий геном. Возникает единое родословное дерево, восходящее к самой первой паре сотворённых людей. Есть данные, что допотопный и послепотопный миры были очень развиты, но позднее с развитием идолопоклонства и тотемизма произошла деградация, и некоторые из народов оказались в так называемом первобытном состоянии (индейцы, папуасы, маори и полинезийцы), а другие остались высокоразвитыми (ацтеки и майя). Особое место в дальнейшей истории человечества занял Древний Восток (Средиземноморье).
   Сегодня в мире около 70 основных групп народов и соответственно примерно столько же групп языков и наречий. Анализируя языки, их группы (например, славянскую) и семьи (например, индоевропейскую), сделан однозначный вывод, что все они имеют единый корень в виде первоначального языка.
   И последнее. Практически подтвердилась теория о том, что земная суша состояла в прошлом из единого континента и впоследствии разделилась. Это произошло во времена библейского патриарха Фалека, о котором сказано, что "во дни его земля была разделена" (Бытие 10.25). Данное событие произошло примерно тогда же, когда и знаменитое смешение языков.