суббота, 5 сентября 2020 г.



In Scripture it says:

All offering good and every perfect gift descends from above, from the father of lights, with no changes, and the shadows change.

Jacob 1.17

Many people ask: "where then are the failures, disappointments, suffering, troubles with? Where did the enmity, hatred, poverty, hunger, disease, death? WHERE SO MUCH EVIL AND FROM WHOM IT EMANATES?»

From the above text shows that GOD is NOT the CAUSE of misery and adversity. On the contrary, it benefits even to those who left it:

He permitted all people go their ways, though not always evidence to about this charity. Giving us the sky rains and days that give fruits and singing meat mouth was filled with laughter, and our hearts.

Act 14.16-17

CHRIST SAID that the source of EVIL and all CRIMES was the DEVIL ( John 8.42-44 ).

Whosoever doeth evil inevitably refers to his children, and this evil is his "Lust". The devil as their illusions and pernicious influence causes these people to evil life and self-extermination. Moreover, the devil gets their thoughts. And then from there exits something that defiles and ruining the man ( Mark 7.21-23 ).

Although the heart (mind) is also characterized by love. The purity, humility, kindness, BUT THEY are EASILY DISLODGED UNDER the PRESSURE of evil and temptation, IF NO sources NICK SPIRITUAL FORCE for the VICTORY OVER the evil.

The devil in Rev 12.9 named the SATAN (the enemy, liar, instigator), Dragon and snake.

Considering the Inquisition, concentration camps, death Chambers, we come to the conclusion that the mere man can not do such abuse and cruelty on his co-brother, unless it is UNDER the POWER of the devil.

The origin of the devil

You were the anointed cherub to cast a shadow, and I put you on that; you were on the Holy Mount of God, walked among the fire-sparkled stones. You committed was in all his ways,

till there was you.

Ezekiel 28.14-15

Therefore, God created the devil as not made man a sinner.

As said in my heart: I will ascend into heaven ... I will be like the most high.

Isaiah 14.12-13

The creator gave rational beings FREE MIND. He hopes that they will express their gratitude for his grace and love, that love of truth and goodness, which gifted, and has the ability to do it.

Free will for good causes is also the free will to evil, BUT without ANY further NEED to DO MOST.

Temptation people from the devil

After the devil was dropped from the sky ( Isaiah 14.12, Ezek. 28.16-17 ), he drew his wisdom in craftiness.

HE DECEIVED and led into the SINFUL STATE of ALL MANKIND (in the person of Adam and Eve - Genesis 3.1-8):

1. saying "Truly hath God said ...?", sowed doubts about the word of God to the truth.

2. After that, he replaced the truth lies: "no, not die."

3. then he gives and based on this false promise: "Be as gods".

But instead of turning into gods, PEOPLE LOST through sin and human dignity. Instead of immortality people wither like flowers in the field. A myriad number of graves suggest blatant lies of the devil.

Claiming to be wise, they became fools and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image of a perishable nature-such a man, and to birds, and four-footed and reptiles and God gave them over in the LUSTS of THEIR HEARTS to THEIR filthiness, so THEY DEFILED THEIR BODIES THEMSELVES. THEY CHANGED THE TRUTH OF GOD'S LIE.

Romans 1.22-25

When Satan has dampened people's mind, he stole their rights and became, in the words of Christ, the “prince” of this world " ( John 14.30 ) and, in the words of the Apostle Paul," God of this world " ( 2 Cor 4.4 ). It repels people away from the true light of life ( John 3.19-21 ).

The victory over the devil provided

Jesus came to Earth to destroy the works of the Devil  ( 1 John 3.7-8 ) .

He defeated the devil as follows:

And as children involved in flesh and blood, and he took them to by the DEATH to DEFRAUD FORCE HAS the POWER of DEATH, that is, the devil, and save those that fear of death through all life were subject to slavery.

Hebrews 2.14-15

The MAIN WEAPON AGAINST the DEVIL-the WORD of GOD ( Matthew 4.1-4, 7.10-11 ). The weapons were the first humans, but ignored them. In addition, the spiritual weapons are:





The READINESS to PREACH ( Ephesus 6.11-17 )

Satan tried to in the heart of Christ the person to introduce the evil inclinations, but to no avail:

Is the Prince of this world, and I DON'T HAVE ANYTHING.

John 14.30


Satan wanted Jesus to lost love. But he has not lost the love to friends and even on the cross prayed: "our father! Forgive them, for they know not what they do " ( Luke 23.34 ).

Methods of Satan (cruelty and violence) is totally different from Christ's mercy and LOVE.

Christ wants to draw us to himself and to release from the power of the devil. He could save from the power of darkness anyone who believes Him, asks him to awake, and prays to God.

When he healed the sick, then ask them whether they believe that they have identified their goodwill.


Say to this mountain, "move from here to there" and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.

Matthew 17.20

We must know that SATAN WILL FOREVER REIGN on EARTH ( Rev 12.12, 2 Thess 2.8 ) . His sentence has already been handed down, and would not you ... "

(Ezekiel 28.18-19).

Now the devil "walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour"  ( 1 Pet. 5.8 ). Knowing this, we must turn to face him and win, and he will run away from us ( Jac 4.5 ).

We must rely on the assistance of God with FULL CONFIDENCE in him.

Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it shall be opened to you ( Matthew 7.7 ).

And all you ask in prayer, BELIEVING, get ( Matthew 21.22 ).






   Бог, сотворив мир за шесть БУКВАЛЬНЫХ дней (а никаких не геологических эпох в миллионы лет, как следует из четвёртой заповеди), «почил от всех дел Своих» (Бытие 2.3), то есть конкретно от дел творения.

   Это выражение употребляется в значении «после трудов праведных начать отдыхать».


   Сказано также, что в память об этом событии Бог благословил седьмой день недели и освятил его, и уже первые люди, Адам и Ева, соблюдали его. Этот день называется субботой. Заповедь, известная людям намного раньше Синая и даже жителям других миров намного раньше сотворения Земли, предписывает людям святить, или соблюдать этот день.

   Это значит, что в субботний день надо воздерживаться от работы и обычных дел, а также от обычных развлечений и пустых разговоров, а отдыхать физически и духовно, общаться с собратьями по вере и посещать собрание верующих. В этот день можно и даже нужно делать добрые дела и помогать попавшим в беду, чего никогда не делали фарисеи.

   Иисус Христос Сам соблюдал субботу (Лука 4.16) и учил этому же Своих учеников. Святой день никогда не будет ни отменён, ни изменён и будет соблюдаться даже в вечности, как сказал пророк Исаия.

   Все учения о том, что суббота заменена на воскресенье в Новом Завете или на какой-нибудь другой день, например, пятницу, ЯВЛЯЮТСЯ ЛОЖЬЮ.

שלושת הרגלים

מהספר   אבות האומה ונביאי ישראל

קרא   פרק   נב   בעמוד   400   




   Древнеславянское слово «хляби» (окна) означают и морскую или небесную бездну, и жидкую грязь.

   «Через семь дней воды потопа пришли на землю. В шестисотый год жизни Ноевой, во второй месяц, в семнадцатый день месяца, в сей день разверзлись все источники великой бездны, и окна небесные отворились. И лился на землю дождь сорок дней и сорок ночей» ( Бытие 7.10-12 ).

   Так описывает Библия начало всемирного потопа.

   Отсюда и произошло выражение «разверзлись хляби небесные».  Так иногда говорят о долгом проливном дожде.

                                                              * * *

   В настоящее время очень многие серьёзные учёные-геологи, исследуя намывные породы земной коры, которые оказались именно намывными, а не осадочными, согласились с тем, что всемирный потоп, уничтоживший древнейшую цивилизацию, реальное событие, анне миф, сложный процесс, названный в Библии более простыми словами. Об этом свидетельствуют и другие факты, например, пирамиды, обнаруженные под водой.

   Что же касается геохронологии Хаттона и Лайела, то это всего лишь фантазии, недоказанная гипотеза, целью которой было не установить истину, а только враждовать с религией на принцип. И сейчас возраста слоёв, которые на самом деле перемешаны или присутствуют не полностью, определяют по возрастам окаменелостей погибших животных, а возраст окаменелостей по возрасту слоёв. Позднее были придуманы примитивные логарифмические формулы и системы уравнений, где количество неизвестных больше количества самих уравнений, которые работают для определения возрастов чего либо не более чем на 4000 лет назад, а если больше, то дают ошибку на порядки, то есть лишние нули. Примером является недавнее обнаружение орудий труда первобытных людей в слое, которому якобы 500 миллионов лет. Несмотря на всё, эти так называемые теоретики продолжают упрямо стоять на своём, заботясь о собственном обогащении и престиже и пытаясь заткнуть рот несогласным при помощи любых средств, в том числе шантажа.


пятница, 4 сентября 2020 г.



We all want to know what will happen in the future:

When the war ended, enmity and hatred between peoples, concern for tomorrow

-When we finally experience peace, love and safety

THE BIBLE ANSWERS THIS QUESTION. Because nobody can predict the future, and the ONLY GOD.

Ancient States in prophecy

Apostles usually referred to the execution of prophecy  ( 2 Pet. 1.16, 19 ).

The BOOK of the PROPHET DANIEL is given for the study of the last days ( 12.4 ).  About its importance, said Christ himself ( Matthew 24.15 ).

The future was predicted in the prophetic dream of King Nebuchadnezzar ( 2.1 ). God in the night vision opened Daniel's dream and its significance ( v.17-19 ).

Daniel told the King about the omnipotence of the living God, who knows what the ignorant sages ( v.27,29 ) and presented to the King a detailed description of sleep ( v.31-35 ).

Found that impossible to find out what the dream man if he forgot the dream, without the help of the Almighty, and of the result of the Almighty God.


1. the Golden Idol head  ( Dan 2.36-38 ) - Babylon ( 604-538 BC ). One of the Russian historians wrote that none of the kingdoms to Babylon was not the supreme power and strength, as well as luxury and grandeur  ( Jeremiah 51.7, 13  -  604-561 - Board of Navuhodonosor  ).

2. However, Babylon, "" Kings, "God will destroy Sodom and Gomorrah " ( Is 13.19 ). It should take another Kingdom ( Dan 2.39 ). The chest and the hands of idol  -  Medo-Persia (538-331).  Not whether it is a revelation of God, Daniel doubted would and wouldn't say about this terrible King.

And so it happened, he said. King Cyrus conquered Babylon in 538, put an end to the world of Babylon to the State. The latter King Belshazzar is killed.

3. replaced the Medo-Persia comes third realm ( Dan 2.39 ) . This is the belly and thighs of idol -  Greece (331-161).

In the 4th century BC, the Persian Empire was conquered by the Greek Macedonian King Aleksandr the great ( battle of gaugamela - 331 ).

4. Then replace Greece comes fourth universal Kingdom ( Dan 2.40 ).

This is symbolized by the Shin - Rome ( 161 BC-476 AD ).

Alexander died at 33 years old, and the Kingdom was divided into four parts, which have the power of his 4 Commander (Kasandr, Ptolemy, Lysimachus, Selevek). They were all captured by Rome to 161, the most important event in the HISTORY of ROME - the BIRTH of CHRIST.

Modern States in prophecy

In the prophecy of the fingers are symbolized by the divided Kingdom ( Dan 2.41-43 ).

Modern States known to have emerged from parts of the Roman Empire. Example through number said that they "will merge with one another" ( v.43 ). NONE Of The Conquerors Of (Charlemagne, Charles The Fifth, Napoleon, Wilhelm, Hitler) FAILED To WIN The FIFTH Kingdom.

Man could not himself foresee this situation. This testifies to the omniscient and omnipotent God, the creator and the creator of the universe.

The Kingdom Of God

Replaced the split and eternally warring among yourselves realms coming KINGDOM of GOD  ( Dan 2.44-45  -  exclusion of stone from the mountain without helping hands). To install-made on Earth has repeatedly said Christ ( Mt 6.9-10 ).  This is a Kingdom of truth and love will be set after the second coming of Christ.

For behold, I create new heavens and a new Earth, and the former will not be com on memory and will not come on the heart ( Isaiah 65.18).

And none of the inhabit ants do not say "I am sick"; people living there will be freed of sin ( Isaiah 33.24 ).

Instead of copper will bring you gold, and instead of iron, silver and stones instead of iron; and put the ruler of your world and guards your righteousness ( Isaiah 60.17 )/


And the spirit and the bride say, come! ' And yes man will say, ' come! ' the thirsty let comes and wants to let him take the water of life freely.

Revelation 22.17





   Сотворив из хаоса небо и землю, Бог отделил свет от тьмы, создал растения и животных, а владыкой над всей землё решил поставить человека.

   Это случилось на шестой день творения.

   «И сказал Бог : сотворим человека по образу Нашему и подобию Нашему» (Бытие 1.26). Выражение подразумевало, что человек создан способным думать и со свободным разумом и выбором, то есть принятием решений, включая неповиновение, за которое, однако, есть ответственность перед Творцом.


   Так говорят, когда речь идёт о сходстве с кем-либо или чем-либо.


   Бог меня создал, как и всех, по образу и подобию своему.

                    М.Горький  ,  «Варенька Олесова»

דאגתו של אלוהים לעניים

מהספר   אבות האומה ונביאי ישראל

קרא   פרק   נא   בעמוד   395   




   Выражение возникло из библейской истории о Мардохее, жителе Иудеи, который по существовавшему древнему обычаю евреев, оплакивая несчастье, «разодрал одежды свои и возложил на себя вретище и пепел» ( Есфирь 4.1 ).

   Слово «вретище» на церковнославянском языке означает ветхую одежду. Выражение «посыпать пеплом главу» употребляется в значении «оплакивать кого-либо, скорбеть по случаю утраты и бедствия».


Посыпал пеплом я главу,

Из городов бежал я нищий,

И вот в пустыне я живу,

Как птицы, даром Божьей пищи.

                  М.Лермонтов , «Пророк»

четверг, 3 сентября 2020 г.



There is not one person on Earth who would have attracted the attention of so many people as a result of three and a half years of activity, like Jesus Christ.

Ernest Renan, French philosopher of the 19th century, the enemy of Christianity, said: «to delete your name in the world, to destroy the world to its foundations. "

Traces of the influence of Christ visible everywhere:

hospitals, nursing homes, the Red Cross

-spiritual books of best writers

-sacred music the best composers

-the world of morality

-World of beauty ( see Philippians 4.8 )

Renan said:

What would have been the fate of the unknown to us, but Jesus will never be surerlatived. His veneration will continuously grow, never will grow old; His history at any time will cause tears; His suffering always soften honourabllest heart; every century declares that the sons of mankind was NEVER GREATER THAN Jesus.

Many people think that he was a great man, a great teacher, a popular leader, social reformer and etc But here's evidence of pupils that he towers over all these titles:


John 6.69


Matthew 1.21

Question: "what do you think about the Christ?" is very important because IT DETERMINES OUR DESTINY-Salvation or condemnation.

Christ is the hope of the Patriarchs and prophets

The Patriarchs not only knew about the coming of the Redeemer (Redeemer from sin), but believed in It so much that it believed future events as would be concealed.

1. Christ of faith in him, Abraham:

Abraham, your father, was glad to see My day; and saw and rejoiced. BEFORE ABRAHAM WAS, I AM.

John 8.56, 58

Verse 58 says that Christ, as the second person of deity, there is from the days of the eternal (creation).

2. the prophecy of Isaiah:

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given to us; the Government will be upon his shoulder, and they shall call his name: Wonderful, Counsellor, the mighty God, the everlasting father, Prince of peace.

Isaiah 9.6

3. Moses wrote about him:

If you believed Moses ( Gen 1.1 and 3.15 ), ye would have believed me because he wrote about me.

John 5.46

4. the Apostle Peter also Moses and other prophets:

Moses said: Lord God of your fathers will raise you from your brothers, like me, OBEY HIM in EVERYTHING. What will he say to you; and will that every soul who does not hear that Prophet, that SHALL BE DESTROYED FROM the PEOPLE. And all the prophets, from Samuel and after him, how many of them may say, the told about this days.

Acts 3.22-24

5. the sacrifice of Christ is described in Chapter 53 of Isaiah: books

The PUNISHMENT of the world (reconciliation) OUR was on it.

Isaiah 53.5

6. the prophets foretold the resurrection of Christ:


Daniel 9.26

For as Jonah was in the belly of the whale for three days and three nights ( Jonah 2.1-11 ) and the son of Man will be in the heart of Earth three days and three nights.

Matthew 12.40

Conclusion: Patriarchs and prophets observed the coming of the Savior through the eyes of faith. This event is open to them, gave us ( 1 Pet 1.12 ).  We are the same, regardless of the response to the above, see the divine mission of Christ.

Christ is the hope of all the Apostles and of all Christians

The Apostles (the nearest disciples) Christ spoke and wrote what is seen and EVER HEARD - shawls ( 1 John 1.1 ). It should therefore be more likely to believe one witness compared to the thousands of people who have seen nothing and heard.

God the father testified about her son twice:

- baptism ( Matthew 3.11-17, 2 Pet. 1.17 ), where he took from the father honour and glory, got blessings, although it did nothing of myself

- the Transfiguration on the mount  ( Matthew 17.15, 2 Pet. 1.18 )

We have brought you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, not  following Fables, but being witness to his greatness.

2 Peter 1.16

The Apostles were based on prophecies – the word of God ( 2 Peter 1.19-21 ).


Jesus proves the certificate itself that makes the case of the father, and this confirms that he is the son of God ( John 10.25, 37-38 ). In addition, it was known that at baptism He was anointed by the Holy Spirit, and then made goods and healed all  ( Acts 10.37-38 ).

Jesus gave his disciples to spread the Gospel ( Matthew 28.18-20 ). It demonstrated the unshakable spiritual power of Christ. No one is able to make disciples not to say what they saw and heard  ( Acts 4.18-20 ).

The Apostle Paul says that the Gospel is the power of God ( Romans 1.16 ), since the author his Jesus is son of God and personal Savior of man, who is from the beginning ( the number 1.12-17 ).

Jesus Christ confirmed the faith of his disciples, because:

- God gave them the faith ( Matthew 16.15-17 )

- They accept Christ as his teacher ( John 13.13 )

-They appreciated the verbs of eternal life ( John 6.68 )

They were in close relation with him, heard the words of divine wisdom, saw with his own eyes, his love and forgiveness, witnessed the miraculous force.


For the Scripture tells us that God is LOVE ( 1 John 4.19, John 3.16 ).

The same belief will come and we will take if the call of Christ and enter in close communion with him.



   Пророк Исаия, некогда предсказавший рождение и мученическую смерть Иисуса Христа, оставил немало высказываний, вошедших в библейские тексты.

   К числу его пророчеств относится и это :

   «И будет Он судить народы, и обличит многие племена; и перекуют мечи свои на орала, и копья свои - на серпы; не поднимет народ на народ меча, и не будут более учиться воевать» ( Исаия 2.4 ).

   Фраза стала крылатой.

    «Перековать мечи на орала (плуги)»  -  установить мир между народами.

   Перед зданием ООН в Нью-Йорке установлена скульптурная композиция на эту тему работы Е.Вучетича.

                                                             *  *  *



Тот ищет проку в замысле преступном,
А этот счастье силой взять решил,
Но зеркала приставлены к поступкам,
К тебе вернется все, что совершил.
Недобрый взгляд, такой же взгляд встречает,
И на лету наткнется нож на нож,
Как эхо тем же словом отвечает,
Так в жизни - что посеешь, то пожнешь,
Что посеешь, то пожнешь.


Так повелось в миру,
Так всем нам повезло,
Что в жизни злу назло,
Добро всегда к добру…


Зло любит жить роскошно и удобно,
Добру и в этом далеко до зла,
Но даже в смертный час добро способно
Дарить надежды и рождать дела.
Добро найдет нас с трудную минуту,
Придет, когда его уже не ждешь,
Ты сам спеши добро нести кому-то,
Ведь, что посеешь в людях, то пожнешь,
Что посеешь, то пожнешь.


Так повелось в миру,
Так всем нам повезло,
Что в жизни злу назло,
Добро всегда к добру…