суббота, 6 июля 2024 г.




Among the tales of the many miracles that Jesus Christ made, mention is made of the resurrection of Lazarus, brother Mary and Martha, on the fourth day after his death : "And the deceased, entwined on his hands and feet with funerary veils, and his face was strapped with a handkerchief. Jesus tells them: untie him, let him go" (John 11.38-44).


When they want to emphasize that a man miraculously healed from a grave ailment, he is called a "resurrected Lazar".  Also, the resurrection of Lazarus is sometimes referred to as old, as the world, ideas or organizations returned from oblivion to life.


But even if the truth - alive and daunted not changed the old man - is it exactly characteristic of our time? Most people of this type are lazars, who are not resurrect even the miraculous power of art.

(M. Gorky, "Reader's Notes")


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This Testament passage is the teaching of Christ himself that death is like a dream, and the resurrection from the dead is an awakening, as can be seen from the following words: "Lazarus, our friend, has fallen asleep; But I am going to awaken him" (verse 11). The immortal soul, leaving the body, does not exist, and in the death of the conscious state is not present (Psalm 146.4, Ecclesiastes 9.5-6,10). It is not only pagan beliefs, but also lies, which Satan himself invented (Genesis 3.4). Only God is Immortal (1 Tim 6.16).


And now it will be appropriate to mention another Lazarus from all the known parable.

The fact that the Jews at the time of Christ believed in the immortality of the soul and the fact that after the death of the righteous fall into heaven, and Sinners to hell. They believe in this to this day and even in the fact that during sleep the soul flies out of the body and returns only in the morning. The first morning prayer Judea is gratitude for the return of his soul to the body (by the way, the ancient Egyptians believed). By this parable Christ does not teach that the soul is immortal, but only wants to say that each person decides his eternal fate, while he is alive, after his death, nothing can be corrected and will not help either prayers for the dead, nor donations of money to the church, nor Alternate baptism for the deceased and nothing else.


The parable of the Rich and Lazarus (Luke 16.19-31) cannot be considered literal because :

1. Man can not see without eyes, hear without ears and think without brains, besides, it is strange that in this story the souls have fingers and tongues.

2. What huge size should be "the bosom of Abraham" to accommodate all the righteous, and where did those who were born before Abraham?


Besides at that time (and now) it was considered that the beggar cannot be righteous, and wealth is God's blessing and salvation can be bought for money. But the Bible teaches the opposite: money extracted by greed, meanness and deception will lead man not to salvation, but to destruction.


"For behold, All Souls are mine: both the soul of the father, and the soul of the Son, mine: the Soul Sinneth, that will die" (Ezekiel 18.4).

"For I do not want the death of a dying man, saith the Lord God; But ask, and live!" (verse 32).

"The wages of sin is death, and the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus, the Lord" (Romans 6.23).






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