понедельник, 1 июля 2024 г.




And if you say in your heart, "How shall we know the word which is not spoken by the Lord?"  If the prophet will say the name of the Lord, but the word does not come to pass or be fulfilled, then NOT from the Lord said this word, but said this prophet by the audacity of his own.


Deuteronomy 18.21-22



In nineteen ninety nine year

In July, the King of Terror descends from heaven.

Mongols King the great alive.

And will reign later Ares.


(Catren X-72)


Before you the only catren, where Nostradamus calls the exact date of what should happen. He couldn't do otherwise. This is a global catastrophe of such magnitude that it has felt compelled to warn mankind in clear text.

Fortunately, this prediction-the most terrible of all - has not come true. Mine was laid, but the detonator didn't work. Why? We don't know that. It is only to thank "who is good and almighty" for revealed mercy.


Maybe someone has decided to give us another chance?

Maybe psychic just got the wrong time, and we still have everything ahead?


Once, as if in babbled delirium, saw Nostradamus tailed Comet from the unknown depths of the universe to crash into the land in the Atlantic Ocean. There was a global catastrophe that outshining all the horrors of the past. dying civilization was discarded to the level of the Middle Ages. Business fell apart, transport and information systems collapsed. Residents of cities in Europe and America found themselves in stone traps without electricity, gas, food. Mass epidemics and diseases began.

And then on was in agony mankind collapsed the curve of the Sword of Islam. Some Iranian Ayatollah proclaimed himself Mahdi, the Viceroy of Allah on Earth, the Lord of all Muslims, and began a holy war - jihad against the rest of humanity. In ferocity he surpassed Genghis Khan - "Great King of Mongols". Madness swept the world. Muslim fanatics rampage everywhere. Together, the Islamic hordes rushed to Europe. The Third World War began, the course of which is quite detailed in catrens.


By 2030, the world's population will be reduced by two-thirds. Four billion people are to die. That's what Nostradamus said.

It is interesting that the seer has bypassed the fate of Israel in all these turbulences. Maybe he threw a veil of pity on her. It is difficult to assume that the United Islamic world under favorable conditions will not collapse all its power on a dwarf country, created by Jews on the ruins of an ancient homeland...


However, it is possible that everything will happen in another scenario, because the key to the described events catren proved to be incorrect, and this could well lead to the failure of the entire causal chain.

The blessed mistake of Nostradamus...


Let's balance it.

Nostradamus predicted the execution of two kings - English and French, Reformation, Marxist ideology, Bolshevik Revolution, Civil war in Spain, the horrors of Hitler and Stalin, two world wars, the collapse of the Soviet empire and many others already Fait events. Moreover, he foresaw a purely technical invention such as a submarine, a tank, a plane and even an atomic bomb.


It seems to be the greatest of the seers!

And yet a lot of people consider him just a clever charlatan. In this is the form, chosen by Nostradamus for his quatrains. He did not possess a significant poetic gift. Not yet given to one person. His quatrains are weak poems, but we appreciate them not for poetic beauties. He needed a poetic form only to pass pulsating rhythmics his epiphanies. In addition, quatrains are written in the dark language of dreams, reflecting the state of somnambulistic trance, which is often fell divinator, perceiving information.




Her predictions can be divided into three main types :


- which came true quite accurately in some approximation.


- which are not too definite, for example, for 1991 - Ukraine will be independent, and the president will become "Lyonia". On this chair then claimed two Leonids - Kravchuk and Kuchma.


- which are not fulfilled. Judge for yourself. In the yard 2024 year.




Translation :

This is from history of people up to year 3797.


In 2010  -  beginning of Third World War.

In 2011  -  no people and animals in all the Northern hemisphere, and chemical war of Muslims against rest of Europeans.

In 2014  -  most people are ill with cancer and purulent skin diseases due to chemical warfare.

In 2016 - nearly no people in Europe.

In 2018 - China is new world leader. Third countries become exploiters of former civilized countries.

In 2023 - The orbit of the Earth will change !


That's true, isn't it?

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