суббота, 13 июня 2020 г.


The question of the approach to the Bible: how to join to not devoted man?
One young man after biblical lectures said that he will now continue to work on the Bible with him a philosophical way mouse. It could be said: "you may do so, but in the end, you will find not a living God, which appears to us in Jesus Christ, and impersonal, pantheistic the God of philosophers. Philosophers read the Bible in terms of their mental categories, but the God who saves us in Jesus, they found.
You now can have access to the Bible and living God, if in fact you start with yourself. Do you want to do this?

1. Know yourself
However, read Romans 3.23: "Then all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God"
This Word shows us the lost State of the Lyceum of the living God; because of sin, which separates us from him, we do not have access to it, nothing else than we could please him. In the end, we come short of the glory of God. Since the occurrence of sin between the Holy, righteous God and sinful people, us, there is a pro-Maw.

2. the only solution
In this situation there are only one, by God, gifted by the exit. The son of God was condemned on the cross for our sins. Jesus came into this world to recover the lost (Matthew 18.11). Otherwise there is no way to salvation (acts 4.13).

3. admit your sins
In 1 John 1: 9 we read: "if we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. " The feat of salvation by Calvary, Jesus gives the right to forgive sins. If we follow his call, confess his guilt and ask him for forgiveness, then he will remain faithful, that is, you can rely on, that he really freed us from the guilt of sin. You should not only think about all this, but also to fulfill!
Do you want to do this? Then say to the Lord Jesus in prayer:
Lord Jesus, today I heard about you and understand why you came to this world. His great love and you love me. You can see all my wine-
What I am is currently open, and what has been hidden from me. You know everything: every sinful Act, every disingenuous encouragement of my heart-everything you have written. I have in front of you is an open book. I am not ustoû to you for what I am. And now I ask you: forgive all my sins and cleanse me. Amen.
Now we told God about the burning issue (1 John 1.8-9). God has a on it Its promise. What do you think, what percentage of fault we forgiven? 80, 50, 10 percent? It is written: "he will forgive us our sins» (article 9). You are forgiven! Everything! 100 percent! You know it's not just assume. The Bible wants us to believe in his salvation. This is confirmed by two passages of Scripture: 1 Pet. 1.18-19 and 1 John 5.13.

4. trust him
The Lord Jesus will forgive you your sins, you can now trust him with my life. In John 1.12 we read: "but as many as received him, even to them that believe on his name, he gave the right to become children of God". All, that trusting your life in the hands of the Lord Jesus, receive the right to be called the children of God. So, we do not become a  children of God because we do good deeds, are pious or belong to any church, but because they have entrusted their lives to son of God and are prepared to follow him obediently. Say this prayer:
Lord Jesus, you forgave all my sins. It is difficult to comprehend that I still, but I believe your promises. And now I ask you to be entered into my life. Lead and lead me in the way that you enter. I know that you have against me only good intentions, so I would like to trust you completely. help me to abandon all that you abhorrent. Bless my desire to please you, give me an obedient heart, to get me to do Thy will. Let the desire not to pay attention to human opinions, but open to me through your Word to me properly understand it and live it. Be my Lord, I want to follow you. Amen.

5. Accepted
The Lord heard you! He ransomed you dearly, He saved you. You are the son of God. And who is the child of the heir: you inherited the Kingdom of heaven. Do you know what is going on in the sky? Maybe there's a joy? Yes of course! In Luke 15: 10 says, "So, I say to you, there is joy of the angels of God and a sinner who repents». Heaven rejoices at your treatment now. This event involved all the sky: indeed, one adopted in the heart of the Gospel news. The Bible calls this process of our personal conversion to Jesus treatment; When we repent of our sins, and he takes them on. At the same time God gives us rebirth-new life in it, and we accept it. Treatment and regeneration-the two sides of the same phenomenon.
6. Thanksgiving
Salvation is the gift of God. Only his love paved the way to salvation. To this we have nothing to add. Who gets the gift, he said, "thank you." And we'll do it. Thank Jesus for now as you can.

7. What's next?

Here are important points of importance not only to follow Christ.
They are essential for our practical life in Christ. If we do, God gives us the goal.
And God's Word It is a necessary food for our new life, which began in the us with Jesus. The best thing is if you take it a practice to read the Bible every day, preferably in the morning. Follow the example of the Christians of Berea (acts 17: 10-12), who diligently study Scripture.
b) Prayer
Jesus not only would like to speak to us through his word that He wants and we chatted with him. We do it in prayer, having a great advantage to tell him everything. It is not alien to our joy and sorrow, we can tell him about our plans and decisions. By reading the Bible and prayer arises spiritual connection with the sky, so necessary for a healthy spiritual life.
b) Obedience
God desires us to be His obedient children living by his word and
performing his commandments. We cannot better prove your love for the Lord, than obedience (1 In 5). In this world, we offers a variety of ways, the Bible also gives us a reliable benchmark, blessed of  God: "we must obey God rather than men" (Acts 5.29).
g) Communication
As children of God, we need communication with others, follow the Lord. When the fire take out red-hot coal, he quickly fades. So can cool down and our love for Jesus, if it does not back in fellowship with other believers. If we want to grow as converts, we need love, protection. Approval and manual true Jesus Church. Go get it, for good, live Church is a prerequisite for our stay and grow in faith.
d) Asc Once we are through repentance and revival came to faith, it is very important that our faith is increased. Paul writes to Timothy: "and you shall remain in what taught, and that you assign, knowing whom you are taught" (2 Tim 3.14). At the end of his life, Paul was able to draw this conclusion: "I had a good Feat, for the committed, faith has kept" (2 Tim 4). Follow this example and we programmed correct.

So, our new life we start with treatment.
Remember: an approach to the Bible we are not from the outside, while remaining a neutral observer, but only from the inside. It only appears to those who repented all his strength to God in Jesus Christ and will gain salvation. The process of Spiritual rebirth can occur in different ways, but it is characterized by the following principles: recognition of its sinfulness, repent, transferring his life to Jesus Christ. Here starts growing in the faith.


Бредоносному обществу РФ, политическому и религиозному мракобесию посвящается

Среда или середина!
Устойчивое сердцебиение!
Русь опять опередила,
Человечества настроение!

Трудный процесс возврата!
Прежде всего, к себе!

Кто-то идёт обратно,
А кто-то вперёд к Весне!

Весна, это путь к Истоку,
Для России пока только!

Люди следят за Востоком,
Не понимая, а сколько?

Загадочная территория,
Точно знают, что Бога!

Ждут от Руси моратория,
И корректировки дороги!

Моратория ждут на неравенство,
На бездушие власти!
Ждут, конечно, и Равенства,
Приносящего, всем счастье!

Пока же Планета пылает!
В войнах религиозных!
Люди всё понимают,
Виден сценарий возможный:

Полное – порабощение,
Хуже уже феодального!
Запрещено всем общение,
Кроме, пожалуй, сакрального!

Контроль Небесами опасен!
Власть хорошо понимает,
Дарвина трактат прекрасен,
Но, Бог на Планете решает!

Люди, частицы Создателя!
Даже власть предержащие!
Включая, и работодателей,
Все: Истины страждущие!

Конечно, отвечать придётся,
За грехи, поведение!
Для кого-то и жизнь прервётся,
Вопреки его мнению!

Не утащишь на себе мамону!
ТАМ – другие вибрации!
Лучше решить самому,
И приступить к адаптации!

Адаптация нужна к Истоку!
Которого, власти не видно!
Восходит Заря на Востоке!
Потерять себя будет обидно!

Репрессией не остановить движения!
Движение – не люди, а Бог!
У Планеты – Новое положение,
Она – перешла порог!

Оболочка у людей сменится!
Это – необходимое условие!
Люди и внутри изменятся,
Проявится, наконец, Подобие!

Ожидается тысячелетие?
Но, произойдёт стремительно!
Будет Новое исчисление!
Бездействие всем утомительно!

Главное, что у человека внутри!
Оболочка – лишь следствие!
Информация, куда не смотри,
Для власти – полное бедствие!

Бедствие – встреча с Богом!
Жизнь разменяна на монеты,
Нет гордыни на ТОЙ дороге,
Есть только Бога Заветы!

Выбирать путь не поздно!
Сердце бьётся уверенно!
Может кому-то возможно,
Но, большинству – отмерено!

Оболочка человека – не вечна!
Срок определяется поведением!

Гордыня – есть быстротечность,
Нет оправдания неведению!

Не знал, значит, не ведал!
А внутреннее состояние?
Сам у себя не требовал,
Божественного образования!

Поздно терзать Душу!
Душа стоит перед Богом!
Её не очистишь душем,
Остановлена Она у Порога!

Русь – полигон испытаний!
Первая перейдёт границу!
Никого не ждут истязания,
Скорее, для людей – Зарница!

העימות הגדול


Небывалый гнев народных масс вызвала прокатившаяся по Интернету волна перепечаток об инициативе РПЦ ввести в Уголовный кодекс наказание за ересь и противодействие православию.
Пока эта новость гуляла из блога в блог, окончательно потеряв по пути ссылку на первоисточник, как раз наступил День взятия Бастилии. Как говорится, звёзды совпали, карты легли.
С криком «Доколе!» тысячи и тысячи блоггеров устремились на штурм Святой Инквизиции. По некоторым сведениям, революционную массу подстрекали и направляли некие галеристы, чудом, по их словам, избежавшие накануне расстрела. Одной рукой они охотно показывали всем желающим стигматы от пуль и пыток, пылающие охрой и киноварью, а другой - указывали путь к застенкам.
Некоторую сумятицу вносило то, что указывали в разные стороны. Поэтому, пометавшись некоторое время между патриаршим подворьем, Лубянкой и Таганским судом, массы заблудились, слегка помяв возле телецентра гражданина клерикального вида, тщетно кричавшего, что он не протоиерей, а вовсе даже Вассерман, и это не ряса, а мантия.
Тут кто-то крикнул, что знает адрес блога некоего диакона, и все пошли туда. Испуганного диакона вытащили из ЖЖ, долго били и требовали ключи от застенков. Спасло его только то, что кто-то другой крикнул: мракобесы жгут Григория Перельмана, требуют отказаться не только от миллиона, но и от теоремы Пуанкаре. И все побежали туда.
Правда, некоторые нетвёрдые в убеждениях по дороге пали духом, убоявшись ужасов инквизиции. Нашлись, говорят, даже такие, кто втихую вернулся к диакону узнать: нельзя ли как-то заранее вернуть деньги за рекламные ссылки, не дожидаясь конфискации по суду. Диакон сначала долго не мог взять в толк, о чём вообще идёт речь. Потом по быстрому отпустил грехи, пошарил в Сети, нашёл первоисточник и задумался, почёсывая ушибленные места: «А хороший фейк ребята со Smixer’a запустили, полезный. Надо будет перетереть эту тему с нашими из Думы…» 
ИСТОРИЯ ПОХОЖА НА АНЕКДОТ, НО ГРЁЗЫ ВЕРХУШКИ РПЦ ИМЕННО ТАКОВЫ :  УЧИТЬ ВСЕХ ЖИТЬ, А ЗАОДНО ЖЕЧЬ ЕРЕТИЧЕСКИЕ КНИГИ И НЕПОКОРНЫХ.  А пока они воздвигают свои храмы на каждом углу и думают, что чем больше храмов, тем больше духовность народа !

пятница, 12 июня 2020 г.


Bible aims to fully understand its meaning, "we write you nothing other than what you read and understand, and that, as I hope, before the end will knowing" (2 Cor 1.13). But there are such deep thoughts, which we cannot fully explore: my thoughts-not yours nor your ways My ways, says the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the Earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts ' (Isaiah 48-9).
On both aspects of Charles Spurgeon has pointed out: "in the Bible you can find lead-kya truths that do not fit into the framework of our limited shallow mind. However, the main fundamental thought of the Bible is not difficult to understand. Thoughts of the Bible available to everyone (acts 17.11), yet the depth and richness of its neissledimy (Romans 11.33).

The Bible was written by more than 45 of the human leaded in this Ministry of the Holy Spirit. Similarly, its content cannot be understood without the assistance of the Holy Spirit: Soulful man does not accept the things of the spirit of God, because he reveres this madness; and can not clever′, because of that we must judge the spiritually. But the spiritual judge of all, and it seems no one can "(1 Cor. 2.14-15).

The Bible is extremely accurate book. This is a characteristic feature of it was visible, if you explore her language, semantic, spiritual, historical or natural-scientific aspects.
The historical accuracy of the Bible should emphasize the persecution of Christians. If the initial period of the Church it is written: "the people betrayed seven souls in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ" (Acts 15.26) in respect of the Middle Ages it is written: "the soul who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ (Rev. 8).
Nowadays all sorts of attempts to incorporate Jesus into your system. Islam considers him a prophet, movement for peace-making, others-a good person and social reformer. Albert Schweitzer showed interest to Jesus as a historical figure. Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker organizes conferences for peace and convinces people that we humans are able to keep the peace on Earth.
About Jesus say many, but only insofar as it is suitable to their con-concept. Islam denies that Jesus is the son of God. However, if we believe in Jesus, he is our peace "(Eph 2.14), otherwise it is our judge
(Acts 10.42).
Viola writes book on the sermon on the mount, but it ignores the main commandment Jesus-leave a wide path leading to perdition, and enter through the narrow gate. Jesus walks ahead everywhere, but this still is not enough. In the sermon on the mount, the Lord teaches: "not everyone who says to me: ' my Lord! Lord! "will enter the Kingdom of heaven, but the officer will of my father which is in heaven. Many said to me in that day, Lord! O Lord! Not if your name is prophecy  - ?  And in thy name of demons expelled? And in thy name many miracles worked? And then I will declare to them, ' I never knew you; depart from me, do without lawlessness! " (Matthew 7.21-23).
Who pays special attention to only the human traits of Jesus, he loses everything. We must preach this Jesus, how It shows the Gospel
(John 7.38). Trouble begins when referring to all the word of God. While decomposition in all spheres of society accepts increasing market size, persecuted those who reverently refers to the Scriptures, whose
the motto is: "written!"-whether it's about the creation of the world, or about Jesus, about which
Rum presents Scripture. Preaching the Gospel is the word of God calls the victory (Rev. 12.11).

The word of God is unlimited in time.
Isaiah compares the Evanescence of life of plants with the inherent characteristics of the words of God: «rum Grass dries up, the color fades, but the word of our God abides forever (40.8), and Jesus adds: "heaven and Earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away" (Matthew 24). Luther is saying: "the Bible is not antique and not modern, it is eternal".
The Bible does not depend on time, because the concept and perspective of its action goes far beyond any of the era. And although it contains no reference to abortion and drug abuse, it can be a one-to-one relationship to these phenomena. Such a deep discernment does not have any other book. For example, human law cannot take its justice, if there is no section that corresponds to this or that subject matter.


   Римо-католическая церковь, хоть и попросила прощение у евреев за инквизицию, извиняться перед протестантами за злодеяния, совершённые в средние века, НЕ НАМЕРЕНА, а наоборот, ждёт их извинений за Лютера, объявившего римского папу дьяволом.
   При любом исходе протестанты готовы признать, что "католическая церковь - наша мать, а римский папа - наместник Господа Бога на земле".
   С момента этого сообщения римским папой стал Франциск I из ордена иезуитов.

אנחנו בעולם

הקהילה האדוונטיסטית העולמית

ב-1863, מנתה קבוצת האדוונטיסטים שלושת אלפים וחמש מאות חברים. קרוב למאה שנים מאוחר יותר, הקבוצה גדלה ומנתה למעלה ממליון חברים. בשנת 1980, גדל מספר חבריה לשלושה מיליון. בשנת 1990 היה מספר החברים למעלה משישה מיליון, ובשנת 2004, מספר החברים היה למעלה מארבע עשרה מיליון איש. ב-2012, מספרם של חברי הקהילה הגיע לכשמונה עשרה מיליון איש, הנפגשים ב-שבעים וחמש אלף קהילות ברחבי העולם. כיום מצטרפים מדי שנה כמיליון חברים לקבוצה המפעילה צוותי עבודה במאתיים ושש עשרה מתוך מאתיים שלושים ושמונה המדינות והאזורים המוכרים על ידי האו"ם


Early spring morning ... Coming to the window, open the curtains, opening the window. Deep breaths of fresh morning air filled with smells of dissolving foliage and flowers. What a grace ... Thin birches, dressed in salad green, quietly whispered their leaves. In their branches birds awake sparrows and titmouse. Under the window on the lawn, the first spring blossoms were dissolved: tulips and narcissists who turned their heads to the ascending sun and, like me, smiled at him.
You can admire that beauty forever. At the heart, peace, and the joy that the weather is beautiful in the street, I am alive and well, full of power and energy ...

The Lord has created this day: Rejoice and have fun in it!
Psalm 118.24

Раннее весеннее утро... Подхожу к окну, распахиваю шторы, открываю форточку. Глубоко вдыхаю свежий утренний воздух, наполненный запахами распускающейся листвы и цветов. Какая благодать... Тонкие березки, одетые в салатовую зелень, тихо перешептываются своими листочками. В их ветвях щебечут проснувшиеся воробьи и синички. Под окном на газоне распустились первые весенние цветы: тюльпаны и нарциссы, которые повернули свои головки к восходящему солнцу и, похоже, так же, как и я, улыбаются ему.
Любоваться этой красотой можно бесконечно. На душе мир, покой, и радость от того, что на улице прекрасная погода, я жив и здоров, полон сил и энергии...

                                                                  ПС  117.24

четверг, 11 июня 2020 г.


Weight (value, depth of thought) of different biblical texts not everywhere same. That becomes clear when you compare, for example, John 3.16 and  Acts 18.1. However, information that has no value, in the Bible.
THE BIBLE CONTAINS ALL WE NEED THE BASIC PRINCIPLES OF THE BUSINESS. She is full in the sense that has everything necessary to instruct us in this life and to help achieve the eternal purpose: "look for the book of the Lord, and read; None of may be not come yet and one other not is replaced by "(Is 34.16).

Seeming contradictions, mainly, with careful consideration of be expllained. The main causes of such contradictions is the eluding some biblical principles:
1. the message of the Bible is Often compressed. So, on the treatment of Levi (Matthew) says only one verse (Mt 9.9). The frequently asked question of the wives of the sons of Adam can be found only in the terse, not  to completeness, messages of the Bible. To solve this problem by using the following conclusions-Yes: according to Genesis 5, Adam had sons and daughters; the early they had intermarried with each other; in the subsequent generation marrying cousins already entered. Immediately after the creation of the inbreeding has harmful effects.
2. some of the events described in parallel locations in another plan.
Example 1: Genealogies of Jesus by St Matthew 1.1-17 and Luke 3.23-38 are two different objectives. In the first case is the Imperial origins of Mary David ("son of David"), and in another case, the pedigree of Joseph.
Example 2: different messages about the resurrection of Jesus in some little more detail there.
3. some spiritual sayings provide true meaning only as a supplement. For example, the physics of light can be described only a complementary way (Latin complementum-addition): on the one hand it has spread in the form of waves, on the other hand has the properties of particles (photons). Only when both, in fact, contradictory properties combined, you can grasp the reality.
These complementary sayings are found in the Bible. So, for the Saviour was faith there are two seemingly contradictory, and in fact complement with each other's statements:
(a)), "We recognize that a man is justified by faith apart from works of the law" (Romans 3.23).
b) you see that a man is justified by works and not by faith alone. " (James 2.
4. some difficulties arise due to the transfer. Thus, the text of Genesis 2.23 could not be understood without a knowledge of Hebrew words "ish" (male) and "Isha" (woman).
Matthew 5.8 in the traditional Russian translation sounds "craft worthy fruit of repentance", while in the Greek original, it is written, "Therefore the fruit worthy of repentance. Rome 10.4 actually said "not the end of laws-Christ", and "the purpose of the law is Christ" (Greek. "Telos" purpose).
5. in some cases, to find out the seemingly contradictions is difficult but possible.
Examples: the death of Judas (Matthew 27.5-Dejan 1.18); the contents of the Ark of the Covenant (1 Kings. 8.9, Heb 9.4); the death of Saul (1 Sam. 31-2 Sam. 1). In Matthew says that Judas hanged himself, the Court said that "rasselos′ womb." They seem to be contradictory, but Xia fit together if the second statement well take as strong, colorful description.
6. for a full explanation of the Bible any subject it is necessary to take a few tech specialists and map them (28.10). WE pull up a text out of context (chapters) and build the teachings on it.

The Bible is the only book you receive prophecies that were fulfilled in time.
Definition: PROPHECY is exact predictions of definite future development of events, which is made not by the normal means human-cognition. It is, therefore, timely disclosure of future events, in contrast to the descriptions of history when it comes to the subsequent description already past events. In John, Jesus emphasizes strengthens faith 13.19 the objective of prophecy: "now I say to you, before it came to pass, that, when it come to pass, you may believe that I am he."

Often God begins his revelation with only about one detail that gradually unfolds further. The most striking example of this acceptance are the prophecies about the coming of Jesus into this world.

A superficial reading of the text, there is a risk of attention to detail statements both to the small details. For common understanding, however, they have a deeper meaning.

Example 1: the Roman custom to interrupt the victim's legs, hanging on the cross, was applied to the rogues, but not to Jesus (John 18: 36). Therefore, prophetic justification for this from Exodus 12.46 bone is not broken, "it is difficult to recognize, as did the place of Easter agnce.
Example 2: under the old testament tradition, Jesus must be executed behind the wall of Jerusalem, because the old testament's sacrificial belly-burning of the mill (Lev 16.27, Ex 13.11-12).

Biblical sayings have such a deep meaning, which focus on key cannot be measured (1 Cor 13.12). Georg Huntemann concluded: "what the Bible has to say to us, beyond the research opportunities of the human mind."
The richness of the biblical sayings surpasses any human sense. It covers a period of time "before the Foundation of the world" (Eph 4) until God's Eternity (22.5). Bible answers to all the questions that science cannot answer:
-What is the essence of death, why it exists and how long it will last?
-What is a man? Where are we from? Why we live and where we go?
-What awaits us in eternity?

The Bible is a literary work.
The richness of the biblical language allows you to carry the message of salvation in this menu  literary genres, which we do not find in any other book: verse-creation (Psalm 118), anthem (number 1-17), love song (song of songs), a scientific report in the language of daily communication (Gen 1), historical message
(Ezra), a parable (Greek. "parabolè", i.e. delivered next)-the overall situation of ordinary life in the form of comparison (Mt 13-23), as well as special situation as eye-opening story with proverbs content (Luke 11.2-8), shaped it (John 15.1), prophetic shaped it (Revelation 6), prophetic
It (Matthew 24), Paradox (Phil 2.12-13), preaching (acts 16: 31), edification
(Colossians 3.16-17), the doxology (Eph. 3) blessings (Philippians 4.3), instructions
(Romans 5.12-21), a family Chronicle (1 Par 3), prayer (Psalm 34), personal witnessing (1 John 1.1-2), dream (Genesis 37.6-7), a direct appeal to God (Matthew 3.
17), chatting about the salvation of the soul (John 4.7-38), mindwalk (acts 15-21), the hearing of the court case (John 18.28-38), wise sayings (Proverbs 13.7), promise
(Mark 16.16), sentence (Matthew 12.19-24), Riddle (14-14), diary (acts 16), personal communication (FLM or), a monologue (job 32-37), dialogue (job 3-31), lyric poetry (song of songs), biography (Neh.), prologue (Luke 1.1-
4), epilogue (John 21.25), ellipse (Greek. "pass", the omission of the not so important-Mt 9.9), metaphor (metaphorical meaning-Awd 4) inscription (John 19.19), code (Rev 13.18). In addition, legislation (civil, judicial, customs, prosecution, ritual), apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic fiction (and Open) and temporary concealment of the truth (12.9).
In contrast, there are no Bible: saga, legend, myth, fairy tale, Fable, satire, irony, comedy, comic, Utopia. Only the stylistic techniques of hyperbole (exaggeration) and irony (change-2 Cor 12.11) sometimes are used as a distinctly recognizable.
In any historical book, the world is such a rich palette of expressive means, and no book is not truthful in his statements. The Bible uses all the richness of expressive means. Along with the most common form of direct speech, we find in the Bible numerous specific verbal form:
1. Phenomenological language. When the causes of a phenomenon are unclear, it is described from the point of view of the observer: in modern astronomy as the Bible say about Sunrise and sunset, although the phenomenon is not a "run of the Sun, and the Earth's rotation.
2. Idiomatic turns of phrase. Brief speech turnovers occur in defined as situations more often than daily design (14.18-"you yelled at my two temples are ruined").
3. the poetical decoration. "The left hand is under my head, and the right embraces me" (songs, 8.3).
4. pictures and descriptions of modern concepts of science and technology. The Bible describes the technical achievements, which at the time of its occurrence is not existed, and that science has given special names:
-instead of "Sputnik", "space laboratory" and "space station" Bible colorfully says, but at least you were, as the Eagle flew high, and among the stars arranged your nest, and from there I will throw down you, says the Lord "(Awd 4).
-instead of speaking the language of Gynecology of ontogenesis (embryonic development) in the uterus, the Bible describes the development of the child in the womb, Not concealed from you my bones when I create a secret form was in the depth of the womb "(Psalm 138.15).
5. specific scientific language. An example is the description of the Act of creation, when, for example, describes a method of measuring time and specific unit of measure (Gen 1, 19).
6. pictures of daily life are the explanation of spiritual truths. So, in proverb from Mt 13.3 23 seeders is a Herald of the Bible to seed, the word of God, the thorns-obstacle, and good soil-open the human heart.
Given the abundance of literary genres and vocal techniques, should be very thoroughly-treat every biblical text. So, the expression should be understood literally or figuratively, but the exact meaning.
a) literally: in Luke 24.44 Jesus teaches this understanding Scripture: "here's what I told you, even being with you that must be fulfilled everything written about Me in the law of Moses and the prophets and the Psalms. This is emphasized in other places: Yes sayed come to the Lord through the Prophet, saying,
(Matthew 2.15); "Now turned this Scripture, you heard" (Luke 4.19); "Have you never read in the Scriptures? " (Mt 21.42).
B) figurative, but quite specific meaning: when Jesus said: "I am the vine, you are the branches" (John 15), then this should not be understood literally and figuratively. In most cases, you can easily learn the meaning attached, for the colorful turnover increases visibility and easier to understand.
In this case, you add a sentence containing the main idea:
"Without me you can do nothing."

Proof the Bible is the most valuable information. The famous Ewangelist Wilhelm Paals rightly emphasizes: "the Gospel is the good news that has ever given them. Never before us humans, not from something like this. " Psalm 118 has glorified the meaning of the word of God: the law of thy mouth for me better than thousands of gold and silver "(art. 72). "I'm glad I have your Word, as has received great profit (art. 162).
Who disregard the word of God, he will be convicted. As the hearing of the word leads to faith (Romans 8), and thereby, to salvation, rejection of Words leads to perdition:
1 Sam. 15: "what you have rejected the word of the Lord, and he rejected you."
John 13: he who is of God hears the words of God; you did not listen to, that you are not from God. "
Acts 16: "you first had to be so the word of God; But how do you reject it and yourselves unworthy of eternal life. "

The Bible consists of the old and New Testaments.
Both parts are equally God's Word and one of them cannot be used against the other. In the New Testament often quoted extracts from wet-hot-pot. Note that this is not always verbatim, but God with regard to Nova-revelations.
In the New Testament are the major prophecies of the Old Testament: "and all these (people of the old testament), though commended through their faith, did not receive what was promised, because God had foreseen something better for us, that they without us should not be deemed reached the perfection (Heb 11.39). The Lord Jesus is present already in the Old Testament: study the Scriptures, because fan you think through them have eternal life; and they witness was on Me "(John 5.39).

In The Bible:
-History and narrative perceived literally
-Also literally be taken laws and commandments
-The prophecy is sometimes used in symbolic language. Symbols of the same Biblical
 prophecies of the Bible itself explains:
1. "the sea" and "water" means peoples (Revelation 17: 15).
2. "winds of war" is defined to mean (Jer. 51.2).
3. the "Beasts" and "horns" mean the Kingdom (8-21).
4. "day" in the prophetic year indicates the year (Ezekiel 4,6).
Note: it is important to consider how much, for example, symbolic beast has
heads and antlers, if they are mentioned, but it doesn't matter that he has 4 legs, if they
does not say anything.

The old testament Apocrypha, only 11 (Greek. "apokryfos"-a hidden, secret, not-real), it is the word of God.
They are written in the time between the old and the New Testament.
The main objections to equate them to the Bible are the following:
1. There are some contradicting the Bible teachings, such as easier-
of sins through alms (Tobit 12.9), magic (Tobit 6.9), Pro-
review of sins of the dead through the prayers of the living (2 Mac 15.19).
2. they never were and are not part of the Tanakh (the Jewish Ka-
Nona), because here the later additions. So, 3-I Ezra in General
There is only the Vulgate (Latin Bible). So the Apocrypha have always been
the subject matter of the dispute. The Trients Cathedral in 1546, the Catholic Church
called Apocrypha with old and New Testaments, that should be regarded as
reactions to the Reformation.
3. not quoted any one author of the New Testament, while the New Testament quotes
almost all the books of the old testament, with the exception of four small books.
4. the Bible THEMSELVES admit that they are not infallible. So in the foreword of the book
Ecclesiasticus says, "so, I ask you to read this book favorably and attention
significantly and have indulgence in some areas we may be
avoid suspicions over working on the translation. In any of the canonical books of the Bible
similar phrases.
About the same can be said about the New Testament apokrifs (the Gospel of Thomas, etc.).
Whether to completely reject the Apocrypha? Luther gave good wording of the Scriptures-Ku: Although these books and cannot be put on an equal footing with the Holy Scriptures, however, it is instructive to read them. This view is shared by other Christian writers. If you read the Apocrypha, not giving them the values of the Bible, and treating them as historically notable books (for example, the books of the Maccabees), we izvlečëm a very useful. Especially valuable is the book of Ecclesiasticus, which affects all kinds of life situations, the content and form of moving closer to the biblical books of wisdom, not pretending that it was the word of God hoists.