суббота, 14 августа 2021 г.



Any creature with a free mind is subject to liability for their actions

( Rom 2.3 ).

Everyone with common understanding, committing crime civil laws invoked in court and after trial shall be punished. It happens that the penguins was justified under certain conditions.

We have a dual responsibility:

1. before the State


A violation of divine laws leads to injury, frustration and reduce our life, which is protected by God's law.

For these violations, we have to answer to the Court of God.

There are different opinions about the Court of God. What the Bible says about this?

The Court for all people is inevitable

Only this I found that God created man right, and people started in many minds.

Ecclesiastes 7.29

Very often in our heart evil thoughts penetrate and knock us on the straight path. God gave us free will to do good and to the evil.

It reserved the right to send a man to the good and to the truth (not to attach its will):

And THINE EARS SHALL HEAR a WORD behind thee, saying: "here is the way to go on it if you avoided to right and if you deviated to the left.

Isaiah 30.21

We are, without a doubt, not once heard the voice of God.

We must remember that take responsibility for their own affairs:

Go on the ways of your heart and vision of your eyes; only know that for all of this, God will lead you to the Court.

Ecclesiastes 11.9

Verse 2 Corinthians 5.10 tells us that before a court will stand ALL without exception, for all were able to distinguish light from darkness, good from evil, right from wrong, and so, BE CONDONED or condemned.

Following the news of the Court made in antiquity:

And I said in my heart: "the righteous and the wicked will be judged by God; because the time for of all things and the Court over every thing there. "

Ecclesiastes 3.17

The Court is scheduled for a certain time ( Acts 17.31 ).

No one can avoid Court, as no one can escape its end-death

( Ecclesiastes 12.14 ).

We must get ready for court, namely:

God now commands all people everywhere to repent.

Acts 17.30

For that, we are in danger of court?

In the Court of God we judged not only for murder, thievery, debauchery, abuse, as in earthly vessels but also for misconduct, the apparent us minor. For example, for their words ( Matthew 12.36, Proverbs 10.19 ).


If you have time to think, before you start talking, then think about whether you want to say, could hurt someone, what you want to say. The Word can not just kill but also to make an evil worse than death.



The human mouth is filled with the fruit of the womb; product of the mouth it is saturated.

Proverbs 18.21

We are responsible for our thoughts, motives, and not only for the deeds and actions (Is 65.6-7, Revelation 20.12).

People in its memory registers all the words. The sounds of our voice and our actions are modern technology and quickly transmitted over long distances. ALL INFORMATION ABOUT OUR LIFE WRITED IN THE HEAVENLY BOOKS.

So don't judge does before the time, until the Lord come, who will light the hidden ...

1 Corinthians 4.5

If we violate at least one of the commandments (without disturbing the others), it does not excuse-gives us from responsibility ( Jac 2.10-12 ).

Who will be pardoned and who was convicted?

Condition of the pardon is a RECOGNITION of GUILT ( Prov 28.13, 1 John 1.8-9 ). For this you need to confess your sins.

Before someone confess?

1. Confess BEFORE GOD, for only he alone can remove us from guilt ( Ps 32.5 ).

2. Confess to each other in their mistakes ( Jac 5.16 ). If you gave your another reason for the temptations or something that offended him, then you must confess it before him and his holy duty to forgive. After this, you need to pray to God for forgiveness, ыince the blessed brother – his creation and, having sinned against brother, we sin against God.

The only way the knowledge of sin-the law of God:


Romans 7.7

You must understand the meaning of the Act, to verify whether we live in accordance with it, and then to sin, then there is a violation of the law.

We are forgiven of sin only when we, to confess, are LEAVING THEIR (1 John 1.7.) Unconfessed Sin remains on our soul and is the reason our condemnation ( Ps 51.5 ). Cannot be forgiven an arbitrary not-left sin ( Jeremiah 7.9-10 ).

Another thing, if we have sinned unknowingly:

If I had not come and spoken to them, WOULD HAVE NO SIN, but now have no apologies in Sin her.

John 15.22

If we have sinned unintentionally, inadvertently or by mistake, let us remember that we HAVE an ADVOCATE ( 1 John 2.1-2 ). Here it is the vocation of Christianity is that we have not sinned.

The pardon is dependent on the merciful attitude to our neighbors:

Blessed are the merciful, for they will be.

Matthew 5.7


So, knowing:

- that for the forgiveness we need to admit their guilt, and we do it;

- what we confess their sins before God and recognize in their mistakes before those anyone offended or have entered into temptation;

- we understand the meaning of the law of God and tried to follow it;

- that we leave that, after our ignorance, obliged us to Sin;

- that Christ can forgive us even those sins are imputed to us after treatment (made by mistake or negligence) if we confess them to God;

- what are we merciful to others, and therefore God is merciful to us -




We Christians believe that the God of our Triune Godhead, that is consists of three persons. Representatives of other religions, such as Judaism and Islam, believe this doctrine somehow nonsense, heretical. Our task is to confirm what the doctrine that we're talking about, right and natural.

The deity of the Trinity in the old testament does not say too much. The reason for this is that when it was written (in the era of the ancient world), there were many so-called gods, idols and other objects of worship. If then preached the doctrine of the Trinity, would think that the question is three gods, although in reality it is not.

However, already in the Old Testament is true about multiple personalities-is lovable (Gen 1.1-2). Under the word "start" refers to 2nd God’s personality  Christ referred to in John 1.1

In addition, Genesis 1.26 and 3.22

Let us remember also the text of the Prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 39.7-10).

By the way, the Jewish word "Elohim "(God) - plural.

And now we turn to the New Testament.

When Jesus was baptized, the first time all three people were shown the personality of God (Matt 16-17). We all remember the order he gave to the disciples (Matt 28.19).

The apostle John writes: 1 In 3.5

In one of the Epistles of the Apostle Paul is welcome: 2 Cor 13.13

Although there are three Divine personalities, they have a common nature. They have the same nature, the main feature of which is love (John 14.9).

So, Jesus, whom you can see, is the epitome of the father. But not only the father, but also his Deputy and our Comforter - the Holy Spirit

(John 1).

There is no excuse for those who rejected and humiliated son of God. Christ, the one who humbles humiliates and father, and the spirit of God (John 15).

On the unity of the deity of Jesus also said: "I and my father are one" (John 10: 30).

When Jesus spoke, he said the name of the father and the Holy Spirit as Jehovah (that means I am the one who was, is and will be).

Very important news about led - Holy Spirit, the comforter (John 14.16-17, 15.26-27). It is a continuation of the saving work of Jesus Christ and could come from the father only through Christ.

In all the acts of Christ were all three persons of deity, such as in heavily - Apostles.

Usually the father sends the spirit man, Christ calls (this was the case, for example, when calling Matthew). Between father, son and holy spirit, as in the rest of the non-falled universe, there is full mutual understanding and divisions.

From the book of Genesis (chapters), as well as from the first chapter of the Gospel of John, Jesus performed all through the power of words, in which all three collaborated.

Jesus in the creation of human unity and invested in mutual understanding.  -  Lost Scripture given to people - it is the strength of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit (2 Pet 1.21).

Finally, Christ offered himself as a sacrifice to the father by the Holy Spirit (Heb 9.14).

We are created in the image of God, should adhere to the unity of the father, son and holy spirit. There are good reasons for God:

1. Take us as we are (Matt 11.28)

2. The Announced us (Eph 2.19)

3. Called the "sweethearts" (as he called the lovers of Christ, as well calls, and us, when we enter into a Covenant with him)

Although Sin produces separation and removes it from God is longsuffering and long waits for us. Proverbs speak eloquently of chapter 15 of the Gospel of Luke (Luke 15-10, 20-24). These parables is another illustration of the nature of the deity.

Ellen white once said, "unity is the great strength." It is only to woo us and calls God. Both are the same in all acts of the Divine personality, and we, God's children should be United among themselves and one with God (John 17.21-23), and this unity to show to other people.

* * *

   Мы, христиане, верим в то, что Бог наш триедин, то есть состоит из трёх личностей. Представители же других религий, например, иудаизма и ислама, считают это учение каким-то бредом, ересью. Наша задача - подтвердить то, что учение, о котором мы говорим, верно и естественно.

   О триединстве Божества в Ветхом Завете не говорится слишком явно. Причина этому в том, что когда он писался (в эпоху древнего мира), существовало много так называемых богов, идолов и прочих предметов поклонения. Если бы тогда проповедовалось учение о троице, могли бы подумать, что речь идёт о трёх богах, хотя на самом деле это не так.

   Тем не менее уже в Ветхом Завете отображена истина о нескольких Божественных личностях ( Быт 1.1-2). Под словом «начало» имеется в виду 2-я Божественная личность - Христос, о котором говорится в  Иоанн 1.1

   Кроме того,  Быт 1.26 и 3.22

   Вспомним также текст из пророка Исаии ( Ис 63.9-10).

   Кстати, само еврейское слово «элоhим» (Бог) - множественное число.

   А теперь обратимся к Новому Завету.

   Когда крестился Иисус, впервые были показаны людям все три Личности Бога ( Матф 3.16-17). Все мы помним поручение, которое Он дал ученикам ( Матф 28. 19).

   Апостол Иоанн пишет: 1 Ин 5.7

   В одном из посланий апостола Павла содержится приветствие: 2 Кор 13.13

   Хотя существует три Божественных личности, они обладают единой природой. У них одинаковый характер, главная черта которого -  ЛЮБОВЬ ( Иоанн14.8-9).

   Итак, Иисус, Которого можно видеть, является олицетворением Отца. Но не только Отца, но также Его заместителя и Утешителя нашего - Святого Духа ( Иоанн 1.18).

   Нет оправдания тем, кто отвергает и унижает Сына Божьего. Кто унижает Христа, тот унижает и Отца, и Духа Божьего ( Иоанн 15.23).

   О единстве Божества Иисус также сказал: «Я и Отец - одно» ( Иоанн 10.30).

   Когда Иисус говорил, то говорил Он от имени Отца и Святого Духа как Иегова (что значит Сущий, то есть Тот, Кто был, есть и будет).

   Очень важна весть о ниспослании Утешителя - Святого Духа ( Иоанн 14.16-17 , 15.26-27). Он является продолжением спасительной работы Иисуса Христа и может прийти от Отца только через Христа.

   Во всех деяниях Христа участвовали все три лица Божества, например, в избрании апостолов.

   Обычно Отец посылает духа человеку, а Христос призывает (так было, например, при призвании Матфея). Между Отцом, Сыном и Святым Духом, как и во всей непавшей вселенной, существует полное взаимопонимание и разделений НЕТ.

   Из книги Бытие (первых глав), а также из первой главы Евангелия от Иоанна видно, что Иисус совершал всё силою слова, в котором сотрудничали все три Личности.

   Иисус при сотворении вложил в человека единство и взаимопонимание. Священное Писание, которое было дано людям - это сила Христа и сила Святого Духа ( 2 Пет 1.21).

   Наконец, Христос принёс себя в жертву Духом Святым Отцу ( Евр 9.14).

   Мы, сотворённые по образу и подобию Божьему, должны присоединиться к единству Отца, Сына и Святого Духа. На это есть веские причины, поскольку Бог:

1. Принял нас такими, какие мы есть ( Матф 11.28)

2. Объявил нас своими ( Ефес 2.19)

3. Назвал «возлюбленными» (как Он назвал возлюбленными Христа, так же

    называет и нас, когда мы вступаем с Ним в завет)

   Хотя грех производит разделение и удаляет от Бога, Он долготерпит и долго ждёт нас. Об этом красноречиво говорят притчи из 15-й главы Евангелия от Луки ( Лука 15.4-10,20-24). Эти притчи - ещё одна иллюстрация характера Божества.

   Однажды Елена Уайт сказала: «Единство - это великая сила». Именно к единству нас и призывает Бог. Как едины во всех деяниях Божественные личности, так и мы, дети Божьи, должны быть едины между собой и едины с Богом ( Иоанн 17.21-23), и это единство явить другим людям.







   В чём Павел наставлял Тимофея?


   «О сём заботься, в сем пребывай» ( 1 Тим 4.15 ).


   Примечание.  Размышления для души есть то же самое, что пища для тела. Человек принимает и усваивает то, что он видит, слышит и читает. Размышляя над этим, он делает для себя практические выводы и обогащает свой внутренний мир.




   Когда, по словам псалмиста, он восхвалял Бога радостными устами?


   «Когда я вспоминаю о Тебе на постели моей, размышляю о Тебе в ночные стражи» ( Пс 62.7 ).




   Каким будет это размышление для того, кто любит Бога?


   «Сладостно будет моё размышление о Нём» ( Пс 103.34 , английский перевод ).




   О чём, по словам псалмиста, размышляет блаженный муж?


   «Но в законе Господа воля его, и о законе Его размышляет он день и ночь!» ( Пс 1.2 ).

דעת אלוהים


מהספר   הדרך אל המשיח


 71 קרא פרק י בעמוד







   Что говорил Христос о тайной молитве?


   «Ты же, когда молишься, войди в комнату твою и, затворив дверь твою, помолись Отцу твоему, Который втайне; и Отец твой, видящий тайное, воздаст тебе явно» ( Матф 6.6 ).




   Какие места выбирал Иисус для тайной молитвы?


  «И отпустив народ, Он взошёл на гору помолиться наедине; и вечером оставался там один» ( Матф 14.23 ).




   Что следует добавлять к нашим молитвам?


   «Не заботьтесь ни о чём, но всегда в молитве и прошении с благодарением открывайте свои желания пред Богом» ( Фил 4.6 ).




   Как часто нам следует молиться?


   «Всякою молитвою и прошением молитесь во всякое время духом»                                            ( Ефес 6.18 ).


   «Непрестанно молитесь» ( 1 Фесс 5.17 ).


   «Всякий день буду благословлять Тебя и восхвалять имя Твоё во веки и веки»                                            ( Пс 144.2 ).



   Как часто, по словам псалмиста, он хотел бы молиться?


   «Вечером и утром и в полдень буду умолять и вопиять, и Он услышит голос мой» ( Пс 54.18 , см. Дан 6.10 ).




   Во имя Кого Христос учил нас молиться?


   «И если чего попросите у Отца во имя Моё, то сделаю» ( Иоанн 14.13 ).




   Почему неправедный судья ответил на просьбу вдовы?


   «Хотя я и Бога не боюсь и людей не стыжусь, но как эта вдова не даёт мне покоя, защищу её, чтобы она не приходила больше докучать мне» ( Лука 18.4-5 ).


   Примечание.  Суть притчи состоит в том, что «должно всегда молиться и не унывать» ( Лука 18.1 ). Если эта женщина благодаря своей настойчивости сумела получить ответ на свою просьбу от такого человека, то тем более справедливый Бог ответит на искренние настойчивые молитвы Своих людей, хотя ответ может прийти с большим запозданием.

пятница, 13 августа 2021 г.



Jesus said to the Jews: "If you were the children of Abraham, Abraham's case would"

( John 8.39 ). This same idea was in the preaching of John the Baptist ( Matthew 3.9 ). Because most of them were established in the flesh and not on business, and thus deprived of the right to be his descendants.

Only those can be called Christians, who follow Christ ( Luke 6.46 , 1 John 2.6 ).

This means-to follow his teachings-teachings of the light, goodness, love.

However, we are by nature more prone to evil rather than good. Though we have the desire for good, but do good are powerless. "Good, you want to do, and the evil, which does not want to do" ( Rome 7.19 ).

Moreover, our sins against God and men (thoughts, words, frustration, resentment, the unfulfilled obligations, carelessness, rudeness, errors) are more distress on ourselves than on those people against whom we have sinned. Often appears thought (especially in old age) begin life first, and think that in this life would have avoided the mistakes of the past.


One of the American poets says:


I would like to

To a wonderful place

Called by the

Started again,

Where all our errors

Heart pain

And proud gusts


As the decrepit clothes

And never

Do not wear it again.


The strength of the Christian life

A person cannot change his nature:

Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the Leopard its spots? And you can do good, get used to do evil?

Jeremiah 13.23

We are not be in peace with each other. Paltry trivia and mutual misunderstanding are blame, leading to trouble and strife. Again, we repeat the words of the Apostle Paul ( Romans 7.19 ).

Only God can change our nature:

It will to weary the grants. Tire and boys and weaken, and hope in the Lord will be updated in effect: lift the wings as Eagles, will flow and not get tired, go-and not always.

Isaiah 40.29-31

It will do this through the Holy Spirit ( Acts 1.8 ).

People must "be born again" ( John 3.5 ) because PEOPLE GIVE BIRTH to HIMSELF COULD NOT: neither SPIRITUALLY nor physically.

WATER is a symbol of God's Word

SPIRIT - a symbol of the ability to live according to the word of God by the power of the Holy Spirit

The word of God teaches us how to live, and the spirit of God is the power that helps you live life ( 1 Pet 1.22-23,

2.1-2 ).

This person must take a decisive step to CONCLUDE a COVENANT with the Lord and not go to the surrounding  ( 2 Cor 5.17, Ephesus 4.17-24 ).


The practice of the Christian life

Many who call themselves Christians, FAR FROM this concept. The reason is that they are looking at how to do the other.

Jesus came to Earth to save the lost  ( Luke 19.10 ).

Example – ZACCHAEUS :

He earnestly looked for salvation and climbed a tree to see Jesus ( v.4 )

-Jesus spotted him as the notices of each men  ( v.5 )

-He repented of his sins and decided to correct ( v.8 )

He DID THIS to think about what WILL TELL the NEIGHBORS ( v.7 )

As a result he was awarded-recognized as righteous by faith ( v.9 )

Not have knowledge of the word of God. You want to still live on it. Who does this, doomed. Acting as these words (you shall love God and passing) will be rewarded ( Luke 10.25-28 ).


Love brings significant benefit to man, though, as there are other people, or what is happening in the outside world. Love nothing hinder cannot, and everyone, the MORE LOVE, more and more, NOT ONLY is HAPPY and joyful, but also makes the happy and JOYFUL people. Try to love someone we loved, who denounced and humiliated us. And if it can be done, we will learn new and joyous feeling.