суббота, 14 мая 2016 г.


Law, announced then, was not intended solely  for Jews. God gave them the distinction of being the guards and overseers of The Law, which was to be preserved as a sacred legacy to the world. The principles apply to all of humanity 's, they were given for all manual and a guide to life. Ten quick, comprehensive and clear principles express the human responsibilities in relation to God and to others, and they are all based on the fundamental principle of love. "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself" (Luke 10.27; see also Deut 6.4-5 , Lev 19.18). These principles are presented in Logue, they apply to everyone.


"You shall have no other gods before Me".

Jehovah, the eternal, pre-existent, uncreated, but Himself is the source of life and the creator of all, one worthy of the highest veneration and worship. Only God can be the focus of human love or Ministry. Giving your heart to something else, we thereby denies God his love, not pay Him proper serving and co-create the imaginary deities.

"You shall not make for yourself an Idol, and no images of what is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the Earth. Do not worship them and do not serve them".

The second commandment forbids the worship of the true God, using icons or other images. Many pagan peoples argue that their images are images or symbols by which they worship the deity but God has declared such a service to a sin. An attempt to depict the eternal through the mother of special items reduces the perception of God. The mind is withdrawn from, boundless perfection of Jehovah, more will be confined to the creation rather than the creator. And because human concepts of God will be underestimated, and the person will start to degrade.

"I am the Lord thy God am a jealous God". Close and sacred relationship of God with his people symbolically represented by marriage. Since idolatry is spiritual adultery, and the displeasure of the Lord on this appropriately named jealousy.

"Punishing children for fathers" guilt until the third and fourth kind that hate me. Inevitably children suffer from the consequences of the sins of their parents, but they are not punished for the fault of parents, except when they participated in their sins. But kids usually go in the footsteps of his parents. Due to heredity and through the personal example of the sons become participants in the sins of their fathers. Bad habits, perverted tastes, immorality, as well as physical ailments and degeneration are passed down from father to son and so to the third and the fourth kind. This terrible truth should help people break away from the sinful way of life.

"And He who does mercy to thousands of genera loving Me hepher". The second commandment, forbidding the worship of foreign gods, the worship of the true God. The punishment for those who hates him, promised only to the third and fourth kinds and mercy to those faithful in serving him is not up to the third and the fourth kind, but to thousands of families.

"Don't say the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not leave without punishment, whoever his name in vain".

This commandment not only prohibits false oaths and the ordinary words that people swear, but it also prohibits us careless or frivolous to pronounce the name of the Lord, without thinking about its terrible meaning. We disgrace the God and when his name is mentioned in haste in conversation, and when any minor cases encourage him to witness, and when frequently repeat his name in vain. "Holy and awesome is his name! " (Ps 110.9). We should all reflect on the Majesty, purity and holiness of God to the heart was moved by the consciousness of His generosity, His holy name should be pronounced with awe and solemnity.

"Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work; a day is a Saturday ended his work God thy do not do that in it any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy servant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor the stranger that is in thy dwellings. For in six days the Lord made heaven and Earth, the sea, and all that in them is; and the day ended his work rested. Wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it".

Saturday is here not as a new establishment, but as a day that was approved at the creation. We must remember this day and to respect it in memory of the deeds of the creator. Pointing to God as the Creator of the heavens and the Earth, Saturday teaches us to distinguish between the true God and all the false gods. All observing the seventh day, prove that they are fans of Jehovah. So Saturday will remain an eternal sign of loyalty to the man of God. The fourth commandment is the only group which contains the name and title of the legislator. This is the only commandment that specifies whose authority given The Law. Thus, it is the seal of God is applied to law, guarantee its authenticity and both rigour. God gave man work for six days, and It requires people to do their work in these six working days. On Saturday no only mercy and urgent need. For the sick and suffering should take care always, but too much work needs to be strictly avoided. "If you take up your pallet for the sake of thy whims Saturday in My holy day, and call the Saturday troubled, the Holy day of the Lord, honourable, and will honour it so that you will not engage in conventional thy deeds, pleasing your whim ..." (Isaiah 58.13). But restrictions do not end with this: ...and Twaddle, says the Prophet. Saturday those who discusses his work or schedules. various plans, in the eyes of God is no better than those who have actually worked on that day. To celebrate the Holy Saturday, we don't even have our thoughts dwell on the Earth. This commandment applies to all in our House. All members of the household should set aside their earthly Affairs until the end of Saturday. All should unite together to glorify God in the Holy day of their voluntary service to Him.

"Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you".

Parents have the right to such love and respect, which has no other. God himself, with responsibility for the souls entrusted to them, determined that in the first years of life, children, parents were to them instead of God. And the one who denies the legitimate authority of their parents, rejects the authority of God. The fifth commandment demands that children not only respect, humility and obedience towards their parents, but also the love and tenderness, caring for parents, preserving their reputations; requires that children be their help and consolation in advanced years. Observance of this commandment also implies respect for employees, prison, to all those whom God gave the power.

The Apostle says: "This is the first commandment with promise" (Eph 6. 2). For Israel, pending a speedy settlement in Canaan, the observance of this commandment was the key to a long life in the promised land, but it has a broader meaning, and includes the entire Israel of God, promising those who executes it, eternal life on Earth, liberated from the curse of sin.

"You shall not kill".

All the unjust actions that reduce life; the spirit of hatred and revenge or indulgence to any passion that leads to wound other actions, or at least makes us wish them evil (for "who hates his brother is a murderer"); callous, disdain for the needy or suffering; any indulgence or, on the contrary, unnecessary restrictions or excessive work, destroying health, are all to a greater or lesser degree, is a violation of the sixth commandment.

"You shall not commit adultery".

This commandment prohibits not only dirty and immoral governmental actions, but also lustful thoughts and desires, or any other action that leads to such. Each is required to clean not only the outer life, but also the deepest intentions and feelings of the heart. Christ, who taught the understanding of human values and is against the law of God, saying, that impure thought or opinion are the same sin as an offence.

"You shall not still".

This includes both explicit and hidden sins. The eighth commandment condemns the kidnapping, slavery and wars. She condemned the theft and robbery. It requires rigorous honesty in the most insignificant of ING life's Affairs. It prohibits fraud in the sale and requires a fair calculation of the debts or in wages. The commandment says that any attempt to profit at the expense of someone else's inexperience, infirmity or misfortune is written as a hoax in the heavenly books.

"You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor". Any lie, any attempt or intent to defraud our neighbor is included in this commandment. Intent to deceive gives birth to cheating. One look, a gesture, a facial expression, you can successfully lie, like words. Any wilful exaggeration, hint or slander designed to produce false or imaginary, or even a description of the facts, but misleading - is a lie. This principle prohibits any attempt to tarnish the reputation of our middle or misrepresent reality by painting or unfounded suspicions, slander or gossip. Even the intentional concealment of the truth, which can damage the other, is a violation of the ninth commandment.

"Do not desire your neighbor's House; do not desire your neighbor's wife, nor his servant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, anything that your neighbor".

The tenth commandment is the root of all sin, selfish desires, cautioning that are the source of the illegal acts. Whoever in obedience to the law of God fearing in his heart even conceal the sinful desire what belongs to others, did not commit any dishonest act towards others.

The tenth commandment is the root of all sin, selfish desires, cautioning that are the source of the illegal acts. Whoever in obedience to the law of God.


                   БИБЛИИ НЕ ПРОТИВОРЕЧИТ   
                  СОВРЕМЕННЫЙ  ТЕКСТ

1.   Верую во единого Бога Отца Вседержителя, Творца неба и земли, всего видимого и невидимого.

2.   И во единого Господа Иисуса Христа, Сына Божия, единородного, рождённого от Отца прежде всех веков, Света от Света, Бога истинного от Бога истинного, рождённого, не сотворённого, одного существа со Отцом, через Которого всё сотворено;

3.   для нас людей и для нашего спасения сошедшего с небес, принявшего плоть от Духа Святого и Марии Девы и сделавшегося человеком,

4.   распятого за нас при Понтии Пилате, страдавшего и погребённого,

5.   воскресшего в третий день согласно с Писаниями (пророческими),

6.   восшедшего на небеса и сидящего одесную Отца,

7.   и снова грядущего со славою судить живых и мёртвых, Царству Его не будет конца.

8.   И в Святого Духа, Господа, дающего жизнь, исходящего от Отца, поклоняемого и прославляемого равночестно с Отцем и Сыном, говорившего чрез пророков.

9.   И во единую, Святую, Вселенскую и Апостольскую Церковь.

10.   Исповедую единое крещение во оставление грехов.

11.   Ожидаю воскресения мёртвых

12.    и жизнь будущую. Аминь.


пятница, 13 мая 2016 г.


In Galatians 5.22-23 refers to the fruit of the Holy Spirit, only 9. Paul says that it is the basic signs of spirituality, which indicate that a person is a Christian. Who is a member of the Church and does not have these fruits, the lists only on Earth, but not in the book of life. "The benefits will get to know them" (Matt 7.16).

In the first LOVE, and it begins to develop the rest. What is it?

Don't just smile, kissing, oil. Dictionary says:

This is the heart of the selfless devotion to something or someone. That there comes to us and comes from the us. Love is different, for example, to things.

Christian love is a sign of Discipleship (John 13). This is the best “advertising”, people will pay attention. And so, because in our time, true love is rare.

There are no schools where they teach love. However, this word is mentioned in the Bible about 400 times. The Holy Spirit wants Christians developed in this sense.

Jesus asked lawbringer, who knew the Scriptures, but with The (Matt 22.40), about which the great commandment in the law, said: "Lovethe  God and neighbor. But this does not mean that the 10 commandments are not needed. They are the expression of love, and its adherence to the letter and not the spirit, is not accepted by God. Those who come are "wicked" legitimate dry.

John 4.24 - God to be worshipped in spirit and in truth. You cannot, for example, the dismantling of a personal thing, a member of the Church for which he had no love because there is no such law. However, God will ask us, the spirit in which we observe the commandment.

About true love we read the Apostle Paul in his first letter to Corinthans, chapter 13:

Article 1 - you can have a lot of knowledge and skills to be an excellent preacher, but without love is nothing. This can make and do an atheist, for example, record it on film, but it is not the spirit of God.

Article 2 - can be of tremendous faith and know all prophecies, but without love it void

Article 3 - you can even give away everything you have, and even life, to show their dedication, but it is useless to someone who does not love, even if it uplifts others

What is love? Mentioned in article 4 and later:

the "patient" is not on the hour and patience is not for a month, and the length of life

"kind" - has a sweet heart, radiant goodness that looks for the good deeds and the alleviation of the suffering of others

"not jealous, not humble, not proud" - is not contentment, looks down and lifts the nose

"not to commit excesses" is a modest and not abusing their position

"not looking for his" does not seek to benefit and awards

"not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, and rejoiceth not sin and have joy for truth, it covers all things, and endures all things" - without comment - parliamentarians

LOVE NEVER DIES, has no output.

Will calceled "knowledge" (in all eternity will be formed), "prophecy" (people again will communicate directly with God and the prophets are not necessary), and "languages" (everyone will speak the same language, so as not to be Babylon). And love will be in eternity. God speaks of this to people in a language they understand, rather than on such, which no one knows. Said about responsibility for every idle Word, rather than "blessed are those who know languages". And all languages are meaningless without love.

1 John 4.8 - GOD IS LOVE.

Everything is love: in creation, salvation and punishment (Hebrews 12).

So how and to whom to love?

Paul says "that love should be without hypocrisy".

Avoid evil and do good. This is the love of God and neighbor. A neighbor - that's all folks. This can be seen from the parable of the Samaritan from the Gospel.


Love should not be a "barter". Unlike the old testament, in the new "love your enemy". Even the Old Testament should only hate those who crowded the patience, and not those who repented (Is 56).

When Christ was on the Cross and was crucified without guilt, he said, father, forgive them! He could curse and had the right to, but has not done so. The same is said when Stefan and kill him (such as Christ, became his disciples).

Nothing can prevent us from loving. Even the heavy testing of demons, especially not the usual problems and resentment. We need to be not only consumers, but also radiators of love. All, not just the priests of the Church.

"There is no greater love than to put the soul for his friends" (John 15).

The benefactor can someone and will die, as Christ died for us while we were still sinners, such as is (Rom 8). He never went to die, waiting for our patches or on certain conditions. Such were the "some of us" (of the believers) and still is.

Even if there are shortcomings in the Church, we should approach them with caution, as Christ. "The price of exhortation is love from a pure heart".

Denunciation: "If you feel that you could die for this brother's then go to him and make him" (E. White). Even if you do not have to die, it is necessary for us to correctly judge Christ.

Will check itself for the fruits of the spirit and a love that will last forever. That, and the other said: about us < our name > is love.


признак "исполнения Святым Духом", проявляющийся в экстатических речах ( так называемый "язык Святого Духа" ), не понимаемых самим говорящим, но понятном только Богу. Большинство пятидесятников считают, что без говорения на иных языках не может быть крещения Святым Духом.

- Существует истинный, подлинный библейский дар говорения на иных языках.

- Только Бог выбирает, кого каким даром наделить. Дары Богом даются индивидуально, так, как Он считает нужным ( 1 Кор 12.11 ).

- Не всякий получает дар говорения на иных языках. Этот дар - лишь один из длинного списка даров и находится в конце его ( ст.27-31 ).

- Любовь является более важным фактором для Бога, нежели говорение на иных языках или пророчество ( 1 Кор 13.1-2 ).

- Признаком того, что человек исполнился Святого Духа, является любящее сердце, желающее свидетельствовать о Христе ( Деян 1.6-8 ).

- Дар говорения на иных языках не является исключительно даром, позволяющим верующим назидать самих себя, но служит подтверждающим признаком для назидания неверующих в Евангелии ( 1 Кор 14.22 ).

- Говорение на иных языках подразумевает реальный иностранный язык, данный Богом для того, чтобы преодолеть языковой барьер в распространении Благой вести ( Деян 2.4-22 ).

- в 14-й главе Первого послания к Коринфянам Павел ратует за разумную речь, а не за бессмысленное бормотание ( 1 Кор 14.7-9 ). Он даёт следующие указания в случае, если в церкви используется говорение на иных языках:

1) Одновременно может говорить только один человек. Не должно быть спонтанных массовых всплесков, когда многие начинают говорить одновременно                 ( ст. 26-27 );

2) На одном богослужении следует говорить не более двум, от силы трём людям
( там же, ст. 26-27 );

3) Для говорящего на иностранном языке должен быть переводчик, так чтобы
всё собрание верующих могло извлечь пользу из сказанного и соучаствовать в богослужении ( ст. 28 ).

- Полнота Святого Духа изливается на тех, кто добровольно и с любовью повинуется истине Божьей ( Деян 5.32 , Иоанн 14.15-16 ).

четверг, 12 мая 2016 г.


Our enemy the devil angry and it is treacherous, that is why we must trust God and stay awake and not dwell in spiritual hibernation (1 Pet 5.8-9).

Satan uses to abuse people, different tools, such as:

- militant atheism, i.e. rejection of the existence of God

- mixing with the world (spiritual Babylon), i.e. mixing the truth with false teachings

- the idea of so called. "the truth inside themselves (as in Buddhism)

In the "1 In 2.16" States that the temptations come in three types:

The lust of the flesh, appetite, sex drive, etc.

The lust of the eyes is love for all sin

The pride of life is the desire of power, wisdom and vengeance to satisfy personal selfish desires


As long as we live in a world of temptation do not recede from us and will always be.

The temptation is not a sin. Through the temptation, we can be tested, and through him God reveals to us, what is in our hearts (we experience ourselves).

Sin comes only when we give in the temptations. The temptation, as has been said, are as follows:

1. Sinful thoughts and their investigation

2. The temptation of allowed by God to the test. The temptation of this kind will be accrue as we approach the end of the world (1 Pet 1.7).


That will help us not to fall into temptation?

1. Do not stand in a place where you can sin (do not go towards the suit of emotion).

2. Avoid contact with people who can lead you into temptation (but certainly there is an exception in the case of the Gospel and the good deeds).

3. Avoid looking at what excites sinful thoughts (e.g., books, programmes on television, etc.).

4. Do something creative to properly use free while.

5. Fill your mind with good, useful thoughts as protection against evil.

6. Do not sit and dream (do not build castles in the air, avoid fantasies, that lead to an idler).

7. Close all doors, through which the tempter finds to us access.

8. Follow the voice of principle and obligations rather than the voice of feelings.

9. Learn to say "NO" to the temptations and lusts.

10. Be attentive to aspects of conduct: keep up the culture of speech, come after careful consideration to the choice of occupation, etc.



To do this, it is important to fully obey God (James 4)

Reaction to temptation should be the following:

1. The prayer

2. Own will (the specific decisions and actions)

More attention should be paid to the study of God's Word and always in temptation - to apply it (Ps 119.11). When temptation we must remember that Jesus prays for us in the heavenly sanctuary.

Another tip: to abide by the principles of a healthy lifestyle (healthy nutrition, physical education, etc.). Strong tool of temptation is the perfume - spiritual singing (Eph 5.19).


Here's what we recommend to read texts in case of temptation:

The temptation to get angry - Proverbs 16.32

Smoking and other bad habits - 1 Corinthians 6.19-20

Sinful thoughts - Psalm 101.3

"All do it" - Exodus 23.2

Ill think about our fun - Matthew 5.44

The temptation to move away from Christ - Matthew 24.13


The bottom line: to defeat the temptation, it is necessary to refer to the sky as you can more study the word and keep it in your heart.


   После 313 г. Католическая церковь стала государственной. Главой церкви был объявлен римский епископ (папа). В это время в церковь проникают обряды и постановления, которых нет в Библии:

   - празднование воскресенья вместо субботы ( указ Константина 321 г. , Лаодикийский собор 364 г.)

   - каждение фимиамом ( 337 г.)

   - крестное знамение ( 360 г. , Утверждено 680 г.)

   - порядок богослужений, литургия Василия Великого ( 370 г.)

   - обычай молиться на восток ( 532 г.)

   - зажигание свечей в любое время дня ( 545 г.)

   - золотые ризы священников ( 600 г.)

   - кропление водой ( 682 г.)

   - поклонение деве Марии и святым ( 715 г.)

   - иконопочетание ( с II-III вв. , окончательно утверждено в 787 г.)

   Католическая церковь вначале была единой. Но в 395 году Римская империя была разделена на Западную и Восточную.

   Центр Запада - Рим под управлением папы

   Центр Востока - Константинополь под управлением кесаря (он стал столицей ещё в 330 

                                 г. - с этого и началось деление церкви)

   Восточной церковью в конце V века стал руководить сам император, а папа имел влияние только на Запад. ( Он сам был слишком далеко, чтобы император руководил им. Тот и другой в своей вотчине объединял политическую и духовную власть.)

   Разница в философии:

   Запад - более практический, но не интересующийся богословием (толкованием догматов)

   Восток - занимался решением богословских проблем в философском духе

   Другие  различия:

                               Запад                                                                    Восток

   1. Духовенству запрещено                               1. Разрешены браки «белого» духовенства

       жениться                                                             ( не принявшего монашества )

   2. Священникам разрешалось брить               2. Священники должны были носить

       бороду                                                                 бороду

   3. Считал латинский язык самым главным    3. Считал главным (особым) греческий язык

   4. Добавил в Никейский символ веры то,      4. Считает, что Дух исходит только от Отца

       Что Святой Дух исходит «От Сына»               во имя Сына ( Иоанн 14.26 ; 15.26)

   5. Отстаивал поклонение иконам, статуям     5. Изгнал поклонение статуям, но оставил

        и крестам                                                            иконы (строгий канон) и крест

   Кроме того, с самого начала были споры по поводу даты празднования Пасхи.

   В  IX  веке значительный вклад в восточную церковь внесли братья Кирилл (в миру Константин) и Мефодий из Салоник. Они изобрели нашу азбуку и перевели Библию на славянский язык, также преподавали в славянских училищах и проводили богослужение на славянском языке (Папство же считало, что служить Богу можно только на трёх языках: еврейском, греческом и латыни).

   Обращение славян: 864 г. - Болгария крещена при царе Борисе; 965 г. - крестилась княгиня Ольга, а в 988 году её внук Владимир крестился и крестил Киевскую Русь.

   В середине  IX  века папа Николай I  попытался повлиять на назначение главы восточных церквей - патриарха Константинопольского (папа возвышался над всеми патриархами). Но византийцы возмутились против этого.

   В середине  XI  века патриарх Михаил обвинил католиков за то, что используют для причастия пресный хлеб ( Исх 13.6, Матф 26.26). Папа Лев  IX  послал в Византию кардинала Гумберта и других легатов для решения спора, но это не помогло.

   16 июля 1054 года римские легаты возложили на алтарь кафедрального собора святой Софии в Константинополе грамоту об отлучении патриарха и его последователей. Патриарх же в ответ предал анафеме папу и его иерархию. (Эта анафема (обоюдная) была отменена 7 декабря 1965 года  Павлом VI  и  Афинагором).

   С этого момента восточная церковь стала независимой. Обе церкви претендовали на название «католическая (вселенская) церковь», но так как это название утвердилось за Римом, то восточная церковь стала называться православной (т.е. правоверной).

   До  XIV  века в православной церкви особых изменений не произошло, как в доктринах, так и в деятельности. После 1453 года, когда был захвачен турками Константинополь, он потерял значение, и лидерами в православии сделались русские патриархи. На развитие русской церкви также оказало влияние татарское иго (1237-1480), когда Россия была отрезана от Константинополя. После 1453 года резиденция русского митрополита перенесена из Киева в Москву (подальше от Константинополя, поближе к царю), и митрополит стал зависеть от влияния светской власти. Вскоре был избран «митрополит Московский и всея Руси». В 1589 году Русская православная церковь стала национальной церковью (патриархатом). Москва объявлена третьим Римом (1 - Рим, 2 - Константинополь).

   Затем в русской церкви произошёл раскол. После 1650 г. патриарх Никон ввёл крещение тремя пальцами вместо двухперстного. Тут возникло движение против этого во главе с Аввакумом (старообрядцы, которых затем преследовали, а Аввакум был сожжён как еретик).

   В 1722 г. Пётр I реформировал управление церкви. Когда умер патриарх Афанасий, Пётр запретил выбирать нового патриарха, а поставил над церковью Священный Синод, которым управляло гражданское должностное лицо, подчинённое царю. Так были слиты церковь и государство. Это продолжалось до 1917 года.

   РПЦ отличает антисемитизм, как откровенный, так и скрытый. В церкви постепенно возрастала ненависть к евреям (они забыли, что евреи составляли основу, столп первой Церкви). В конституции Пилипа Орлика государственной верой объявлено православие и отмечен вред всех прочих вер, особенно же иудаизма. В начале  XX  века было сфабриковано так называемое «дело Бейлиса» об убийстве украинского мальчика, в котором обвинили евреев, которые якобы «кладут в пасхальную мацу кровь православную» ( Быт 9.4, Лев 3.17). В 1905 г. образован «Союз русского народа» ( Союз Михаила Архангела), направленный против социалистов и евреев. Примерно тогда же начались погромы. Недавно было создано общество «Память», которая продолжает черносотенные традиции. В 1990 году был зверски убит Александр Мень (еврей и реформатор в православии), которого лидер «Памяти» Васильев называл «опасным еретиком».

   В 1917 г. коммунисты захватили власть в России. Они своим декретом отделили церковь от государства и опять разрешили выбирать патриарха. В 1917 - 23 году были гонения на РПЦ: конфискация церковного имущества, лишение духовенства права голоса, запрет религиозного обучения. В 23 - 28 г. прямые гонения сменились атеистической пропагандой ( проведение антирелигиозных карнавалов, образование Союза воинствующих безбожников, дискредитация церкви ). Но это не возымело успеха. Тогда Сталин в 1928 - 39 гг. пустил в ход радикальные меры: запрещение служб, закрытие ( и уничтожение ) церквей и монастырей ( ~10%, не восстановлены по сей день). Только в 1929 г.  1400  храмов закрыто и переделано для светских нужд ( например клубов, спортзалов и т.д. ). На месте храма Христа Спасителя хотели построить Дворец Советов, но так и не построили. Многие священники сделались агентами органов ( ГПУ - НКВД - КГБ ) и доносили на прихожан. Всё же к 1937 г. половина населения России сохраняла веру во Христа. Тогда были прекращены карнавалы и преподавание атеизма в школах. В 1941 г. церковь поддержала советское правительство во время войны и добилась веротерпимости, но не полной свободы.

   В 1988 г. картина изменилась. По случаю 1000-летия крещения Руси правительство Горбачёва назначило его всенародное празднование. Горбачёв встречался с патриархом Пименом и устроил роскошный концерт духовной музыки в Кремлёвском Дворце Съездов, где собиралась на свои форумы компартия и устраивались торжественные заседания. Кое-кто стал цитировать «Дан 12.1» и к слову «Михаил» добавлять слово «Меченый» ( Горбачёву мы обязаны свободой совести ). После этого и протестанты получили свободу. 25 декабря 1989 года первый протестантский проповедник ( Роберт Шуллер ) выступил по Центральному телевидению.  В 1991 г. первый президент России Ельцин был благословлён патриархом.

   Современное православие идёт на сближение с другими церквями. В 1965 г. они помирились с Римом, но продолжают обвинять католиков в ереси. Они также пытаются утеснять протестантов. В 1993 г. в Верховном Совете России прошёл закон о религиях, где отводится ведущая роль православию, а протестантов ограничивают в правах ( они испугались «нашествия» проповедников с Запада ). В настоящее время в самом православии произошёл раскол; на Украине существует 3 православные церкви - Московский патриархат, Киевский патриархат и автокефальная церковь. Правители, видя значение церкви, «заигрывают» с ней - ходят в храм, присягают на Библии, встречаются с духовенством. Православие до сих пор внушает всем отвращение к протестантским церквам.

   То, что происходит сейчас с православием и другими церквями, указывает на последнее время. Это их сближение и сотрудничество с государством ( Откр 13.11-17). Необходимо бодрствовать и молиться об излитии Святого Духа ( Иоиль 2.23-32).


1. Святость воскресенья - вера в то, что поскольку Иисус воскрес из мёртвых в первый день недели, все христиане должны в этот день поклоняться Богу ( Быт 2.1-3 , Исх 20.8-11 , Иез 20.12, 20 ; Лука 4.16 , Матф 24.30 , Деян 13.42-44 , Матф 12.8 , Лука 6.5 , Ис 66.22-23 ). Откр 1.10 в Синодальной Библии - неправильный перевод: «Я был в духе в день Господень», а не в «день воскресный».

2. Бессмертие человеческой души: вера в то, что у каждого человека есть бес-смертная, неуничтожимая душа, существующая независимо от тела и покидающая его по смерти, отправляясь в рай или в ад ( 1 Тим 6.15-16 , Быт 2.7 , Еккл 12.7 , Иов 27.3 ; Пс 145.4, 6.6, 113.25 ; Иоанн 11.11-14 ). Слово «душа» встречается в Библии 1600 раз, а выражение «бессмертная душа» - ни разу. 53 раза Библия называет смерть сном.

3. Иконопочетание ( Деян 17.29 , Исх 20.4-5 – в еврейском оригинале «не делай себе никаких статуй и никаких картин» , Втор 4.15-16 ).

4. Предания как основание веры ( Втор 4.2 , Откр 22. 18-19 ).

5. Исповедь перед священником как посредником между Богом и человеком ( 1 Тим 2.5 , Евр 4.14-16 , 1 Иоан 1.9 ).

6. Поклонение Марии и святым и молитвы за мёртвых ( Деян 4.12 , Еккл 9.5 ; Пс 113.25, 6.6, 145.3-4 ; Иоанн 11.11-14 , Иез 14.14,20 , Пс 48.8-9 , 1 Тим 2.5-6 ).

среда, 11 мая 2016 г.


After 313, the Catholic church became public. The head of the Church was proclaimed Bishop of Rome (the Pope). At this time in church rites and ordinances, penetrate which isn't in the Bible:

- a celebration of Sunday instead of Saturday (Decree 321, Constantine of Laodicea Cathedral of 364)

- reverence of icons (finalized in 787 A.D.)

- the order of worship, liturgy of St. Basil the great (370)

- the sign of the cross (360, Confirmed in 680 )

- the adoration of the Virgin Mary and Saints (715)

- Gold vestments of priests (600 g)

- candle light at any time of the day (545)

- the custom of praying to the East (532)

- sprinkled with water (682)

- the censing of the incense (337)

The Catholic Church was first unified. In 395 the Roman Empire was shared on the West and East.

Centre of West - Rome under Pope

Center East - Constantinople under the Caesar (it became the capital in 330 with this and started dividing the Church)

The Eastern Church in the late 5th century became the lead the emperor himself, and Dad had the influence of only to the West. (He was too far away to the emperor was the one. Another in its home turf has combined political and spiritual authority.)

The difference in philosophy:

West - more practical, but not interested in theology (interpretation dogmas)

East - dealt with theological issues in philosophical spirit

Other differences:

                       West                                                                             East

1. The clergy banned                                                    1. Resolved white clergy marriages

    getting married                                                            (not accepting monasticism)

2. The priests were allowed to shave beard                 2. The priests were to wear beard

3. Considered Latin language the most important       3. Considered the main (Special) Greek

4. Added to the Nicene Creed,                                    4. Believes that the spirit proceeds from the father only

    That the Holy Spirit proceeds "from the son"               in the name of the Son (John 14.26; 16.59)

5. Advocated the worship of icons, statues,                5. Drove the worship of statues, but left

    and crosses                                                                  icons (strict Canon) and the cross

In addition, from the outset, controversy over the date of Easter.

In the 9th century in the Eastern Orthodox Church made the brothers Cyril (Constantine) and Methodius from Thessaloniki. They invented our alphabet and translated the Bible into Slavic language is also taught in schools and Church Slavonic in Church Slavonic. (The papacy also believed that one can only serve God in three languages: Hebrew, Greek and Latin.)

Treatment of Slavs: 864 - Bulgaria under Tsar Boris baptized ; 965 - christened Olga the Princess, and her grandson, 988, Vladimir was baptized and baptized the Old Kievan Rus. In the mid - 9th century, Pope Nicholas I tried to influence the appointment of the head of the East-churches - Patriarch of Constantinople (Pope towered over all the Patriarchs). But the Byzantines rebelled against that. In the middle of the 11th century the Patriarch Michael accused the Catholics for being used for communion unleavened bread (Exodus 13, Mt 26.26). Pope Leo IX sent to Byzantium cardinal Gumbert and other legates to resolve the dispute, but it did not help. July 16, 1054, the Roman they laid on the altar of the Cathedral of the Holy Sophia in Constantinople of the alienation of the Patriarch and his followers. Patriarch in response betrayed his dad and the hierarchy of the anathema (This anathema (mutual) was noted  December 7, 1965, Paul VI and Afinagor ).

Since then, the Eastern Church became independent. The two churches laid claim to the title of "The Catholic (Universal) Church", but since that name established for Rome, the Eastern Church became known as the Orthodox (i.e. Right).

Until the 14th century in the Orthodox Church there, significant changes in doctrines, and in the work. After 1453, when the Ottoman Turks captured Constantinople, he lost importance, and the leaders of the Russian Orthodox faith became Russian Patriarchs. On the development of the Russian Church also had the effect of Tatar yoke (1237-1480), when Russia was "cut" from Constantinople. After 1453, the residence of the Russian Metropolitan was moved

from Kiev to Moscow (away from Constantinople, closer to the King), and metropolitan became dependent on the influence of secular government. He was soon elected the Metropolitan of Moscow and all Russia. In 1589, the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) became the National Church (Patriarchat). Moscow announced the third Rome (1 - Rome, 2 - Constantinople).

Then in the Russian church split. After 1650, the Patriarch Nikon introduced the CD Patriarch Nikon introduced the "cross yourself" with three fingers instead of two-fingers. Here there was a movement against it, led by Abakum (old believers, who then chased and Abakum was burned as heretic.

In 1722, Peter reformed the administration of the Church. When the Patriarch Athanasius, Peter rebuked to choose a new Patriarch, and placed over the Church Holy Synod, which governed the civilian official, subordinate to the King. So were merged Church and State. This continued until 1917.

The ROC is Anti-Semitism,  frank and hidden too. The church gradually increased hatred towards Jews (they have forgotten that the Jews formed the basis of the first pillar, Church). The Constitution of Pilip Orlik (Ukraine) public faith orthodoxy and has declared against all other faiths, especially Jews. In the early 20th century it was fabricated so-called "Beilis file" about the murder of the boy, in which criminal - Jews who allegedly put to Passover Matzah "blood of Orthodox" (Gen. 9.4, Lev 3.17). In 1905 he founded the "Union of the Russian people" (The Union of Michael the Archangel), - against the Socialists and Jews. At about the same time massacres. Recently the society was created "Memory", which continues the traditions of the "black hundreds". In 1990 year was brutally murdered Alexander Myen (Jew and reformer in orthodoxy), which the leader of the "Memory" Vasilyev called "dangerous heretic".

In 1917, the Communists took power in Russia. They Decree separated the Church from the State and again was allowed to choose the Patriarch. In 1917-23, the persecution of the RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH: the confiscation of church property, depriving the clergy the right to vote, prohibition of religious education. At 1923-28, direct persecution have atheistic propaganda (the anti-religious carnivals, education Union militant atheistic Cove, discrediting the Church). But it's not having success. Then Stalin in 1928-39  in the drastic measures to prevent the closure of services (and destruction) of churches and monasteries (~ 10%, not recovered to this day). Only in 1929, 1400 temples closed - the redone for secular purposes (clubs, gyms, etc.). On the place of the Temple of Christ

Savior wanted to build the Palace of the Soviets, but never built. Many priests have become agents of bodies (GPU-NKVD-KGB) and delivered to parishioners. However, in 1937 half of the population of Russia kept the faith in Christ. Then ceased “atheistic carnavals” shafts and the teaching of atheism in schools. In 1941 the Church supported the Soviet Government during the war and has made religious tolerance, but not complete freedom.

In 1988, the landscape changed. On the occasion of the 1000-anniversary of the baptism of Government Michael Gorbachev appointed his celebration. Gorbachev met with the Patriarch Pimen and arranged a lavish concert at the Kremlin Palace, where gathered for the Communist Party Congresses and their forums were held commemorative meetings.

Some people began to quote Dan 12.1 and to the word "Michael" add word "Tagged" (We owe Gorbachev freedom of conscience). After that, and the Protestants got the discretion to do. December 25, 1989, the first Protestant preacher (Robert Schuller) speaking of saws on the Central television. In 1991, the first President of Russia Boris Yeltsin was blessed by the Patriarch.

Modern Orthodoxy is closer ties with other churches. In 1965, the they agreed with Rome, but continue to accuse Catholics of heresy. They also try to blufftake the Protestants. In 1993, the Supreme Council of Russia passed a law on religions, where It is the leading role of Orthodoxy and Protestants limited rights (they fright place "invasion" of preachers from the West). Currently in the Orthodoxy has occupied split; in Ukraine there are 3 Orthodox Church - Moscow Patriarchate, Kyivan Patriarchate and Autocephalous Church. Rulers, seeing the value of the Church, “make advances”  with it  - they go to Temple, swear on the Bible, met with clergy. The Ortodoxism still inspires all aversion to Protestant churches.

What is happening now with orthodoxy and other churches, points to the most while. It's their rapprochement and cooperation with the State (Rev 13.11-17). You must stay awake and pray about getting of the Holy Spirit (Joel 2.32).