суббота, 27 апреля 2019 г.


“Consecrate yourself and be holy,

For I, the Lord your God am Holy ".

Lev 20.7


4. Saturday and cross of Golgotha


When God initiated the creation of the universe, he made the Sabbath day monument of creation. But SIN has led to what the day has a different meaning: it became a redemptive sacrifice, death on the cross of Jesus Christ, the son of God.


4.1. What is "mikdash"?

After Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, God would execute judgment on them for breaking the law: "The wages of sin is death" (Romans 6.23). But God is stepped differently. For love of her, he decides: To die for them and

for the entire human race. Until He establishes a rite of sacrifice, which is not a shadow of Golgotha: "and the Lord God made for Adam and his wife wear leather, and clothed them "(Genesis 3.21). The clothes were the first people, because the mild climate on the Earth was harsh, but they also symbolize God's grace - all-forgiving and return of the repentant sinner lost paradise.

Since this rite of Holy was observed in the people of God. Abel, and Noah brought benefit - donative and the peace offerings to the Lord, and numerous altars in the territory Palestine testified that here once stayed Abraham (Gen 4.4, 12.7, 8.20-8).

Retired Jews from Egypt, were a vivid illustration of the Atonement, and the final is a Ministry in the sanctuary.

Every day the blood sacrifice for sin entered into the first (I) branch of the Sanctuary (see fig. 2) and  priest besprinkled it of beyond the veil, where the Ark of the law against Dartmouth which sinned people (Lev 4.1-6).

Once a year, in September (10 in number 7 of the month on the lunar calendar), carried out a special service of cleansing the sanctuary from sins, introduced there. Before air of each Israeli during the days of court  had to investigate itself and confess all the sins. If he did not want to do this, he killed. "The soul the making sin, will die "(Ezek 18.4, Lev 23.29).

For the rite priest took two goats and threw a lot of them (Lev 16.7-8). The first goat he then slew it and took his blood and was with her on the second (II) branch of the sanctuary, which had the right to enter only the high priest (descendant of Aaron) in the only day of the year; There he sprinkled on the lid and the lid of the Ark, thus cleansing the sanctuary. The Jews do not repent, Sin remained on him (v.15-16, 33). This goat symbolized the Christ who died for the sins of everyone believing in him and accepting his Lord and Savior. Such a person is acquitted on

the Heavenly Court and receive eternal life (1 John 1.7, 9; John 3.16-19).

Then the high priest coming out of the sanctuary and laid his hands on the other goat, and he carried the sins of the people and banned in wilderness (Lev 16.20-22). This goat was symbol of the devil, who first rebelled against the Government of God, and then implicated in revolt of the third of the angels and the population of the planet Earth; now he is unmasked as a liar and the perpetrator of all evil on the Earth, which, after the end of the world will be destroyed, along with all followers (1 John 3.8 ; Rev 12.3, 7-9 ; Gen 3.1-6,16-19,15 ; Mal 4.1 ; Is 47.14; Ps 37.10; Avd 16).

Our regeneration and sanctification is possible thanks to the exploits of Jesus, and memorial of this consecration - Saturday: "also gave them My Sabbaths, to ... know that I Lord, sanctifies them (Ezek 20.12). The Hebrew word "mikdash" - "sanctuary" translated as the "sanctification" or "redemption", i.e. separation from the world of sin and

return to God. The Golgotha’s cross put an end to the victims, as the true victim is sacrificed.


4.2. The events of creation and Holy week

Compare the texts, which share about 4000 years, and which say that we the Christians were created twice: "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation" (2 Cor 5.17-19).


                    The Creation                                                                           The Atonement




"And God said, let us make man                                              " And when they came to the place, called

our image and likeness;                                                            My Skull, there they crucified him, and the villains

and will govern they ... over all the                                           one on His right and the other on the left

the Earth ... So God created man in the                                   side. And the people stood by and watched.

his image. from the dust of the Earth,                                       and... cursing at him. saying: If

breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and                        you are the King of the Jews, save yourself

man became a living being. And planted                                 a... One of the hanged villains evil -

The Lord God of heaven in Eden in the East,                          and caught Him, and said: If you're Christ

placed there the man whom the created…                              save yourself and us. The other t

to dress it and keep it and                                                        said him: or not you

his ... And the Lord God said: not good are afraid                   of God, when he was convicted on

the man should be alone; Let us make helper and                  it the same? And we indeed justly,

assistant, corresponding to it. And                                           because worthy for our,

led by God on man strong adopted                                          but it's nothing bad did not.

dream; and when he fell asleep, took one of his ribs,               And said to Jesus:

and closed the place flesh. And created                                 remember me Lord when you come into your Kingdom!                                                                                                            

Lord from the rib  the                                                               Jesus said him: "…Will be with me in Paradise".

woman, and brought her to the man "(Gen. 1:                         And the Sun was darkened, and the veil in the Temple

26-27; 2.7-8, 15, 18, 21-22).                                                   was ripped in the Middle "(Luke 23.33, 35-37, 39-43, 45).

"And God saw everything that he had made,                           "Jesus said, ' it is done! and,

and behold, it was very good. And was ... the sixth day”          bowing  His head,  he gave up his spirit. Day

(Genesis 1.31).                                                                         the same one was Friday "(John 19.30 , Luke 23.54).




"It made the heavens and the Earth and all the                     " Sabbath came... This Saturday

military of  them. And God to the seventh DAY                       was GREAT. Sequence

the day of all the works of their own, which he did,                the women also, which came with

and the seventh day he rested from all his work,                   Jesus from Galilee, and watched the coffin,

who did. And God blessed the seventh                                  how was His body. Returning -

day, and hallowed it, because it's the same                           prepared incense and

chill from all his work which God made and                           on Saturday were left alone

created” (Gen 2.1-3).                                                              according to the commandment "(Luke 23.54, John 19.

                                                                                               31, Luke 23.55-56).



Jesus, the creator and Almighty, took responsibility for the sin of their creations.

"Finally, Jesus calmed down from his. A long day of insults and agony of finished. When the last rays of the setting sun heralded the attack Saturday, the Son of God lay in the silence of the tomb of Joseph. He completed his work. His hands were folded peacefully. The Saints watch Saturday afternoon He found peace. In the beginning, after the case of creation on Earth, the father and son were buried on Saturday. By creating "the heavens and the Earth and all their host" (Gen 2.1), the creator and all the heavenly beings were contemplating this nice picture with glee "the morning stars, when all the sons of God shouted for joy" (Job 38.7). Now, in the case of redemption, Jesus became peace. And while the Earth mourned loving it, heaven, joy reigned. What a glorious future to open eyes is heavenly creatures! Revival creation, the expiated human race, defeating sin, never will disappear from God - the result of the completed work of Christ seen angels and God. And with this Rainbow picture forever is the day on which Jesus will regulate his or her generation, because "committed his actions" and "everything that makes God remains forever" (Deut 32.4, Eccl 3.14). When the time comes "commit all that God spoke through the mouth of all His holy prophets from of the century" (Acts 3.21), Saturday of creation, the day that Jesus rested in the tomb of Joseph, will continue during the day of rest and joy. Heaven and the Earth will merge in glee, and then "from Saturday to Saturday (Is 66. 23 ) saved people will gladly worship God and the Lamb" (E.White, “The desire of ages ", Chapter 80).


No. 60

In a dark coffin lay my Redeemer

And with death reversed death my Savior.

The mortal ad destroyed the life everlasting,

Enemy conquered by death of Christ's life.

The path of life, we opened the Christ the Savior

And we love It, our Lord has revealed.



   Жизнь пренеприятная штука, но сделать её прекрасной очень нетрудно. Для этого недостаточно выиграть 200 000, получить Белого Орла, жениться на хорошенькой, прослыть благонамеренным - все эти блага тленны и поддаются привычке. Для того, чтобы ощутить в себе счастье, без перерыва, даже в минуты скорби и печали, нужно:

а) уметь довольствоваться настоящим и 
б) радоваться сознанию, что «могло бы быть и хуже». А это нетрудно:

   Когда у тебя в кармане загораются спички, то радуйся и благодари небо, что у тебя в кармане не пороховой погреб.

   Когда к тебе на дачу приезжают бедные родственники, то не бледней, а торжествуя восклицай: «Хорошо, что это не городовые!»

   Когда в твой палец попадает заноза, радуйся: «Хорошо, что не в глаз!»

   Если твоя жена или свояченица играет гаммы, то не выходи из себя, а не находи себе места от радости, что ты слушаешь игру, а не вой шакалов или кошачий концерт.

   Радуйся, что ты не лошадь конножелезки, не коховская «запятая», не трихина, не свинья, не осёл, не медведь, которого водят цыгане, не клоп… Радуйся, что в данную минуту ты не сидишь на скамье подсудимых, не видишь пред собой кредитора и не беседуешь о гонораре с Турбой.

   Если ты живёшь в не столь отдалённых местах, то разве нельзя быть счастливым от мысли, что тебя не угораздило попасть в столь отдалённые?

   Если у тебя болит один зуб, то ликуй, что у тебя болят не все зубы.

   Радуйся, что ты имеешь возможность не читать «Гражданина», не сидеть на ассенизационной бочке, не быть женатым сразу на трёх…

   Когда тебя ведут в участок, то прыгай от восторга, что тебя ведут не в геенну огненную.

   Если тебя секут берёзой, то дрыгай ногами и восклицай: «Как я счастлив, что меня секут не крапивой!»

   Если жена тебе изменила, то радуйся, что она изменила тебе, а не отечеству.

   И так далее… Последуй, человече, моему совету, и жизнь твоя будет состоять из сплошного ликования.



1. Вселенная опровергает "большой взрыв" и подтверждает Творца !

2. Планета Земля опровергает Хаттона и Лайела и подтверждает Творца !

3. Кости и окаменелости опровергают эволюцию и подтверждают Творца !

4. Живая клетка опровергает случайность и подтверждает Творца !

5. Растения и животные опровергают Дарвина и подтверждают Творца !

6. Человек опровергает обезьяньих предков и подтверждает Творца !

7. Хватит морочить людям голову через учебные заведения и прессу, признайте Творца !

    Библия - Книга книг - даст довольно полную и содержательную информацию о Нём.

                                               ПОСМОТРИТЕ ВИДЕО ДО КОНЦА !!!



Сатана созвал всемирный съезд бесов. В своей вступительной речи он сказал: «Мы не можем запретить людям ходить в храм. Мы не можем запретить им читать Священные писания. Мы не можем запретить им общаться в молитве с Богом. Как только они устанавливают связь с Богом – мы тут же лишаемся власти над ними. Так пусть они ходят в свои храмы, но мы украдем у них – их время, так что они, будучи всегда занятыми, не смогут молиться, думать о смысле жизни и развивать свои отношения с Богом»
«Вот что вы должны делать, – сказал Сатана, – вы должны помешать людям войти в общение с Богом и поддерживать эту связь в течение дня».
«Но как этого добиться?» – закричали демоны.
«Увлеките их пустяками и придумайте много способов, чтобы занять их умы всякими ненужными делами. А главное, внушите им стремление к материальным благам и обогащению. Пусть они проникнутся желанием иметь как можно большее количество денег. Пусть покупают себе машины, квартиры, дачи. Пусть зарабатывают все больше и больше, чтобы ходить в рестораны и кафе, приобретать дорогую, модную одежду, делать дорогой ремонт в квартирах и обставлять их модной мебелью. Искушайте их тратить, тратить и брать, брать в долг, брать многолетние кредиты и таким образом попадать в кабалу банкам. А когда они увлекутся этой погоней за Мамоной – им уже будет не нужен Бог…
Убедите их жен задерживаться на работе, а мужей – работать 6-7 дней в неделю, по 10-12 часов в день, чтобы им некогда было заниматься своими семьями и воспитанием детей. Не давайте им проводить время с детьми, сделайте так, чтобы дети их шлялись с утра и до ночи на улице и дружили с дурными компаниями, тогда они перестанут учиться, и из них ничего доброго не получится. Тогда их семьи развалятся, и они станут одинокими, а мы им от горя поможем спиться.
Стимулируйте сверх меры их умы так, чтобы телевизоры и компьютеры в их домах работали постоянно, и они как можно больше времени проводили у телевизора и компьютера, и им некогда будет молиться. Следите, чтобы в каждом магазине и концертном зале постоянно звучала не духовная музыка. Это заблокирует их разум и разрушит их единство с Богом…
Разложите на столах в кафе множество журналов и газет. Бомбардируйте их разум новостями и рекламой 24 часа в сутки. Пусть по пути им бросается в глаза море рекламных щитов. Наполните их почтовые ящики каталогами для заказа товаров по почте, информационными бюллетенями и предложениями бесплатных товаров, услуги ложных надежд.
Показывайте в журналах и по телевизору тощих, хорошеньких моделей, так чтобы мужчины поверили, что внешняя красота – это самое главное и стали бы недовольны своими женами.
Сделайте так, чтобы жены были слишком усталыми, чтобы дарить любовь своим мужьям. Если мужья не получат дома любовь, в которой они нуждаются, они начнут искать ее в других местах. Это быстро разрушит их семьи!
В Рождество и Пасху, другие духовные праздники отвлеките их праздничной суетой, концертами по телевидению и пьяными застольями, чтобы они не учили своих детей истинному значению этих праздников.
Пусть даже из отпуска они вернутся уставшими. Сделайте так, чтобы они были всегда заняты, пусть у них не будет времени выехать на природу и полюбоваться Божьим творением. Вместо этого отправьте их в парки развлечений, на спортивные мероприятия, игры, концерты и в кино.
И пусть все люди будут вечно – ЗАНЯТЫ, ЗАНЯТЫ, ЗАНЯТЫ!
Наводните их жизни таким количеством неотложных дел, чтобы у них не было времени искать силы у Бога. И скоро они будут жить и работать, полагаясь только на себя, жертвуя своим здоровьем и семьями ради своих дел и денег.
Это сработает!
Это был отличный план! Бесы с радостью отправились на задание, заставляя людей повсюду становиться все более занятыми и спешить туда и сюда, оставляя все меньше времени для Бога, для молитвы и своих семей.»
Удался ли Сатане его замысел? Подумайте над этим, если вы не слишком ЗАНЯТЫ.

пятница, 26 апреля 2019 г.




There are 23 models of the origin of the universe, but none completely its not explain-significantly, from where and how it arose.

The most popular model - the big bang theory. According to her, the whole substance was first compressed into a single point, and then exploded and began to grow and form a different body. But if this is true, it is unclear from where come from space, as the Galaxy and all the periodic table?

And what energy this explosion occurred?

"The blast occurred as the claim about 20 billion years ago. But how is this calculated?

It turns out the age of the universe is much smaller. This, as will be discussed below, show the cosmic body.

If indeed the dot exploded, then where did the laws of physics? And besides, matter and energy cannot arise and disappear by themselves - so taught the laws of thermodynamics. Only creationism explains and matter and energy, and laws.


Thus, the observation of cosmic bodies tells us the following:

1. Galaxy mainly take the form of spirals, the angular velocity of rotation of the stars in which the more than closer to her Center. This is why these are spiral curled ends. If the Galaxy would have been for billions of years, they have these swirled all there would be.

2. Red stars eventually become white dwarfs. This sufficiently only about 2000 years. Example - star Sirius: astronomers of antiquity describe it as red, and now it is white. 100 thousand years have passed, how would it cures that so much time has to pass, and many times less.

3. The rings of Saturn are unstable and disappear, only a few thousand years, not millions.

4. One of the satellites of Jupiter. And if it were millions of years old, it would be cool and would not have a magnetic field, which is molten substance.

5. The Sun burn, and therefore its diameter decreases by 1.5 m per hour, this is the value of very small, because its dimensions are enormous. This value is constant. If the solar system for millions of years, what it used to be? Great, very close to the ground! And in such temperatures the life on the Earth is non-then the Earth only about 6000 years.

6. The Moon is drifting away from the Earth (4 cm per year, and this is also a constant). So, if her age is, as they say, it was from the Earth would initially almost to zero. And that means disastrous ebb and flow throughout the land, on which all the living could drown. In addition, flight to the Moon revealed that the surface layer of dust on it only 1 cm, if the Moon was over, there would be 6 cm per 1 million years or 345 m for 4.5 billion years.

7. Leave the comet tails and lose weight. They would have no more than 10 thousand years old, and they all fly. How can this be if millions of years?


So, the age of the universe and the solar system rather than according to the Scriptural theory, which is only a theory, and not the truth.




Evolutionism is not only in space but also on Earth. Here are some examples:

Glaciers are much younger than teach. This can be seen by the speed of their education (1 2/3 m a year). The

so-called "annual rings" - not "summer/winter", but temperature "heat-cold", which happens many times a day. This identified during the second world war, when planted in Greenland there were planes for several years under a huge layer of ice.

Salt in the oceans is the result of rainfall. Now there are 4% salt, nothing more, it accumulates about 5 thousand years.

Who invented the Earth millions of years?

First, that her age is several thousand years old, as the Bible teaches, and millions, said James Hutton in his book "The theory of the Earth" ( 1795 y. ).

This idea developed by Charles Lajel in the book "principles of Geology ( 1830 y. ). He devised geo-chronological eras consisting of periods, and their age. And testimonies, that is, nonetheless, not. Lajela’s column was never verified. This is just a follower of the clams, as he and his comrades have positioned them. Then and now is a circular reasoning: the age of the fossil is dated for the strata of the Earth, and the layers of date fossil. The era and periods of Lajel, as well as their duration, and the corresponding layers are found in only one place on Earth, namely in the tutorial.


Layers, of course, but they are formed at the same time - while world flood (deluge). This is all new and new evidence. Where did they come from? Here's one example: If in a barrel with dirt add water and stir, then also appear again by layers.

Age of rocks sometimes calculated using the radiometric method, for example, c-14 (for relatively young ones), but it is based on three false talking points:

1. Iinitially, the substance was not a carbon isotope, C14

2. The collapse of 14 C occurred at constant speed

3. No external influence

The data points are refuted by experiments. So, these calculations do not trust hypothesis hides.




It is believed that after the creation of the world for different reasons and the plants and animals, and people were larger. This is confirmed by found bones of enormous size. The finds are carefully hidden, because they want people to know just what they are taught.

The explanation is linked to the fact that the Earth was a higher oxygen content and atmospheric pressure. Experiments confirm that in such conditions the plants, for example, it is better to grow and produce a bountiful harvest.

The high percentage of oxygen can lead to the fact that it nourishes not only blood and blood plasma. In such circumstances, a person could, for example, run a tirelessly 100 kilometers.

According to the latest figures, dinosaurs and pangolins (their appearance is an open question) lived for millions of years before man, and along with it. Found them very realistic pictures and sculptures.

Traces of the people and the animals in the same layer are one time, such as found in the United States and elsewhere.




One of the theories for the origin of life on Earth is the "primordial soup" theory of the Russian biologist Oparin. It also assumes that wildlife has emerged from the so-called “koacervats” - some intermediate stage between inanimate matter and living cells.

In continuation of this teaching was made famous by Stanley Miller's experience to obtain the protein in the laboratory.

Its essence: a more complex substance formed from the most simple: NH3 (ammiac), CH4 (methane) and H2O (water vapor) under the influence of high temperatures and electric shocks. It was alleged that a living cell.

However, there are a number of objections:

1. Not those source materials

Connection of these substances could not be sustained.

The original substances. As is well known, ammonia breaks down under the influence of ultraviolet rays, and the consequence of methane, which was supposed to “glinozem”, actually there.

2. Not those conditions

Such connections atmospheric oxygen destroys and, according to Miller, at the time of its synthesis in the atmosphere were not. It is not true, therefore, that a considerable depth found oxide stones, Earth's atmosphere was rich in oxygen.

Electrical discharges, used the experience in reality had to be not only just, but more and more connections and thus destroy built them.

3. Not the result

Miller received only a few amino acids, and as left-writhed, which are proteins, and right-writhled - it one is enough to break the connection. In other words, was not living matter and poisonous mixture.

And last objection: while the experience made Miller's mind, which in many ways is not allowed the destruction of the he molecules. Evolution same teaches that everything arose by itself as a result of a confluence of circumstances.

The theory was also launched ‘panspermia’ living cell is brought to Earth from another world, where all the conditions as in Miller's experience (no oxygen, many meta-and ammonia and high level radiation).

But it runs counter to the theory of probability.

And besides, if so, in what way is the cage was "listed" here?




Darwin teaches that all life on Earth arose by chance. His theory was the popular not as a scientific work, but as an ideology (what God does).

He taught that all living things - from the same ancestor. However, prove it and couldn't.

The cell or organism of about 0.01 mm it is very difficult to compartmentalize.

To say that this is a coincidence, both argue that the plane, a Boeing-747 can arise from the Vortex or the hurricane.

No fossils of transitional links not found: from unicellular to multicellular, from fish to frogs etc Archaeopteryx and the Coelacanth is an extinct species of animals, and no intermediaries.

Mutation never form a new form (e.g., eye of the animal without eyes), and lead only to illness, degeneration and death.


One more example:

Fish celikant, which was considered the "fossil", was found alive on the big depth from which it never rises to the surface. Hence this brush-feather  fish no "intermediate" link. Primitive feet and half-lights was believed to have celikant finds, no; This fact became the real shock for all evolutionists.




The evolutionary theory of human origins is not tenable.


So, the Australopithecus (skeleton which was found in 1924 by Darth) its skeleton has, as it turned out, was no different from chimpanzees. This extinct roses monkey. He DIDN’T walk on two legs,  that proved the famous paleonotologs Sokerman and Oxford.

Mythical classes "Homo arektus", "Homo ergaster" and "Homo sapiens" are the various tribes of people. The difference with modern man absenced, the other is that the shape of the skull and its changes, and that today there are different races.

Pildaun’s pers: 35 years he was regarded as an intermediary between monkey and man. Turned out to be fake; the lower jaw of the monkey standing in the human skull (it did C.Darsen) learned the British Museum.

Pitekantrop  -  fiction. Actually on the island of Java were found the remains of a monkey, and a year later in a 13 ft human bones.

Neanderthal - rich man with a deformed back (perhaps he was suffering from arthritis).

Man from Nebraska: the found tooth was restored whole skeleton! And the tooth was then swine.


Here's how some were "discoveries" in the field of human origins.





The theory of the evolution of the universe, on all items, completely refuted by modern science. It is clear that instead of some "fairy tales" (as they say about creation) we just offer other so-called scientists.

For example, the transformation of one animal to another, and then in person, really similar to the well - known fairy tale about the Princess-frog, which at night becomes a Princess. Very similar, only they are "happening" over millions of years.

Interesting fact:  there is no intermediate links, and those that were supposedly-hoax, and textbooks are taught the same, though it is disproved in the mid - 20th century. As a human being and soul, evolutionists explain can not.

The question: "why do you teach that not proven?" the scientists answer: "because we don't have another theory; that is, to teach! " That's why the drive in the head of our children that is horrible. And get rid of these chimeras later is very difficult.




The alternative of evolution is available.

This huge Egyptian pyramid with smooth surface. The experiment proved that build such behemoths - ancient primitive tools. These tools also allow you to perfectly grind stones, it is only modern tool.

The high level of development was characteristic of the ancient Mayan civilization.

In the ancient texts there are characters, similar to the aircraft, and not birds. These vehicles (as well as the large flying animals) could be used in the prehistoric world.

Found also built similar to the pyramid, under water. With regard to the land of the pyramids, you can assume that the ancient Egyptians just found them and used at your discretion.

Confirm that all nations have the same ancestor, and all languages too. The Bible says that Adam and Eve had many children who originally married each other. From the common ancestor of all took place according to geneticists.

The theory of creation to the theory of spontaneous generation.

The biblical picture of the world (round the Earth, a sign or something).

This is a much more realistic evolution over millions of years, living from non-living things, or the results of the "experience" of aliens.