суббота, 16 июня 2018 г.


Reading the Bible is, according to the will of God, as well as food and drink, the necessary daily duties, because in Jer. 15.16 says, "Thy words were found, and I ate them. In the Bible itself gives numerous reasons-why we can't do without it. Here are the most important ones:


1. For the knowledge of God's essence. The essence of God-His Majesty (Psalm 18), love (1 John 4.18), mercy (Num 14.18), loyalty (Psalm 24.10), truth (NUM 23.19) is revealed to us through the revelation of his word.


2. For faith. "So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God" (Romans 8).


3. to increase in faith. "Like newborn babies, love the pure milk of the word, lest it be you salvation" (1 Pet. 2).


4. Assurance of salvation. "I write these things to you who believe in the name of the son of God, that ye may know that you believe in the son of God, have eternal life" (1 John 5.13).


5. The truth of the teachings. "Holding the true Word, according to the teachings, he was strong and teach sound doctrine and opposing an expose (Titus 1.9). The Bible is a guide to our way of thinking and living. The sectarians, in contrast, used the Bible as a book which finding only a confirmation of what they had been taught.


6. For trustful of leadership for life. "Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path" (Psalm 119.105).


7. In order to determine what in life is a priority. "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you" (Matthew 6: 33)


8. For the upbringing of children. "So put these words of mine in your heart and in your soul. and teach them their sons (Deut 11.18-19).


9. For the proper treatment of others. "You shall love your neighbor as yourself" (Mt 19.19). "In lowliness of mind"

(Phil 2). "Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, charity-Rita good to those who hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you" (Matthew 5.43).


10. For joy and reinforcements. "Forever I will not forget Thy commands, because of you make alive me" (Psalm 118.193). The word of your me in joy and gladness in my heart "(Jeremiah 15.16).


11. Comfort in difficult circumstances. "Thy Commands I teach flax" (Psalm 119.104).


12. To assist the needy. "Call me." (PS 50.15).


13. To guard against false paths. "I teached Thy Commands, because not every hate way-lies (PS. 118.104). Jesus explains the human ignorance of the way the Bible false, "you are mistaken, not knowing the Scriptures, nor the power of God ' (Matthew 22).


14. For protection from sin. "I hid in my heart your Word to me not to Sin before thee" (Psalm 119.11).


15. For the recognition of guilt. "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness" (2 Timothy 3.16).


16. For predictions of things. The Revelation Of Jesus Christ. to show his servants-things which must shortly come to pass "(Rev. 1.1).


17. As a basis for scientific work. The Bible gives guidelines for many sciences. They are particularly essential in areas of science that deal with questions of human origins (for example, the cosmological type questions, geology, biology) and its nature (e.g., psychology, medicine).


18. For the recognition of God's will. "You know, that the will of the Lord". God's will is expressed not only in the ten commandments (exodus 20-17), but also in numerous other places in the Bible (e.g. 1 THess 4.3, 5.18; 1 Pet 3.15; Heb 10.36, 13.21).


19. To cleanse the thoughts. "You are already clean through the word which I preached to you" (John 15).


20. For wise actions. "The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord; mind the correct execution of all his commandments "(Psalm 110.10).


How to read the Bible?




1. Reading the Bible must be approached in PRAYER.


Luther in his time gave good advice: "do not put your hand on the Bible, and prayer but walk in his footsteps.


-       Ask that Word doth thee: "open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things of thy law "(Psalm 119.18).


-       Thank and praise the Lord: my mouth will pronounce the praises, when will teach me Thy statutes "(Psalm 119.171).


-       Rejoice: "Rejoice to your Word as I received great profit" (Psalm 119.162).




2. Reading of the Bible should be approached with anticipation.


"I open my mouth and goan; because thy commandments thirst "(Psalm 119.131).




3. The reading of the Bible should be treated spiritually tuned.


"In order for us to serve God in spirit, not in the oldness" (Romans 8).


Apart from the fact that the Bible commands and carefully treated with song, he warns against the false formalism  cold frozen faith and States on right spiritual meaning: "He (God) gave us the ability to be serve-manufacturers of the New Testament, not the letter, but of the spirit; because the letter kills, but the spirit does alive "(2 Cor 3.6).


4. The reading of the Bible should be approached with humility.


God's thoughts are superior to our mind, so no need to doubt, even when not everything is clear. The word of God encourages humility: "my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, says the Lord" (Isaiah 48).




5. The reading of the Bible should be approached with desire.


"How love I thy law! All day, thinking about it "(Ps 119.97).




6. The reading of the Bible should be approached with confidence.

"But down the network according to your word" (Luke 5).




7. The Bible should be read as designed us a personal letter of God.

One of the founders of the pietistic clergyman Bengel said: "the Scripture is a letter which my God commanded to tell me what I should aspire, and to which I will direct my God."




8. The Bible should be read much.


"The word of Christ Yes settles in you, with all wisdom; "with all wisdom teaching and one the one another with Psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, grace


glorifying in your hearts to God "(Colossians 3.16).




Ten promises reading and Word:




1. Belonging to God. "He who is of God hears the words of God" (John 13).


2. World. "The Great world at loving thy law, and there is a stumbling block" (Psalm 119.165).


3. Joy. "These things I have spoken to you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy


be full "(John 15).


4. Bliss. "Blessed is he who abides by the words of the prophecy of this book" (Revelation 22.7).


5. The well-being. "And he will be like a tree planted by streams of water, which brings the fruit of his own during his, and lst which does not wither; and in all that he did does have time "(Psalm 1).


6. Good luck. Yes No this book of the law depart from your mouth; but the day and learn the night, in order to accurately perform all that is written in it: then you will be successful in your ways and you will be wise "(Nav 1.8).


7. Prayer is Heard. "If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it will be yours "(John 15.7).


8. Cleansing your thoughts. "You are already clean through the word which I have spoken to you." (John 14.6).


9. A guide to salvation. "The Scriptures ... are able to make thee wise unto Salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus "(2 Tim 3.15).


10. The GIFT of ETERNAL LIFE. "Hearing my word and believes in him who sent Me has eternal life and the Court does not come, but moved from death to life (John 5.24).


1.       Закон Божий для разумных существ появился одновременно с Вселенной так же, как и физические законы. Четвёртая заповедь о субботе не является исключением и поэтому изменению и отмене не подлежит. Всё это всегда было и всегда будет.

Но возникший в мироздании грех сделал необходимыми новые законы, заповеди и обычаи на ограниченное время.

2.       Грех начался с восстания Люцифера - сатаны. Часть ангелов и людей стали его последователями. Он прекратится, когда в конце тысячелетнего царства грех и грешники будут полностью уничтожены вместе со своим предводителем, и больше никогда не возникнет, и не будет мешать счастью спасённых Богом существ.

3.       Для открытия плана спасения людям необходимы :

- Благовествование и открытие людям подлинного лица и характера Бога

- Божья благодать, то есть незаслуженная милость, и план спасения

- Десятины и пожертвования для обеспечения средствами служителей священников и левитов, позднее пасторов

Эти вещи прекратятся, когда дверь благодати закроется после окончательного разделения человечества на поклоняющихся Богу и всех остальных

4.       Действие подкрепления человека Духом Святым необходимо верующим как источник силы для победы в себе врага человечества дьявола и его дел. Конец действия Святого Духа не с закрытием двери благодати, а простирается несколько дальше - до Второго пришествия Христа, когда Божий народ (церковь остатка) будет окончательно избавлен от страданий и искушений.

5.       Повеления о здоровье и христианском (Н.З.) поведении начались с возникновением греха, но блюсти их надо до самого Второго пришествия, как «верный и благоразумный раб своего господина».

6.       Жертвоприношения были нужны только в ветхозаветные времена и символизировали жертву Христа, поэтому в Новом Завете они упразднены

7.       Форма заключения завета с Богом была разной, сначала обрезание от Авраама до Христа (только для мужчин - теперь в нём нет нужды, но оно не предосудительно), потом крещение (для всех).  Крещение покаяния с погружением есть прямое актуальное повеление Бога, и поэтому оно обязательно. Есть до закрытия двери благодати.

8.       С исхода из Египта в Ветхом Завете есть годовые праздники и субботы, теперь они необязательны. Зато в Новом есть обязательный обряд Господней вечери с омовением ног до самого второго пришествия.

9.       Меры наказания для злостных нарушителей закона были тоже разными:  в Ветхом Завете - смерть (побитие камнями), а в Новом казнь категорически запрещена, а есть только исключение из церкви.

10.   От Моисея до распятия Христа было служение в земном святилище (копии небесного). После Своего вознесения Христос как Первосвященник вошёл в святилище на небе и совершает там служение  -  до 1844 года (начало суда на небе) во святом, а после 1844 года в Святом Святых. Его служение там прекратится только с закрытием двери благодати.

Затем Он сменит одежды первосвященнические на царские и придёт, чтобы взять к себе Свой народ, который 1000-летнее царство проведёт на небе в Новом Иерусалиме. В конце тысячелетия он опустится с неба на землю, грех и грешники будут уничтожены, а земля пересотворена заново и станет ещё лучше, чем когда она была создана. После этого все новые отношения прекратятся.

11.   В отличие от так называемого обрядового закона, который будет не нужен больше, нравственные заповеди и субботний день всю вечность не утратят своего значения.

MAP #1 - with comments

1. The law of God for rational beings appeared simultaneously with the universe in the same way as physical laws. The fourth commandment on Saturday is no exception and therefore change and irrevocable. All of this has always been and always will be.

But the resulting universe Sin made necessary new laws, commandments and traditions for a limited time.

2. Sin began with the rebellion of Lucifer-Satan. Part of the angels and people became his followers. It stops when the end of the millennial Kingdom of sin and sinners will be completely destroyed, along with their leader, and never will, and will not interfere with the happiness of rescued by God beings.

3. To open the plan of salvation to the people needed:

-The Gospel and open to people of genuine person and the nature of God

-God's grace, that is, the undeserved mercy and rescue plan

-Tithing and donations to ensure the means Ministers priests and Levites, later the pastors

These things will stop when the door is closed after the final grace Division of mankind to worshipping God and all other

4. Effects of human reinforcements in the Holy Spirit must be a believer to be a source of strength for the victory in itself the enemy of humanity is the devil and his works. End of the action of the Holy Spirit is not with the closure of the doors of grace, and extends slightly further-to the second coming of Christ, when the people of God (Church of balance) will be free from suffering and temptations.

5. Decree on health and Christian (New Testament) behavior began with the appearance of sin, but to respect them until the second coming as "faithful and wise servant his master.

6. Sacrifice were needed only in Old Testament times and symbolized Christ's sacrifice, so in the New Testament, they abolished

7. The form of the conclusion of the Covenant with God was different, first circumcision from Abraham to Christ (for men only-now there is no need, but it is not reprehensible), then the baptism (for all). Immersion baptism of repentance is the actual command of God, and that is why it is necessary. Before closing the door of grace.

8. With the exodus from Egypt in the Old Testament there are annual holidays and Saturday, now they are optional. But in the new Rite has a required the Lord supper with the washing of the feet until the second coming.

9. Penalties for violators of the law were also different: in the old testament-death (stoning), and in the new punishment is strictly forbidden, and there is only an exception to the Church.

10. From Moses to Christ's Crucifixion was serving in the earthly Sanctuary (copies of heaven). After his Ascension Christ as high priest entered the sanctuary in heaven and commits to Ministry -1844 year (beginning of the trial in heaven) in the Holy, and after the year 1844 in the Holy of Holies. His service there will cease only with the closing of the doors of grace.

Then He will replace clothing of High priest at Royal and come to his people to take that summer 1000 Kingdom to hold the sky in the new Jerusalem. At the end of the Millennium, he falls from the sky to the Earth, sin and sinners will be destroyed and the land will created anew, and will be even better than when it was created. After that, all new relationships will end.

11. Unlike the so-called ceremonial law, which will not need more moral commandments and the Sabbath day all eternity will not lose their value.



   Поскольку мы живём в последнее время, почему мы вправе ожидать, что силы зла всё чаще будут проявлять себя?

   «Горе живущим на земле и на море, потому что к вам сошёл диавол в сильной ярости, зная, что не много ему остаётся времени!» ( Откр 12.12 ).
   Примечание.  Враждуя с Богом, сатана и его ангелы стараются как можно сильней извратить истину и посеять ложь. Поэтому лучшее, что можно сделать,- это известить живущих на земле о скором приближении конца и о том, что время их испытания истекает.


   Относительно чего мы определённо уведомлены?

   «Дух же ясно говорит, что в последние времена отступят некоторые от веры, внимая духам обольстителям и учениям бесовским» ( 1 Тим 4.1 ).
   Примечание.  Зная о том, что Библия осуждает спиритизм, господин Уильям Ф.Баррет так говорит о посредничестве: «Этот обычай неоднократно осуждался еврейскими пророками независим от тог, были ли эти явления истинными или являлись плодом ловкачества и предрассудков… Апостол Павел знал,- как должен понимать каждый христианин,- что его религиозная жизнь, которая была основана на вере в воскресшего Господа, подвергалась серьёзной опасности, когда видимое заменялось невидимым и реалии Царства Небесного подменялись иллюзиями спиритических сеансов… Эта же опасность существует и сегодня и будет существовать всегда. Каждый вдумчивый и благоговейный ум должен понять это и увидеть для себя ясное предостережение от увлечения религией спиритизма» ( On the Threshold of the Uuseen [ 1927 ed. ] , pp.30-34 ).


   Какая участь ожидает сатану, его ангелов и всех нечестивых?

   «Тогда скажет и тем, которые по левую сторону: «идите от Меня, проклятые, в огонь вечный (по последствиям), уготованный дьяволу и ангелам его…» » ( Матф 25.41 ).

   «И попалит их грядущий день, говорит Господь Саваоф, так что не оставит у них ни корня, ни ветвей» ( Мал 4.1 , см. Откр 20.9 ).

   Примечание. Это не бесконечное горение в огне, а ПОЛНОЕ УНИЧТОЖЕНИЕ. Поэтому сатана, его ангелы и нечестивые и названы соломой.

пятница, 15 июня 2018 г.




In other words: no better commentary on the Bible, than she herself. Therefore Jesus, the Apostles and the prophets (Matthew 19.3-6 , Gal 3.16) constantly referred to the Bible.




Jesus is the key to any interpretation.


The old testament without reference to Christ is especially incomprehensible (e.g., Ps 110.1, Is 53, Mal 3, Matt 23.24).




Interpretation should not conflict with other places in the Bible.


No teachings should not be based only on a single verse. The main statements of the Bible are repeated in different contexts or formulation are different.




-       The Saintliness of Jesus (1 John 4, 1 Pet, 2 Corinthians 2.12, 5.21)


-       The sinfulness of all human beings (Gen. 8.21, Ps 8.8, Is 1.5-6, Matthew 15.19, Rome 3.23)


-       God's desire to save the world (Ezekiel 34.12, Matthew 18.11, Fess 1 5.9, 1 Timothy 2.4)


Note: in the Bible, only one-the only time clearly written about the love of Jesus to the father (John 14.31) and the father's love for us (John 17.69). However, in many other places, this is confirmed by either facts or context.


You should always take into account the relationship of the texts and the general meaning of the Bible. To enforce the terms of insolvency has led to many unbiblical teachings and sects. Parallel links are important.




Some Bible lessons that can be drawn from the totality of individual events. The Bible is not a dry set of laws, and not a tutorial; in the example of thousands of events described as proper and improper handling with God. If the study is based on the total individual, thematically related events, you can learn from this Bible lesson. A striking example of this is the details of the long history of Israel, God's blessing as a traumatized and Court (1 Corinthians 10.11).




Old Testament brings us to the New Testament, that is, without the old testament, many parts of the New Testament are confusing (for example, a description of the creation of the world, the fall of man and the deluge).


In the New Testament more eye-openers, than in the old. Proof of this is the Epistle to the Hebrews.


Think on this, taking as an example of revenge. Such is human nature that if it adversely harm it seeks to repeatedly take revenge: "If Cain revenged sevenfold, then Lamech seventy-sevenfold."


(Genesis 4.21). In the law of Sinai, God imposes strict limitation revenge rule "one to one": the eye-for-eye, tooth-for-tooth, wound for wound, bruise for bruise (Exodus 21-25). In the sermon on the mount, Jesus deepens the Old Testament law, resorting to "and I am telling you ...", which he has used 6 times. Applying Deuteronomy 32.35 to Exodus 21-25, It generally prohibits any revenge, "but I say to you: not hope. But whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him and another ' (Matthew 5.44).




The BIBLE NOWHERE DOES NOT APPROVE of SIN, even if in some cases it is not condemned publicly. This principle applies to the parable of the wrong ruler (Luke 16-8).




Should not say more than is written. "Moreover, not to subtilize “ Not what is written" (1 Cor 4.6). "No add  to it to make it not reprove you and you turned out to be a liar" (Prov 30.6).


You should always give priority to Biblical truth in front of all other knowledge, if the Bible on this subject already has a definite opinion: "look, the brethren not to Philosophy you captivated and enticing, according to legend, on the elements of the world, and not on Christ» (Col 2.8).




It is important to fully take advantage of all the subtleties of context (including grammatical and semantic features). The Gal case Gen 3.16, Acts 22.18 teaches such a rigorous approach to the Scriptures.




There are specific, less accurate Bible translations into different languages.


In doubtful cases should be referred to the original (Jewish Old Testament and the Greek New Testament). The main value of a Word is often disclosed in connection with other texts in which it is semantically more accessible.


There is, for example, a common translation of the Synodal 1876 year, but it found many inaccuracies. Currently, there are also temporary modern translations with the originals, for example, Kulakov.


Luther's translation into German is a great language. At the same time, other translations (for example, Zinc) resort to change, parafrazas and own comments; they should be with regard with the utmost care.


You should totally abandon these "Bibles" that deliberately deviation agreeing from the original, adapted to the teachings of a particular sect (for example, "new world water" Jehovah's witnesses).




Some seemingly contradicting one another saying of Bible, clarifies the additions in other areas. This can be, for example, coverage of the same in different plans or mutual supplement of one text to others.