суббота, 23 июня 2018 г.


Observance of the Sabbath is a sign of allegiance to God.

Ierovoam dedicated to the celebration of the golden calf, was a sign of allegiance to him and a sign of worship the idols ( 1 Kings 12.28-33 ).

From these and other examples show that adherence to a certain day is a sign of fidelity to the object of worship.


Therefore, there Sunday is a sign of worship to church authority (the beast) and MAY NOT be familiar to the worship of God, as it is FALLING AWAY.

The Catholic Church respects and forced all to observe Sunday as a symbol of HIS POWER, though for it accepts and ACKNOWLEDGES that THERE IS NOT A COMMAND OF CHRIST.


Thus, the Sunday is the MARK of the BEAST or SIGN of him.

According to the prophecy, the image of the beast (United States) will force all to respect and ensure respect Sunday and don’t respect Saturday. Then those who consciously observe Sunday, WILL WORSHIP THE BEAST and receive his script ( Rev 3. 14-17 ).



Psalms 46 and 91

1 (To the chief Musician for the sons of Korah, A Song upon Alamoth.) God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

2 Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea;

3 Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. Selah.

4 There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the most High.

5 God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: God shall help her, and that right early.

6 The heathen raged, the kingdoms were moved: he uttered his voice, the earth melted.

7 The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah.

8 Come, behold the works of the LORD, what desolations he hath made in the earth.

9 He maketh wars to cease unto the end of the earth; he breaketh the bow, and cutteth the spear in sunder; he burneth the chariot in the fire.

10 Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.

11 The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah.


1 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

2 I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.

3 Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.

4 He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.

5 Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day;

6 Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.

7 A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.

8 Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.

9 Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation;

10 There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.

11 For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.

12 They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.

13 Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet.

14 Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name.

15 He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him.

16 With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation.


Псалмы 45 и 90

1Начальнику хора. Сынов Кореевых. На музыкальном орудии Аламоф. Песнь.

2Бог нам прибежище и сила, скорый помощник в бедах, 3посему не убоимся, хотя бы поколебалась земля, и горы двинулись в сердце морей.

4Пусть шумят, вздымаются воды их, трясутся горы от волнения их.

5Речные потоки веселят град Божий, святое жилище Всевышнего.

6Бог посреди его; он не поколеблется: Бог поможет ему с раннего утра.

7Восшумели народы; двинулись царства: [Всевышний] дал глас Свой, и растаяла земля.

8Господь сил с нами, Бог Иакова заступник наш.

9Придите и видите дела Господа,- какие произвел Он опустошения на земле: 10прекращая брани до края земли, сокрушил лук и переломил копье, колесницы сжег огнем.

11Остановитесь и познайте, что Я - Бог: буду превознесен в народах, превознесен на земле.

12Господь сил с нами, заступник наш Бог Иакова.


1Живущий под кровом Всевышнего под сенью Всемогущего покоится, 2говорит Господу: "прибежище мое и защита моя, Бог мой, на Которого я уповаю!"

3Он избавит тебя от сети ловца, от гибельной язвы, 4перьями Своими осенит тебя, и под крыльями Его будешь безопасен; щит и ограждение - истина Его.

5Не убоишься ужасов в ночи, стрелы, летящей днем, 6язвы, ходящей во мраке, заразы, опустошающей в полдень.

7Падут подле тебя тысяча и десять тысяч одесную тебя; но к тебе не приблизится: 8только смотреть будешь очами твоими и видеть возмездие нечестивым.

9Ибо ты сказал: "Господь - упование мое"; Всевышнего избрал ты прибежищем твоим; 10не приключится тебе зло, и язва не приблизится к жилищу твоему; 11ибо Ангелам Своим заповедает о тебе - охранять тебя на всех путях твоих: 12на руках понесут тебя, да не преткнешься о камень ногою твоею; 13на аспида и василиска наступишь; попирать будешь льва и дракона.

14"За то, что он возлюбил Меня, избавлю его; защищу его, потому что он познал имя Мое.

15Воззовет ко Мне, и услышу его; с ним Я в скорби; избавлю его и прославлю его, 16долготою дней насыщу его, и явлю ему спасение Мое".



Go ahead, shine your light so brightly that you can help other's see their way out of the dark too!  

  Carol A.Briney


Идите вперёд, и пусть ваш свет светит настолько сильно, чтобы вы могли и другим помочь увидеть свет из темноты!

  Кэрол А.Бриней, диктор, тренер, писатель


   Какая сила ведёт войну с церковью остатка перед Вторым пришествием Спасителя на нашу землю?

   «И рассвирепел дракон (сатана) на жену и пошёл, чтобы вступить в брань с прочими от семени её, сохраняющими заповеди Божии и имеющие свидетельство Иисуса Христа» ( Откр 12.17 ).


   Какая награда обещана тем, кто побеждает свои постоянные грехи?

   «Побеждающему дам вкушать от древа жизни, которое посреди рая Божия»
( Откр 2.7 ; см. Откр 2.11,17,26-28, 3.5,12,21 ).

   «Побеждающий наследует всё» ( Откр 21.7 ).

   Благодаря Кому мы становимся способными побеждать силу, восстающую на нас?

   «Но всё сие преодолеваем силою Возлюбившего нас» ( Рим 8.37 ).


   Кто был невидимым Вождём воинства Израильского?

   «Вот стоит пред ним человек, и в руке его обнажённый меч. Иисус (Навин) подошёл к нему и сказал ему: наш ли ты, или из неприятелей наших? Он сказал: нет; я вождь воинства Господня, теперь пришёл сюда» ( Нав 5.13-14 , см. 1 Кор 10.1-4 ).

   Какими словами выражены мужество, преданность и верность, проявленные церковью?

   «Они победили его кровию Агнца и словом свидетельства Своего и не возлюбили души своей даже до смерти» ( Откр 12.11 ).


   Одержат ли победу верные воины Христа?

   «И видел я как-бы стеклянное море, смешанное с огнём; и победившие зверя и образ его, и начертание его и число имени его, стоят на этом стеклянном море, держа гусли Божии» ( Откр 15.2 ).

пятница, 22 июня 2018 г.


Bible prophecy of Mashiah ( Christ )


1. Place of birth - Beth-Lehem (Mih 5.2)

2. Mission start time - 27 A.D. ( Dan 9.25)

3. The method of joining the world - virgin birth (Is 7.14, 9.6-7)

4. Accompanying events:

- flight and the return from Egypt (Os 10.3)

- the massacre of the innocents (Jer 31.15)

5. He's an ordinary man of the people:

- he Prophet of the Jews (Deut 18.15)

- declare the war Devil (Gen 3.15)

6. It will be another Angel in the strength and spirit of the Prophet Eliah (Mal 3.1 , 4.5-6)

7. He will be light as the Israelites and the Gentiles (Is 9.1-2)

8. He is kind to all (Is 42.1-4)

9. He entered into Jerusalem on a donkey (Zach 9.9)

10. He would be betrayed for 30 silver coins (Zach 11.12)

11. He will die. This will happen through 3.5 years after the commencement of the mission (Dan 9.26-27)

12. Method of execution - crucifixion (Ps 22.17)

13. He:

- will; and simple (Is 53.1)

- be humiliated (v.3)

- accepts the punishment, others (v. 5,8,11) through him, God will return, and have mercy on the lost (v.6)

- go to die voluntarily (v. 7)

- will be buried in a rich Tomb (v. 9A)

- to be innocent (v. 9)

- after taking the sacrifice will live again (v. 10)

- will be executed together with criminals (v.12c)

- will the APPLICANT FOR ALL (v. 12)

14. He will be resurrected and will reign (Ps 68.4)


                                                                                     * * *

The Scriptures ... They show Me (John 5.39).


Waiting for the Messiah, or Christ is one of the central themes of the Bible.

These were all generations of people, from Adam and Eve. When they had their first son, Cain, they thought it was and is the Messiah (“Patriarchs and prophets ").

Enoch prophesied about him. Even he was fully shown in the vision (ibid., Jude 14-15).

The Redeemer who will resurrect the dead, believed Job - Job 19.25-27a

Moses and all the prophets have said about him. So it was until his arrival.

Jews await him until now. They believe that he is coming, will draw all people to the truth and will build on the Earth realm of goodness and well-being.

So who is he, the Messiah, or Christ?

Different people on this account, there is no consensus. Thousands of them. Some will declare themselves.

But how can you determine this?

The biologists have a method: based on the full set of the many signs

(shape, color, size, appearance, parts, etc.) They define some kind of plants, animals or microorganisms.

And how to be with Christ?

It turns out his signs (and quite a few!) are contained in the Bible. On the basis of their we determine unmistakably what Jesus of Nazareth and only he is Christ. Look at them.

In the old testament, dozens or even hundreds. For error-free definition of even some of them enough. The New Testament describes how it turns, and it is this version and there is a good news for all people.

So, let's list them.


1) Specifying the first-birth place of Christ.

When Jesus began to teach for the first time, that he is the one who expects Israel,

He at first didn't believe the majority of the Jews.


Because he was from Nazareth, who, in addition, also enjoyed Luke.

And the Messiah to be from Bethlehem (Beth-Lehem - Mih 5.2).

And those who did not believe in him (including priests), recognized his Christ

When seen, where he was born.


2) second - time.

Dan 9.25

a) Command to restore Jerusalem.

Adventist critics accuse of partiality and fraud. They

believe that this is the Decree of Cyrus (538 b.c.) and 2300 years should count too from him.

But this is not true. The edict of Cyrus is only permitted on the Queen of the temple

(Ezra 1.2-4 ). It was stopped on suspicion of sedition and reiterated resolve-

by Darius in the year 519.

The Decree, which said Daniel, Artaxerxes in 457, it shows

on the relevant texts (Ezra 7.12-26).

b) what days?

As it turns out, it's not a seven-day week (the language of the original

and much more). It is 7 years old.

7 - week - recovery time of Jerusalem

62 - week run - up to the coming of Christ

Total 69x7 = 483 years

The addition will give us the year 27 BC

- This year is the 15th year of Board of Emperor Tiberias

- Census of Caesar Augustus had about 4 BC Historians of This know. Everything is the same.

Our calendar - Nativity - was introduced in about V century (by counting boards monarchs - counted years in antiquity

and have an error of approximately 3 years. 27-th year, and Christ began His

the service in 30 years.

From this it follows that all those who are still waiting for the Messiah, is deeply misguided.


3) way of coming into the world.

He is uncanny-immaculate conception - Isaiah 7.14

And the text stating that the Messiah has come true

the incarnate God - Isaiah 9.6-7, translated from the original.

Atheism and skepticism of the ruin. They arrogantly saying: «DO NOT

HAPPENS! "the man thinks (as saying scientists) that he knows about the universe

"almost everything", and himself knows very little compared with what it is not knows.

"I only know that I know nothing" (Socrates).

About the same statement belongs to the Apostle Paul, 1 Corinthians 8.2-3

Unreasonable to claim that in the world of particles, there's nothing (for example).

Conservation laws of course work, but not as primitive as thinks

the majority of scientists.

Also the wrong approach - to explain, from a purely scientific point of view, the Bible

miracles (care of water in the Red sea, Manna, and the star of Bethlehem

etc. ).


4) Related the events of Christ's life.

One more proof of its truth. His life and Ministry in the old

Testament predicted in detail.

Some of them, for example, are associated with the personality of King Herod, who wanted to

Kill the newborn Christ, no one claimed his throne.

-       The flight of the Holy Family in Egypt and return from there when the risk passed (Osiah 11.1).

-       The massacre of the innocents (Jeremiah 31.15).

This cruelty, like many others, was already mentioned in the Bible (Exodus Chapter 1 and 2).


5) That speaks of Christ, Moses?

(and Christ) calls a "Prophet" - Deuteronomy 18.15

But it's not just a prophet, others of them. He came to Earth to save

dying and atone for their Own death. This is the main theme of Scripture - John 3.16

Jesus revealed to the world not only for Its grace, but a glorified law that

not cancelled and is not changed one iota.

Only the equal of God could do that.

Jews are taught: who recognises Jesus by God, that violate the first commandment.

But this is not true. They did it violate, for rejecting those who "brought them

from the land of Egypt, from the House of bondage "in a pillar of cloud and fire and

led to the promised land.

b) the first prophecy about Christ, Moses and the whole Bible: Genesis 3.14-15

He wins the devil, which would declare war.

It is the promise of victory given by Adam and eve before the expulsion from paradise, together with

promise that they and their descendants would return there. THE FIRST OF THE



6) the forerunner of Christ.

Someone had to prepare people for his coming.

a) Angel (Mal 3.1).

What is this word?

Did the call of the spirit of God-creature? NO.

This may be a man of God.

It teaches the New Testament (Revelation Chapter 2 and 3) and Old too, if you look

carefully. This is consistent with the text of the Psalms-8, art. 6: "not a lot

You violated it before the angels. "

Three news-about the same.

b) Elijah the Prophet (Mal 4.5-6).

Who is this?

The one who comes before the advent of Christ.

The Jews, too, recognize this and waiting for Elijah. The seder ( Ministry of Passover ) is a glass

Elijah the Prophet.

But it is not the literal Elijah and John the Baptist, the voice of one crying in the

desert ".

Why God did not send the Elijah to heaven?

For the same reason does not send his angels rejoice.

God does not want to pressure people and intimidate them. Ordinary God

men, his servants, not only have the word, but also show by example

righteous life.


7) Is 9.2-"people who walked in darkness have seen a great light"

This and the Jews and the Gentiles.

Jews-reminds the ideals of Torah,

the Gentiles-open concept of the true God

(at that time only the Jews had It, and all the others served as idols).

God loves both.

But first the Messiah came to Israel. Nevertheless, the pagans got it

blessings (Mt 15-healing daughter of Hananean woman).


8) Kindness to all-the distinctive feature of the coming of Christ.

Is 42.1-4

What is it?

«Canes will not refracted by "-support for those who have hard life

«Will not extinguish» no smoking Flax-the excitement of everyone who has the least spark

faith, and multiply it.


9) other details (from the book of Zachariah):

Zach 9.9 - enter Jerusalem on a donkey in order to draw attention to itself as

on the King.

Rulers go on horseback, Burro-a symbol of modesty.

Zach 11.12 - he would be betrayed for 30 silver coins. And subsequent events:

- the death of Judas;

- Apostle instead will become the other (acts Chapter 1.)


10.) Daniel, except the time of Christ, predicted that it should

die, and this will happen in the middle of the week "-3.5 years.

The Jews thought that He came to reign in Jerusalem. Original

originally thought and the Apostles. This is the cause of great frustration

(as in the year 1844), when finally it was discovered the truth.


11) Predicted not only the death of Christ, but also the method of execution--crucifixion

(for 1000 years before his birth that has not yet been)

Ps 22.17

Verse 19 - one more detail about the clothes: one part of Roman soldiers

severed and divided, and the other was without sims (severed) and on

It threw a lot who will get all.

Version of the Jews: this is the Rebbe from Lubavich and the dropper.

Some still await his resurrection.

If so, how to be with the rest of the signs? Because the match must

ALL, not just one.


12) Chapter 53 of Isaiah is the Everest of all the prophecies about Christ, home peak.

Before this part of Judaism, as well as others, were considered messianic, but then

rabbis changed the teachings. There is a version that it is about Jewish people. IN

end this chapter simply forbidden to read.

Go on and see what it says about the Messiah, and not on all Jews:

but) it will; and easy (2)

Appearance of Christ was not unique: a man of medium height and

physiques (physical craft carpenter), black hair, a goatee and

big expressive eyes-splendor (as King Saul) it does not


b) he will be humbled (v.3). It really was so, and the The Gospel.

in Verse 5, 8 and 11 say that He bore the penalty that is designed others.

The Jewish people have really suffered a lot, but only because

His rather than someone else's sins.

g) through it God will return, and have mercy on the lost (art. 6). And Israel, to Unfortunately, though, and gave people the Bible, but the light of the world and not to become.

d) verse 7:

It is important to know that He suffered voluntarily.

(Gethsemane-despite the severity, he decided to do the will of the father: "Take up your cross and follow me")

The CROSS is something that man himself incurs (Unlike conventional the inevitable difficulties).

(e)) HE is INNOCENT but died instead of a guilty sinner (9b) and "for many

become the instigator (art. 12c).

f) More details:

- executed together with criminals (12b)

- buried in the Tomb (Article 9a)

w) and the most:

If Christ has not been raised, our faith would be in vain, for there is no

hope for eternal life. Isaiah clearly says (in a 10-m verse)

after sacrificing himself he will live again.


13) he not only rise, but reigns.

Ps 68.2-4

The Orthodox version of the translation of verse 2: "may God arise".

Verse 4: "but the righteous Yes will enjoy oneself Yes rejoice before God and triumph in joy. "


These last words-encouragement and hope. Waiting for the Savior of the world permeates the whole Bible and world history. 2000 years ago the old testament predictions have come true. And soon His second coming to Earth.

Jesus said, "I will come again and will take you to myself, that you have been where I am."