суббота, 7 августа 2021 г.



In Scripture it says:

All offering good and every perfect gift descends from above, from the father of lights, with no changes, and the shadows change.

Jacob 1.17

Many people ask: "where then are the failures, disappointments, suffering, troubles with? Where did the enmity, hatred, poverty, hunger, disease, death? WHERE SO MUCH EVIL AND FROM WHOM IT EMANATES?»

From the above text shows that GOD is NOT the CAUSE of misery and adversity. On the contrary, it benefits even to those who left it:

He permitted all people go their ways, though not always evidence to about this charity. Giving us the sky rains and days that give fruits and singing meat mouth was filled with laughter, and our hearts.

Act 14.16-17

CHRIST SAID that the source of EVIL and all CRIMES was the DEVIL ( John 8.42-44 ).

Whosoever doeth evil inevitably refers to his children, and this evil is his "Lust". The devil as their illusions and pernicious influence causes these people to evil life and self-extermination. Moreover, the devil gets their thoughts. And then from there exits something that defiles and ruining the man ( Mark 7.21-23 ).

Although the heart (mind) is also characterized by love. The purity, humility, kindness, BUT THEY are EASILY DISLODGED UNDER the PRESSURE of evil and temptation, IF NO sources NICK SPIRITUAL FORCE for the VICTORY OVER the evil.

The devil in Rev 12.9 named the SATAN (the enemy, liar, instigator), Dragon and snake.

Considering the Inquisition, concentration camps, death Chambers, we come to the conclusion that the mere man can not do such abuse and cruelty on his co-brother, unless it is UNDER the POWER of the devil.

The origin of the devil

You were the anointed cherub to cast a shadow, and I put you on that; you were on the Holy Mount of God, walked among the fire-sparkled stones. You committed was in all his ways,

till there was you.

Ezekiel 28.14-15

Therefore, God created the devil as not made man a sinner.

As said in my heart: I will ascend into heaven ... I will be like the most high.

Isaiah 14.12-13

The creator gave rational beings FREE MIND. He hopes that they will express their gratitude for his grace and love, that love of truth and goodness, which gifted, and has the ability to do it.

Free will for good causes is also the free will to evil, BUT without ANY further NEED to DO MOST.

Temptation people from the devil

After the devil was dropped from the sky ( Isaiah 14.12, Ezek. 28.16-17 ), he drew his wisdom in craftiness.

HE DECEIVED and led into the SINFUL STATE of ALL MANKIND (in the person of Adam and Eve - Genesis 3.1-8):

1. saying "Truly hath God said ...?", sowed doubts about the word of God to the truth.

2. After that, he replaced the truth lies: "no, not die."

3. then he gives and based on this false promise: "Be as gods".

But instead of turning into gods, PEOPLE LOST through sin and human dignity. Instead of immortality people wither like flowers in the field. A myriad number of graves suggest blatant lies of the devil.

Claiming to be wise, they became fools and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image of a perishable nature-such a man, and to birds, and four-footed and reptiles and God gave them over in the LUSTS of THEIR HEARTS to THEIR filthiness, so THEY DEFILED THEIR BODIES THEMSELVES. THEY CHANGED THE TRUTH OF GOD'S LIE.

Romans 1.22-25

When Satan has dampened people's mind, he stole their rights and became, in the words of Christ, the “prince” of this world " ( John 14.30 ) and, in the words of the Apostle Paul," God of this world " ( 2 Cor 4.4 ). It repels people away from the true light of life ( John 3.19-21 ).

The victory over the devil provided

Jesus came to Earth to destroy the works of the Devil  ( 1 John 3.7-8 ) .

He defeated the devil as follows:

And as children involved in flesh and blood, and he took them to by the DEATH to DEFRAUD FORCE HAS the POWER of DEATH, that is, the devil, and save those that fear of death through all life were subject to slavery.

Hebrews 2.14-15

The MAIN WEAPON AGAINST the DEVIL-the WORD of GOD ( Matthew 4.1-4, 7.10-11 ). The weapons were the first humans, but ignored them. In addition, the spiritual weapons are:





The READINESS to PREACH ( Ephesus 6.11-17 )

Satan tried to in the heart of Christ the person to introduce the evil inclinations, but to no avail:

Is the Prince of this world, and I DON'T HAVE ANYTHING.

John 14.30


Satan wanted Jesus to lost love. But he has not lost the love to friends and even on the cross prayed: "our father! Forgive them, for they know not what they do " ( Luke 23.34 ).

Methods of Satan (cruelty and violence) is totally different from Christ's mercy and LOVE.

Christ wants to draw us to himself and to release from the power of the devil. He could save from the power of darkness anyone who believes Him, asks him to awake, and prays to God.

When he healed the sick, then ask them whether they believe that they have identified their goodwill.


Say to this mountain, "move from here to there" and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.

Matthew 17.20

We must know that SATAN WILL FOREVER REIGN on EARTH ( Rev 12.12, 2 Thess 2.8 ) . His sentence has already been handed down, and would not you ... "

(Ezekiel 28.18-19).

Now the devil "walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour"  ( 1 Pet. 5.8 ). Knowing this, we must turn to face him and win, and he will run away from us ( Jac 4.5 ).

We must rely on the assistance of God with FULL CONFIDENCE in him.

Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it shall be opened to you ( Matthew 7.7 ).

And all you ask in prayer, BELIEVING, get ( Matthew 21.22 ).




The rebellion in heaven is mentioned in biblical texts and the writings of Ellen White.

Prior to the uprising in the universe that consists of many worlds, no sin and its consequences. And there were two archangels-  Michael-Christ and Lucifer.

God the father declared Christ to Himself and gave him the power not only to manage the angels, but also participate in the creation of. In addition, they engaged in the meeting, in which Lucifer did not participate. Then Lucifer, which was very strong, beautiful and smart, became jealous of Christ and then being lifted up himself and wanted to be like God (Ezekiel 28.13-15, Isaiah 14.13-14).

Considering himself wronged, he said to the angels that God and Christ had humbled and hurt him. And that God limits their freedom To act and offered a better life for those who will follow him.

There was a dispute amongst the angels. Faithful to God, the angels tried to convince Lucifer, prove that it was not humbled. But he remained adamant. Part of the angels followed him (Rev 12.4). Angels of God Lucifer and his supporters have warned about the consequences of disobedience. But he is not listening to them and became Satan (which means "the instigator").

Loyal Angels warned of God and offered to banish Lucifer from heaven, but God decided to give all the people the universe free choice, to identify the position of each of them. The tree of knowledge and a kind of "agitpunkt" next to it were on each planet. And then there was war in heaven (Rev 13). But in the temptation of Satan to other worlds (Is 26.18). Together with his angels he was banished from heaven (Is 14.15 , Ezek 28.16-17, Rev 12.8-9,12), and only one, our own Earth, was a success. Adam and Eve sinned, and their sinful nature passed on all men. The Christ came to save and clear the man and bring him back to Eden.

* * *

   О восстании на небе говорится в библейских текстах и в трудах Елены Уайт.

   До восстания во вселенной, состоящей из множества миров, не было греха и его последствий. А архангелов было два - Христос (Михаил) и Люцифер.

   Бог-Отец объявил Христа равным Себе и дал Ему власть не только управлять ангелами, но и участвовать в сотворении. Кроме того, они осуществляли совещание, в котором Люцифер не участвовал. Тогда Люцифер, который был очень сильным, красивым и умным, стал завидовать Христу, а затем возгордился и захотел сам быть как Бог ( Иез 28.13-15 , Ис 14.13-14).

   Считая себя обиженным, он сказал ангелам, что Бог и Христос унизили и угнетают его. И ещё что Бог ограничивает их свободу Своим законом и предложил лучшую жизнь тем, кто пойдёт за ним.

   Среди ангелов произошёл спор. Верные Богу ангелы попытались переубедить Люцифера, доказать, что он не унижен. Но тот остался непреклонен. Часть ангелов последовало за ним ( Откр 12.4). Ангелы Божии предупредили Люцифера и его сторонников о последствиях непослушания. Но он уже не слушал их и стал сатаной (что значит «подстрекатель»).

   Верные ангелы предупредили Бога и предложили изгнать Люцифера с неба, но Бог решил предоставить всем жителям вселенной свободный выбор, чтобы выявить позицию каждого из них. Древо познания и своего рода «агитпункт» рядом с ним были на каждой планете. Тогда и произошла война на небе ( Откр 12.7). Однако ввести в соблазн жителей иных миров сатана не сумел ( Ис 26.18). Вместе со своими ангелами он был изгнан с неба ( Ис 14.15 , Иез 28.16-17 , Откр 12.8-9,12) и только на нашей земле имел успех. Адам и Ева согрешили, и их грешная природа передалась всем людям. Для того и приходил Христос, чтобы спасти и очистить человека и вернуть его в Эдем.






   Почему нам сказано приобретать мудрость?


   «Главное - мудрость; приобретай мудрость» ( Прит 4.7 ).


   Примечание.  Мудрость - это способность трезво рассуждать и благоразумно вести дела. Это знание того, как надлежащим образом использовать свои способности. Можно обладать большими знаниями и в то же время поступать не мудро.




   Какова цена мудрости?


   «Она дороже драгоценных камней, и ничто из желаемого тобою не сравнится с нею» ( Прит 3.15 ).

   Кто даёт мудрость?


   «Ибо Господь даёт мудрость» ( Прит 2.6 ).




   Как можно приобрести мудрость?


   «Если же у кого недостаёт мудрости, да просит у Бога, дающего всем просто и без упрёков,- и дастся ему» ( Иак 1.5 ).




   Что просил у Бога Соломон, когда стал царём?


   «Ныне дай мне премудрость и знание» ( 2 Пар 1.10 ).




   Как Бог отозвался на эту просьбу?


   «И благоугодно было Господу, что Соломон просил этого» ( 3 Цар 3.10 ).




   Как Бог ответил на молитву Соломона?


   «И сказал ему Бог: за то, что ты просил этого, и не просил себе долгой жизни, не просил себе богатства, не просил себе душ врагов твоих… вот, Я сделаю по слову твоему. Вот, Я даю тебе сердце мудрое и разумное… И то, чего не просил, Я даю тебе, и богатство и славу» ( 3 Цар 3.11-13 ).


   «Начало мудрости - страх Господень; разум верный у всех, исполняющих заповеди Его» ( Пс 110.10 ).




   Благодаря чему псалмопевец стал мудрее своих врагов?


   «Заповедию Твоею Ты соделал меня мудрее врагов моих; ибо она всегда со мною» ( Пс 118.98 ).




   Почему он стал разумнее своих учителей?


   «Я стал разумнее всех учителей моих; ибо размышляю об откровениях Твоих»                                     ( ст.99 ).



   Какие благословения получает тот, кто приобрёл мудрость?


   «Высоко цени её, и она возвысит тебя; она прославит тебя, если ты прилепишься к ней; возложит на голову твою прекрасный венок, доставит тебе великолепный венец» ( Прит 4.8-9 ).




   Какое влияние оказывает мудрость человека на его лицо?


   «Мудрость человека просветляет лице его» ( Еккл 8.1 ).




   Только ли многолетние мудры?


   «Не многолетние только мудры, и не старики разумеют правду» ( Иов 32.9 ).

חזרה בתשובה

    מהספר   הדרך אל המשיח


 19 קרא פרק ג בעמוד

пятница, 6 августа 2021 г.







   Почему следует избегать пустословия и смехотворства?


   «Также сквернословие и пустословие и смехтворство не приличны вам» ( Ефес 5.4 ).


   Примечание.  Потворствуя себе в этом, не будешь христианином. Жизнь со всеми её обязанностями и нерешёнными вопросами слишком серьёзна, чтобы посвящать её таким пустым вещам. Легкомыслие, глупость и светские разговоры лишают нас бдительности и открывают путь для искушения и греха. Чтобы избежать этого, мы должны быть выдержанными и осмотрительными.




   Почему трезвость и бдительность особенно необходимы?


   «Трезвитесь, бодрствуйте, потому что противник ваш диавол ходит как рыкающий лев, ища кого поглотить» ( 1 Пет 5.8 ).

   Что говорит об этом Пётр?


   «Посему (возлюбленные), препоясавши чресла ума вашего, бодрствуя, совершенно уповайте на подаваемую вам благодать в явлении Иисуса Христа»                                        ( 1 Пет 1.13 ).




   Какое другое обращение призывает нас быть благоразумными и бдительными в это последнее время?


   «Впрочем близок всему конец. Итак будьте благоразумны и бодрствуйте в молитвах» ( 1 Пет 4.7 ).



During its existence, the Bible has been subjected to scrutiny and attack enemies.

At times the Bible appears to the observer as a pieces cuted, rejected and, probably, destroyed. But really, any attack on her, she shows the hard granite stone, a sort of Anvil, which are broken down into hundreds of hammers, not causing it substantial harm.

The Bible - the most common book. Every year, it is published (fully or partially) a circulation of 25 million copies. And no wonder, because IT RESPONDS to ALL QUESTIONS and satisfies the DEEPEST SPIRITUAL NEEDS of man.

Only the Bible allows us to know who created the world from whom came people, for which we're living, what are looking for hope and comfort that will be in the future.


Dostoyevsky said:

Lord, that for this book-Scripture! What a miracle and what strength, with her man!


Jaded life harsh,

More than once I found myself

In the eternal words of verbs

The source of peace and strength.

How to breathe, the Saints and the sounds

The divine feeling of love,

And the heart preoccupying a husband

As soon humble they are!

How sweet to read these lines,

Reading, praying in silence,

And cry and draw lessons

Of them for the mind and soul!

N. Nikitin


The Origin Of The Bible

It was written for nearly 2000 years. Its 66 books (39 and 27) written by people of various social groups: shepherds, fishermen, craftsmen, teachers, preachers, doctors and Government officials. It they are in complete harmony and not have conflicted contradictions.

Thus, the true author of the Bible is God ( Hebrews 1.1-2, 2 Peter 1.20-21 ).

The spirit of the Lord spoke to me, and his word in the language I have.

2 Sam  23.2

Thou led me, o Lord, and I fell; You're stronger than me - and the voices, and I have every day, every one mocketh mocks to me. Because only start talking I - scream about violence, shout of ruin because the word of the Lord had blasphemed me and the daily ridicule. And I thought: "I will not remind you about it and won't be more said to in his name; BUT IT was in MY HEART as a BURNING fire, signed - in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I could not.

Jeremiah 20.7-9

Consequently, the prophets COULD NOT SPEAK or WRITE Tog, that they were suggestive and the spirit of God.

The texts of John 12.4-9 and Luke 4.18, the words of Christ and God the father are the same, and that in Christ demonstrated the influence of the Holy Spirit, who, according to John 14.26 and 16.13 is the Comforter and mentor.

The Revelation Of Jesus Christ. What you see, write in a book and went to the churches.

Rev. 1.1, 11

So, God is the author of the Bible, and its writers have expressed THEIR THOUGHTS, but those that were INFUSED by the SPIRIT of God.

The Appointment Of The Bible

She needs a man, because every word it contains great spiritual wealth ( 2 Tim 3.16-17 ).

Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.

Luke 4.4

As food is necessary for maintaining the life of the body and the word of God is necessary to sustain life, spiritual.

Written to us in the manual to the patience and comfort of the Scriptures kept the hope.

Romans 15.4

We are not in a position to YOUR MIND to DETERMINE the TRUTH or LIES-ness of the teachings or the opinions of people, so WE TAKE the WORD of GOD AS the ONLY SOURCE of faith and LIFE:

SIGN lies: to the law and to the testimony. If they (people) do not speak according to this word, then there is no light in them ( Is 8.20 ).

SIGN of truth: Thy Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path " ( Ps 118.105 ) .

The purpose of God's Word, therefore, is the following:

Sanctify them through thy truth; your Word is truth.

John 17.17

And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

John 8.32

The main contents of the Bible

The majestic figure of both old and New Testament is Christ himself. The main theme of the plan of salvation.

To this-the rescue included a survey and study of the prophets, that predictability of the Bay by grace, to search, and at what time point is the Spirit of Christ, when he geralded Christ's suffering and their subsequent fame. They discovered it was not them, but us was the fact that now  preached by the Holy Spirit sent down from heaven, that wish to penetrate the angels.

Peter 1.10-12

Jesus was saying that Scripture (at that time-the old testament) show It ( Luke 24.25-27, 44-45 ).  Rising and stood by his disciples, he said he talked about It the prophets. On these prophecies talked of the Apostles ( Acts 10.43 ).

If you were the children of Abraham, Abraham's case would. And now you seek to kill me, a man that said you the truth that I heard from God: Abraham did not.

John 8.39-40

But did you know the Scriptures from childhood that can give you wisdom for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.

2 Tim 3.15

And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, will save heart through Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4.7

So, the main purpose of the Bible lead us to Jesus Christ as Savior, the light and the sense of life, free from evil and sin. Consolation in sadness and perfect JOY, forgiveness of sin and the hope of eternal life.