пятница, 21 июня 2024 г.




Two words - conversion and revival - used to describe the process of our salvation.

Conversion is what a person does, and God makes a revival. Thus, the appeal is human, and the revival is the God's side of the same process.

In a night conversation with Nicodemus, Jesus said, "If one is not born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God" (John 3.3). Hence, the birth from above is necessary in order to get to heaven. Being born again, like a natural birth, is a passive process. With natural birth, we come into this world and become its citizens. In the same way, the right to a heavenly residence we receive only through birth. Since we have all been born once, the Bible calls this the second birth with the right to eternal life by birth from above.

In repentance, we renounce the old sinful way of life and turn to Christ. Who will turn to God all his sinful, he becomes his in the sky. God is responsible for giving us a new, eternal life; It is our birth from above. With any external symbol this process is not connected, but life in Christ soon becomes marked by the visible fruits of the spirit, which are the essence of love, joy, peace, patience, goodness (kindness), mercy, Faith, meekness, abstinence (Gal 5.22-23 ).

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