понедельник, 17 июня 2024 г.




Three types of dreams differ :

1. Dreams from God

The Bible speaks of some dreams by which God speaks to people (for example, Joseph - Matthew 1.19-25). In these cases, the person who sees the dream either recognized God as the direct son of the dream (for example, Solomon - 1 Kings 3.5-15, Daniel - Dan 7), or God sent interpreter his conduct (for example, Joseph interpreted in prison the dreams of Baker and butlers - Genesis 40 ). The dreams that God speaks to us can be recognized by the fact that they do not by or frighten; they may soon manifest themselves in the form of special assistance in situations of life. However, such a conversation of God, as experience suggests, happens in exceptional cases.

2. Dreams that have no meaning

Most dreams are fleeting and nothing :

"As a dream flies away and will not find it, and as the night vision disappears" (Job 20.8).

"As a dream of awakening, so you, Lord, awakening them, destroy their dreams" (Ps 73.20).

Do not attempt to attach a dreams symbolic value :

"This false heralgs dreams and tell lies" (Zach 10.2). 

The following explanation comes from the apocryphal book of the Sirah 34.1-8 :

"Empty and false hopes - the man is reckless, and sleepy dreams inspire stupid." As a shadow or running in the wind, so believes dreams. Dreams are exactly the same as face to face. From the unclean, what could be pure, and the false what could be true? Divinationss and dreams are bustling, and the heart is filled with dreams like the conceived. If they are not sent from the Almighty to admonition, do not labor your hearts. "The dreams have been misleading and hopinged".

3. Dreams, as yet ununderstanded experiences

From a subconscious, inaccessible premeditated will and reason, may 

There are dreams that are caused by clearly familiar life situations: insurmountable fear, unrecognized guilt, not quite preposition of experience (e.g., experiences of war, unrest in connection with the exam, crises in marital life). This question appears to have been a nightmare of this kind.

It's possible to get rid of them. Because in most of these cases everything is guilt-related, the best way out of the situation is to ask for forgiveness.



There are also dreams of the devil. Make sure they're sent by God. (That's what John Wesley said)

It's when someone is in a dream and commands not to do the Bible. For example, abandon the family and leave far away, and the Bible teaches: that the family is not care, it's worse than wrong.


Other texts about dreams : Job 33.14-18, 20.8 ; Ecclesiastes 5.2,11 ; Jeremiah 23.25-26, 28, 32 ; Zach 10.2.

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