четверг, 27 июня 2024 г.




What day of the week is holy festive and why - Saturday change on Sunday



"My son! If you bend sinners do not agree".

Proverbs 1.10


9. Changing the Sabbath


Something strange is happening today in the Christian world. At the time, as the truth about the Saturday clear as day, most Christians celebrate Sunday. What is the reason?

The first possible cause is the change in the calendar. The history after Christ knows only one case such changes: in1582, Pope Gregory XII ordered to miss in October-month 10 days, so for 4 October followed 15th. In 1918

this improved - the Gregorian calendar introduced in Russia by Lenin's proposal the same way. This changed the order of dates. There were repeated attempts to change the order of the days of the week, enter ten days in the week (as in France), etc., but the expense of days of the week was not lost. Saturday was still the seventh day of the week (biblical and civil, Unlike in Russia, where the week starts on Monday).

Is the second and only reason such changes: someone wilfully and intentionally suffered a day from Saturday to Sunday.

Take a look at the ancient Roman "eternal" stone calendar. Every day of the week of the Romans was dedicated to a god - are farthest apart. Their names are still preserved in the the names of some of the days of the week.

Satan, by idolatry at Appeninas apparently had far-reaching plans concerning the Roman idols. It so happened that the day following the Sabbath, the day on that Christ is risen, coinciding with the pagan day of the Sun is the second Rome. The Sun was the most revered among the luminaries like the authentic Baal - God Sun. "Fans of Baal had claimed that the gifts of heaven-the dew and rain-sent by nature, and that the land brought fruits only thanks to the creative energy of the Sun (E.White, “Prophets and Kings", ch. 9). Roman beliefs were similar. This take was the enemy of humanity, creating its last Grand deception.


9.1. The Bible and the first day of the week

Neither the old nor the New Testament you cannot find even a hint of a change or cancellation Saturday. And what said about Sunday?

8 times in the Bible (the New Testament) is the phrase "first day of week” ("Rev. 1.10” it is a Saturday, rather than on an is a translation error to Russian). Consider each of these texts :

1) Matthew 28.1  -  here States that in this day of Mary Magdalene and the other Maria went to see the tomb of Christ.

2) Mark 16.1  -  they did it on "after the Sabbath" as holy by the day and Saturday do not engage in such cases.

3) Mark 16.9  -  Jesus was resurrected on this day, next Saturday, and it's quite normal (God had power and resurrect it, but for the sake of Sabbath never did) and was Mary Magdalene, which before this had found His tomb empty.

4) Luke 24.1  -  previous texts say that the disciples of Christ on Friday "was prepare incense and suit, and on Saturday, were left alone on the commandments" ; in the first the day they went to the Tomb.

5) John 20.1  -  when they went to the Tomb, they saw that the stone rolled away from him. However, these texts merely confirm the sanctity of the Sabbath.

6) John 20.19 - Assembly of disciples who locked the door House "out of fear of the Jews", in no case was the celebration of Sunday, as they do not know that Christ is risen: "go to My brethren and say to them". The disciples were glad having seen the Lord (John 20, 20.17)

7) Acts 20.7 - meeting in Troas was the celebration of Sunday, as Paul stayed in Troas 7 days, including Saturday, and "the first day of the week... to midnight , under the current account, the end of the day Saturday, as light in the Bible part of the day (morning) follows the dark (night - Gen 1.5). In addition, in the morning, Paul was going to "walk" in the Ass (19 miles), hence it is not celebrated this day, but instead spent 84 described in "Acts" of Saturday's meeting (2 in Antiohia,1 in Philippi, 3 in Thessalonica, and in Corinth - 78).

8) 1 Corinthians 16.2  -  command Paul about collecting donations at the beginning of the week, but not in the Church, and at home. This custom dates back to Old Testament Times: "Honor the Lord from the choicest of all thy profits” (Proverbs 3.9).

So, the New Testament considers Sunday a normal day like any other (except Saturday).


9.2. The "mystery of iniquity" in action; Satan's feud against the Sabbath before Constantine

The nefarious scheme, which changed the law of God, did not at once. "For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work, just not fulfilled until it is taken from the environment holding now" (2 Thess 2.7). The devil could not exterminate the name Christ openly and decided to destroy the truth, having put on a mask of Christ. "Restraint is now replaced by" Roman Paganism - comes the "mystery of iniquity" - BAPTIZED PAGANISM.

Even during the times of the Apostles in the Church began to penetrate the heresy. Paul wrote: "I am amazed that you who called you by the grace of Christ as soon go to a the Gospel, however, is different, but there are people, embarrassing you and wishing to MAKE the Gospel of Christ "(Gal 1.6-7). Although the Bible was

the only basis of faith at that time, many Christians wrongly interpreted it (so it is said that the teachings of the "other") and injected into their practice of pagan-installation (Ezek 8.14-15 - the cult of the “mother of God” ,  Jer 7.17-18 - Easter cakes , Ezek.8.16 - the custom of praying to the East, etc.). It was introduced and the celebration of

Sunday - day of Sun.

Day shift worship took place gradually. We have no historical evidence by stating that prior to the second century, Christians worshiped weekly on Sundays. However, in the middle of the second century, some Christians were themselves adhere to the Sunday  as the day of worship (not as a day of rest). The Roman Church, consisting in the generally composed of Gentiles (Romans 11.13), first took a course on celebration Sunday. This

the desire to "secede from the Jews" was caused anti-Jews sentiments in Rome: the Roman Church has reached that completely abandoned the observance of the Sabbath. As show Socrates, Sozomen, and other historians of the time, all the churches of “world” (Roman Empire) to IV-V century followed Saturday night (or Saturday and Sunday), except for Church in Rome, which neglected the day of the Lord.

Persecution of Christians continued until the year 313. With King Constantine Fought someone in Rome begins a new stage of the desecration of God's law.


9.3. The unholy Act of beast

Constantine realized: if he destroys all the followers of Christ, will be citizens. Then he adopted Christianity and made it the State religion. But it is there was already a "Christianity"; so, pagan myth of the afterlife and the hellish agony turned to the doctrine of the immortality of the soul. According to the Bible, the dead between death and

resurrection are unconscious about what spoke to Christ (Eccl 9.5-6; Ps 146.4; John 11.17, 11-14); After the resurrection of the wicked will completely destroy - are killed ( Mal 4.1, Avd 16). The parable of the rich and Lazarus (Luke 16.19-31) cannot describe afterlife, otherwise would be contrary to the Bible itself, and says only the necessary

for repentance with life (a form of the parables of Christ was linked with the wrong representation of many Jews on death). "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God - eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord " (Rom 6.23).

In addition, the pagan gods turned into Christian Saints, pagan day-weight-in the Christian Easter, etc. the same happened with the pagan day of the Sun.


9.3.1. The edict of Constantine

The Sun was a central deity in ancient Rome and has had his cult "Solinvictus".

Therefore, to accelerate the conversion of the Gentiles, Constantine declared the day of resurrection of

Christ - the day of the Sun public holidays and non - working days:

"Ordered all municipal authorities and residents of the cities rest in Venerabili die Solic (the Honourable the day of the Sun), and artisans - to close their shops. But living in rural areas and engaged in agriculture may freely continue to work, as it often happens, that this is the best day for sowing and planting grapes; a good time can be lost and the blessings of heaven lost-but" (law, passed March 7, 321 - Codex Justinianus, lib. 3, tit. 12.3).

Then there were two days of worship - Saturday and Sunday. But this case is not limited.


9.3.2. Laodicea Act; "the proud and the profane words"

In 364, the Cathedral of Laodicea in his 20-m Canon announced: "Christians should not be Judaizing and respect Saturday, but should work; and the day of the Lord (Sunday) they should especially read and, whenever possible, to refrain from this day. If they will continue Judaizing, let him be anathema" (alienated from Christ).  -  (Charles j. Hefele, A History of the Councils of the Church, vol. 2, p. 316).

The word Judaize priests understood also ordered food (Lev 11). The Gentiles not only ate pigs in food, but also brought them to sacrifice to their gods. However, the ban on impure food has not been canceled, since the preservation of health (unclean animals were "nature's nurses, so their meat is toxic as drugs, alcohol and tobacco). "So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, everything do for the glory of God" (1 Cor 10.31). Is it conceivable in prayer before the meal to ask for Slovenia to impure food?!

With 538, in Europe a new power described in  Dan 7.24-26  and  Rev 13.1-10 . This power had made idols in the Temple of God and changed the law – the fourth commandment now read "day holiday celebrate", the second commandment was removed from the Decalogue, and the tenth is divided into two, to keep their total number. Laity was forbidden Chi a Bible on it have the right only to priests and monks, with lay people katekhizis instead of the Bible. Up to 100 million people were victims of the Inquisition. The next sold indulgences - salvation of the soul for money and destroyed the idea of salvation by faith independent of the cases. While faith without works is dead, things are only natural result of faith and salvation is only by faith, "so that no one can boast" (Eph 2.8-10).

The Bishop of Rome - the Pope was declared a God on Earth, who has the power to open and close the Kingdom of heaven, to create something from nothing and that is anathema to the angels, not-consonants with him in matters of faith. "The Pope commands the heavenly and earthly things. THE POPE IS INFALLIBLE AS GOD AND CAN DO EVERYTHING THAT GOD DOES ... Blaming the dad is still that the sin against the Holy Spirit, not forgiven either in this age or in the next. The Triple Crown of the Pope means the triunity of his power: the angels in heaven, the humans in earth the demons in hell. God gave the power the Pope all the laws, and the POPE HIMSELF ABOVE all laws. If the Pope said the verdict against God's Court, then the Court of God must be fixed and changed. DAD-THE LIGHT OF FAITH AND REFLECTION OF TRUTH. DAD HAS IT ALL OVER EVERYTHING AND CAN DO EVERYTHING" (Resolution of the 1st Vatican Council 1, 1870; "The free word of Carpathian RUS, no. 209-210, 1976).

So was the prophecy: "In the Church of God he sits as God, posing as God", "and against God will pronounce the words and oppress the saints of God; and same will dream cancel their holiday times and the law, and they brought to be in hand It's up to time and times and the half-time"  (2 Thess 2.4, Dan 7.25).

According to Dan 4.13, 20.22 time - this is the prophetic year (360 years), times - 2 such “years” (720 years), half-time - a half of “year” (180 years). 1260 years (the same period recorded in "Revelation 12.14" and named "the forty-two months" (13.5) and "1260 days" (Rev 12.6) This is the same prophetic period).

If in 538, Pope acquired the dominion over the whole of Western Europe, so that could even deliver and to depose a kings and emperors, in 1798, he lost it. It Is in 1798, 1260 years, French General Berthier entered Rome and took the Pope prisoner.

"He who leads into captivity he will go into captivity" (Rev 12: 13.10). But the first the beast is not over. Its "deadly wound healed" (v.3).


9.4. Seal of beast

Every branch has its own character - a day of worship.

Saturday is the seventh day of the week-is a sign of loyalty to the Lord God and the day of a crush on Him ( Exodus 31.17, Is 66.22-23 ).

When Jeroboam established the worship of calves in Bethel and Dan, he established the celebrating day, dedicated to them - the fifteenth day of the eighth month (1 Kings 12.32).

When, in 1917, the Bolsheviks came to power and declared Lenin Idol, who "lived" and "alive" and the "will to live", they have certain days of worship him - May 1 and November 7. I saw it with my own eyes and even participated in it. In these days of outdoor of cities stopped traffic and crowds of people were sent to the Central streets and squares - General. Welcoming the Government and party officials, They shouted "Hurrah!". The Centre of this event was held in Moscow at the Lenin mausoleum, the entrance to which was protected by two armed soldiers. Something similar is described in the New Testament: "All Cried with one voice, and about two hours shouting: great is Artemis

Ephesus!" (Acts 19.34).

To date, Sunday is the day of worship to God and the Church, and knowledge of its credibility. The Catholic Church recognizes this :

“Question: How do you prove that the Church has the right to establish holidays and whether-days?

Answer: if it did not have such power, she could not have done what all the people agree: it could not replace the celebration of the seventh day of the week, Saturday, the first day of the week, Sunday, that there is no command in the Scriptures "(Stephen Keenan, A Doctrinal Catechism (3rd ed.), p. 174). “SUNDAY - SIGN of OUR authority” (Catholic record, September 1923).

A beast, that wants to put all its seal (Rev 13.16) is, without a doubt  the Holy See. One of the titles of the Pope - VICARIVS FILII DEI (Vicar of the son of Of God). Calculate the numerical value of the Roman calculation :


          V = 5                              F = 0                                 D = 500

          I = 1                                I = 1                                  E = 0

          C = 100                          L = 50                                I = 1

          A = 0                               I = 1                                  ---------

          R = 0                               I = 1                                   501

          I =1                                 -------

          V = 5                                53                                                                                    112

          S = 0                                                                                                                       + 53  =  666

         -----------                                                                                                                  + 501



You can now guess how looks the proverbial "printing of the beast". Compliance

to Sunday instead of Saturday - means to have her for myself instead Of print.


9.5. Warning to three angels

"And I saw another Angel flying in midheaven, which had the eternal Gospel reach to those who dwell on the Earth, and to every tribe and tribe, language and nation" (Revelation 14.6).

In the guise of the Angel John the Baptist Church, was shown last time (Revelation 12.17), which with amazing rapidity preaches the “Gospel of the Kingdom throughout the universe, in evidence of all peoples" before " the end will come" (Matthew 24.14). This is a special message for the modern world. What does it contain?


9.5.1. Worship the creator!

«Afraid God and give him glory, because the hour of His judgment has come and prostrate Created the heavens and the Earth, and the sea and the springs of water" (Rev 14.7). "For in six days the Lord made heaven and Earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day. So blessed the Lord of the Sabbath day and hallowed it” (Ex  20.11). The first Angel, moreover, that the Court began over the peoples. About It said the end of the period "2300 evenings and mornings" with 457 BC. (Decree of Artaxerxes rebuilding of Jerusalem), to 1844 (Dan 7.9-10, 8.13-14, 9.24-27). October 22, 1844 Christ of the first branch of the heavenly sanctuary moved to the second for its purification (Heb 8.1-9.1, 5-28).

To cleanse the heavenly sanctuary, following the example of the need to check on the memory books, whether this man is reconciled with God and humbled their souls before? (Mal 3.16). After that, each be sentenced to eternal life or death (Rom 6.23). The book of life - list of heavenly citizens - writing now, and always, having desire, can enter into it.

In addition, in 1844, was an extended version of the books of Charles Darwin "Genesis of types", which challenges the biblical story of creation (Genesis 1). First angel invites atheists to acknowledge that the world was created by God, and to pay tribute to him.


9.5.2. Babylon has fallen!

"And another Angel followed, saying "Fallen, fallen Babylon, the great city, because he gave all his fornication wine people "(Rev 14.8).

"Babylon" - this is confusing, mixing. So was the place where the a massive rebellion against God - "the construction of the tower to the heavens". Then God mixed languages people (Gen 11.1-9). The place was built the city of Babylon, which became EC-timber of various Pagan beliefs (Jer 51.6-8). Already in the 1st century Apostle Peter called Babylon city Rome (1 Pet 5.1); the Babylon at that time was destroyed forever (Is 13.19-22). It was in Rome was crossing of Christianity with paganism and include up-"Baptized Paganism": those who have adopted Christianity, the essence of its stayed by pagans. Because God rejected this church and considers her His other lies-

major religions and systems. However, he said that these churches have a faithful, sincere souls, and said to them: "Come out of her (the harlot of Babylon), my people ..." (Rev 18.4).


9.5.3. "The patience of the saints"

"And the third Angel followed them, saying with a loud voice: who worships the beast and his image and takes the mark on his forehead or on his hand, he will drink the wine of God's fury. Here is the patience of the Saints, fulfilling the commandments of God and faith in Jesus" (Rev 14.9, 10.12).

Every person living before the end of the world, which is close (Matthew 24, Luke 21), will receive the seal of God or the beast. The third is not given. "Right hand" and "forehead" is the image of actions and thoughts (see Deuteronomy 6.4-9). The first group of people will display God's nature and respect its Saturday.

The second group will be composed of the selfish, arrogant, greedy, cruel and intolerant of dissent, which, if at all to celebrate any day, then, of course, not Saturday, and "day of the Sun".

"All were forced to make a choice between the law of God and the laws of human. All the people the boundary will divide all in two groups. Every person having reached full development, will show its essence and be on the side of those who are faithful to the law, or by standing-Shih opposed it. And then the end comes" (E. White, “The Desire of ages", ch. 79).

The only one who thanks to his faith and the power of God will stand all tests, saving the commandments of God and faith in Jesus, can stand in the glorious Christ on the clouds (Rev 14.12, 1.7, 6.15-17).

What is the "image of the beast"? This will be discussed below.


9.6. The image of the beast

In chapter 13 of Revelation (11-14), except the first beast (papacy), and the second, which comes after the fall of the first beast on the other end of the globe has good intentions, but later turns into a dragon. It is the United States that will cause abuse of God's law.


9.6.1. "Earth helped the wife”

"And let the snake out of the jaws of their wives followed by water as the River in order to Captivate her River. BUT

THE EARTH HELPED THE WOMAN, and the Earth chasms standing mouth and swallowed the river which made dragon from his mouth"  (Rev 12.15-16).

15th century. Satan and his agents are rampant in Europe, "the resources that reduced numerous grandmasters truth on Earth" (Dan 8.12). But God has provided for his people the miraculous deliverance: land where restore civil and spiritual freedom - New World.

In the year 1451 in Genoa was born the amazing man - Christopher Columbus. He owned by four foreign languages, knew how to make maps and drive the ships, was brave and God-fearing. While still young, he had a desire to go to the West to commit new geographical discoveries may be new, but no one believed him.

On arriving in Spain, Christopher described his idea of a monk from a monastery near Palos, and then some very Queen Isabella. The Queen became interested in the project of Columbus and designated the "Scientific Council" to discuss it.

Columbus, after a long struggle and prayers to convince scientists and priests to support the project.

With three ships and August 3, 1492 90 person team, making a stop in the Canary Islands, moved to the West. 33 days, the sailors saw land, and it frightened them: they had Columbus was told about their worst prejudices and required to turn back. But God did not disappoint his faithful servant. Shortly a sailor watching forward, sitting in a large barrel, observers cried: "Earth!" 12 October at the new continent for the first time entered Christian's foot.

At the beginning of the open Caribbean Islands, and later, after the death of Columbus, continent. Initially, the Europeans did not dare to move inland, but already In 1513, Balboa crossed some of it and went to the eastern edge of the Pacific Ocean. So was opened a new land.


9.6.2. The appearance of the second beast; Sunday and Protestants

In the following centuries the events at different parts of the continent have evolved differently.

Central and South America was ruled by Catholic - Spaniards and Portuguese, which mercilessly exterminated local inhabitants (Indians) and violently turned  into Catholicism. Not so the circumstances were in North America.

In the early 17th century colonists first arrived there. Most of them were protestants, and on social situation - peasants, farmers and artisans.

The colonists were unhappy with the dependence on England and frequently staged revolt against the authorities and British aristocrats. In 1769, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, organized by Virginia union to boycott British goods. In 1775, this mass movement has morphed into a war.

The English authorities failed to "put the colonists into place”. July 4, 1776, representatives from the 13 colonies (Congress) proclaimed the "Declaration of independence" of the creation of a new state - the United States of America (U.S.A).

Look at the prophecy of the second beast (Rev 13.11-18) :

a) he arose and intensified at the end of the 18th century (1776), when the first beast was injured (1798);

b) he was not "from the sea", as the first beast, and "from the earth" (the sea means that people and their war, and the land-purchase, without population or distant from civilization;

c) he appeared in the New World, because Europe is the first beast;

d) he has no crowns (diademas), therefore, it is not a monarchy but a Republic;

e) 2 horns like lambs are two of the principle of freedom - political and religious.

No Kingdom except the United States, does not meet all these criterias.

John writes that it is not always this beast will be gentle and peace-loving. And he could yet his grin. This attitude of American Protestants to Sunday.


9.6.3. Freedom of conscience under threat.

United States Constitution reads: "Congress shall make no laws related to the mouth-match religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof” (Amendment I, part 1).  Nevertheless, this article increasingly disturbed.

"At present, the United States attempted to enlist under IPEC State authority in matters of religious institutions and ceremonies, witnesses emphasized that Protestants are on the trail of the Catholics. The spirit of Catholicism, the spirit agreement with the mundane rituals of respect and veneration of the human frontal one hundred myths of the commandments of God, entered the Protestant churches, and they praise and worship Sunday afternoon, as this made the papacy before them.

If a reader wants to know what forces will be involved in the coming fight, then let the study means that Rome used to achieve its goals in the past century. And if you, dear reader, you want to know how Catholic and Protestants will treat those who reject their dogma, then explore the attitude of Rome to the Sabbath commandment and its defenders" (E. Whyte, "The great Controversy", p. 537-538).

It is strange that most Protestants (as Orthodox Christians) complying with Sunday. After all, this is a Catholic invention, and they, in opposition to Rome, would have to observe the Sabbath.

But let us return to Rome in the 4th century. How gradually Saturday was changed to Sunday,

mentioned above. Both were celebrated at first, and then the celebration of the Sabbath was forbidden. The heresy of Rome spread throughout the Empire, like a contagious disease. So there was a beast.

The second beast, it is the same way.

In 1892, Chicago hosted the world's fair EXPO. Catholic clergy demanded close it on Sundays, and Congress granted this request contrary to constitution of the United States, and the law of God. Since then, nearly every State has "Sunday law" (so far with the exception of the Sabbath).

And in 30-years of XX century the 40th United States Congress attempted to adopt a national Sunday law. 500 most admired people of the "free country" of America discussed bill :

For a first violation - $50. fine,

For a second violation - $500 fine and 6 months in prison.

(Magazine "Voice of truth" of that time)

Fortunately, this Bill was not passed. But soon it will again, and the reason (excuse) to economic problems not only in America but also in the the whole world. Bernard Casseli, editor of the Catholic Bulletin of the Diocese of Saint-Paul-Minneapolis writes: "We, as a people, are now in energy crisis. It serves as the basis for the Government to intervene and put the end trade on Sundays. It's time to review and practice the laws requiring cessation of trade on Sundays. And all newspapers were executive statements like this: Christians must halt all kinds of activity on Sunday”. Today, the Pope wants to make all people (not only in America) by Sunday, and to this end it in the future, will join with the State. This is the full realization of the image of the beast.


9.6.4. The book of Esther and the last time

After the Decree of Cyrus (537 BC) not all Jews came back. Some of them remained living in Persia, one of the Jews - Mordecai - became the guardian of the Royal gate, and Jewish Esther became Queen - wife of king Xerxes (in Bible - Ahasuerus). Xerxes has the first Minister - Aman, that all the people had to worship. Mordecai also refused to do so. Angry, Aman wants to destroy all Jews in the Kingdom, and he asked the King to sign a corresponding Decree. When the Queen Esther has learned about this, she risked their lives, went to the King and informed him that Aman wants to destroy her people. Xerxes, learning that Aman wants to exterminate fellow Esther, spared her people and dealt with Aman.

Today we see the same situation. Question about the day of worship became basically. The Church, defending, said: "Worship the beast!" and will adorate him are many, but not all.

When the imprinting will be consummated, the angels will keep winds and release them. Pitch darkness, the spirit of anger and delusion will cover the whole earth. Those who comply with God’s Sabbath, will be outlawed. Initially, they will be allowed to buy and sell (Rev 13.16-17), then they will want to put to death (v.15). Jesus said : "If it were not reduced the days, no flesh would be saved; but for the purpose favorites decline the days chosen" (Matt 24.22).  God will protect for His people and will save him (Dan 12.1). The wicked will not lead to death but are themselves killed a nice phenomenon of Christ and the resurrected only at the end of the Millennium for punishment  (2 Thess 2.8-12, Rev 20.5-9).

"The people of God to hear clear, melodious voice:" Look up! " And. .. you can hear wonderful voice, full of love and triumph:”The Go! Go! Holy, innocent and without spots recognized herein are! They respect My Word patience, so let them live among the Angels!" (E. White,"The great controversy," p. 600).


No. 282

All the edges of the Earth sounds good news:

Ascribe to the Lord glory and praise, honour!

Because only he is our God, our Lord, father,

He is the creator of Earth and heaven.

In the great day of judgment that can stand only

Who is God's commandment and faith will save.

In glory in the clouds our Savior comes

Us into the Kingdom of eternal enters.


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