воскресенье, 23 июня 2024 г.




The Bible aims to fully understand its meaning: "And we write to you nothing but what you read and know, and that I hope to end know" (2 Cor 1.13). But there are such profound thoughts that we cannot fully explore: "My thoughts are not yours, nor your ways, My ways, saith the Lord. But as the sky is above the Earth, so are My ways above your ways, and My thoughts above your thoughts" (Is 55.8-9). 

Charles Spurgeon has already pointed to both aspects: "In the Bible one can find great truths that do not fit into the limits of our limited shallow mind. However, the basic fundamental thoughts of the Bible are not difficult to understand". The Bible's thoughts are available to everyone (Acts 17.11), and yet the depth and richness of its inscrutable (Rom 11.33).

The Bible was written by more than 45 delivered by the people of the Holy Spirit. Likewise, its content cannot be understood without the help of the Holy Ghost: "The Soul Man does not accept that which is from the spirit of God, because he reveres it with madness; and cannot be know, because it is necessary to judge spiritually. But the spiritual judge of everything, and nobody can judge it" (1 Cor 2.14-15).

The Bible is an extremely accurate book. This characteristic trait becomes apparent if you examine its linguistic, semantic, spiritual, historical or natural-scientific aspects.

The historical accuracy of the Bible should be emphasized by the example of persecution of Christians. If the initial period of the church is written: "By the people who betrayed their souls for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ" (Acts 15.26), it is written in relation to the Middle Ages: "Souls innocent for the word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ" (Rev 6.9). 

In our time all kinds of currents tried to integrate Jesus into their system. Islam considers him a prophet, the Movement for peace - peacemaker, others - a good man and a public reformer. Albert Schweitzer showed interest in Jesus as a historical person. Carl Friedrich von Weizsacker organizes peace conferences and convinces people that we, the people, have the power to keep peace on Earth. 

Many people speak about Jesus, but only to the extent that he approaches their concept. Islam denies that Jesus is the son of God. However, if we believe in Jesus, then "He is our Peace" (Eph 2.14), otherwise He is our judge (Acts 10.42).

Franz Alto writes a book about the Sermon on the Mount, but he ignores the main command of Jesus - to leave a wide path leading to perdition, and to enter through narrow Gate. Jesus goes everywhere, but that's not enough. In the Sermon on the Mount, the Lord teaches: "Not everyone who says to Me: Lord! Lord ! will come to the Kingdom of heaven, but to the will of My Father in heaven. Many will tell Me that day: Lord! God! Are we prophesied from Your name? And isn't it Your name of demons expelled? and is it not Your name that many miracles have done? Then I will declare to them: I never knew you; step away from Me, doing iniquity!" (Matt 7.21-23).

Who pays special attention only to the human traits of Jesus, he loses everything. We must preach Jesus as the gospel shows Him (John 7.38). Problems begin when you refer to the whole Word of God. While the decomposition in all spheres of society is taking on more and more dimensions, those who have a reverent attitude to the Scriptures, whose motto is: "It's written!" - whether it is about the creation of the world, or about Jesus, which is evidenced by the Scriptures, are persecuted. Preaching the Gospel the word of God calls Victory (Rev 12.11). 

The Word of God is infinite in time. 

Isaiah compares the short-lived life of plants with the enduring character of the Word of God: "The grass dries up, the color fades, and the word of our God will be eternal" (Is 40.8), and Jesus adds, "Heaven and earth will pass, but my words will not pass away" (Matt 24.35). Luther belongs to the saying: "The Bible is not antique and not modern, it is eternal".

The Bible does not depend on time, as the concepts and perspectives of its actions extend far beyond any epoch. Although it does not mention abortion and drug addiction, it can be unambiguously related to these phenomena. No other book has such a depth of discernment. For example, human law could not exercise justice if there was no paragraph corresponding to a topic.

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