четверг, 19 октября 2023 г.




   What is worship?

   Every person, even if he does not know about it, worships someone or something. This is what is most important to him in life and what owns him.

   In order to understand whether a person worships God, it is necessary to believe the presence of the components (terms) that make up true worship:

1. Prayer - one who worships God, speaks to Him, this is thanksgiving and praise, repentance of sins in the hope of receiving forgiveness, as well as requests.

2. Singing psalms is an expression of genuine and genuine joy, even when it is difficult for a person. In Hebrew, this word "tehila" means "song of praise".

3. Reading the Bible is the word of God, what God wants to say to people, so it is important not a superficial acquaintance, but a deep and careful analysis of it.

4. Deeds - it is not enough to know what is said in the Bible, it is necessary to fulfill what is said in it. To worship God in spirit and truth means to have a devoted, warm heart.

5. Faith - complete trust in God, which means to follow His path, despite the fact that our immediate future is not completely clear to us, or even if our life is threatened by something, and patience, if God does not give us what we ask for or deliverance from anxiety immediately...

6. Staying Together - Believers are not alone with God, they come together to truly worship and help one another. In the Old Testament it was the Israelite people, in the New Testament it is the church of Christ and that part of it that is Christ's in reality, and not just formally.

7. Correct Doctrine - There is no worship without pure biblical doctrine without a mixture of heresies and traditions. These are, first of all, the Ten Commandments, including the second about the prohibition of worshiping images and the fourth about the Sabbath - the true holy day.

8. The correct scale of values ​​and authority - a true believer in God the Creator knows what is most important in his life and what does not matter, and he will not listen to influential people, including scientists and politicians who argue with God or deny Him Existence.

9. The preaching of the Gospel - the one who believes himself cannot but tell about Christ, from Whom he takes an example and to Whom he must be like, so that everyone can see it, to as many people as possible - relatives and friends, just acquaintances, and also to everyone else, using for this the Internet and other achievements of progress.

10. Rituals - in the New Testament there are few of them, but they have a deep meaning that has educational value, therefore participation in them is mandatory for worship. This refers to the biblical baptism of adult repentance through total immersion in water, as well as the sacrament as established according to the Scriptures, including the washing of the feet.

  Using these criteria, each person can absolutely infallibly determine whether he really worships the True God.




1. Biblical - we must know God and perceive Him as He is, and the Bible tells about it. One should not invent another, more convenient or advantageous God for oneself, this is no longer worship, but idolatry.

2. Sincere - hypocrisy and lies are unacceptable. You can deceive people, but you cannot deceive God, it is also very foolish to deceive yourself. Therefore, untruth, demagoguery, pretense - all this is not for us.

3. Meaningful - God does not need those who do what should be done, thoughtlessly, or by inertia, or following many others, so you can only serve people and the devil. Nothing will give a person the fact that he sings psalms or observes the Sabbath, without properly delving into such things, their meaning, content and purpose. There should be only one motive for the believer's behavior and worship: A DISCONTINUOUS RESPONSE TO GOD TO HIS LOVE WITH AN APPROPRIATE LIFESTYLE AND EVERYTHING HIS HAS, BECAUSE ANOTHER LIFE IS UNNATURAL AND IMPOSSIBLE FOR HIM, because he wants to save, or because he wants to save some kind of benefit.

   If so, your Christian life, faith, and worship are real and right, as is your standing before God.

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