вторник, 17 октября 2023 г.




About dialectics

   Our goal is to expose dialectics as a pseudoscientific system. And we will begin this by explaining the term itself.

   In Greek, "dialectics" in its original meaning is the art of waging a dispute, reaching the truth through the collision of opposing opinions with their heads, as well as disclosing, interpreting and overcoming these contradictions "to establish the truth".

   The main purpose of the teaching is to REFUSE AND THE EXISTENCE OF GOD AND HIS WORKS. Although all evolutionary theories, starting with the "big bang", contradict experience and elementary logic (after all, it is not clear where the matter and energy for the explosion came from, and most importantly, why and how the elements of the periodic table and the laws of nature were formed), three main laws of dialectics were invented, to bypass and ignore the creation of the world and to nurture the idea that all this happens by itself :

- the law of unity and struggle of opposites, a semblance of the pagan eastern Yang and Yin, asserting that the reason for the development of stupid matter lies in it itself, and after spontaneous generation, a person himself "rose to perfection";

- the law of the transition of quantitative changes into qualitative ones, which takes place in the universe, but not always, since an increase in the amount and size of matter does not always bring it to a higher level of development;

- the law of denial of negation, asserting that any new human idea, denying the old and obsolete, will itself be refuted by a more and more perfect idea, and so on ad infinitum.

   Hegel's dialectic is considered one of the branches of "classical German philosophy", and Hegel himself is considered more progressive in relation to Kant only on the basis that his philosophical system is newer than Kant's metaphysics. Hegelian philosophy was continued by Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin, but many so-called bourgeois scientists also use dialectics in theoretical science. There is little sense from such a science, unlike applied sciences, this is empty chatter, but it is the representatives of this so-called science that are interested in it, because it brings them money, as well as academic degrees and prestige, and the press still uses evolutionary fabrications, that's all it is taught in schools and universities, and naive youth build their life principles and goals on this (they do not understand that all this leads to a dead end). Nevertheless, the universe and nature still confirm the Creator, so the believer Kant is still right, and the existence of creation and God was recognized by many luminaries of science (and the various evolutionists there do not count).

   Not only the appearance of Hegel's dialectics, but especially Marxism, Leninism and Stalinism is a tragedy for all mankind. When Marx came up with the doctrine of the five formations, according to dialectical philosophy, there really was an injustice in the presence of slaves and serfs as someone's property. However, the Bolsheviks who dreamed of a happy, just and well-fed society brought the world even greater evil, tears, blood and violence, as well as a new appearance of serfs, who were absent under capitalism, that is, collective farmers.

   Any theory, as you know, is verified by experiment, and so in any science. This "experiment" has cost humanity too much, and some believe that it should be continued further!

   So, if in Western countries the presence of evolutionism and atheism became the reason only for the development of theoretical pseudosciences (and only new discoveries, starting from the middle of the twentieth century, confirmed God) and the general depravity of society with wolf laws, then in communist countries the result of dialectical philosophy and its application to practice together with "scientific communism" became:

- the violent seizure of power with a large number of victims, its appropriation by one party, which suppresses all dissent, depriving it of even a word;

- the development of the "dictatorship of the proletariat" according to Marx, as a result of which the flower of society, the organizers of production and the intelligentsia can be physically destroyed, expelled from the country, at best degraded in rights, and the country is ruled by people from the proletarian classes and their leaders, illiterate and uncultured;

- the abolition of private property and its withdrawal in favor of the state, as a result of which production does not develop, but decays, and a completely unviable economy appears that does not work;

- a ban on the free movement of not only peasants forcibly driven into collective farms, but also other strata, for example, the absence of dismissals of their own accord for city residents, as well as the passport system with a residence permit, the absence of other basic human rights accepted by the world community;

- artificial and false culture, as well as arts serving the regime, with the most severe censorship;

- state atheism and persecution of believers;

- the lack of equality and social justice, the poverty of the majority of the population, the theft and enrichment of leaders and chiefs, who brazenly use state property as their own, living in palaces with servants, like the exiled ruling classes;

- the lack of equality and social justice, the poverty of the majority of the population, the theft and enrichment of leaders and chiefs, who brazenly use state property as their own, living in palaces with servants, like the exiled ruling classes;

- the promise of a paradise life on earth, which will never be achieved, especially by such methods that allow the population to fool their heads further.

   And in addition, let's say that the few communist countries that still remain are the poorest and most hopeless countries in the world with disgusting governments and a terrible standard and way of life. Here is the result of the "great experiment"!

   An alternative to dialectics is not only metaphysical philosophy, but most importantly, the Word of God is the Bible, which answers correctly all the questions people are interested in now: where did our world come from, why does evil exist, how to distinguish evil from good, why and by what principles a person should live, how to achieve rebirth and spiritual growth and what awaits all of us in the future. ONLY CHRISTIANITY answers all these questions correctly, and we will be able to convince ourselves of this pretty soon, probably during our generation of people.

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