среда, 2 октября 2024 г.




Only one God has immortality, and because the person cannot be immortal (1 Tim 6.16, 1.17).

Man is mortal  (John 4.14, 1 Cor 15.53)  and because he must search for immortality (Rom 2.7).


Man was made from the dust of the Earth (Gen 2.7) and created in the image of God - a reasonable creature (Gen 1.26-27).



BREATH OF LIFE (Heb. "neshimat-a-chaim") was blew in the face of the person in creation (Gen 1.7, Job 33.4). It is there and the animals (Gen 7.22). In the Old Testament this phrase is found 24 times, and nothing is said about  immortality.

SOUL (Heb. "nefesh", 754 times in Old Testament ; Greek. "psuhe", 104 times in New Testament). It have people and animals too, because they themselves are "soul alive" (Gen 1.20, 24 ; 2.7). THEREFORE THE SOUL IS MORTAL. "The soul thus will die" (Ezekiel 18.4).

SPIRIT (Heb. "ruach", 377 times in Old Testament ; Greek. "pnejma", 385 times in New Testament). Nowhere says that he is immortal.  Animals also have the spirit of life (Gen 7.15-22, Eccl 3.19-21).


Bottom line: these words are found in the Scriptures of all 1644 times, but said the provisions of the "immortal soul", etc. In addition, in Ezekiel 18.4 and elsewhere spoke of her mortality.

The doctrine of the immortal soul is pagan and NOT BIBLICAL .

The origin - the ancient world  (Babylon, Egypt, etc.).

Sources : Plato (427 -347 B.C.), Origen (185-254 A.D.), decision of V-th Lateran Cathedral (1515).


The spirit of life, the man with the creation, leaves it at the death (Eccl 12.7, 3.19-21).

In humans and animals have the same spirit of life that death leaves them (Eccl 3.19-21).


That spirit, or breath of life has no consciousness of itself, it is clear from the fact that the spirit has never opened one of his conscious existing to connect with the person in creation and at birth.

There is also more evidence that the same spirit has more conscious activities after he leaves the person at his death, than it was before the connecting with the person.

Where is the spirit at death, must be the same location from which it comes the resurrection, at the same time, we know that the spirit flies away to God (scattered), and the dust returns to the Earth (Eccl 12.7).


The BIBLE DENIES the HUMAN CONSCIOUS STATE AFTER DEATH, for "the dead know nothing" (Eccl 9.5, Ps 6.6).

The death of the man stops to think, to love, to hate and to praise God (Ps 146.4, Eccl 9.5-6, Is 38.18).

The dead know nothing, as those who have never lived (Job 3.11-17, 10.18-19). They do not know and those who continue to live on the Earth (Job 14.20-21, Is 63.16).

The fact that the soul, spirit and body are in a State of complete unconsciousness during sleep, they are deceased and in death, because death is compared to sleep (John 11.11-14, Dan 12.2, 1 Thess 4.14-16).


Answers to objections :

1. The promise of Christ that the thief will be with him in paradise, doesn't prove life after death because Christ ascended to heaven to His Father shortly AFTER THE REVIVAL (John 20.17-18).

2. The parable of Lazarus and the rich (Luke 16.19-31) does not teach that a person has consciousness after death, because there is no mention of the SOUL or SPIRIT, but said about people that have eyes, tongue and toes. The target of parables - explain what will happen to the righteous the wicked rich and poor after the trial.

3. The "resolve and be with Christ" (Phil 1.23) will, when Paul will receive his award at the second coming of Christ (2 Tim 4.8).

4. What Paul says in 2 Cor 5.1-8 ("out of body") will, when "this one mortal becomes dressed in immortal", at the time of the first resurrection (1 Cor 15.42-44, 54).


Penalty as the reward of the righteous WILL BE AFTER the JUDGMENT (Rev 11.18, 22.12 ; Acts 17.31 ; John 12. 48). Satan and the wicked are reserved to the day of the Court to punish (2 Pet 4.9, Jude 6). They do not suffer before this time, since he did not know what killed before that great day (Matt 8.28-29, 7.21-23 ; Eccl 9.5 - "no retribution to them").


The wicked will be burned "unquenchable fire" (Matt 3.12, Mark 9.43-48). He called the unquenchable because goes out as long as there are hot (Jer 17.27).

Satan and the wicked will be "tortured forever" (Rev 20.10, 14.11). The expression "for ever", "forever" and "forever and ever" (Hebrews "olam", Greek "aion") are often used to this life, long and short, for example, and it will remain his slave forever ( Ex 18.9 ) [for life].

The third angel's message :

"He who worships the beast (and his image) and takes the mark it on your forehead or on his hand, the same shall drink the wine of God's fury, wine, whole, dough cleaner in the cup of his wrath, and will be tormented with fire and sulphur before the Holy Angels and of the Lamb, and the smoke of their torment will ascend for LIFE, and <until consideration> will have no rest day nor night, those who worship the beast and his image and receiving the mark of his name. Here is the patience of the Saints, fulfilling the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus" (Rev 14.9-12).

The continuation of the ceasefire, which drew Gomorrah and Sodom to ashes, would be only a "moment" in comparison with the infinite time. This can be said about the destruction of the wicked after the judgment  (Jude 7 , 2 Pet 2.6 , Lam 4.6).


Thus, the words "for ever", "forever" and "forever and ever" are set to infinity, if we are talking about things that will never BE CHICKPEAS, relocating and of limited duration, if applied to the subjects, that will not always exist.


Hell or LAKE OF FIRE : the wicked will be thrown, the earth beneath their feet turn into lava, and there will be burned (Satan) and branches (wicked) (Mal 4.1 ; Is 34.8-9 ; Rev 20.9,15 ; Mark 9.43-48 ). The wicked will, however their was no "and you" (Ezek 18.4-20 ; Obad 15-16 ;  Matt 10.28; Rev 21.4). They will go into the "Sheol" (nothingness).


After that, the new heavens and the new Earth will take place earlier and there always will be true (2 Pet 3.10,13 ; Rev 20.15, 21.1-4 ; Mal 4.3).

The wicked will suffer some less, some more of their cases respectively (Luke 12.47-48 , Judah 15-16 , Rev 20.12 ). They always will dead, therefore the punishment of them, which will cause the destruction will be eternal (Matt 25.46).

The dead will be resurrected to life (Job 19.25-27 ; Is 25.8-9, 26.19 ; Dan 12.2), both the righteous and the wicked, because Christ is risen from the dead and he is the resurrection  (John 11.25, Acts 4.2, 1 Cor 15.22).


Some of the saints were resurrected to life at the resurrection of Christ (Matt 27.52-53). These were "captives", which He took with the resurrection with Him.  Apparently, it's 24 elders, which saw John (Rev 4.4-10; 5.9-10).

During the tribulation, when heard will be the voice of God in seventh ulcer, there will be a partial resurrection of the dead, the righteous and the wicked  (Dan 12.2-3, Rev 16.17-18).

The graves will be opened, and many of them that sleep in the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, some to shame and humiliation (Matt 26.64, Rev 1.1). The righteous go out there, and the wicked only see their glory and honor.


The first resurrection (general) include all other righteous and is carried-out at the Second coming. This begins the 1000-anniversary , or millennial kingdom  (1 Thess 4.14-17, 1 Cor 15.51-55, Rev 20.4-5).

The second general resurrection concerns to the wicked, and occurs at the end of the 1000 years  (John 5.28-29, Acts 24.15, Rev 20.4-5).


The resurrection of the dead is an irrefutable argument against teaching that after death the righteous go to heaven, and the wicked in hell; for then why resurrect them and then send to heaven or cast into the Lake of fire and brimstone?

Jesus - the Builder of the New Jerusalem for His people  (Heb 11.10, Is 54.5, Gal 4.26, John 14.13).

The town stands on the Mount of Olives where Jesus will return to Earth and all the saints (Zach 14.4 ; Rev 21.2,9-10, 20.9).

The city has a square shape with a side of 12000 furlongs (375 miles) away. His area 140626 apt.miles (area of England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Wisconsin, Minnesota).  He has 12 grounds, sparkling with all the colors of the rainbow.

The wall has 12 gates for the 12 tribes of Israel's spiritual with their names.

Its streets paved with gold, and the town is the throne of God and of the Lamb (Rev 21.10-22, 22.1-5).


God also will create a New Heaven and a New Earth, which will inherit the saints. They (adults and children) will build, to plant vineyards and forever enjoy in their homes (Is 65.21-25, 11.6-9).


Every Saturday the saved will be coming to city of God to worship, and every new moon to eat of the tree of life (Is 66.23, Rev 22.2).


The Earth will become the center of the universe and will be preferred to other worlds, for here is the throne of God and of the Lamb (Rev 21.1-4, 22.1-3).

Saved will follow the Lamb in all subsequent ages and visit with him did not sin by breaking worlds, telling the story of salvation in his glory (Rev 14.4, Eph 2.6-7).

The whole universe will connect in glorifying and worshipping God for his eternal love and mercy that created rational beings (Rev 5.11-14).


It will happen very soon and will be a great joy  (1 Cor 2.9).

So we pray: Lord Jesus, come quickly and take Your coming expected  Your people !

"Even so, come, Lord Jesus!" (Rev 22.20).

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