вторник, 1 октября 2024 г.




Society for the people of Israel was organized by the Church of God in the wilderness of Sinai (Acts 7.38; Ps 21.23, 26; Heb 2.12).

Israel became the people of God. Or the Church by Testament, signed on at Sinai (Ex 19.1-6, Jer 31.31-32).

They promised to fulfill His Law, which he uttered his voice (Ex 19.5-8, Deut 4.12-13). They also pledged to keep His promise, which sin removed (Rom 11.27).

A Covenant with the condition and the promise was recorded in a book and held (Ex 24.3-8).

This bequest included all victims, establishing, rites and Ministry in the profigurative Sanctuary (Heb 9.1-7, 8.1-5).


The priests were to serve in the sanctuary and teach the people (Deut 33.8-10, Num 18.21).

Prophets, which put the God (and priests), transmitted to the people's will (Num 12.6, Am 3.7).


The Lord required the people to pay a tithe to support s ministry  (Lev 27.30-32, Num 18.21).

Israel was to keep the Sabbath, as well as annual holidays as days of worship to the Lord (Ex 31.13-17, 23.13-17).


Israel was forbidden to wear jewelery and valuables, "remove all jewelry" (Ex 33.5).

The wearing of rings and other gold jewelry was a sign of idolatry (Gen 35.1-4, Hos 2.13).


Israel was forbidden to eat meat of unclean animals and blood and eat poisonous plants  (Lev 11.1-23, 17.14 ; Deut 29.18).


Pagans may become members of the Church of Israel, if will Testament and worship the true God  (Is 56.3-7, Num 15.29).


Since Israel broke ground a church Covenant, God promised a New Covenant, i.e. Reform Church.


Christ laid out the principles for the Foundation of the new Church:

"Therefore whosoever heareth these words of mine and doeth them shall I liken her man reasonable..." (Matt 7.24).

"And adopt a testament to many one week" (Dan 9.27).


Repentance and revival of the essence of the necessary conditions for the members of the Church of Christ (Jer 32, Matt 18.3, John 3.3-5).

MUST ABIDE by the LAW, to be accepted into the Church (Jer 31.33, Matt 5.17-19).  MUST KEEP THE SABBATH OF THE LORD.

A candidate must receive Christ as their Savior, because Christ is the rock on which the Church is built (Matt 16.16-18, Acts 4.12, 1 Pet 2.4-8, Col1.17-18).

HE SHOULD BE BAPTIZED (Mark 16.16, Gal 3.27).

He must also observe the Lord's Supper, including footwashing (1 Cor 11.23-26, John 12.28-17).


God has different Ministers for the Church. He has appointed in the Church of the prophets (1 Cor. 12.28, Eph 4.11-18).

Tithing is set to keep the Gospel (Matt 23.23, 1 Cor 9.13-14 ; also Num 18.21).


What the Lord created for food, should not be banned, but another is forbidden (Gen 1.29, 1 Tim 4.1-6, Acts 15.20).


To create the Church also was to teach all the surrounding peoples to worship to the true God.

People coming to Israel, had come to worship at the temple (1 Kings 8.41-43, Is 56.6-7) and follow the same rituals, laws and Saturday (Num 15.15-16).


Christ was the head of the Church of Israel in the wilderness (Acts 7.38-39 ; Ex 19.5-8 ; 1 Cor 10.1-4) and is the head of the New Testament Church, which he organized, being on Earth (Col 1.18, Matt 16.18, Acts 2.41). Members should live in love and unity, carry the gospel worldwide through. God's love and mercy are to be opened in the Church (Eph 3.9-11, 1 Pet. 2.9).


Christ loves his Church and has about her special care (Eph 1.22-23, 5.25-27).

When the Church was finally finished its task, Christ will present her Father without spot and blemish (Eph 5.27, Rev 14.1-5).


In all spiritual matters man must LOOK ON CHRIST, who is the head of the Church.


The Gospel is the power of God for salvation without the aid of the secular authority (Rom 1.16, 1 Cor 1.18), so the preachers of God should not weaken people's posts to become Christians and can only convince (2 Cor 5.11, Acts 11.4).

Christ promised before the end of the time to be with the Church and led her by the Holy Spirit (Matt 28,19-20; John 14.16-17, 26).

The duty of the Church to instruct and to exclude unruly members, but not to do more than anything (Matt 18.15-17, Titus 3.10-11, 1 Cor 5.1,12-13).


The Church should not refer to the secular authorities to resolve church matters  (1 Cor 6.1-18).

Christians have the right to apply to the Civil Rights Act, if the civil power comes to them not by the Law (Acts 16.35-39, 24.22-28).

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