воскресенье, 29 сентября 2024 г.




The book of Daniel was sealed until recently, namely until the end of the 1260 years (1798).

At the end of the sixth trumpet Angel appears with the open book (in 1840), i.e. with the book of Daniel (Dan 12.4,9 ; Rev 10.7, 11.14). This means that the book will be explored and preached in this term to all - at sea and on land       (Rev 10.1-2).  "Time no longer", that is, at that time, after all the prophetic periods. The longest of them ends in 1844.

"And I took the little book out of the Angel's hand, and ate it; and it's in my mouth was as sweet as honey; when eaten, the bitter was in the belly of my" (Rev 10.10).

"Eating a book" - means to thoroughly research, her "sweetness" means the joy of expectation, and the bitterness in the belly "is a disappointment", but the first adventists, awaiting the coming of Christ October 22, 1844.


The Church, however, will continue to "prophesy about peoples and Nations, tongues and Kings of many" (v.11), that is, the traffic on this did not end, as predicted.


Angel of the chapter 14 said that a judgment of God (1844). This Angel should after the Angel of Chapter 10, as about other angels in Revelation does not say.


The first Angel's message spread far. Issued many literature, started preaching throughout the land.


Court is required to verify who had complied with the conditions of reconciliation and the forgiveness of sins.

"My children! These things I write to you, that you should not commit sin. And if anyone sins, we have an advocate before the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. He is propitiation for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world" (1 John 2.1-2).


The trial will be open book:

1. The BOOK of LIFE (the names of the accepted of God) - Dan 7.9-10, Ex 32.32, Phil 4.8, Rev. 3.5

2. COMMEMORATIVE book (all the words and actions of all people) - Mal 3.16, Rev 20.12


The Court is in the second part of the heavenly sanctuary (Dan 7.9-10, Rev 11.18-19).

ALL WILL BE JUDGED ACCORDING to the LAW, is stored in the Ark of the Sanctuary (Rom 12.16, Jac 2.8-12, Rev 11.18-19).

Guardian angels, recording the words and actions of the people of God, are present and are witnesses on court         (Dan 10.9-10, Heb 1.13-14, Matt 18.10, Acts 5.19, Eccl 5.6, Mal 3.16).


All will be judged by recorded books (Mal 3.16, Rev 20.12-13, Matt 12.36-37).

The names of those who had complied with the conditions of salvation will be confessed before the Father and their sins will removed (Matt 10.32, Acts 3.19, Heb 9.23-26).

"Repent ye therefore, and refer to your sins may be blotted out" (Acts 3.19).

"So anyone who confesses me before men, I will confess before my Father in heaven, but whoever denies me before men, I also will deny it and I confronted my Father in heaven" (Matt 10.32-33).

The names of all the faithful remain in the book of life, and they don't die (Rev 3.5, 20.15), other names deleted from it.


Court continues from 1844 onwards until the end of time of grace.

At the end of the Ministry in the heavenly sanctuary of the Christ will take the Kingdom with its capital in the new Jerusalem (the bride, the Lamb's wife) and is the acceptance of "marriage" (Dan 7.13-14; Matt 25.1-10; Rev 21.2,9-10).


Now people must, as before Christ, seek God until will declared the final determination (Lev 23.27-29, Sof 2.1, Rev 22.11).


Created in the 19th century, the Movement of the second coming (Adventism) illustrated the ten virgins (Matt 25.1- 13), of which 5 have taken oil for lamps and 5 - not taken when went to meet the bridegroom.

VIRGIN  -  those who consider themselves to be children of God (2 Cor 11.2)

LAMP  -  the Bible (Ps 118.105, 2 Pet 1.19)

OIL  -  Holy Spirit (1 John 2.20, 27; Acts 10.38)


The delay of the groom - disappointment in the spring of 1844, when Christ was expected for the first time (Matt 25.5, Abb 3.1-3). They have fallen asleep before midnight (interval between 21 March and 22 October 1844).


"At midnight, shout : the groom goes !"  Call the movement led to the treatment of many people.

When in 1844, the expected Christ, much of Christianity had rejected this appeal (and the news that He's coming soon), and THIS CAUSED the moral and the spiritual DOWNFALL of BABYLON (Rev 14.8).

It was the second Angel's message, which merged with the midnight cry, and during three months drew 50000 people.


Joy and sorrow, frustration is illustrated in the Rev 10.10 (eat the book sweetness and bitterness) - Matt 21.1-11, Luke 24.17-21

But still a third message was supposed to be before Jesus comes (Rev 10.11, 14.9-14).


Third, the first two solemn message and concludes the following :


- warns against worshiping the beast and his image and style the beast

- teaches obedience to the commandments and believing in Jesus

- teaches patience


Beast - the Catholic Church,  the image of the beast - the United States,  the mark of the beast - Sunday.


Only those, who are saved from the last generation who WILL NOT ACCEPT the mark of the beast.


This news comes at the same time with the sealing of God's people.

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