пятница, 4 октября 2024 г.




Scripture tells us about the war, which would happen lately (Rev 16.12-21, Joel 3.9-14, Ezek 38.1-22, Jer 25.14-33).

This will be :

- in the last days (Ezek 38.8,16)

- during the last harvest (Joel 3.13, Rev 14.14-16)

- on the day of the wrath of the Lord and the last plagues (Jer 25.12,27-29 ;  Rev 15.1, 16.12-27)


Prisoners of war :

Dragon  -  paganism and occultism

Beast  -  the Papacy

False Prophet  - Protestantism and Ecumenism  (Rev 16.13)

The one who stands behind them   -   SATAN (v.14).


The object of attacks  -  the people of God, the Church, guided by the precepts of all commandments of Law  (Rev 12.9).


This war called ARMAGEDDON, which means "mount of beatings".

Judg  5.19 , Rev 13.15   -   attempt to destroy God's people.

God wILL not allow this and will save believers (Is 45, Dan 5). He will deliver his people (Is 45.1 and Rev 16.12).


In a time of God's people will be unmoved, as the rock will get salvation and will rejoice (Ps 91, Rev 16.12-21, Is 25. 9).


Read the book "The Great Controversy", chapter 39-40.


All the prophecies until the end of the century (Graven image, 7 churches, 7 seals, 7 trumpets, great fight, beast and false prophet) have received, you can see that the end is nigh  (Matt 24.19-34).


News, based on the performance of these prophecies, proclaimed and is proclaiming to peace, warning all, that time will soon grace and advised everyone to get ready for the second coming of Christ  (Matt 24.14).

Also the message recording, restoring the print  -  SATURDAY OF GOD (Rev 7.1-4). At the same time is warning of the beast  (Rev 14.9-12).

When everyone heard the news and decided to take (and escape) or reject (and be deleted), while grace will forever (Rev 22.11, Luke 13.24-25, Jer 8.20).


Note : At the same time, the Church of God is in the process of sifting: those who are Christians in name only, leave the Church, and in their place come true, sincere souls from the world  (Heb 12.26-27, Is 17.6, Rev 6.13, Matt 25.32, Am 9.9, Luke 22.31- 32).


The dead will be resurrected to life (Job 19.25-27 ; Is 25.8-9, 26.19 ; Dan 12.2), both the righteous and the wicked, because Christ is risen from the dead and he is the resurrection  (John 11.25, Acts 4.2, 1 Cor 15.22).


Some of the saints were resurrected to life at the resurrection of Christ (Matt 27.52-53). These were "captives", which He took with the resurrection with Him.  Apparently, it's 24 elders, which saw John (Rev 4.4-10; 5.9-10).

During the tribulation, when heard will be the voice of God in seventh ulcer, there will be a partial resurrection of the dead, the righteous and the wicked  (Dan 12.2-3, Rev 16.17-18).

The graves will be opened, and many of them that sleep in the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, some to shame and humiliation (Matt 26.64, Rev 1.1). The righteous go out there, and the wicked only see their glory and honor.


The first resurrection (general) include all other righteous and is carried-out at the Second coming. This begins the 1000-anniversary , or millennial kingdom  (1 Thess 4.14-17, 1 Cor 15.51-55, Rev 20.4-5).

The second general resurrection concerns to the wicked, and occurs at the end of the 1000 years  (John 5.28-29, Acts 24.15, Rev 20.4-5).


The resurrection of the dead is an irrefutable argument against teaching that after death the righteous go to heaven, and the wicked in hell; for then why resurrect them and then send to heaven or cast into the Lake of fire and brimstone?


The time of trouble and the last plagues described in the afternoon, but this is not a literal term (2 Pet 3.8). That day will come, "like a thief at night"  (2 Pet 1.10, 1 Thess 5.2-4). It begins at the end of the period of grace (Sof 2.2, Rev 22.11-12, Luke 13.24-25)  and would end, when at the end of the 1000 years of the wicked will be destroyed  (2 Pet 3.10-13, Rev 20.9-15) and created the new heavens and the New Earth.


Seven plagues  (the winepress of the fury of God)  will begin to flow when closed the door of grace. During the rupture of repentance (Luke 13.24-25, Is 59.16-18, Am 8.11-13).

The Saints during the plagues will be safeguarded  (Ps 90.1-16, 45.1-4 ; Is 4.5-6, 26.20-21, 33.13-16).


Ulcers are following one after another and are not more than 1 year (Rev 16.1-10, 18.8 ; Is 34.8-9) :

1. Cruel festering wounds on those who worshipped the beast and his mark  (Rev 14.9-11; 16.1-2,11).

2. Oceans and seas turn into blood, go to the sea will become impossible and stop shipping  (Rev 16.3).

3. River, source of drinking water, will turn into blood  (v.4).

4. Strong scorching heat  (v.8-9 ; Joel 1.15,19-20).

5. The great darkness, the split and collapse of the "Triple Alliance". All see bankruptcy Babylon and its exercise (v.10-11 ;  Joel 3.14-15, Am 5.18-20).

6. "Drying up of the river Euphrates".

Euphrates - what is spiritual Babylon. King of the East - the coming of Christ. Trying to save a perishing world, the wicked go against the people of God to its destruction - Armageddon  (v.12-16)

7. Strong earthquake and hail, the release of God's people  (Rev 16.17-21, Joel 3.16, Ezek 38.22).


During the seventh sores happen the partial resurrection of the dead (Dan 12.1-3) and then falling hail, destroying the great army (Rev 16.21, Job 38.22-23, Is 28.17 ; Ezek 13.5, 10.15, 38.22).


Jesus is coming after the plagues  (Rev 16.15, 19.11,19-21).


With the coming of Christ all the righteous will be taken live in dwellings, made for them in heaven (John 14.1-3 ; 1 Thess 4.16-17 ; Rev 14.1-4, 15.2-3, 19.1).

The wicked will be killed by the glory of Christ (2 Thess 2.8 ; Is 13.6-9, 24.1-6; Sof 1.2-3) . Fire is the element of destruction  (2 Thess 1.7-9 , Ps 49.3-5, Is 66.15-16 , Ezek 38.22 ; Rev 19.19-21, 18.8-9, 19.3 ).


Thus, the Earth will be "devastated and made desolate, and decimated the sinners"  (Is 13.9 ; Jer 4.20,23,25 -28) .

Satan will be bound with "inaction" for 1000 years, as it will suit some stir. Jesus Christ put upon him the sins of His people (the High Priest) and will wander through a deserted Earth (Lev 20-22, Rev 20.1-3).


During the 1000 years of the righteous will reign with Christ and to judge fallen angels and wicked  (Rev 20.4, 1 Cor 6.3-4, Dan 7.22). They will participate in the court to have your opinion on the punishment of the wicked and confirm the rightness of God, and this will prevent any possibility of discontent against their fate.


Millennial Kingdom begins the first resurrection and ends with the second resurrection (Rev 20.5).


After the end of the 1000 years Satan tempts the resurrected of the wicked and convinces to take the city of God by storm and to establish his empire forever. But then the Lord pronounces a verdict on them and destroys them forever (Rev 20.15).


Before the second resurrection of the righteous are in the new Jerusalem (Rev 20.5-9). He would descend from the sky to the Earth, where the Mount of olives (Zach 14.4 , Rev 21.2).


The wicked will gather around him (Rev 20.7-9). Here meet all human in the first and last time.

They probably know the righteous because they see there Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Luke 13.28-29). They also will see Christ on the throne, and realize that they have lost, not having taken it, and that they are to blame in this (Rev 20.9,11-12).

Every knee shall bow and then every language (including Satan), says that "Jesus is for the glory of God", i.e. HE IS FAIR (Is 45.23, Rom 14.11, Phil 2.9-11).

Then when you try to capture the New Jerusalem will be said verdict on all the wicked, and they shall be consumed    (Rev 20.11-15, Mal 4.1, 2 Pet 2.10-12).



God will create a new Heaven and a new Earth, that proves that the cleansing fire stopped devour old earth (2 Pet 3.10-13 ; Rev 20.9-15, 21.1).

"Thus, the great struggle that began in Heaven by Lucifer and continued on the Earth since the fall of man, forever is over and God justified the entire universe" (E.White, "The Great Controversy").

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