пятница, 26 июля 2024 г.




How can we determine the truth of any creed?

“Test everything, hold fast to what is good” (1 Thess 5.21).

Note. Any creed must be checked against the Holy Scriptures. Everything that does not agree and does not correspond to it, says that this teaching is false, and therefore it should not be accepted. “There is only one eternal criterion of what is right and what is not; that criterion is the Bible” (T. de Witt Talmadge).



What is the value of Holy Scripture for us?

“All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching” (2 Tim 3.16).



What should be done by one who clings to the truth?

“The one who holds on to the true word, according to the doctrine, so that he is strong and instructs in sound doctrine and reproaches those who resist” (Titus 1.9).



Who can be considered a disciple of Jesus Christ, and what blessing will those who accept and follow the truth receive?

“If you continue in My word, then you are truly My disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free” (John 8.31-32).



How do followers of Christ receive sanctification?

“Sanctify them through Thy truth; Thy word is truth“ (John 17.17).



Can we, without listening to the truth, be innocent before God?

“Whoever turns his ear away from hearing the law, even his prayer is an abomination” (Prov 28.9).



What did Christ say about those who strive to do the will of God?

“Whoever wants to do His will, he will know about this teaching, whether it is from God, or whether I speak from Myself” (John 7.17; see Ps 24.9, John 8.12).



What are the consequences for those who reject the truth?

“Because they did not accept the love of the truth for their salvation. And for this God will send them a force of error, so that they will believe a lie, so that all who did not believe the truth, but loved unrighteousness, would be condemned”(2 Thess 2.10-12).



What awaits blind teachers and their short-sighted followers?

“Leave them, they are the blind leaders of the blind; but if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into the pit” (Matt 15.14).



Before whom will the gates of the Heavenly Kingdom open?

“Open the gate; let the righteous people, who keep the truth, enter in” (Is 26.2 , see Rev 22.14).



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For only I know what intentions are about you, says the Lord, intentions for good, and not for evil, to give you a future and hope. And call to Me, and go and pray to Me, and I will hear you; and you will seek Мe and find me if you seek Мe with all your heart.

Jeremiah 29.11-13

And I will tell you: ask, and it will be given to you; seek and you shall find; knock, and it will be opened to you.

Luke 11.9


There are many churches that claim to be God's. A person cannot figure out for himself which of them is the TRUE church of God.

You can easily find your father or friend in the crowd by certain signs or by voice. To recognize the true church, we must turn to the Bible and find this church in the crowd of Christian churches.

The means that God has given us for this :

a) Тhe word of God

b) Prophetic word

c) God's law

(Ps 119.105, 2 Pet 1.19)

They have the property of "spiritual light" and dispel spiritual darkness (Is 60.2).

Christ used the Word of God to let people know that He is the Savior (Luke 24). He referred to Scripture as the most reliable source.

Just as in the study of Scripture we find out that Christ is the true Savior, we can also find out the true church of God.


Seven Signs of the True Church of Christ

Teaching of the Apostles: Acts 2.42-47

1. Faith in the second coming of Christ (Luke 12.35-36, 1 Pet 1.13, Tit 2.13-14; John 20.29, 1 Par 1.8).

The Church of God proclaims the message of the second coming to the world, despite the fact that it is unpopular. Scripture speaks of it in many places, and therefore we have no right to keep silent about this message or interpret it in a false sense.

2. Distribution of the three angels' message (John 20.21, Matt 28.19, Rev 14.6-12, Acts 1.8, Matt 23.9).

With the help of the Holy Spirit, the true church of God spreads the three angels' message. The truths of God are the same for all peoples (and not as it is believed that a Russian and a Ukrainian should be Orthodox, a Pole and an Italian should be a Catholic, a German should be a Lutheran, etc.). God is the Father of all people and has one message for all. He cannot allow the observance of only a part of how it is done, and not all that Christ taught to observe.

3. Observance of the moral law and the commandments of Christ (Rev. 12.17, 1 John 2.1-2, 1 Cor 11.23, John 13.1-17).

The faithful remnant of the last days keep each of the ten commandments, and none of them is changed or neglected.

In addition, the commandments of Christ about baptism by faith, about breaking bread and taking wine, about washing feet are observed.

4. The presence of the gifts of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2.17, Rev. 19.10).

These gifts God gives to his church to recognize prophetic visions and symbols.


5. Patience of the saints (Rev 14.12, James 5.11, Heb 12.2-3).

It is patience FOR THE GOOD we do and FOR THE TRUTH we speak.

An example is Job, who was rewarded for doing good. Many holy people suffered for good and for the truth (Noah, Lot, Joseph, Jeremiah, Daniel, Paul, John).


6. Observance of God's commandments (Rev. 14.12).

KEEP - means to keep intact and complete and with the help of God to fulfill and carry out in practice (Ezek 36.27). THIS IS ESPECIALLY CONCERNING THE FOURTH COMMANDMENT ABOUT THE Sabbath, WHICH IS CENTRAL TO THE MORAL LAW.


- He is the Only Begotten Son of God, the image of the invisible God.

- He created everything that is in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible.

- He is the only Savior from sins, Mediator and Advocate between God and people and the High Priest in the heavenly sanctuary.


So, the 7 main signs of God's faithful church are as follows:

1. Joyful expectation of the soon second coming of Jesus Christ in glory (Rev 1.7).

2. Distribution of the three angels' messages throughout the earth (Rev 14.6-12).

3. Preservation of all the commandments and ordinances of Christ.

4. Possession of the testimony of Jesus Christ, which is the Spirit of Prophecy (Rev 19.10).

5. Patience of the saints.

6. Keeping the commandments of God.

7. Faith in Jesus Christ (Rev 14.12).

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