вторник, 4 июня 2024 г.




Before His Ascension, Christ showed the example of His life from the beginning to the end and won (John 16.33).

In order for us to win, we need to know the source of power (1 Par 29.11, Prov 21.31).

Victory in our war is won not only for those who dare, this is not enough (and be smart and talented). Everything is in God's hands (Eccl 9.11).

In the war everything happen. And we can, for example, to disable. This sometimes leads to depression. There are the main reasons that should be deleted (1 John 5.4).

Great fight is not for the gold, not for any buildings, and our brain. So, we need to ensure that we read, watch, etc.

The enemy are stronger than us, and you can only defeat it with God. You cannot win without faith, and perky is defeated. If you're wrong, admit it, our war is not a shame.

Go to the territory of the enemy is dangerous. But there are cases where this is necessary for the salvation of others. And in this we must follow the example of Christ.

In case of special need are angels of God come to us for help. There are so many examples (in the life of Martin Luther, Helen White, the case for war, etc.). All the sky is fighting for us. So it will be during the tribulation before the end of the world.

This war is, and its end (1 Cor 15.51-55). For us, the end of the war is coming home. In God's Kingdom of happiness, where we will stay forever along with Christ.

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