пятница, 7 июня 2024 г.




Healing is an integral part of the Mission of Jesus (Matt 9.35).


The Bible calls for a prayer of healing (Jac 5.16).


Turn to history.


At the beginning, there was no disease in the creation of the world, and a man was in the position


Slightly below the Angels (Ps 9.6). The atmosphere for the stay was ideal (no air temperature, no infection, etc.)


The disease came with sin. It's cursed by all the land (Is 24.5-6).


God from pity to people gave them clothes to protect them from cold and heat.


The animals gradually began to fear people and then harm them. The man used to be a king of nature, and after fall, the lower creations reconstituted against him. Other changes in nature have begun: the fading of flowers, the decline of leaves and others. When Adam and Eve first saw this, they cried.


This is what is said about the people who lived in the flooding world : Gen 6.4

They were stronger and healthier than us. Then everything changed. In book 48 Genesis, for example, we read that Jacob was already sick. There are many such examples in the Bible.


What's the reason?


People made the Holy Ghost their enemy (Is 63.10).

But the main culprit is Satan (Acts 10.38).


From here, we see that God always heals, and the devil is evil (that can be seen from the Book of Job). And the devil tells people that God torments them.


The book “The great controversy” says :

"The devil does the air is lethal", "A disease that is intensifying and leading to the total loss of peace".


Man and animals, all nature, suffer together (Rom 8.22).


In these circumstances, people tend to go "through the wide gate" (Matt 7.13), that is, a sinful nailegshim way.


Causes of disease :


1. Sin

I.                     Violation of the moral law

II.                   Violations of the laws of nature

2. As has already been said, the infected atmosphere

3. Sometimes diseases lead us to God (Acts, ch.9 - Paul applied after loss of vision)

4. The most dangerous diseases are nervous because they destroy the soul

5. Bad heredity - read II commandment (Ex 20.5)


Kind temperament, mental and neurological disorder, grumpy the spirit, the dissatisfaction, the consequence of sin.


Jesus took all the sicknesss on Himself (53.4).


Methods of treatment :


1. The main condition of health is life at the word of God (Ex 15.26). If a man does not obey God, he beman who destroy himself to the devil.

2. Drugs are primarily of importance to us, for God can heal without them.

3. The use of medical treatment is coupled with the preaching of the Gospel.

4. Faith saves man (Luke 8.43-48).

5. There is no need to neglect the medicines that God has envisaged as a natural tool, such as :

2 Kings 20.7 - Isaiah used the Hezekiah reservoir of figs to heal the king, who put the abscess;

John 9.6 - Jesus made clay and anointed forever blind.


If God does not make a recovery immediately, then that is His plan (and the reasons this after we know). Say to him: Thy will be done.


There will be no disease in the new life (Rev 21.4). We'll wait for her patiently.

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