суббота, 15 июня 2024 г.




"Behold, now is the opportune time, behold, now the day of salvation" (2 Cor 6.2).


Many ask what happens to :


- who have heard of Jesus only about or distorted

- who in their churches were not admonisheded in true Christianity because of the unacceptable direction of preaching

- who forged under the Christians, but the essence of their life did not correspond to the biblical statutes

- which we tried to unsuccessfully evangelize because they did not find their heart of the right approach or because they rejected the gospel news

- who were involved in conscientious atheism or in sects and falses

- with modern youth who are deliberately present at school unbelievable information about the Bible and therefore never in your life no longer addresses the issues of faith

- finally, those who, by no means of their own, have never been able to get under the impact of the Gospel


All these issues have led to reflection and to the emergence of different factions, who claim that, after death, salvation is possible or even excluded from death. Here are some teachings on this score:

1. The followers of the doctrine of forgiveness argue that, after some trial, all will be saved - Hitler and Stalin, the Masons, the nihilists and the spiritists - without exception. But the Bible says "the soul making sin will dies" (Ezekiel 18.4).

2. According to Catholics, the souls of the deceased who are still in need of purification go to purgatory before being admitted to the sky. This doctrine was founded by Augustine and Pope Gregory the Great. To believe that the agony of the "suffering in Purgatory's souls" could be reduced by the prayers of the living, led to the remission of sins in the Middle Ages and to the remembrance of the souls. This is a misconception because there is no death in a conscious state (Ecclesiastes 9.5-6,10) and in writing a warning is repeated against prayers to the dead and for the dead.

3. Mormons allow the vicarious (instead of the deceased) to baptize members of the community and thus to save non-believers, even from past generations.

But baptism does not save itself, much less for others.

4. The Apostolic Church has established "service to the dead", as a result of which its assigned sphere of service to its apostles must extend to the world of the dead. The transfer of the saving gifts from this world to "chose" takes place through the mediation of the deceased apostles, who continue to carry out their rescue activities there. But between God and man there is only one mediator, the Christ (1 Tim 2.5), not the Virgin Mary, the Saints, or anyone else.

5. Some interpret the 1 Pet 3.18-20 so that there is a "Kingdom of the Dead" for the purpose of salvation.

Through these teachings, they try to give hope to the people listed above.


What is the Biblical view of this question - is there a possibility of salvation after death?


God has not left this question unanswered.


It turns out that such allegations are indeed false. "We will all be in court Christ" (Rome 14.10). This means that God has entrusted the court to his son, who is also a advocate in this court, i.e. a lawyer, for believers (1 Jn 2.1). The conviction will only be by in life, as the dead have no idea (Ps 146.4). To pass the "Effect of Christ" (2 Cor 5.10), all believers, indifferent, a, allured, pagans, are not to be expelled, and the whole of humanity is shorter (Acts 17.31).


This trial, beginning with Adam, began in 1844 year (Dan 7.9-10, 8.14 ; Rev 14.7). Thus, the death of a person would be followed by a court at a certain time; Those who survive to the second coming will be judged in life (Heb 9.27-28). After death, nothing can be changed or corrected anymore. That, not the afterlife, is what the parable says about Rich and Lazarus.




God's Court respecter. No one will get a preference and no one is over (1 Pet 1.17, Rom 2.11). God has acquainted us with the demands. We will be judged solely by Biblical standards : "The word which I have spoken shall be judged by it on the last day" (John 12.48). These are the most important assumptions of the Court on the schedule :


1. The Justice of God. We should be sure that "Almighty does not pervert the vessels" (Job 34.12), for he is a righteous judge (2 Tim 4.8). He has no distortions and misconceptions, but only truth and justice: "For God's sakes, Almighty, the judgments of thy courts are true and righteous" (Rev 16.7).

2. As far as we are trusted. There are no identical people, and each of us is entrusted to different degrees. Not Evangelizirovannye pagans have only a weak knowledge of God, namely through browsing Creation (Rom 1.20) and through the Testimony of Conscience (Rom 2.15), unlike the people who have been able to hear the gospel. Rich people have other opportunities to do good and help spread the gospel in comparison to the poor. Gifted with spiritual talents bears a special responsibility. The difference is whether a dictatorship has lived with many restrictions or in a free country. The Lord says: "And whosoever is given much, much and will be required"; "And a lot of entrusted, more and more seek" (Luke 12.48).

3. In our cases. God knows the deeds of each and "will give unto everyone in his affairs" (Rom 2.5). The cases are both committed acts (Matt 25.34-40) and lost (v.41-46). The cases of all people are recorded in the books of God and are the criteria for evaluation at the trial (Rev 20.12-13).

4. Our fruits. Everything we do in Jesus's name (Luke 19.13), our behavior, our actions, the Bible regards as ongoing fruit (John 15.16).

This is the basic criterion of the court (Luke 19.16-27). All the dead cases of burn (1 Cor 3.15), while "who has a case to stand up will receive the award" (1 Cor 3.14).

5. Our love. Love is a special fruit, because it is more than others (1 Cor 13.13).

It is the fulfillment of the moral law (Ex 20.2-17), which is based on the love of God and the neighbor (Matt 22.37-40), and also on Jesus (John 21.15).

The unselfish love of calculating should be distinguished : "For if you will love your loved one, what reward are you?" (Matt 5.46). The Pharisee Simon invited Jesus to his house, but he did not even give him a cleanse leg of water (Luke 7.44). Sinner, the precious world anointed his feet. She regained her sins because she loved Jesus (Luke 7.47). Love is the fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5.22), and it is of great importance for eternity.

6. Our words. By the expression of Jesus, our words are of great importance in resolving the question of eternity. This aspect of the court is perhaps the least're : "I say unto you, that for all the idle words that people say, they will answer on the day of the trial"; "For from the words of his do and from the words of his judgment" (Matthew 12.36-37).

7. Our responsibility. Responsibility is laid in our human kind of the creation. God has given us greater freedom for which we are responsible, including the temptation. Although Adam's disobedience was not by his will but by temptation, he had to be held responsible. Since seduction in faith results in death, biblical warnings are particularly insistent (e.g. Matt 24.11-13; Eph 4.14, 5.6; 2 Tim 2.16-18). On this basis, the harmful influence of false should not be underestimated.

8. In our relation to Jesus Christ. It will decide the outcome of the case. "A believer in the Son has eternal life;" "And not a believer in the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God is upon him" (John 3.36). Sin brought a curse to all men (Rom 5.18). The only way out of this provision is our connection to Christ : "Now there is no condemnation of those who live in Christ Jesus not by the flesh but by the spirit" (Rom 8.1).





For the aforementioned criteria, everyone will be tried individually. No single aspect of human life will go unnoticed.


What does the verdict say? Humanity will be divided into two parts: "Enter the close gates; because the gate is broad and the path leading to the destruction is extensive, and many of them go; "Because the gates are close and the path to life is narrow and few find Them" (Matthew 7.13-14).

There is no "golden middle", or any neutral involvement between salvation and death. Only the saved and the dead will be different at the end of the world.


One Lord will say, "Come, blessed my Father, follow the Kingdom, prepared you from the creation of the world" (Matthew 25.34). And the others will hear : "I don't know where you're from"; "Step away from Me, workers the wrong" (Luke 13.25, 27). In the second group there are not only Jews and pagans, but also people who knew the good news of Jesus, but not the former in obedience. They in wonderment exclaim: "We ate and drank before you, and in the streets of our own, we taught You" (Luke 13.26). These are doomed to complete destruction (Mal 4.1, Rom 6.23, Ezek 18.4).


Our responsibility for the consequences.


So, as shown in the Parable of Rich and Lazarus and elsewhere in the Bible, there is no greater chance of escape after death. The solution must be taken in this life, so the Lord Jesus says, "following come through the close gates!" (Luke 13.24). The court will open the books of God, with all the details they have on our affairs in this life (Rev 20.12).


Blessed are those whose names are recorded in the Book of Life. Non-Christian religions have no saving force. How many people who have never heard the good news, but who have sought God (Acts 17.27) and who aspire to eternal life and Immortality (Rom 2.7), we do not know. As we heard the gospel, there will be no apology and no helps avoid if "will neglect of salvation". We were able to escape.


Now the doors of Grace are open to everyone: "Behold, the time is opportune, behold, now the day of salvation" (2 Cor 6.2).

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