пятница, 14 июня 2024 г.




We must distinguish between the two forms of the Word of God : The Bible, which is intended equally for all people, and the individual driver of God in the lives of all of us.

In parallel with the emergence of biblical scriptures through the people called and authorized by God (Jer 1.5, Gal 1.12), they act and false with their own free agendas. The question that concerns us is, "How do we know a word that the Lord has not spoken?" (Deut 18.21), God gives the following answer as the decisive test of truth: "If the Prophet will say the name of the Lord, but the word shall not come true or be fulfilled, it is not the Lord that said this word, but he spake the prophet in the audacity of his" (v.22).

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus also warns of false teachers and lists the signs that they can be found: "Beware of the false that come to you in sheep's clothing, and within the heart of the wolves are predatory: they will recognize them in the fruit." "Do you collect blackthorn grapes or thistles fig?" (Matt 7.16-17).

The Apostle John no less emphatically points to the danger : "For many seducers have entered the world…", "Whosoever does not dwell in the teachings of Christ shall have no God" (2 Jn 7.9).

Only the Bible is the revelation of God. In recent days, God has spoken to us in His Son (Heb 1.1-2) and whoever adds anything to the schedule will be punished (Rev 22.18). There is nothing more to add to the word of the Bible. Peter had already warned about false teachers (2 Pet 2.1), which would cause an ambulance to die.

The addition to the Bible, which contradicts it, is the so-called traditions of the Holy Fathers. Even though they are called Disciples of the Apostles, all these news and teachings (veneration and others). God never gave them.

The addition and distortion of the Joseph Smith Bible (Book of Mormon), Jacob Lorber (Friends of the New Revelation), T. Russell (Jehovah's Witnesses), J. Bishof (Apostolic Church), Baker Eddie (Christian Science), etc.

are not God's agendas, but only deplorable misconceptions teachers.

God does not give additional revelation, but sheds new light on what.

They have long been told in the Old and New Testaments. The Bible is therefore the only source of information and the only measure that all can be verified.

The works of the Spirit of Prophecy (Elena White), contrary to the opinion of some, are not complementary to the Bible, and certainly not a substitute for it.

Often in a particular situation, we want God to speak to us personally. God could do that, but it's not his method. Martin Luther, John Wesley, Hudson Taylor, Billy Graham, and others were (or are) outstanding husbands of God and committed outstanding deeds. They took the word of God and received the momentum for their blessed work.

In the prayer "Put me, Lord, on Your path" (Psalm 86.11), the request for God's lead in our lives is expressed. He can be seen only later, after gaining Christian experience.

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