blesses all who read the book of Revelation and comply with everything that is
written in it.
Its content is given to the benefit of all
Christians until the end of time.
7 - number
of God's fullness ( seven churches, seals, trumpets, angels, ulcers, fixtures ).
seven churches represent the true Christians of Christ till the end ( Rev 1.3-7 ).
names of churches:
EPHESUS (desired) - 1st century
Christians (31-100); Lord chides them
for what they left first love and advises to repent ( Rev 2.1-7 ).
SMYRNA (fragrance) - Christians during the persecutions (100-313); they were “poor, but all rich ", they
did not take false Jews, which is a Satanic and suffered persecution" ten
days ", that is 10 years ( 303-313 )
( v. 8-11 ).
PERGAM (elevation) - Christianity became the State religion
(313-538). They lived there, where
Satan's throne, but were resisted by the Pope and have undergone the torment,
but some of them were holding the doctrine of Balaam, i.e. Pagans ( v. 12-17 ).
THYATIRA (rest of sacrifice) - the Inquisition (538-1798). God condemns them for their admission of
Jezebel (Catholic priests) to teach in it. The Lord also praises them for their
“love, devotion and patience " ( v. 18-29 ).
SARDIS (joyful singing) - start of freedom time (1798-1831). Lord accuses the Protestants that are named
"alive but dead" ( Rev 3.1-6 ).
PHILADELPHIA (brotherly love) - the birth of Adventism and waiting of the
second coming (1831-1844). They said:
"hold that fast which thou hast" until the Lord will come ( v. 7-13 ).
LAODICEA (the court of the people) - the period from the start of the trial before
the second coming (1844-?). The Lord reveals the Laodicea that she is
"warm" (not cold and not hot) and devoid of true spiritual life. Here Christ said: "So speaks Amen",
which indicates the approximate end of the world ( v. 14-22 ).
Every church will accept
what the spirit says through the word to all Christians in all ages.
first five seals symbolize Christian churches have fallen away, with the power,
and the last two are among the featured time and end the advent of Christ.
The white horse, rider, crown and win - no vice and sin, the victory of true
Christians in the 1st century, up to year 100 (Rev 6.1-2).
The red horse, rider and sword - red means sin and debauchery, signs of falling
away in 100-313 (v. 3-4).
The black horse and black rider - color means virginity (the change of the
Sabbath, the worship of icons, celibacy of Catholic priests) in 323-538 (v. 5-6).
The pale horse and rider - pallor means death, the Inquisition and persecution in
538-1517 (v. 7-8).
The souls under the altar (blood) - the persecution of the Protestants
(1517-1755); white clothes - to justify them ( v. 9-11 ).
the phenomenon of recent times: the Lisbon earthquake in 1755 ( 60000 people
were lost ), the Eclipse of the Sun and the Moon and the fall of the stars ( v.
12-17 ).
Silence in heaven as a continuation of the "half an hour" (seven
days). She continues at the time of the second coming, because then all the
angels leave heaven and come to Christ to gather the righteous ( Matt 25.31, 24.31 ).
Between the sixth and seventh seals will be capturing «144 thousand» - million
of the righteous.
Theodosius before his death divided the Roman Empire into a Western (Gomorius)
and Eastern (Arkadius) in year 395.
sound of the trumpet means war ( Jer.
4.5,19; Sof 1.16 ). The seven trumpets
meant war waged by various peoples of West and East Rome and the have led to
their downfall.
The war of Gothas prepared under the leadership of Alaric that devastated
Greece and Italy in 395-419. In 410, Rome was taken and plundered ( Rev 8.7 ;
"The Greatmodern peoples”, p. 21-27 ).
The burning pipe cast into the sea. The war of Vandals (Genzerih) war against
the West Rome, which took place mostly in the sea, where the Roman fleet was burned.
Coasts of Italy were also looted. The Kingdom of Vandals was founded in North
Africa ( Rev 8.89 ; Ibid, p. 28-35 ).
"Burning Star". The Huns, led by Attila, who calls himself "the
scourge of God" and the plundered countries lying around the Alps, where
have beginning of many rivers. Expedition of Atilla like meteor continued short
time, in 441-458 ( Rev 8.10-11 ). Also was exist military union between Huns
and Vandals.
In 476, Odoacer ( Heruls etc. ) took Rome and put an end to the authority of
Caesars, that is "Sun". Then in the year 493 Heruls were subjugated
by the Ostrogoths, and in 541 year abolished Consultat ("Moon") and in
552 year deposed Senate ("Stars") ( Rev. 8.12 ; Ibid, p. 47-56 ).
first 4 pipes led to the collapse of Rome to 10 kingdoms.
the fourth and fifth pipe Angel heralds the woe three times to follow possible
pipes ( v. 13 ).
[the first woe]. Mohammad (Star) and his warriors (locust) spread of Islam the
sword after the 622. In 1299, Osman (the founder of the Ottoman Empire) performed
the first attack on Greece (East), and the war was continued then 150 days
(years) until 1449, when Greek Empire lost its independence ( Rev. 9.1-2 ; Ibid,
p. 60-71 ).
[the second woe]. The war, which lasted 1 year 1 month 1 day and 1 hour, i.e.
the 391 years and 15 days ( July 27, 1449
- August 11, 1840 ), when Turkey -
Osman Empire - lost its independence (the mass death of the wicked). Since
then, Turkey maintained by various countries in Europe, but is constantly being
depleted ( Rev 9.13-21 ; Ibid, p. 72-84 ).
comes at the end of the sixth trumpet ( in 1840 ), and the three angels ( Rev
14.6-9 ) quickly followed him.
VII [the third woe]. The wars after 1844 (beginning of court) is world ready to war and world wars. They will continue until all the Kingdom will not be destroyed. THEN THE KINGDOM WILL BE ESTABLISHED CHRIST ( Rev 11.14-18, 16.12-16, 19.11-12 ).
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