четверг, 28 апреля 2022 г.


Can all relations between a man and a woman called love?

Judging by the high percentage of divorces, probably no. Blame should not "evil" and "fatal love," and the surrogate, which replaces a healthy and strong relationship. Love is like a fruit. But before you pluck and eat you want fruit ripened, became ripe. In a relationship it is expressed in human recognition, access to him.

Not knowing until the end of man without him, so he opened it is very difficult to count on his loyalty, not to mention the trust each other. One of sympathy, little passion for building robust relationships in love. It is very important to understand the close human you share or tolerate his life position, plans and dreams. Should be "grinding" characters, developed mechanisms and ways out of conflict domestic situations and quarrels. In its bud relations must be built on mutual trust and respect. Profit, gain, there can be no place in a relationship: they should be subject to the overall goals and objectives. It may seem an anachronism at the background of the dominant society now careless attitude towards marriage and the family, we must fear God and obey his commandments.

As usually fall in love now "build relationships" and marry? In most cases, like the man himself, and not their ideal picture of the fiancé is on how it should be, what parameters to answer. Fall in love not a real person, but in his perfect image, resulting in the head. Perfect strangers, strangers to us humans take for their loved ones, living with them for many years, and then with disappointment and pain find that with them we have nothing in common. The more - love. Ask yourself the question-why this is possible, as we have made, and how such a sad end came. Although the answer is obvious: on the surface and in the relationship lacked Fellowship, kindness and attention.

People are corny didn't know each other. That "not converged" characters have learned when it became late - at the end of the relationship. If in a relationship each looks for his " - it's not love, but a commercial transaction, contract, intended for mutual benefit. We influence, it seems to us that we love us, and in fact someone is the victim in such a relationship, and someone - Manipulator. And all because one never knew his partner, and on this basis, its thought up idealized image; and the second, though, and managed to find out, but joined his destiny with his "half" in the hope that it correct, change for the better. Naturally: likeness and image. You can imagine how it will feel themselves "media relations", which is idealized all his life his partner after learning that he was not respected.

Married or remarried, believing that his "soul mate" can be changed. In this status the "virtual love" and they lived in marriage: one disgruntled with the ability to change your partner, afraid to tell him when the truth that they are "different"; and the second before was "blinded", "perfect way" their "halves" that, after learning the truth about their relationship, was in a deep depression and shock. And blame the deficit of communication in a relationship. Marriages in which spouses, one case glamorizes each other and another are trying to change their partner - a fairly common type of relationship.

As a rule, they are short-lived and end in divorce. What causes a lack of seriousness towards marriage, ignoring personal qualities, a tough, cynical attitude to the feelings and fate of loved ones. Such relationships make love to her discredit to the level of lottery - "lucky lucky", not "it will be endured". The power of love is not in the depth of feelings and passions, and in the power of truth. Silence, hypocrisy, the lies kill love, leading to its rejection of hatred.

Love is never blind, she is always "zrjachaja". "Blind" relationships do passion and frivolity. True love is the unity of mind, soul and heart. In that order, and not the other way around.

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