понедельник, 7 мая 2018 г.


Another, or two-horned, beast symbolizes a separate authority, independent of the first beast, because:

1. The beast in itself, it is a Government

2. He sees and observes the movement of the first beast

3. Two-horned beast of a FALSE PROPHET (image of the beast), which will be destroyed together with the first beast upon the second coming of Christ


This two-horned beast  -  United States of America   because:

1. Their escalation occurred when the first beast was injured and was in captivity

2. He “came out of the Earth”, i.e. gained power, buying land, not usurp their

3. He rules in the New World, but not in Europe, because Europe is the first beast

4. It does not have the wreaths (crowns) on the horns, as the first beast, therefore it is not monarchy it is Republic

5. TWO HORNS is guiding principle of freedom, religious and political


Another beast will force everyone to take the mark of the beast - observe Sunday instead of Saturday.

For this he took the image of the beast and will legislate religious character  (about Sunday).

It will do wonders, for example, to call the spirits (spiritualism) and so is False Prophet.


God in his mercy sent angels to warn against worshiping the image of the beast and admission his mark  ( Rev 13.12, 15-17; 14.9-14 ).

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