среда, 18 сентября 2024 г.




THEOCRACY is Kingdom, directly controlled by God Himself.  She was in Israel in the Old Testament time.


Israel became Theocracy, agreeing to obey God in everything, and having him as their ruler (Exodus 19.5-8, 24.3-8).


The constitutive law has been spoken to by God. Other laws He gave to Moses, who wrote the book for Israel. These laws and established his rule.


God, being the Supreme ruler, Himself appointed subordinate It employees - Moses, Joshua, priests, etc.

Sometimes He opened his will through PROPHETS (Amos 3.7) or through the Urim and Thummim :

"And will he turn to Eleazar the priest and asking him about the decision before the Lord; and by His word should go, and by His word should be he (Joshua) and all the children of Israel" (Num 27.21).

"O Lord God of Israel! Unlock thy servant. And the Lord said: come" (1 Sam 23.11).


In the days of Samuel Lord, pursuant to the will of the people, and gave them the King, but still He continued to manage Israel, as before, through His servants the prophets (1 Sam 8.10 , Am 3.7).


Theocracy actually ended when the Jews, claiming that their leader was not Christ and the Roman Caesar finally crucified him, its true ruler (John 19.15).

Since Israel rejected its King - Christ, and God rejected them as His people (Matthew 21.43).  This ended the world's only Theocracy.


Christ taught the principle of separation of Church and State: a cesarean - to Caesar (temporal power), and of God - God (the head of the true Church is Christ)  -  Col 1.18 , Matt 23-22 .


The Church should never resort to secular authorities, as :

1. Jesus said that His Kingdom is not of this world, and that is why His servants didn't battle for Him that He was not betrayed to the Jews (John 18.36) :  "If the world This was My Kingdom, My servants would have toiled for me so I will not was betrayed by the Jews".

2. He rebuked Peter for having wanted to protect Him by sword  (Matt 26.47-53 , John 18.10-11).

3. He also denounced His disciples, when they wanted to bring light to the Samaritans and destroy them because they did not want to accept Christ (Luke 9.51-56).

4. A proverb about the tares He taught that believers must not destroy the wicked (Matt 13.24-30,36-42).


The Scriptures teach that all are obliged to obey the temporal power (Matt 22.21, Rom 13.1-7, Jer 27.6-9).

However, we must LISTEN TO GOD MORE THAN MAN, if secular law is contrary to God (Acts 4.19, 5.29).


The secular power should not interfere in the Affairs of the Church and break the commandments, as can be seen from the following :

1. God has saved Daniel's companions, who, being faithful to God, not worshipped the Golden image.

2. Daniel was spared from the ditch where the lion was cast for continued pray to God, not to the King (and preached the Gospel).

3. Peter was spared from prison, where he was cast for what he preached of Christ.


Secular authority HAS NOT THE RIGHT to force to comply the first 4 commandments, since the worship of God is spiritual (Rom 7.14, John 4.24).

It CAN to force to comply and ensure respect the last 6 commandments, as they relate to thoughts and intentions about which man cannot judge (Ex 10.17, 1 John 3.15, Matt 5.27-28).


The secular power is appointed by God and therefore publishes laws, protects the freedom of life, property, collection of taxes, etc.

These laws must be obeyed  (Matt 22.11, Rom 13.1-7, 1 Pet 2.13-14).

Christians should pray for the heads  (1 Tim 2.1-2).


The Gospel is the power of God. It does not need the support of temporal power (Rom 1.16-17).

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