суббота, 21 сентября 2024 г.




Christ was on this earth once and promised to come again (John 14.1-3,  Acts 1.9-11,  Heb 9.28).


Heroes of the Old Testament were awaiting the coming of Christ :

1. "They prophesied and Enoch, the seventh from Adam, saying : Behold, the Lord with the ten thousands of His Holy Angels"  (Jude 14).

2. "I (Job) will see it myself; my eyes, not the eyes of another, will see Him" (Job 19.27).

3. "The death will be swallowed up forever, and will wipe away  Lord God the tears from all faces" (Is 25.8).


Coming of Christ will be personal and visible.

He will come on the clouds with power and glory and every eye will see Him.

All the angels will come with Him and collect the saint righteous.

Only loving Him and prepared for His coming will be happy and will receive salvation.


All the wicked shall see with horror the coming of Christ in glory, and all will annihilate. The righteous will take to the sky, where He will prepare them (John 14.1-4).


When the disciples asked Jesus about the signs of His coming, He said, that there will be signs in the heavens: the eclipse of the Sun and the Moon and falling of stars.


The Sun even after days of persecution (538-1798 A.D.), which will be reduced thanks to the Reformation, but doesn't end up where it's going to happen (Matt 24.29).  It was eclipsed on May 19, 1780 year, after  the Reformation, but before 1780.  The Eclipse began in the morning and after lunch the day had the kind of night  (Am 8.9). After supernatural Eclipse of the Sun occurred and the Eclipse of the Moon, in the next night  (Mark 13.24, Rev. 6.12). The Eclipse began in the morning and lasted till midnight.

At this time, the birds stopped singing, the cattle went to their sheds, the poultry has sat down on a perch and lit candles in houses. The darkness during this time stood over the whole of New England. It was blowing a strong south-westerly wind. Science cannot give an explanation of this fact.


November 13, 1833, there was an unprecedented star rain (Matthew 24.29 , Rev 6.13).  During it the sky “was burning” with fire and blazed different paints. He is seen in the United States and in Europe.  Especially impressive was this show in Boston and at Niagara falls.


Details about the Eclipse, and the star rain says in the book “The great events of the great century“, Dvines, pp.40-47, 228-235.


Other signs of recent times :

-  Multiplication of knowledge  (Dan12.4)

-  Great preparation for war  (Joel 3.9-13, Rev 16.13-17)

-  Increased lawlessness and crime  (2 Tim 3.1-5,13)

-  Multiplication of wealth and the oppression of the poor  (Jac 5.1-8, Mal 3.5)




In all past ages God has always warned the world about their intentions, and without that, nothing has ever done (Am 3.7).

Examples :

- Noah warned of flood  (Matt 24.37-39, 2 Pet 2.5)

- Angels and lot warned inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah  (Genesis ch.12-19)

- John the Baptist proclaimed the beginning of the first coming of Christ


Like this will preached all over the world the news of Christ's second coming. This will be done when the signs of his coming and it will be based on the performance of these prophecies  (Luke 21.25-28 ; Matt 24.29-33, 42-47).

Some believe that carry and are preparing for the second coming of Christ  (2 Tim 4.8 , Heb 9.28 , Ex 25.9).

The born, that will see “all of this“ (signs in the sky, etc.), and first hears the news, and some of them are likely to live “until the end of the ages“ (Matt 24.29-34).


The exact day and time of the second coming, NO ONE KNOWS (Matt 24.36).


Many preachers and ordinary people will reject this news and will withstand up to it  (Matt 24.48-51, Jer 1.18, 2 Pet 3.3-4).

When believers (the righteous) will celebrate the phenomenon of Christ are unbelievers cry bitterly  (Rev 1.7, 6.15-17).

Upon the second coming of the wicked will be annihilated (Matt 24.48-51, 25-41 ; 2 Tim 1.7-10). Believers and who seems already prepared for a meeting of the guardian angels will gather at his coming (Matt 24.30-31, 25.31-34).

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