пятница, 6 сентября 2024 г.




After the fall God communicated with people personally, as He did in Eden (Is 59.2).

Sometimes He gave people their will through the angels.

What concerns people, the Lord transmits through the prophets. "For the Lord does nothing without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets"  (Am 3.7).


Such revelations are given in the vision:

"If it happens you have a prophet of the Lord, then I open to him in a vision, telling him in a dream" (Num 12.6).

The revelation of God through the Holy Spirit is given.


Physical state at the time of the vision of the prophets :

1. They are not breathing (apnea), but can talk, and his eyes are open :

"I fell to the ground and my face became numb. But here is one, similar to the sons of men, touched my lips and I opened my mouth, and began to speak standing in front of me said: my Lord! From this vision inside My turned on me and in me. And how may speak that slave of my Lord the Lord my? For me there is no force, and breath froze in me" (Dan 10.15-17).

2. They are minded to heaven and therefore does not understand what is happening around and don't see what around them :

"I know a man in Christ who back to fourteen years (whether in the body I do not know, whether out of the body I do not know - God knows - was entranced to the third heaven" (2 Cor 12.2).

3. The Prophet's vision does not see nobody :

"And the only one I, Daniel, saw this vision, and the former with me people haven't seen this vision, but a strong fear attacked them and they ran away to escape" (Dan 10.7).


A true prophet in vision has opened eyes, not breathing and not aware of what is happening around him in earthly life.

He is inspired by the Holy Spirit.


He learns to believe in Christ and His Gospel.

He instructs repentance of sin and obedience to the Law.

He teaches to observe the Sabbath of the Lord :

"If you take up your pallet for the sake of thy whims Saturday in My holy day, and call the Saturday troubled, HOLY DAY gentlemen, honourable, and will honour it so that you will not engage in ordinary cases and pleasing your whim and some twaddle - you will have joy in the Lord, and I will raise you to the height of land and I will give you a taste of heritage of Jacob your father: said this is the Lord's mouth" (Isaiah 58.13-14).


His teaching is consistent with all previous prophets and deeds of God.



False prophets are moved by the spirit of lies from the Devil (John 8.44). They have vision and claim that these visions from the Lord.


True signs of false prophets :

-  their predictions are NOT EXECUTED

-  they "give signs and wonders" (Matt 24.24) to fool the people and so make them believe that they have the power to reject the law of God or break it

-  they claim that is it lawful to sin, and are taught so people

-  they teach that people are not obliged to observe the Sabbath. "Do not indicate the differences between clean and unclean, and from My Sabbaths they closed their eyes, and I lowered of them” (Ezek 22.26).

-  they hinder the Gospel of Christ. "There are people listening to you and wishing to translate Gospel of Christ" (Gal 1.7).

-  they deny the deity of Christ. "Every spirit that does not confess Jesus Christ has come in the flesh isn’t from God, but this is the spirit of ANTICHRIST, of which you heard that it will there are now already in the world" (1 John 4.3).

-  THE FRUITS OF THEIR IS EVIL. "And then I will declare to them, I never knew you; depart from me, make lawlessness” (Matt 7.23).




Spirit of prophecy will cease only “when it's done" (1 Cor 13.10).


Before Christ were not only prophets and prophetess: Deborah (Judg 4.4), Huldah (2 King 22.14) and others.


Besides the 12 Apostles and Paul, the prophets in the Christian Church were :

 Agaves (Acts 11.27-28) ; Barnabas, Simon, Lucius, Manail (Acts 13.1) ; Judas and Silas (Acts 15.32) .  Also mentioned in the New Testament : the prophetess Anna (Luke 2.36-38) and four daughters of Philip (Acts 21.8-9) .


In the last days will be plenty of necessity of the Holy Ghost (Spirit of prophecy) for God's people :

"And in the last days, said God, I will pour out my spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters prophesy your; and your young men shall see visions, and your old men will teach of dreams . And on My servants and on My handmaidens in those days I will pour out My spirit, and they will prophesy" (Acts 2.17-18).


The spirit of prophecy (it will be pending the second coming, the Seventh Day Adventists) :


This spirit will be the only TRUE CHURCH (SDA), observes the commandments of God and faith in Jesus (Rev 12.17 and 14.12).


People of Israel before Christ called "the society of the Lord" (Deut 23.3), which was the name of the Church of God in the Old Testament: "I proclaim Your name to my brothers, in the middle of the MEETING to praise Thee" (Ps 22.23). "In Church praise Thee" (Heb 2.12). Here we are talking about the place of Congregation, synagogue, the House of prayer.

When Israel sinned against God (books of Kings and Chronicles) He sent prophets to testify against them, to bring them to the obedience of God's Law. Instructions sent by the Lord through the Prophet, called the TESTIMONY.

Evidence of these were addressed to the company of the Lord, i.e. the Church.

When Israel finally refused to take evidence and obstinately continue to discourage break the Law, God deprived them of the spirit of prophecy. "And Saul asked to the Lord, but the Lord did not answer him" (1 Sam 28.6).

When Israel repent from our hearts and reclaim the spirit of the Law, through the quality of returned again, as happened with the Apostles (the descent of the Holy Spirit - Acts 2.1-47).

Instruction in the New Testament epistles also has a certificate through the Spirit of prophecy.

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