четверг, 15 августа 2024 г.






How did the psalmist feel as he sought to glorify God among the people?

“I rejoiced when they said to me: “Let us go to the house of the Lord”” (Ps 122.1).

“My soul is weary, longing for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh rejoice in the living God... For one day in your courts is better than a thousand. I wish it were better to be at the threshold of the house of God than to live in the tents of wickedness” (Ps 84.3,11).



What counsel does Paul give regarding attending public worship?

“Let us not leave our assembly, as is the custom of some; but let us exhort one another, and the more so, the more you see that day drawing near” (Heb 10.25).



Does God keep a record of how fellowship occurs among His people?

“But those who fear God say to one another: The Lord listens and hears this, and a book of remembrance is written before Him for those who fear the Lord and honor His name. And they will be mine, says the Lord of hosts, my property in the day that I make, and I will have mercy on them, as a man has mercy on his son who serves Him“ (Mal 3.16-17).



What warning is given regarding behavior in the house of God?

“Watch your foot when you go to the house of God, and be more ready to listen than to sacrifice; for they do not think that they are doing evil“ (Eccl 4.17, see 1 Tim 3.15).



Are gifts and offerings an integral part of worship?

“Give the Lord the glory of His name, bring gifts, and go into His courts” (Ps 96.8).

“Make and pay vows to the Lord your God; all who are around Him, let them bring gifts to the Terrible (Glorious)” (Ps 76.12).




1. Come to church early. Be punctual and arrive at your seat a few minutes before the start of the service.

2. Maintain a spirit of reverence when you go to church. Along the way, remember where you are going. Do not be frivolous and avoid talking on worldly topics.

3. Before entering and entering the temple, pray silently to be under the influence of the Holy Spirit.

4. Before you take your seat, bow your head in reverence and pray for yourself and for those who enter the sanctuary.

5. Determine firmly that you will not think, look, or speak of anything that might distract you from the holy purposes for which you have come here.

6. When the minister enters the pulpit, pray sincerely for him.

7. While the service is going on, take an active part in it as a listener and a worshiper.

8. At the end of the service, after the prayer has been made, greet with joy and good will everyone you meet, remembering that Christian fellowship is part of Christian worship.

(Bishop Vincent)

Note. At the entrance to many churches, there are signs posted with great advice: “Whenever you come to this church, remember that this is the house of God. Be respectful, laconic and considerate. As you leave the church, pray to God for yourself, for those who serve here, and for those who worship here”.

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