вторник, 9 июля 2024 г.




The Old Testament clearly teaches that there are two laws :

"And the whole Israel broke the YOUR LAW... and for that had grown lazy at us curse and an oath that is written in the law of MOSES" (Dan 9.11).



                         The law Of God                                                                  The law Of Moses



1. This is the 10 commandments (Ex 24.12, Rom 7.            1. This is the law of the Lord, he called Moses law

    Jac 2.8-12)                                                                             (Dan 9.11, Josh 23.6, Luke 2.23)


2. It said voice of God                                                             2. He was given through Moses

     (Ex 20.11, Deut 4.12-13)                                                       (Nehem 9.14, 2 Sam 21.8)


3. Written by the finger of God on stones                               3. Written in the book of Moses (Ex 24.4-7,

     (Ex 31.18, Deut 10.1-5)                                                          Deut 31.9,24)


4. Saved in the Ark (Deut 10.4-5,                                           4. Maintained at the Ark

    1 Kings 8.9)                                                                             (Deut 31.24-26)


5. Based on relationship before existing of sin                       5. Based on relationships established after

    (1 John 2.7, Ex 20.3-17)                                                         (Heb 10.1-3)


6. It shows our duties on                                                         6. He belonged to the correctional system

    towards God and neighbor,                                                    and says what needs to be done to man,

    (Matt 22.36-40, Eccl 12.13-14,                                                to get rid of sin and peace with God

     Jac 2.8-12)                                                                             (Lev 4.16-20)


7. It does not apply to victims and "shadows" -                      7. He refers to victim and prototypes

    prototypes (Ex 20.3-17)                                                          (Lev 7.37)

8. Reconciliation over the 10 commandments                        8. He teaches by victims,

    made a sprinkling of the blood from the victim                        as is reconciliation

    for sin above and before the Ark  Lev 16.                               in  Earth sanctuary

   14-17)                                                                                       (Lev 16.2-22, Heb 9.7-20)


9. It prescribes Saturday of                                                     9. It requires compliance with the five

    God and contains her sanctity of  it                                        annual celebrations and seven annuals

    (Ex 20.8-11, Heb 4.9-10)                                                        Saturdays (Lev 23)


10. It is not changed or abolished with Cross                        10. It was abolished in part victims of the rites,

      (Ps 111.7-8)                                                                            holidays and the sanctuary, which replaced

                                                                                                      other service (Col 2.14, Heb

                                                                                                     10.1-4, Acts 15.15-17)


11. It is written in the hearts of believers and                         11. It is written in the hearts of believers and

      must be respected (Jer 31.33,                                                in New Testament should not be respected

      2 Cor 3.3, Rev 14.12)                                                              (Col 2.14-17)


12. Man will be judged according to the law                           12. This law is not going to judge anyone

      well the last day (Rom 2.12,16;                                               (Col 2.16)

      Jac 2.8-12)



The seventh day of the week - Saturday - not separated from the Decalogue, not abolished and not canceled.

Only every other sabbaths.


Read:  “Patriarchs and prophets", chapter 32, "The law and covenants”.

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