четверг, 23 мая 2024 г.




We Christians believe that the God of our Triune Godhead, that is consists of three persons. Representatives of other religions, such as Judaism and Islam, believe this doctrine somehow nonsense, heretical. Our task is to confirm what the doctrine that we're talking about, right and natural.

The deity of the Trinity in the old testament does not say too much. The reason for this is that when it was written (in the era of the ancient world), there were many so-called gods, idols and other objects of worship. If then preached the doctrine of the Trinity, would think that the question is three gods, although in reality it is not.

However, already in the Old Testament is true about multiple personalities - is lovable (Gen 1.1-2). Under the word "start" refers to 2nd God’s personality Christ referred to in John 1.1

In addition, Genesis 1.26 and 3.22

Let us remember also the text of the Prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 39.7-10).

By the way, the Jewish word "Elohim" (God) - plural.

And now we turn to the New Testament.

When Jesus was baptized, the first time all three people were shown the personality of God (Matt 16-17). We all remember the order he gave to the disciples (Matt 28.19).

The apostle John writes : 1 John 3.5

In one of the Epistles of the Apostle Paul is welcome : 2 Cor 13.13

Although there are three Divine personalities, they have a common nature. They have the same nature, the main feature of which is love (John 14.9).

So, Jesus, whom you can see, is the epitome of the father. But not only the father, but also his Deputy and our Comforter - the Holy Spirit (John 1).

There is no excuse for those who rejected and humiliated son of God. Christ, the one who humbles humiliates and father, and the spirit of God (John 15).

On the unity of the deity of Jesus also said : "I and My Father are one" (John 10: 30).

When Jesus spoke, he said the name of the father and the Holy Spirit as Jehovah (that means I am the one who was, is and will be).

Very important news about led - Holy Spirit, the comforter (John 14.16-17, 15.26-27). It is a continuation of the saving work of Jesus Christ and could come from the father only through Christ.

In all the acts of Christ were all three persons of deity, such as in heavily - Apostles.

Usually the father sends the spirit man, Christ calls (this was the case, for example, when calling Matthew). Between Father, Son and Holy Spirit, as in the rest of the non-falled universe, there is full mutual understanding and divisions.

From the book of Genesis (chapters), as well as from the first chapter of the Gospel of John, Jesus performed all through the power of words, in which all three collaborated.

Jesus in the creation of human unity and invested in mutual understanding  -  lost Scripture given to people - it is the strength of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit (2 Pet 1.21).

Finally, Christ offered himself as a sacrifice to the father by the Holy Spirit (Heb 9.14).

We are created in the image of God, should adhere to the unity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. There are good reasons for God :

1. Take us as we are (Matt 11.28) ;

2. The Announced us (Eph 2.19) ;

3. Called the "sweethearts" (as he called the lovers of Christ, as well calls, and us, when we enter into a Covenant with Him).

Although Sin produces separation and removes it from God is longsuffering and long waits for us. Proverbs speak eloquently of chapter 15 of the Gospel of Luke (Luke 15-10, 20-24). These parables is another illustration of the nature of the deity.

Ellen white once said, "unity is the great strength". It is only to woo us and calls God. Both are the same in all acts of the Divine personality, and we, God's children should be United among themselves and one with God (John 17.21-23), and this unity to show to other people.

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