среда, 22 мая 2024 г.




God, Who created many worlds, gave His creations to a CHOICE : living in harmony with its laws or to withdraw from them. And that means, responsible for the consequences of their choice :

-  keep the commandments and have the eternity

-  depart from them and die forever

"The soul making sin thus will die" (Ezekiel 18.4)

Even before the appearance of sin, God had a plan for him :

1) God is holy and cannot be in violation of the law, which is a sin. A sinner must die.

2) But God also loves those who created, and not to their deaths.

3) What is the solution? There is only one way out. Instead of sinners must die and go through separation from God to someone else :

-  It should not be considered, i.e., not apply to those who abide by the precepts

-  It should be more valuable than all of humanity suddenly

Such a person could be only the second person of Deity, Son of God - Jesus Christ. He had become a man and commit :

-  on the one hand, truth or justice - death for sin

-  on the other hand, the mercy - a sinful man is still alive

"Grace and truth meet" (Psalm 85.10).

While living in the body on this earth, Jesus Christ never sinned, and yet took the penalty. Because of this we, those who sin, not punished. He has undergone it instead of us. Now we can return the lost forever, but only if you believe in Him and accept Him with all my heart.

"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever, believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life" (John 3.16).

On the cross of Calvary he shed for us His Holy blood.

And what makes this blood in our lives?

1) Eternal redemption. The company paid for our sins! (1 Pet 1.18-20).

2) Besides Atonement, there is forgiveness. We are all criminals, and so not me - it granted amnesty (Eph 1.7).

3) In the world there is not one person who has not sinned (Romans 3.23-25). We all inherited a sinful nature from our first parents, Adam and Eve. Owing  to the sacrifice of Christ, every person could get an excuse, of course, if he wants this and take the Savior with all my heart. Justification is given for nothing. You can't pay for it. But, although we do not can pay for salvation, God gives it to us.

4) Be forgiven a little. You must still be cleansed from sin, cast it out from the heart (1 John 1.7 ; Heb 9.14,13.12 ; Rev 1.5). Spilled The Blood of Christ not only bestows salvation from eternal death, but also cleanses the person to put it back in God's Kingdom.

5) By the way, she (blood of Christ) is a pass into eternity (Hebrews 4.16, 10.19).

6) The Evangelist also called the blood of Christ, "the true food" (John 6.53-56). Here, the verse 54, States that the blood of Christ is the resurrection and the eternal life :

- has the blood of Christ has eternal life

- He will be resurrected at the last day (and this is very important)

7) Finally, the blood of Christ gives victory (Rev 12.11). This victory over the devil and his angels victory over its own Sin will give us the opportunity to enter in the new world, which will not be a sin, and therefore its effects  - pain and suffering. Shed blood of Christ forever will clear the land live sinless beings, united in the worship of God.

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