пятница, 17 мая 2024 г.




The rebellion in heaven is mentioned in biblical texts and the writings of Ellen White.

Prior to the uprising in the universe that consists of many worlds, no sin and its consequences. And there were two archangels  -  Michael-Christ and Lucifer.

God the father declared Christ to Himself and gave him the power not only to manage the angels, but also participate in the creation of. In addition, they engaged in the meeting, in which Lucifer did not participate. Then Lucifer, which was very strong, beautiful and smart, became jealous of Christ and then being lifted up himself and wanted to be like God (Ezekiel 28.13-15, Isaiah 14.13-14).

Considering himself wronged, he said to the angels that God and Christ had humbled and hurt him. And that God limits their freedom to act and offered a better life for those who will follow him.

There was a dispute amongst the angels. Faithful to God, the angels tried to convince Lucifer, prove that it was not humbled. But he remained adamant. Part of the angels followed him (Rev 12.4). Angels of God Lucifer and his supporters have warned about the consequences of disobedience. But he is not listening to them and became Satan (which means "the instigator").

Loyal Angels warned of God and offered to banish Lucifer from heaven, but God decided to give all the people the universe free choice, to identify the position of each of them. The tree of knowledge and a kind of "agitpunkt" next to it were on each planet. And then there was war in heaven (Rev 13). But in the temptation of Satan to other worlds (Is 26.18). Together with his angels he was banished from heaven (Is 14.15 , Ezek 28.16-17, Rev 12.8-9,12), and only one, our own Earth, was a success. Adam and Eve sinned, and their sinful nature passed on all men. The Christ came to save and clear the man and bring him back to Eden.

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