воскресенье, 12 мая 2024 г.




Modern Christianity, unfortunately, is very different from the original ideal of faith - based on Scripture.

The retreat from the truth there was not immediate. In the 2nd century BC after the death of the Apostles in the Church began to penetrate the heresies.

Initially all Church observe the biblical Sabbath. The Chronicles of the time, Sunday celebration originated in the Roman community, and then, in the fourth century, when Christianity became the State religion, was mandatory. The Decree of the Emperor Constantine, it is referred to as "the Honourable Day of the Sun".

In churches of the early Christians had no images. The worship of icons started in the 3rd century. It immediately triggered protests by the iconoclasts, but subsequently reverence of icons was legitimized.

Other new features :

4th century - the worship of relics, the erection of magnificent temples and Golden robe priests;

337 - censing incense;

370 - liturgy of St.Basil the Great;

532 - the custom of praying only to the East, which dates back to the ancient cult of Baal;

545 - lighting candles;

6th century - the doctrine of purgatory;

682 - sprinkled with water;

715 - adoration of the Virgin Mary and all the Saints;

813 - the legend of the "Dormition of the Virgin";

993 - the reckoning as a Saint;

1213 - confession to the priest.

All of them are not only not found in the Bible, but contradict it.


Thus says the Lord : stay on your own and consider and ask about the ways of the ancients, where the good way is, and walk on it, and you will find rest for your souls.

Jeremiah 6.16

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