воскресенье, 6 марта 2022 г.



The teachings on God's predeterminations were first of all Augustine and Calvin. This doctrine teaches of God's preconception that people are destined either for faith or for unbelief, for salvation, or for perdition. Because of these two possibilities, this is a "double predetermination". Let's see what it says in the Bible.


The answers to previous questions highlighted the importance of the human will in their decision-making. It may have been the impression that only a person is acting, whereas God is only passively contemplating. This, however, does not correspond to the Bible's testimony: "So the pardon depends not on the wish and the An ascetic, but on God Merciful." So who wants, mercy, and who Wants to Harden "(Romans 9.16, 18). It clearly emphasizes God's action.


Thus, the person is in an independent, freely postulate hand of the creator, like the clay in the hand of Potter: "Who Are you, the man who is arguing with God?" The product will tell hath made it: why did you do it? "Is it not potter over clay to make one receptacle for honorable use and the other for the low?" (Romans 9.20-21). This makes it clear that the freedom of the individual to make a decision is always coupled with the free choice of God.


The idea of election is particularly confirmed by the following places in the Bible:


Matthew 22.14  -   "For many of the ranks and few chosen."


John 6.64-65  -  "But there are some of you who are non-believers." For Jesus began to know who is non-believers, and who betray him. And he said, I told you no one could come to me unless "It shall be given to him by my father."


Ephesus 1.4-5   -  "Since he has chosen us in him before the creation of the world, that we be Holy and pure unto him in love, preferring to adopt "To themselves be more than Jesus Christ."


Romans 8.29-30   -  "For who he has found, Togo has decided to be like this."


The image of his son, that he might be original between many Brothers; Who he predetermined, Togo called; And who called, and acquitted; "And who has been acquitted and glorified."


Acts 13.48 "Pagans, hearing this, rejoiced and glorify the word of the Lord, and "Believe all that was predustavleny to eternal life."

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