четверг, 3 октября 2019 г.


Rational beings must be created with free will and must freely choose, serve God or not; otherwise they will be unable to develop independent.

One of the most high Cherubim refused to obey God's rule, and began a rebellion, which was that he raised himself above the creator of Christ and to God (the Father):

"And said in my heart: I will ascend into heaven ... at the height of the cloud, going beneath Ben God "(Isaiah 14.13-14).

The rebellion of Satan has flouted God's law:

a) making himself equal with God, has broken the first commandment;

b) being the creation and putting themselves become over others, it violated the principle of equality of creations: "you don't call yourself teachers, for you have one teacher, the Christ, all of you are brothers. And the father himself did not call anyone on Earth, for you have one Father. And not call yourself as mentors ... (Mt 23.8-10).

“Satan felt that God Jehovah is wrong with laws and administration on the inhabitants of heaven, and that he wished to correct these laws and show that looks good’ ("Great fight").

This he argues:

a) he versed more of God, then God is not omniscient and omnipotent;

b) therefore God cannot be fair and compassionate, and He - NOT the tyrant.

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