четверг, 27 апреля 2017 г.



Shortly after the fall of man, human rescue plan was unveiled by “his wife's seed" (Gen 3.15, Gal 3.16).
To enforce the plan, Christ had to die for sinners (John 1.29, 2 Cor 5.21, 1 Pet 3.18, Rev 13.8).
The Lord of the believers, the repentant sinners show their faith, SACRIFICE for SIN, faith without works is dead (Heb 11.6, Jac 2.14-20). 
Only clean the victim without blemish, was pleasing to God. They served as the prototype of Christ, pure and immaculate (Gen 8.20, Lev 4.8). It follows that the law distinguishes clean animals from unclean, was known since the fall of man (Gen 8.20, Lev 11.1-23).
Initially, the Sin offering forgiveness on a special altar (Gen 8.20, 12.7-8), and after the Israeli withdrawal from Egypt it fall on the altar with Saints-College (Lev 4.1-7). A repentant sinner should be putting their hands on the sacrifice for sin, confess your SIN (Lev 16.21, 4.4) and then kill her. Then his sins were forgiven him and he reconciles himself with God (Lev 24.27-31).
In Israel there were special offerings :
for the sin of priesthood (Lev 4.1-5)
for the sin of society (v.13-15)
for the sin of (v.22-26)
or the sin of the people (v.27,28,32,33)
The sins of priests and society were in the sanctuary through the blood of the Sin offering, which is sprinkled before the veil (Lev 4.3-6, 14-17).
The sins of the people were in the sanctuary of priests who ate the meat of the Sin offering in the holy place (Lev 4.23-25, 28-30).

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