пятница, 21 апреля 2017 г.


The main reason for disbelief there is a lack of trust.

It is manifested:

- unwillingness to hear ( Zach 7.11-12, 2 Pet 3.5-6 )
- non-confidence to heard ( John 5.44-47, 16.9 )

Disbelief appears in a sinful hardened heart.

"Look, brethren, that-would not have been in the heart of evil and wrong, that you don't back off from the living God" (Heb 3.12).

Unbelief is a great sin, because it makes the person a judge on God and His word :

John 16.9   -   "of sin, because they do not believe in me"
1 John 5.10  -  "Faithless God represents Him a liar”

Examples of unbelief:

- faithless people before the flood
- lack of inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah
- lack of Israel in the wilderness
- PARTICULARLY the GROWING DISBELIEF in recent times ( Luke 18.8, 2 Tim 3.1-5,13 )

ARROGANCE is to eliminate (defiance) law or commandments of God and the performance of something else in the hope that God will accept them and in this ministry ( Num 15.30, 31, 14.40-45 ).

During the purification of Earth from sin unbelievers and arrogant will be out of the new Jerusalem.

Note: The faith in the Gospel of the promise begins seed (Christ) and ends at His second coming.

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