суббота, 11 мая 2024 г.




Whether eating meat and fish as a necessary and inevitable? Debate on this topic is long overdue. There are many systems supply, and vegetarianism is one of them.

Let's talk today about it.

Of course, you can make nonsense any idea, including this one. But is it really so that vegetarian food is not tasty and satiates ?

Ask about the ordinary people.


Look at the substance of the matter.


From all points of view on the human body a person still is not a predator and so it is natural for a vegetarian diet. This is the normal temperature of the human body and the specificity of the device of some of its organs, in particular the presence of organ and gland.

Animals get sick, and their body is formed inside the mold. What impact can cause a hit like substances in the body? And if you want to eat meat, however, anything like that ?

Our food is divided into plant and animal.

Plant food is vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts, beans and mushrooms, and the animal's meat and fish products, dairy products and eggs.

So what is it ?

The egg yolk contains many vitamins and other nutrients, but also there's a lot of cholesterol. Therefore, you should not eat more than three eggs a week.

Complete and balanced product is milk and products from it, especially yogurt and kefir. However, and in dairy products contain harmful substances, which can lead to dangerous diseases, including cancer.

Meat, fish, and are not indispensable, as many believe. Very harmful to eat animals that Jewish Torah considers unclean, because there is a huge amount of toxins. Rare amino acids such as methionine, tryptophan, lysine, isoleucine, contains and in products of plant origin, and some of these products, expertly cooked, such as soy, flavoring qualities do not concede to the meat.

Everything you need for your health and fulfilling life you will find it in the products of plant origin.


CEREALS - the basis of nutrition. It is popular wisdom teaches, "bread-all a head!" with cereals we get starch, protein, vitamins, minerals and fiber. The most useful are bakery products from whole flour. While the sprouted cereals contain almost all of the b vitamins.

VEGETABLES AND FRUITS. They have a lot of vitamins and minerals, fiber, sugar, natural kinds, and also a little protein and starch.

Nuts contain a lot of protein, but there's a lot of fat, so adding them to a little at a time.

LEGUMES also contain a lot of protein. A completely unique product is soybeans, but it should not get carried away.

MUSHROOMS are also a unique product, because there's not only a lot of protein, but also vitamins. So you can take it and honey, however, because it is the product of animal and refined, and it needs to be very carefully.

It is important to properly balance your diet. About 50 percent of its need to make porridge, pasta and integral flour bread. Up to 30 percent of the fruits and vegetables that are grown without chemicals, about 10 - beans and seaweed rich in vitamins and minerals, at least 5 per cent from 5 per cent of the other soups and drinks and dessert. On 80 percent of your diet should consist of carbohydrates, and only 10 of the proteins and 10 from fats.


It is important to understand some of the rules for eating and drinking :


1. Drink 0.5 l of water for half an hour before breakfast, lunch or dinner. 

2. Eat no more than three times a day and not eating between meals, then use them. The breakfast and the lunch must be compact, and the dinner is very easy.

3. After eating two hours not only try to eat nothing but don't drink to gastric juice was disappearing.

4. Try not to eat fruits and vegetables together. 

5. Between the techniques of food/drink as much pure soft water. That's nice will quench your thirst and cleanse your body naturally. For half an hour before meals drinking water should stop. 

6. It is desirable to drink some water before you go to bed.

Eat natural food !

Do not eat anyone alive !

And this will benefit not only the creatures around you, and yourself !

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