пятница, 10 мая 2024 г.




Baptists (from the Greek "baptizzio" - baptize, submerge) is the direction of the Protestantism, which arose in Germany in the 16 century. A group of believers, study the Bible, came to the conclusion that not need to be baptized in infancy, and at an older age, who, as agreed, at least in 12 years, and also via entire sinking in a reservoir. Then two of them baptized each other and then assesses other styles that have joined it. This movement was called "Anabaptist" (a baptism on new). New direction immediately were persecuted by Catholics and even Lutherans.

Since its inception, Baptists are not a unified organization.

At the 17th century appeared, such as Seventh-Day Baptists (in compliance with Saturdays).

The spread of Protestantism among the Baptists increased European countries, America and Russia. There are a variety of ways, similar on Baptists, such as the Pentecostals, Methodists and messianic Jews.

Baptism is one of the varieties of Bible Baptist Church, and on the territory of the CIS there is the Church of Evangelical Christians - Baptists.

Like all Protestants, Baptists recognize only the Bible as a source of faith and do not recognize the traditions, in contrast to the Orthodox and Catholics. However, they teach that the ten commandments were crucified on the cross of Calvary. This is not, however, is consistent with the truth: Christ's death lifted the ceremonial law, but not moral  (Matt 6.31-19). In addition, like most Christians, Baptists believe in the immortality of the human soul, which is also contrary to the Scriptures, because only God is immortal (Ps 146.4, Mal 4.1, 1 Tim 6.16).

However, during its existence, the Baptists have made great  success in exploring other common - Christian truths. A later period in 19 century in America the Seventh-Day Adventism - revealed the misconceptions of their predecessors and argued their rebuttal based on the Bible.


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