The question arises about the approach to the Bible: How to enter it
One young man after the biblical lecture said that he would now continue
to work on the Bible with his philosophical way of thinking. He could say, "You
can do this, but in the end you will find not the living God that opened us in
Jesus Christ, but the impersonal, pantheistic god of philosophers. Philosophers
read the Bible in terms of their mental categories, but the God who saves us in
Jesus, they did not find. "
You can have access to the Bible and the living God already today, if
you essentially start with yourself. Would you like to do that?
1. To know yourself
Together read Rom 3.23: "Then that all have sinned and are deprived
of glory of God"
This word shows our deceased state before the face of the living God;
Because of the sin that separates us from him, we have no access to him,
nothing we can please him. As a result, we are deprived of the glory of God.
From the moment of the fall between the holy, the righteous God and us, sinful
people, there is a chasm.
2. The only way out
From this position there is only one, the God himself presented, the way
out. The son of God was condemned on the cross for our sins. Jesus came to this
world to recover the deceased (Matt 18.11). There is no other way to salvation
(Acts 4.16).
3. Recognize your sins
In 1 In 1.8-9 we read: "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive
ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If our sins are confessed, he, being
faithful and righteous, would forgive us our sins and purify us from all
falsehood. "The feat of salvation, overt at Calvary, gives Jesus the right
to forgive sins. If we follow his call, plead his guilt and ask for his
forgiveness, he will remain faithful, that is, it is possible to rely on him
that he has indeed freed us from the guilt of sin. It is necessary not only to
consider all this, but also to execute!
Do you want this? Then let us tell the Lord Jesus about this in prayer:
Lord Jesus,
today I heard about you and realized why you came to this world. You love me
with your great love. You see all my guilt - which I am currently open, and
what is hidden from me. You know everything: every sinful act, every insincere
impulse of my heart, everything is written down. I'm in front of you-an open
book. I don't won't to you as I am. And now I beg you: Forgive all my sins and
purify me. Amen.
4. Trust Him
The Lord Jesus has forgiven you of your sins, now you can trust him with
your life. In John 1.12 We read: "And those who have accepted it,
believers in the name Him, gave power to be the children of God. " All who
vverjajushhie their lives in the hands of the Lord Jesus are entitled to be
called Children of God. Thus, we do not become children of God because we do
good works, we are pious or belong to some church, but because we have
entrusted our lives to the son of God and are ready to follow him obediently.
Let's say this in prayer:
Lord Jesus, you have forgiven all my sins. I still
find it hard to comprehend, but I believe your promises. And now I'm asking you
to come into my life. Lead and managers me in the way you indicate me. I know
that you have only good intentions towards me, so I want to trust you
completely. Help me give up anything you don't want. Bless my desire to please
you, give me a obedient heart to do your will. Let me not pay attention to human
opinions, but open to me through your word, so that I can understand it
correctly and live on it. Be my lord, I want to follow you. Amen.
5. Adopted
The Lord has heard you! He redeemed you with a price, he saved you. You
have become the glorified of God. And who is the child, the heir: You have
inherited the Kingdom of heaven. Do you imagine what is happening in the sky
now? Maybe there's joy? Yes of course! In Luke 15.10 It is written: "So, I
tell you, there is joy in the angels of God and one sinner repents." The
sky is now pleased with your treatment. The whole sky is involved in this
event: One more took in the heart of the Gospel news. The Bible calls this
process of our personal appeal to Jesus ' appeal; Thus we repent in sins, and
he takes them upon himself. At the same time, God gives us a revival-a new life
in him, and we accept it. Treatment and revival are two sides of the same
6. Thanksgiving
Salvation is the gift of God. Only his love paved the way for salvation.
There's nothing we can add to that. Who receives a gift, he says: "Thank
you". We'll do it. Thank Jesus now
as you can.
7. What's next?
Here are important points that are important not only for following
They are prerequisites for our practical life in Christ. If we execute
them, God will guarantee us the achievement of the goal.
a) The Word of God
It is a necessary food for our new life, which Jesus began in us. The
best thing is if you take a rule to read the Bible every day, best in the
morning. Follow the example of Christians Berea (Acts 17.10-12), who diligently
studied the scriptures.
b) Prayer
Jesus would not only like to speak to us through his word, he desires
that we also talk to him. This is what we do in prayer, having the great
advantage of telling him everything. He is not strangers to our joys and
sorrows, we can tell him about our plans and decisions. Using Bible Reading.
And prayers there is a spiritual connection with the sky, so necessary
for a healthy spiritual life.
c) Obedience
God desires that we be his obedient children, living by his word and
Obeying His commandments. We can not better prove our love for the Lord
than obedience (1 John 5.3). In this world we are offered different ways, the
Bible gives us a reliable reference, consecrated God: "must obey more God
than men" (Acts 5.29).
d) Communication
As children of God, we need to communicate with others following the
Lord. When the heated coal is taken out of the fire, it fades quickly. So can
cool down our love for Jesus, if it is not supported in communication with
other believers. If we want to grow as converts, we need love, protection. The
affirmation and guidance of the faithful Jesus Church. Enter into it soon, for
a good, living church is a necessary premise of our stay and ascending in
e) Ascending
After we have come to faith through repentance and revival, it is very
important that our faith be increased. Paul writes to Timothy: "And you
are in what is taught, and that you entrusted, knowing who you are taught"
(2 Tim 3.14). At the end of his life Paul was able to make such a conclusion:
"The feat of good I fought, the course has committed, the faith has
preserved" (2 Tim 4.7). We will follow this example and remain faithful.
So, our new life begins with conversion.
We will remember that we do not gain the approach to the Bible from the outside, being a neutral observer, but only "from within". It will be opened only to those who in repentance to all their sinful turn to God in Jesus Christ and acquire salvation. The process of spiritual revival may be different, but it is characterized by the following principles: Confession of his sinfulness, repentance, transfer of his life to Jesus Christ. Hence the increase in faith begins.
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